Wednesday, June 30, 2010


The variety of transistors and diodes in TV sets has increased a lot today, greatly decreasing their availability in electronics stores. Although it may seem simple, often finding a replacement transistor or diode can be a chore. The fact is that it is not so simple, it is not just to check the main characteristics (Voltage, Current and Power) and if it is NPN or PNP, or if it is a zener or common diode. In addition, knowing the meaning of the encodings used in the nomenclatures of these components also helps a lot and greatly simplifies the work.
There are several encodings for semiconductor nomenclatures. I will address here, the most important, the most usual and directed to transistors and diodes.
The main codifications are: PROELECTRON - Europe / JEDEC - United States / JIS - Japan.
They can be started with 2 letters (Commercial use) or 3 letters (Professional use). The first letter indicates the material type:
A : Germanium.
B : Silicon.
The second letter indicates the main application:
A : Detector, mixer and switching diodes.
B : Varicap diode. (Variable capacitance)
C : Low power transistor for audio frequency.
D : Medium and high power transistors for audio frequency.
E : Tunnel diode.
F : Low power transistor for radio frequency.
L : High power transistor for radio frequency.
N : Optocoupler.
P : Photo-diodes and other radiation sensitive components.
Q : Light Emitting Diode and other radiation emitting components.
R or T : Thyristors and other control or trip switched components.
S : Low power switching transistors.
U : High power switching transistors.
X : Varistors and diodes combined.
Y : Rectifier diodes and power diodes.
Z : Zener diodes.
The third letter, if any, indicates whether the component is for commercial or professional use:
W and X : Components for commercial use.
Y and Z : Components for professional use.
Examples: BC337B
B : Silicon
C : Transistor for audio track
33 7: Transistor serial number
B : 60 Volts (No letter: 50 Volts)
B : Silicon
Y : Rectifier diode
Z : I use the professional
10 : Numerical series of the diode.
Small diodes can appear with the three initial letters encoded in the color of the diode body: Green body: BAV / Blue body: BAW / Black body: BAX
In these cases, the 3 digits of the numerical series are indicated by bands of the color code with values ​​equivalent to the code used on the resistors. For these diodes, the first and thickest band is close to the cathode terminal.
Zener Diode :
After the numerical series, a letter is usually used followed by the zener tension, using the letter V as a comma.
The first letter indicates the working voltage tolerance. When the letter R appears at the end, it means that the polarity is reversed.
Letter after numeric series:
A : 1%
B : 2%
C : 5%
D : 10%
E : 15%
Example: BZX79C6V8
B : Silicon
Z : zener diode
X : Commercial use
79 : Numerical series of the diode.
C : 5% tolerance in the working voltage.
6V8 : Value of the zener voltage. (In this case, the "V" represents the comma) = 6.8 Volts

The Jedec code basically starts with a number, followed by the letter N , plus the numerical series. The starting number indicates the number of semiconductor junctions, 1 for the diode and 2 for the transistor. The letter N stands for silicon material.
Example: 2N2236
2 : Transistor
N : Silicon
2236 : Numerical series.
1 : Diode
N : Silicon
4148 : Numerical series.
In the case of color-coded diodes, there can be 3 to 5 colored bands, as shown in the table below, with no bands to indicate “1N”, the first bands represent the numerical series and, if the first belt is black, it will have no value. The last track is usually the letter of the suffix. The strip close to the cathode terminal has a double thickness.



It is a coding initiated by the number 1 or 2, 1 for diodes and 2 for transistors, followed by a pair of letters that indicate the type and application of the semiconductor as shown in the table below. Next is the numerical series of the component.
SA : PNP to HF SJ : P channel mosfet
SB : PNP to AF SK : Mosfet channel N
SC : NPN to RF SM : Triac
SD : NPN to AF SR : Rectifier
SE : SS Diodes: Signal Diode
SF : Thyristors SV : Varicaps
SH : Unijunction SZ : Diode Zener
Example: 2SC2235
2 : Transistor
SC : NPN for RF application.
2235 - Numerical series of the component.
1 : Diode
SS : Signal
101 : Numerical series of the component.
As the reader can see, this subject is not limited to a brief article like this, but the information provided here will help many colleagues when choosing a diode or a transistor, as a replacement or for use on a TV card.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Here below a list of the original Flybacks LOPTS of many CRT TVs.
 These DC flybacks are found in every CRT computer monitor and are called the DST flybacks (diode-split transformers) because of the several high voltage diodes and secondaries inside. In addition to the high resistance resistor cascade (Bleeder) and focus/screen tuning potentiometers described above, these kinds may have an integrated high voltage filtering capacitor (few nanofarads at >=30 kV), or – optionally – a HV capacitor for dynamic focus.

The TV  DC flybacks are also diode-split (DST), however these are found in every modern CRT TV-set from mid-end 80s and onwards. These have just two screen-tuning potentiometers and no internal capacitors whatsoever !
ISTRUCTIONS: To search a specific item within this page use the search function of your browser.

  Comparison list is organized with original code to the  HR DIEMEN corresponding Replacement part.
