Saturday, April 16, 2011

URANYA 12 YEAR 1973.

This is a 12 Inches portable B/W tellye.

It has 6 programs with potentiometric search tuning system and can be power supplyed even with a 12volt source.Recently, it has become more popular than ever to watch TV in a car as the number of cars increases. In general, a storage battery of 12 volts is used in small cars while one of 24 volts is used in large cars so that there is a disadvantage that a separate power supply device is required for driving a TV set in compliance with the respective battery used in the car. The present invention relates to a power supply circuit of a television receiver used in an automobile, and in particular to a power supply circuit of a television receiver which enables two different voltages from two kinds of supply respectively mains at 220v and dc 12v.

The battery can be even recharged with the tellye powered on.The battery is adapted to be received by a cavity of the energy-using device which may be comprised, for example, a portable radio, television or tape recorder. When the energy-using device is operated in a first mode wherein it receives power from an external source of AC power, the charging circuit in the energy-using device provides charging current to the battery whereby the rechargeable battery is automatically recharged. When the energy-using device operates in a second battery powered mode, the load of the energy-using device receives power from the rechargeable batteries.

The model is Unknown since i don't remember the type and there is no code to identify it.

If anyone recognizes it, post a comment with code type number, will research about it.

The brand URANYA is a FORMENTI market brand now but at the time was URANYA FEGME FABBRICA EUROPEA GRANDI MARCHE ELETTRONICHE S.p.A. — Tribiano. made.

FORMENTI GROUP HISTORY It was founded in Desio ( Milan ) from Carlo Formenti in 1947 , under the name Carlo Formenti sas, and began his activities with the construction of radio , designed by the same founder, private label and under contract with other brands.

In 1953 the activities were moved to a new factory with 80 employees and was launched early production of TV sets in black and white , mostly as a subcontractor for major brands like Telefunken , Singer and Siemens .

Three years later began exports to foreign countries, and always as a subcontractor produced devices with trademarks for the large retail chains in Europe.

In 1961 took over the Italian plant of U.S. Admiral of Concorezzo with its 1,000 employees and a production capacity of 500 units per day, the license for the brand , and continued with the production of television and radio.
Admiral was formed Formenti SpA based in Milan , Lombardy and the company began its period of expansion so that within a few years led her to be one of the largest in the industry nationally.

Moreover, the production was extended to the field of "white" with the start of production of washing machines .

During the sixties , the head office and administration of the company, which changed its name to Industrie Formenti SpA Italy, was moved to Liss .

In 1972 was inaugurated a new plant in Sessa Aurunca for the production of color televisions with brands Admiral, Phoenix , Philco , and Televideon Uranya. Formenti was actually the first in Italy to produce the equipment, but until 1976 were marketed exclusively in the Central European countries, especially France and Germany , where for some time had already begun broadcasting in color.

Since 1983 the Group Formenti appeared on the market with another brand, White-Westinghouse , which became the most important with TVs, VCRs and household products from the same company Brianza.
In subsequent years Formenti used other brands as DuMont and Schaub-Lorenz .

Partially affected by the general crisis of the Italian electronic, in 1984 the public financial REL entered the capital Formenti record the 27.75% of the shares . The company, which by then had 580 employees scattered in the two plants, however, was one of the few entries in orbit REL able to repair their accounts in a short time.

In 1989 was started the modernization and extension of the establishment of Sessa, the installation of assembly automation , which allowed the company to undergo an increase in productivity from 300 to 2,200 pieces per day,The establishment of Concorezzo was instead intended to produce a new monitor and display for professional computer and ATM .

The company's continued successful period during the nineties . Its sales went from over 108 billion lire in 1991 to 310 made in 1999 . Meanwhile, the Group acquired it in Monza 1997 the brand Imperial and the failed Sèleco , noting the brands Brionvega and Tandberg and the establishment of Pordenone (activated in 1998 ), and finally the Formenti family formed a new group called Sèleco-Formenti SpA, the which Charles, the founder, assumed the presidency, while the sons John and Julius, held the positions of CEO and director, respectively .

But since the year 2000 for Formenti begins a period of severe crisis. The company's balance sheet records a large deficit due to declining sales, the latter factor caused by the aggressive competition of producers Turkish color TV, put on the market at competitive prices clearly and without adequate anti- dumping on the part of ' European Union .

Also as a result of the difficulties facing the company, it decided to close the two plants Concorezzo ( 2000 ) and Sessa Aurunca ( 2003 ), respectively, 130 and 440 employees, as well as staff reductions in the Friuli .

In 2004 the company was put into liquidation , and then it is decided by the commissioner, the Court of Monza that appointment as curator Professor. Francesco Fimmanò. After a long period of unemployment benefits for workers of the company, shed of Pordenone and brands Sèleco, Brionvega and Imperial in 2006 are awarded to the Super / / Fluo , a company based in Udine owned by the brothers Carlo and Marco Asquini. The new property will only tempoi to produce some brand Imperial model tv, radio, and a Seleco brand new LCD TV brand Brionvega before the bankruptcy of the same. From this to save the brand Super / / Fluo, while the other brands owned and acquired by Formenti will pass to the new property called Selek Brionvega Technology and the mark for both audio and video production will switch to SIM2 Multimedia, the renowned Italian company field projectors.

Formenti is defunct from 2006.

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