Line Output Transformers (LOT, LOPT, LOPTx)

Fly-back Transformers (FBT)

Integrated High Voltage Transformer (IHVT)

Original Reference HR
P/050/10 HR 6303
PC 1770 HR 2070
PC 1989 HR 2080/89
PC 2080 HR 2080/15
PC 3755 HR 5602
PC 3824 HR 3132
PC 4405 HR 5603
PET 19-A2B HR 7527
PET 19-B2B HR 7590
PET 19-B9B HR 8157
PET 19-C1B HR 7591
PET 19-C2 HR 7175
PET 19-C2B HR 7175
PET 19-C3 HR 7503
PET 19-C4 HR 7537
PET 19-C5B HR 7196
PET 19-C6 HR 7521
PET 19-C7 HR 7871
PET 19-C8 HR 8154
PET 19-C9 HR 7384
PET 19-D2 HR 7534
PET 19-D3 HR 7513
PET 19-D4 HR 7172
PET 19-D5 HR 7519
PET 19-D6 HR 7531
PET 19-D9 HR 7570
PET 19-E1 HR 7131
PET 19-E2B HR 8377
PET 19-E5B HR 8228
PET 19-00 HR 7507
PET 19-01 HR 7589
PET 19-03 HR 7131
PET 19-04 HR 7291
PET 19-06 HR 7293
PET 19-13 HR 7520
PET 19-15 HR 7563
PET 19-18 HR 7577
PET 19-18 B HR 7384
PET 19-21 HR 8039
PET 19-22 HR 7594
PET 19-23 HR 7583
PET 19-24 HR 7504
PET 19-28 HR 7593
PET 19-29 HR 7503
PET 19-33 B HR 8006
PET 19-34 HR 8161
PET 19-35 B HR 8006
PET 20-01 HR 8118
PET 20-02 B HR 8545
PET 22-A3 HR 7601
PET 22-A4 HR 7604
PET 22-A5 HR 7604
PET 22-A6 HR 7816
PET 22-A7 HR 7600
PET 22-B6 HR 7666
PET 22-B9 HR 7434
PET 22-C1 HR 7437
PET 22-C3 HR 7444
PET 22-C4 HR 7916
PET 22-C5 HR 7669
PET 22-C6 HR 7694
PET 22-C7 HR 7634
PET 22-C9 HR 7896
PET 22-E1 HR 8125
PET 22-E2 HR 7839
PET 22-E3 HR 7839
PET 22-E4 HR 8358
PET 22-E6 HR 8124
PET 22-01 HR 7906
PET 22-02 HR 7704
PET 22-03 HR 7709
PET 22-08 HR 8428
PET 22-11 HR 8785
PET 22-21 HR 8545
PET 22-21 B HR 8545
PET 22-28 B HR 7880
PET 23-D1 HR 7484
PET 23-02 HR 7704
PET 23-11 HR 8438
PET 23-11 N HR 8438
PET 31-A3 HR 7751
PET 31-A6 HR 7862
PET 32-A2 HR 7128
PET 32-A5 HR 7229
PET 32-A6 HR 7223
PET 32-A7 HR 7227
PET 32-A8 HR 8559
PET 32-A9 HR 7140
PET 32-B1 HR 7127
PET 32-B2 HR 7218
PET 32-B3 HR 8011
PET 32-B4 HR 7296
PET 32-B5 HR 7228
PET 32-B6 HR 7279
PET 32-B7 HR 7299
PET 32-B8 HR 7346
PET 32-B9 HR 7398
PET 32-C1 HR 7097
PET 32-C2 HR 7351
PET 32-C3 HR 8089
PET 32-C4 HR 7287
PET 32-02 HR 8604
PET 32-03 HR 7398
PET 40-01 B HR 7287
PFB 5108 HR 42049
PK 886 29 HR 2265
PK 939 23 HR 025
PLY11-00066 HR 2080/20
Original Reference HR
RC 198622 HR 7280
RC 200418 HR 6466
RC 208438 HR 6329
RC 217656 HR 7281
RC 229880 HR 6694
RCILF0106BMZZ HR 19282
RCILF0108BMZZ HR 19007
RCILF0110BMZZ HR 19233
RCILF0111BMZZ HR 19043
RCILF0156BMZZ HR 19118
RCILF0158BMZZ HR 18011
RCILF0162BMZZ HR 19007
RCILP0262BMZZ HR 18008
RCILP0263BMZZ HR 18009
RCILP0272BMZZ HR 18010
RCILP0279BMZZ HR 18013
RCILP0284BMZZ HR 18015
RCILP0286BMZZ HR 18016
RCILP0287BMZZ HR 18018
RCILP0290BMZZ HR 18019
RCILP0294BMZZ HR 15017
RCILP0295BMZZ HR 18023
RCILZ0418BMZZ HR 13042
RCILZ0704B HR 13033
RCILZ0704BMZZ HR 13033
RCILZ0715BMZZ HR 13041
RCILZ0718BMZZ HR 13042
RCILZ0720BMZZ HR 13044
RCILZ0721BMZZ HR 13046
RCILZ0722BMZZ HR 13047
RCILZ0724BMZZ HR 13048
RJ 002 HR 9663
RJ 005 HR 9616
RJ 086 HR 9555
RJ 090 HR 9567
RJ 091 HR 9104
RJ 092 HR 9566
RJ 100 HR 9828
RJ 121 HR 9555
RJ 565 HR 9543
RJ 586 HR 9555
RJ 621 HR 9555
RJ 622 HR 9879
RJ 627 HR 9880
RJ 70 HR 9805
RK 1 HRT 202
RK 2 HRT 509
RK 3 HRT 505
RK 5 HRT 505
RK 929 83 HR 2265
RO 001 HR 6021
RO 002 HR 6036
RO 004 HR 7175
RO 005 HR 7305
RO 006 HR 7306
RO 007 HR 7301
RO 008 HR 7302
RO 009 HR 7305
RO 01 HR 6021
RO 010 HR 7306
RO 011 HR 7301
RO 012 HR 7302
RO 013 HR 7135
RO 014 HR 7040
RO 015 HR 7026
RO 016 HR 7668
RO 017 HR 6062
RO 018 HR 6089
RO 019 HR 7063
RO 02 HR 6036
RO 020 HR 6120
RO 021 HR 6656
RO 022 HR 6063
RO 023 HR 7065
RO 025 HR 42019
RO 026 HR 6057
RO 028 HR 7239
RO 029 HR 7047
RO 030 HR 7145
RO 031 HR 7156
RO 032 HR 6009
RO 033 HR 6003
RO 034 HR 7032
RO 035 HR 7451
RO 036 HR 6250
RO 037 HR 6149
RO 038 HR 6100
RO 04 HR 7175
RO 040 HR 6119
RO 041 HR 6060
RO 042 HR 8079
RO 043 HR 6170
RO 045 HR 6005
RO 046 HR 6032
RO 047 HR 6113
RO 049 HR 6097
RO 050 HR 7505
RO 051 HR 7688
RO 052 HR 7217
RO 053 HR 6349
RO 054 HR 6305
RO 055 HR 6307
RO 057 HR 6159
RO 058 HR 7004
RO 060 HR 7716
RO 061 HR 6175
RO 062 HR 8356
RO 063 HR 6293
RO 064 HR 7929
RO 066 HR 7037
RO 067 HR 7126
RO 068 HR 7537
RO 069 HR 7647
RO 071 HR 7782
RO 073 HR 7523
RO 075 HR 7217
RO 076 HR 7451
RO 077 HR 7433
RO 078 HR 6144
RO 079 HR 6150
RO 080 HR 7311
RO 081 HR 7316
RO 082 HR 7315
RO 083 HR 7303
RO 084 HR 7309
RO 085 HR 7317
RO 087 HR 6388
RO 088 HR 7325
RO 089 HR 7323
RO 09 HR 7305
RO 090 HR 7322
RO 091 HR 6174
RO 092 HR 6223
RO 093 HR 6167
RO 094 HR 6257
RO 095 HR 6475
RO 096 HR 6278
RO 097 HR 6160
RO 098 HR 6288
RO 099 HR 6255
RO 10 HR 7306
RO 100 HR 6134
RO 101 HR 6155
RO 102 HR 6389
RO 103 HR 6057
RO 104 HR 6252
RO 105 HR 6253
RO 106 HR 6132
RO 107 HR 6294
RO 108 HR 6387
RO 109 HR 6008
RO 11 HR 7301
RO 110 HR 6254
RO 111 HR 6268
RO 112 HR 6157
RO 113 HR 6053
RO 114 HR 7041
RO 115 HR 6004
RO 116 HR 6295
RO 117 HR 6224
RO 118 HR 6179
RO 119 HR 6181
RO 12 HR 7302
RO 120 HR 6145
RO 121 HR 6154
RO 123 HR 6182
RO 125 HR 7572
RO 126 HR 8165
RO 127 HR 7128
RO 128 HR 6075
RO 129 HR 7127
RO 13 HR 7135
RO 130 HR 6018
RO 133 HR 7035
RO 135 HR 6573
RO 136 HR 6500
RO 137 HR 6502
RO 138 HR 6501
RO 139 HR 7582
RO 14 HR 7040
RO 140 HR 6572
RO 141 HR 6595
RO 142 HR 6573
RO 143 HR 7240
RO 144 HR 6141
RO 145 HR 6133
RO 146 HR 6040
RO 148 HR 8188
RO 149 HR 7839
RO 15 HR 7026
RO 152 HR 7140
RO 157 HR 7787
RO 158 HR 7537
RO 16 HR 7668
RO 161 HR 7254
RO 162 HR 7456
RO 163 HR 7468
RO 164 HR 7128
RO 165 HR 7577
RO 166 HR 7386
RO 167 HR 6178
RO 17 HR 6062
RO 171 HR 8376
RO 174 HR 5705
RO 175 HR 5719
RO 177 HR 6062
RO 178 HR 8055
RO 179 HR 6465
RO 18 HR 6089
RO 180 HR 7317
RO 181 HR 7310
RO 182 HR 7315
RO 183 HR 7309
RO 184 HR 7308
RO 186 HR 7871
RO 187 HR 7578
RO 188 HR 7666
RO 190 HR 7452
RO 191 HR 7452
RO 192 HR 6272
RO 193 HR 7559
RO 194 HR 7263
RO 196 HR 7140
RO 199 HR 7762
RO 200 HR 6324
RO 204 HR 6306
RO 206 HR 8600
RO 207 HR 6303
RO 208 HR 7796
RO 209 HR 6543
RO 210 HR 6412
RO 211 HR 7533
RO 212 HR 6413
RO 213 HR 5711
RO 214 HR 7457
RO 215 HR 6200
RO 216 HR 6319
RO 217 HR 6301
RO 218 HR 6300
RO 219 HR 6301
RO 22 HR 6063
RO 220 HR 6302
RO 221 HR 6310
RO 222 HR 6312
RO 223 HR 6320
RO 224 HR 6321
RO 225 HR 6322
RO 226 HR 6323
RO 227 HR 6504
RO 228 HR 7400
RO 229 HR 7401
RO 230 HR 6403
RO 231 HR 7477
RO 232 HR 7443
RO 233 HR 7618
RO 234 HR 7605
RO 235 HR 7918
RO 236 HR 7439
RO 237 HR 7830
RO 238 HR 8349
RO 239 HR 7719
RO 240 HR 8190
RO 241 HR 7736
RO 242 HR 6316
RO 243 HR 7142
RO 245 HR 6404
RO 247 HR 6309
RO 249 HR 7644
RO 253 HR 7018
RO 254 HR 7471
RO 255 HR 7460
RO 26 HR 6057
RO 260 HR 8357
RO 261 HR 7527
RO 262 HR 7789
RO 263 HR 7527
RO 264 HR 7777
RO 266 HR 7604
RO 267 HR 8352
RO 268 HR 7462
RO 269 HR 8080
RO 270 HR 7196
RO 271 HR 5707
RO 274 HR 7483
RO 278 HR 6400
RO 279 HR 8597
RO 281 HR 6385
RO 282 HR 7608
RO 283 HR 6169
RO 284 HR 8350
RO 285 HR 8351
RO 287 HR 7455
RO 289 HR 7400
RO 29 HR 7047
RO 290 HR 8087
RO 291 HR 7113
RO 292 HR 8205
RO 293 HR 7459
RO 294 HR 7403
RO 295 HR 7500
RO 296 HR 6203
RO 299 HR 7630
RO 301 HR 6409
RO 302 HR 8074
RO 303 HR 7353
RO 304 HR 7253
RO 305 HR 7253
RO 306 HR 7669
RO 307 HR 7195
RO 308 HR 7225
RO 309 HR 7230
RO 310 HR 7231
RO 311 HR 7224
RO 312 HR 8066
RO 313 HR 7224
RO 315 HR 7253
RO 316 HR 7230
RO 317 HR 7627
RO 318 HR 8207
RO 319 HR 7898
RO 320 HR 7094
RO 325 HR 7473
RO 330 HR 7608
RO 335 HR 7679
RO 336 HR 7519
RO 337 HR 6450
RO 34 HR 7032
RO 341 HR 7432
RO 342 HR 7439
RO 343 HR 7437
RO 344 HR 7840
RO 345 HR 7491
RO 346 HR 6062
RO 348 HR 7483
RO 35 HR 7451
RO 351 HR 7378
RO 352 HR 7378
RO 353 HR 7228
RO 354 HR 7971
RO 355 HR 7223
RO 356 HR 7131
RO 358 HR 7229
RO 36 HR 6250
RO 361 HR 7397
RO 363 HR 8077
RO 364 HR 7488
RO 366 HR 7737
RO 368 HR 7484
RO 369 HR 7906
RO 37 HR 6356
RO 373 HR 7589
RO 375 HR 7203
RO 376 HR 6328
RO 377 HR 7114
RO 379 HR 6701
RO 382 HR 7344
RO 384 HR 7731
RO 386 HR 7566
RO 387 HR 8157
RO 392 HR 7269
RO 397 HR 6560
RO 398 HR 7214
RO 400 HR 6593
RO 401 HR 6567
RO 402 HR 6590
RO 403 HR 6700
RO 404 HR 7971
RO 405 HR 8760
RO 406 HR 6594
RO 41 HR 6060
RO 410 HR 6585
RO 411 HR 6609
RO 413 HR 8397
RO 414 HR 6620
RO 415 HR 6597
RO 417 HR 7728
RO 418 HR 7728
RO 419 HR 8397
RO 420 HR 7227
RO 421 HR 7287
RO 423 HR 8007
RO 424 HR 7351
RO 43 HR 6170
RO 434 HR 7295
RO 435 HR 7434
RO 437 HR 8122
RO 438 HR 7291
RO 441 HR 7589
RO 442 HR 7574
RO 445 HR 7577
RO 446 HR 8041
RO 447 HR 7591
RO 448 HR 7112
RO 449 HR 8122
RO 45 HR 6005
RO 453 HR 8010
RO 455 HR 8008
RO 456 HR 8030
RO 457 HR 8051
RO 458 HR 8010
RO 459 HR 8030
RO 464 HR 7376
RO 465 HR 7394
RO 466 HR 6177
RO 470 HR 7971
RO 472 HR 7815
RO 473 HR 7774
RO 474 HR 8124
RO 475 HR 7814
RO 476 HR 6205
RO 477 HR 7977
RO 478 HR 7296
RO 49 HR 6097
RO 5 HR 7305
RO 50 HR 7505
RO 504 HR 7578
RO 51 HR 7688
RO 513 HR 6140
RO 52 HR 7217
RO 571 HR 7537
RO 6 HR 7306
RO 604 HR 7566
RO 609 HR 6067
RO 630 HR 7522
RO 631 HR 7503
RO 633 HR 8006
RO 643 HR 8078
RO 649 HR 7218
RO 650 HR 7218
RO 651 HR 6569
RO 654 HR 7506
RO 655 HR 46045
RO 656 HR 46145
RO 657 HR 46056
RO 658 HR 7751
RO 659 HR 7495
RO 667 HR 7523
RO 668 HR 7871
RO 669 HR 8035
RO 670 HR 8036
RO 671 HR 7950
RO 672 HR 7950
RO 673 HR 8118
RO 675 HR 7484
RO 676 HR 7833
RO 677 HR 7950
RO 678 HR 7671
RO 679 HR 8417
RO 68 HR 7537
RO 680 HR 8336
RO 681 HR 8827
RO 682 HR 8700
RO 684 HR 8029
RO 685 HR 8700
RO 686 HR 8368
RO 687 HR 7242
RO 688 HR 7666
RO 690 HR 8553
RO 691 HR 8545
RO 694 HR 7263
RO 7 HR 7301
RO 700 HR 8812
RO 712 HR 8604
RO 73 HR 7523
RO 75 HR 7217
RO 757 HR 7583
RO 76 HR 7451
RO 772 HR 7537
RO 78 HR 6144
RO 79 HR 6150
RO 8 HR 7302
RO 80 HR 7311
RO 804 HR 7594
RO 808 HR 8055
RO 81 HR 7316
RO 82 HR 7315
RO 821 HR 7694
RO 822 HR 7601
RO 823 HR 7583
RO 829 HR 8466
RO 83 HR 7303
RO 836 HR 8122
RO 837 HR 6450
RO 84 HR 7309
RO 901 HR 5705
RSY 7030 HR 046
RT 290/II HR 9544
RT 4035 HRT 216 P
RT 7097 HRT 507
RT 7101 HRT 310
RT 7104 HRT 904
RT 7105 HRT 901
RTRNF1412CEN1 HR 7753
RTRNF2005CE HR 8642
RTRNZ05701BMZZ HR 9809
RTRNZ05702BMZZ HR 9810
RTRNZ0574BMZZ HR 18017
RTRNZ0575BMZZ HR 15008
RTRNZ0583BMZZ HR 15018
RTRNZ0586BMZZ HR 15020
RTRNZ0587BMZZ HR 15021
RTV 186-5X-219 BP HRT 219 BP
RTV 1895-202 HRT 202
RTV 1895-541-449-4 HRT 205
RTV 1895-541-505 HRT 505
RTV 1895-541-505 P HRT 505 P
RTV 1895-641-045 HRT 507
RTV 1895-641-801 HRT 211 P
RTV 1897-641 HRT 245 BS
RTV 1897-641-002 HRT 218 B
RTV 1897-641-3 HRT 240 BS
RTV 1897-641-303 HRT 240 B
RTV 1897-642-103-00 HRT 242 BP
RTV 1897-642-304 HRT 241 BP
RTV 1897-642-363 HRT 233 BP
RTV 1897-642-3699 HRT 234 BP
RTV 1898-641 508 P HRT 508 P
RTV 1898-641-004 HRT 216 P
RTV 2000-641-002 HRT 209
RTV 2032-642-3001 HRT 248 BP
RTV 2096-641-002 HRT 210 BF
RTV 2097-641-303 HRT 226 BS
RTV 2097-642-005 HRT 225 BP
RTV 2097-642-3 HRT 227 BP
RTV 2097-642-306 HRT 230 BP
RTV 2097-642-314 HRT 231 BP
RTV 2097-642-316 HRT 229 BP
RTV 2097-642-346 HRT 232 BP
RTV 76-216 HRT 216 A
RTV 82-207 HRT 207
RTV 86-208 HRT 208
RWT 1017 HR 7142
Original Reference HR
S 025/44 HR 9513
S 031010020 HR 8624
S 065620000 HR 6468
S 065620709 HR 6212
S 065620900 HR 7550
S 065620909 HR 7550
S 065621000 HR 6468
S 065621009 HR 6468
S 065621100 HR 6496
S 065621109 HR 6390
S 065621209 HR 6698
S 065621300 HR 6468
S 065621350 HR 8624
S 065621400 HR 8416
S 065621409 HR 8416
S 065624000 HR 8526
S 065624009 HR 8526
S 065704000 HR 8526
S 067071000 HR 6390
S 164/48 HR 9365
S 25/44 HR 9513
S 31000094 HR 9829
S 31010010 HR 15010
S 31100000 HR 7140
S 31100020 HR 8060
S 31100040 HR 7140
S 31100050 HR 8011
S 31100060 HR 7382
S 31100070 HR 7383
S 31100090 HR 8060
S 31100120 HR 8038
S 32200020 HR 8060
S 32400020 HR 7346
S 3737 HR 7530
S 4040 TX HR 7530
S 503/44 HR 9555
S 5151 HR 7530
S 525/44 HR 9513
S 531100040 HR 7140
S/160/312 HR 631
SCI 003 HR 2080/15
SCI 005 HR 2080/20
SK 12-13 HR 1662
SK 12/520 HR 1662
SK 12/520/INA HR 1662
SK 3309 HRT 512
SK 3310 HRT 511
SK 5/B 10 HR 1688
SK 5/B 16 HR 1688
SK 5/B 5 HR 1688
SK 5/B 9 HR 1688
SK 6/500 HR 1662
SK 6/500/INA HR 1662
SL 2725 HR 6488
SL 2928 HR 6488
SM 42-2 HR 9674
SM 42/14 HR 9321
SM 42/2 HR 9674
SM 42/208 HR 9677
SM 42/210 HR 9325
SM 42/32 HR 9627
SMT 002190111 HR 9566
SMT 002190112 HR 9567
SMT 11002 HR 9555
SMT 20923322 HR 9566
SMT 9001 A HR 9880
SMT 9202-02 HR 9567
SMT 9202-04 HR 9566
SMT 9202-06 HR 9828
SMT 9202-11 HR 9880
SMT 9402-02 HR 9879
SMT 9402-03 HR 9104
SMT 9501-03 HR 9881
SMT 9601-03 HR 9881
SN 011 HR 8721
SN 013 HR 7263
SO 65620000 HR 6468
SO 65620900 HR 7550
SO 65620909 HR 7550
SO 65621009 HR 6468
SO 65621100 HR 6496
SO 65621109 HR 6390
SO 65621400 HR 8416
SO 67071000 HR 6390
SP 103 A HR 6379
SP 110 HR 7487
SP 112 HR 7498
SP 113 HR 8497
SP 114 HR 7431
SP 130 HR 7436
SP 132 HR 7699
SP 133 HR 7757
SP 137 HR 7477
SP 141 HR 7499
SP 142 HR 7486
SP 143 HR 7621
SP 155 HR 6161
SP 158 HR 7415
SP 159 HR 7409
SP 160 HR 6416
SP 169 HR 7413
SP 170 HR 7414
SR 005 HR 2277 T13S
SR 007 HR 6133
SR 020 HR 2177
SR 027 HR 2064
SR 219 HR 2277 T10S
SR 220 HR 2277 T11S
SR 443 HR 1612
SR 536 HR 6133
SR 646 HR 6133
ST 194 HR 2280 T9S
ST 202 A HR 3609
ST 2098 HR 3123
STC 0109 HR 42007
STC 0310 HR 42025
STC 0647 HR 7708
SW15 1 SW HR 7142
SY1-439-416-12 HR 7244
SZ 1-56407 A 1 HR 9556

Original Reference HR
T 01930 I 04 HR 7568
T 01930104 HR 7568
T 02102063 HR 46005
T 1214 HR 236
T 210 H 301 HR 2280 T3S
T 210 H 302 HR 2280 T3S
T 210 H 303 HR 2280 T3S
T 25 HRT 216 A
T 25 DC HRT 304
T 25 DD HRT 303
T 25 F HRT 209
T 25 FA HRT 209
T 25 M 102 HRT 202
T 25 Y HRT 302
T 285 DS 30 HR 2270 V2
T 30 HRT 216 A
T 30 A 01 HRT 509
T 30 A 107 HRT 216 C
T 30 A 180 HRT 217
T 30 AB HRT 216 S
T 30 AD HRT 205
T 30 AE HRT 216 A
T 30 AJ 1 HRT 507
T 30 AK 1 HRT 302
T 30 AM HRT 216 A
T 30 AN HRT 216 A
T 30 AO HRT 216 A
T 30 AP HRT 217
T 30 AU HRT 216 A
T 30 AV HRT 217 A
T 30 J 104 HRT 205
T 30 J 113 HRT 216 A
T 30 L 110 HRT 507
T 30 L 123 HRT 201
T 30 L 127 HRT 202
T 30 N 229 HRT 240 BS
T 30 N 230 HRT 241 BP
T 30 N 231 HRT 245 BS
T 30 N 232 HRT 245 BS
T 30 P 106 HRT 210 BF
T 30 P 111 HRT 209
T 30 PC 101 HRT 901
T 30 PC 106 HRT 906
T 30 Q 101 HRT 225 BP
T 30 Q 103 HRT 227 BP
T 30 Q 110 HRT 216 S
T 30 Q 117 HRT 234 BP
T 30 Q 119 HRT 227 BP
T 30 Q 120 HRT 225 BP
T 30 Q 121 HRT 236 BP
T 30 Q 124 HRT 227 BP
T 30 Q 213 HRT 227 BP
T 30 Q 214 HRT 222 BS
T 30 Q 215 HRT 226 BS
T 30 Q 217 HRT 230 BP
T 30 W 100 HRT 301
T 30 X 100 HRT 218 B
T 30 X 135 HRT 208
T 30 Y 100 HRT 207
T 30 Y 101 HRT 208
T 333 31-1 C HR 46142
T 360 H 301 HR 2275 R
T 360 H 381 HR 320
T 360 H 382 HR 320
T 393 H 381 HR 320
T 393 H 382 HR 320
T 402 HR 6028
T 402 D HR 2269 T12S
T 402 D-460.7 HR 2269 T12S
T 421-460.4 HR 602
T 444 DS 30 HR 2270 V1
T 5062690110 HR 8488
T 520 U 16 HR 9613
T 520 U 28 HR 9610
T 520 U 34 HR 9621
T 551 (BY11) HR 7911
T 552 (BX11) HR 7901
T 6031 L HR 7156
T 6033 L HR 7026
T 6045 L HR 6173
T 631 HR 631
T 634 HR 634 RS
T 644 HR 631
T 71 HR 6212
T 71 (ZTL 11) HR 6212
T 72 HR 7277
T 90.1 HR 8559
T 90.2 HR 7223
T 90.3 HR 8157
T 90.4 HR 7277
T 9031 A HR 7082
T 9044 A HR 7152
T 95.1 HR 7666
TA 466 101 HR 2282 T1
TA/821L HR 7666
TA/916 HR 8154
TAC 100 HR 9611
TAC 116 HR 9627
TAC 128 HR 9341
TAC 134 HR 9358
TAC 147 HR 9455
TAC 650199000 HR 2277 T4S
TAD 53325 HR 46204
TAD 53325 KJBT HR 46204
TAT 01-70 HR 2268 TRSI
TAT 1118-630 HR 2274 T18S
TAT 1118-730 HR 2274 T18S
TAT 1401 HR 7888
TAT 1401 A HR 7888
TAT 1401 B HR 7888
TAT 1402 HR 7888
TAT 1402 A HR 7888
TAT 1402 B HR 7888
TAT 1403 HR 7892
TAT 1403 A HR 7892
TAT 1403 B HR 7892
TAT 1404 HR 8099
TAT 1404 A HR 8099
TAT 1405 HR 8101
TAT 1405 A HR 8101
TAT 1405 B HR 8101
TAT 1405 C HR 8101
TAT 1406 HR 8106
TAT 1406 A HR 8106
TAT 1407 HR 8295
TAT 1407 A HR 8295
TAT 1407 B HR 8295
TAT 1409 HR 8283
TAT 1409 A HR 8283
TAT 1409 B HR 8283
TAT 1409 C HR 8283
TAT 1412 HR 8460
TAT 1412 A HR 8460
TAT 1414 A HR 8461
TAT 1420 HR 8283
TAT 1420 A HR 8283
TAT 2001 HR 7890
TAT 2001 A HR 7890
TAT 2001 B HR 7890
TAT 2002 HR 7890
TAT 2002 A HR 7890
TAT 2002 B HR 7890
TAT 2003 HR 7887
TAT 2003 A HR 7887
TAT 2003 B HR 7887
TAT 2004 HR 7889
TAT 2004 A HR 7889
TAT 2004 B HR 7889
TAT 2005 HR 8102
TAT 2005 A HR 8102
TAT 2006 HR 8103
TAT 2006 A HR 8103
TAT 2006 C HR 8103
TAT 2007 HR 8104
TAT 2007 A HR 8104
TAT 2008 HR 8105
TAT 2008 A HR 8105
TAT 2008 B HR 8105
TAT 2009 HR 8261
TAT 2009 A HR 8261
TAT 2009 B HR 8261
TAT 2009 C HR 8261
TAT 2009 D HR 8261
TAT 2012 HR 8806
TAT 2012 A HR 8806
TAT 2101 HR 7891
TAT 2101 A HR 7891
TAT 223 HR 2282 T3
TAT 225 HR 2280 TS
TAT 240 HR 2280 T11S
TAT 2701 HR 8297
TAT 2701 A HR 8297
TAT 2702 HR 8778
TAT 2702 A HR 8778
TAT 2901 HR 8270
TAT 2901 A HR 8270
TAT 2902 HR 8294
TAT 2902 A HR 8294
TAT 2903 HR 8267
TAT 2903 A HR 8267
TAT 2903 B HR 8267
TAT 2904 HR 8267
TAT 2904 A HR 8267
TAT 309 HR 2274 T29S
TAT 3401 HR 8274
TAT 3401 A HR 8274
TBC 000*033 HR 46142
TBC 000-033 HR 46142
TBC 000033 HR 46142
TBF 1045 HR 42088
TBF 125 SE HR 46068
TBT 128 HR 7059
TC 5152 HR 6028
TC 7018 HR 6028
TC 7200 HR 6237
TCC 30 B 02 HR 8692
TCF 8109 HR 46204
TCG 30 B 02 HR 8692
TCG 30 B 04 HR 7948
TCG 30 B 13 HR 8692
TCI 196-S6154-M473 HRT 906
TCI 196-S7154-M473 HRT 901
TCI 196-S7154-M573 HRT 905
TCI 196-S7154-M603 HRT 903
TCI 196-S7154-M703 HRT 900
TCI 196-S8154-M073 HRT 911
TCI 196-S8154-M473 HRT 906
TCI 196-S8154-M573 HRT 902
TCI 196-S8154-M603 HRT 904
TCI 196-S8154-M703 HRT 910
TCI 196-S8254-M472 HRT 913
TCM 20 A 07 HR 7952
TCM 20 A 07 A HR 7952
TCV 50 B 01 HR 7094
TCV 50 B 02 HR 7247
TCV 50 B 1 HR 7094
TCV 50 B 39 HR 7261
TCV 50 B 55 HR 7384
TCV 50 B 55 B HR 7384
TDC 25 HR 7709
TDKC 19 HR 7709
TDKS 19 HR 7709
TDKS 54 HR 7504
TDM 130 HR 7072
TDS 101 HR 7059
TDS 102 HR 7055
TDS 105 HR 6018
TDS 107 HR 7085
TDS 107 B HR 7085
TDS 108 HR 7020
TDS 108 B HR 7020
TDS 110 HR 7053
TDS 111 HR 7054
TDS 112 HR 7060
TDS 112 B HR 7060
TDS 113 HR 7005
TDS 115 HR 7007
TDS 115 B HR 7007
TDS 118 HR 7016
TDS 119 HR 7066
TDS 119 B HR 7066
TDS 123 HR 7079
TDS 123 B HR 7079
TDS 124 HR 7052
TDS 127 HR 7070
TDS 128 HR 7069
TDS 129 HR 7061
TDS 130 HR 7072
TDS 130 B HR 7072
TDS 132 HR 7067
TDS 132 B HR 7067
TDS 134 HR 7018
TDS 134 X HR 7062
TDS 136 HR 7074
TDS 137 HR 7037
TDS 138 HR 7080
TDS 163 HR 7114
TDS 164 HR 7113
TDS 170 HR 7116
TDS 175 HR 7115
TDS 25 HR 7709
TET 655 HR 2274 T37S
TF 005 HR 236
TF 2-3 V 0-050-L 3 HR 46056
TF 2-3 V 0-050-S 3 HR 46056
TF 2-3 V 0-070-L 5 HR 46062
TF 2-4 V 5-020-L 0 HR 46115
TF 2-4 V 5-020-LO HR 46115
TF 2-4 V 5-020-S 0 HR 46115
TF 2-4 V 5-020-SO HR 46115
TF 2-6 V 0-002-L 0 HR 46231
TF 2-6 V 0-002-LA HR 46231
TF 2-6 V 0-002-LO HR 46231
TF 2-6 V 0-002-S 0 HR 46231
TF 2-6 V 0-002-SO HR 46231
TF 2041/02 HR 3615
TF 2041/02 Z HR 3615
TF 4440 HR 2287 T33
TF 4527 HR 2287 T34
TFAT 004-37 HR 3628
TFAT 042-37 HR 3524
TFAT 056-37 HR 5644
TFAT 063-37 HR 5643
TFAT 102-37 HR 3617
TFAT 109-1 HR 1117
TFAT 1109-F007-57 HR 1197
TFAT 1109-F009-37 HR 5638
TFAT 1109-F023-47 HR 1124
TFAT 1109-F030-47 HR 3618
TFAT 1109-F077-47 HR 3132
TFAT 1109-F128-57 HR 3522
TFAT 1109-F201-57 HR 1127
TFAT 1109-F209-47 HR 3639
TFAT 1109-F230-37 HR 1130
TFAT 1109-F230-57 HR 1130
TFAT 1109-F242-47 HR 5668
TFAT 1109-F301-57 HR 1135
TFAT 1109-F302-57 HR 3697
TFAT 1109-F310-47 HR 3650
TFAT 1109-F321-47 HR 3651
TFAT 1109-F401-57 HR 1147
TFAT 1109-F401-57-1 HR 1147
TFAT 1109-F402-47 HR 3627
TFAT 1109-F411-47 HR 5610
TFAT 1109-F411-57 HR 5610
TFAT 1109-F600-57 HR 1160
TFAT 1109-F601-47 HR 3635
TFAT 1109-F606-47 HR 3634
TFAT 1109-F610-47 HR 3114
TFAT 1109-F710-57 HR 1177
TFAT 1109-F780-57 HR 1178
TFAT 1109-012-57 HR 1117
TFAT 1109-020-59 HR 5525
TFAT 1109-022-59 HR 1122
TFAT 1109-023-47 HR 1124
TFAT 1109-1-20 HR 1117
TFAT 1109-1-20 B HR 1117
TFAT 1109-1-20 U HR 1117
TFAT 1109-111-57 HR 1115
TFAT 1109-120-57 HR 1117
TFAT 1109-150-57 HR 1117
TFAT 1109-2 HR 5525
TFAT 1109-2-5 HR 1125
TFAT 1109-20 HR 1120
TFAT 1109-200-57 HR 1120
TFAT 1109-200-59 HR 5525
TFAT 1109-201 HR 1127
TFAT 1109-201-57 HR 1127
TFAT 1109-202 HR 3202
TFAT 1109-202-57 HR 3202
TFAT 1109-202-59 HR 3202
TFAT 1109-204-59 HR 2075
TFAT 1109-205-59 HR 1125
TFAT 1109-21 HR 1121
TFAT 1109-21-59 HR 1121
TFAT 1109-22 HR 1122
TFAT 1109-22 B HR 1122
TFAT 1109-220-59 HR 1122
TFAT 1109-23 HR 1130
TFAT 1109-230-57 HR 1130
TFAT 1109-233-59 HR 1123
TFAT 1109-234-59 HR 2121
TFAT 1109-250-59 HR 1125
TFAT 1109-3 HR 5126
TFAT 1109-300-57 HR 2080/15
TFAT 1109-301-57 HR 1135
TFAT 1109-31 HR 5126
TFAT 1109-32 HR 5126
TFAT 1109-34 HR 5126
TFAT 1109-350-57 HR 5515
TFAT 1109-401-47 HR 1147
TFAT 1109-401-57 HR 1147
TFAT 1109-401-57-1 HR 1147
TFAT 1109-44 HR 5165
TFAT 1109-450-59 HR 1145
TFAT 1109-5 HR 1195
TFAT 1109-50 HR 1150
TFAT 1109-52 HR 1152
TFAT 1109-520-57 HR 1152
TFAT 1109-53 HR 1153
TFAT 1109-53 B HR 1153
TFAT 1109-530-57 HR 1153
TFAT 1109-54 HR 1154
TFAT 1109-540-57 HR 1154
TFAT 1109-550-57 HR 1155
TFAT 1109-6 HR 1621
TFAT 1109-600-57 HR 1160
TFAT 1109-601-47 HR 3635
TFAT 1109-606-47 HR 3634
TFAT 1109-61 HR 1161
TFAT 1109-610-47 HR 3114
TFAT 1109-63 HR 1137
TFAT 1109-631 HR 1137
TFAT 1109-631-57 HR 1137
TFAT 1109-640-47 HR 3114
TFAT 1109-652 HR 5157
TFAT 1109-652-57 HR 5157
TFAT 1109-653 HR 5163
TFAT 1109-653-57 HR 5163
TFAT 1109-654-57 HR 1165
TFAT 1109-656-57 HR 3583
TFAT 1109-68 U HR 3755
TFAT 1109-680 HR 3755
TFAT 1109-680-57 HR 3755
TFAT 1109-681-57 HR 3755
TFAT 1109-69 HR 2155
TFAT 1109-700-57 HR 1177
TFAT 1109-71 HR 1177
TFAT 1109-71 U HR 1177
TFAT 1109-710 HR 1177
TFAT 1109-710-50 HR 1177
TFAT 1109-710-57 HR 1177
TFAT 1109-72 HR 3167
TFAT 1109-720-57 HR 3167
TFAT 1109-741-57 HR 1174
TFAT 1109-780-57 HR 1178
TFAT 1190-710-57 HR 1177
TFAT 120/57 HR 1117
TFAT 242/37 HR 5668
TFAT 242/47 HR 5668
TFAT 2989 HR 3500
TFAT 334/37 HR 5738
TFAT 340/37 HR 5646
TFAT 345/37 HR 5737
TFAT 345/37 D HR 5737
TFAT 346/37 HR 5645
TFAT 909-F001-57 HR 1101
TFAT 909-F008-57 HR 1198
TFAT 909-F206-47 HR 3641
TFAT 909-F206-57 HR 3641
TFAT 909-F208-47 HR 3640
TFAT 909-F209-47 HR 3639
TFAT 909-F322-47 HR 1132
TFAT 909-F501-47 HR 3626
TFAT 909-F601-47 HR 3635
TFAT 909-F607-47 HR 3636
TFAT 909-F780-57 HR 1178
TFAT 909-001-57 HR 1101
TFAT 909-001-57B HR 3149
TFAT 909-002-57 HR 1101
TFAT 909-21 HR 2105
TFAT 909-501-57 HR 3626
TFAT 909-78-57 HR 1178
TFAT 909-780-57 HR 1178
TFAT 920-001 HR 1194
TFAT 920-001-57 HR 1194
TFAT 920-004 HR 1194
TFAT 920-004-57 HR 1194
TFAT 920-5 HR 1195
TFB 104 S HR 42088
TFB 1045 HR 42088
TFB 125 SE HR 46068
TFB 140 HR 46068
TFB 140 B HR 46068
TFB 140 C HR 46068
TFB 142 HR 46066
TFB 142 B HR 46066
TFB 142 C HR 46066
TFB 150 HR 46047
TFB 150 A HR 46047
TFB 150 B HR 46016
TFB 150 E HR 46047
TFB 159 A HR 6653
TFB 170 HR 46012
TFB 170 A HR 46012
TFB 176 G HR 46031
TFB 176 H HR 46064
TFB 185 A HR 46032
TFB 185 C HR 46013
TFB 195 A HR 46042
TFB 200 HR 46046
TFB 200 A HR 46046
TFB 200 B HR 46046
TFB 200 C HR 46046
TFB 200 D HR 46046
TFB 235 HR 42043
TFB 275 HR 46119
TFB 275 J HR 46119
TFB 275 L HR 46119
TFB 275 T HR 46119
TFB 3030 HR 46105
TFB 3030 B HR 46105
TFB 3045 B HR 46104
TFB 3064 HR 7462
TFB 3064 AB HR 7462
TFB 3064 B HR 7462
TFB 3064 D HR 7462
TFB 3078 AD HR 8684
TFB 3078 BD HR 8684
TFB 3078 ZD HR 8684
TFB 3079 HR 8482
TFB 3079 AR HR 8482
TFB 3079 BE HR 8482
TFB 3079 R HR 8482
TFB 4023 AD HR 7822
TFB 4029 HR 7724
TFB 4029 AD HR 7724
TFB 4030 AD HR 8502
TFB 4032 AD HR 7723
TFB 4032 BD HR 7723
TFB 4032 CD HR 7723
TFB 4034 HR 7613
TFB 4034 AD HR 7613
TFB 4036 AD HR 7720
TFB 4036 D HR 7720
TFB 4038 AD HR 7479
TFB 4038 BD HR 7479
TFB 4039 AD HR 7479
TFB 4039 BD HR 7479
TFB 4048 HR 7451
TFB 4048 AD HR 7451
TFB 4048 BD HR 7451
TFB 4048 DB HR 7451
TFB 4052 BD HR 7716
TFB 4053 AD HR 7716
TFB 4053 BD HR 7716
TFB 4059 A HR 7854
TFB 4059 AD HR 7854
TFB 4059 BD HR 7854
TFB 4062 AD HR 7657
TFB 4065 AD HR 7451
TFB 4067 AD HR 7654
TFB 4067 BD HR 7654
TFB 4069 AD HR 7854
TFB 4071 AD HR 7769
TFB 4076 AD HR 8547
TFB 4080 AD HR 7451
TFB 4085 BN HR 7454
TFB 4086 AD HR 7655
TFB 4087 AD HR 7655
TFB 4087 BD HR 7655
TFB 4089 HR 8403
TFB 4089 AD HR 8403
TFB 4090 AD HR 7669
TFB 4092 AD HR 7657
TFB 4099 AD HR 8433
TFB 4100 AD HR 8503
TFB 4104 AD HR 7604
TFB 4110 AD HR 8194
TFB 4110 BD HR 8194
TFB 4115 AR HR 8194
TFB 4115 BE HR 8194
TFB 4115 CE HR 8194
TFB 4116 AR HR 8696
TFB 4117 AR HR 8275
TFB 4117 BE HR 8275
TFB 4120 AH HR 8194
TFB 4121 HR 8436
TFB 4121 BD HR 8436
TFB 4122 AR HR 8446
TFB 4122 BD HR 8446
TFB 4122 CS HR 8446
TFB 4122 DB HR 8446
TFB 4122 ED HR 8446
TFB 4122 XD HR 8446
TFB 4123 AE HR 7944
TFB 4123 AR HR 7944
TFB 4123 BE HR 7944
TFB 4123 DB HR 7944
TFB 4124 AE HR 7634
TFB 4124 AP HR 7634
TFB 4124 AR HR 7634
TFB 4125 AD HR 7944
TFB 4125 AR HR 7944
TFB 4125 BD HR 7944
TFB 4125 CH HR 7944
TFB 4125 DD HR 7944
TFB 4126 AP HR 8250
TFB 4126 AR HR 7656
TFB 4126 BR HR 7656
TFB 4126 CS HR 7656
TFB 4126 GR HR 7656
TFB 4127 AD HR 7802
TFB 4127 BE HR 7802
TFB 4127 RE HR 7802
TFB 4129 AD HR 8412
TFB 4130 HR 8418
TFB 4130 AD HR 8418
TFB 4130 BD HR 8418
TFB 4131 CD HR 8436
TFB 4131 DD HR 8436
TFB 4132 HR 8418
TFB 4132 AD HR 8418
TFB 4132 AS HR 8418
TFB 4132 CD HR 8418
TFB 4132 DD HR 8418
TFB 4132 DH HR 8418
TFB 4132 ED HR 8418
TFB 4134 HR 7656
TFB 4134 AE HR 7656
TFB 4134 RE HR 7656
TFB 4137 HR 8637
TFB 4137 AD HR 8637
TFB 4137 AR HR 8637
TFB 4137 BE HR 8637
TFB 4141 AR HR 8704
TFB 4141 BE HR 8704
TFB 4151 AD HR 8412
TFB 4653 BD HR 7462
TFB 4803 D HR 46093
TFB 4805 HR 46088
TFB 4805 A HR 46088
TFB 4805 B HR 46088
TFB 4805 C HR 46088
TFB 4806 HR 46088
TFB 4806 A HR 46088
TFB 4809 HR 8189
TFB 4809 OU HR 8189
TFB 4809-5019 HR 8189
TFB 4810 HR 8189
TFB 4812 HR 46156
TFB 4813 HR 46093
TFB 483 D HR 46093
TFB 5704 HR 46095
TFB 60266 B HR 7468
TFB 613 HR 42106
TFB 614 B HR 42100
TFB 616 A HR 42096
TFB 616 C HR 42104
TFB 62 AD HR 7657
TFB 634 B HR 42099
TFB 638 A HR 42024
TFB 648 HR 7122
TFB 648 E HR 7122
TFB 648 F HR 7142
TFB 648 G HR 7122
TFB 648 H HR 7122
TFB 648 I HR 7122
TFB 655 A HR 42035
TFB 661 HR 7122
TFB 661 A HR 7122
TFB 662 A HR 42044
TFB 662 B HR 42044
TFB 662 C HR 42044
TFB 662 D HR 42044
TFB 666 A HR 42097
TFB 666 C HR 42097
TFB 674 D HR 46157
TFB 771 C HR 42038
TFB 781 B HR 42039
TFB 781 D HR 42039
TFB 781 D 2 HR 42039
TFB 811 HR 42006
TFFAT30521 HR 7261
TFH 74028 C HR 46114
TFK 14 A 004 P HR 7852
TFK 20 R 008 HR 8616
TFK 20 R 008 C HR 8616
TH 1834 HR 42055
TH 2109 HR 42064
TH 2134 HR 42041
TH 2164 HR 42059
TH 3138 HR 42041
TH 466 101 HR 2282 T1
TKS 54 HR 7504
TKS 71 HR 7507
TL 1410 E 12 HR 7172
TL 2713 HR 7255
TLC 1109/2/5 HR 1125
TLC 1109/32 HR 5126
TLC 1109/652 HR 5157
TLC 2063 HR 2063/00
TLC 2063/03 HR 2063/03
TLC 2080 HR 2080
TLC 2080/10 HR 2080/10
TLC 2080/10/1 HR 2080/10/1
TLC 2080/15 HR 2080/15
TLC 2110 HR 2110
TLC 3102 HR 5505
TLC 3107 HR 5515
TLC 3107/47 HR 5565
TLC 3135/02 HR 2135
TLC 3148/02 HR 5148
TLC 3165/03 HR 5165
TLC 3166/02 HR 5166
TLC 511 HR 2151
TLC 711 HR 2171
TLC 811 HR 2181
TLF 0318 HR 7217
TLF 14427 F HR 7615
TLF 14503 B HR 6490
TLF 14503 F HR 6490
TLF 14503 F2 HR 6490
TLF 14511 B HR 7857
TLF 14511 F HR 7857
TLF 14512 HR 7857
TLF 14512 B HR 7857
TLF 14512 F HR 7857
TLF 14520 F HR 7267
TLF 14521 F HR 7257
TLF 14531 F HR 8609
TLF 14531 FV HR 8609
TLF 14533 F HR 7988
TLF 14533 FV2 HR 7988
TLF 14533 F2 HR 7988
TLF 14534 F2 HR 8565
TLF 14537 F HR 7672
TLF 14557 HR 7824
TLF 14558 B HR 8832
TLF 14558 F HR 8832
TLF 14567 F HR 7257
TLF 14568 HR 7267
TLF 14568 F HR 7267
TLF 14577 B HR 7824
TLF 14577 F HR 7824
TLF 14584 F HR 7268
TLF 14584 F1 HR 7268
TLF 14585 F HR 7260
TLF 14586 HR 7268
TLF 14586 F HR 7268
TLF 14592 F HR 7260
TLF 14595 B HR 7801
TLF 14595 F HR 7801
TLF 14597 B HR 8299
TLF 14597 E HR 8299
TLF 14610 B HR 8489
TLF 14610 B1 HR 8489
TLF 14610 F HR 8489
TLF 14612 A1 HR 8490
TLF 14612 B HR 8490
TLF 14612 B1 HR 8490
TLF 14612 F HR 8490
TLF 14612 F1 HR 8490
TLF 14615 F HR 8504
TLF 14617 HR 7465
TLF 14617 B HR 7465
TLF 14617 F HR 7465
TLF 14630 HR 7440
TLF 14630 F HR 7440
TLF 14634 HR 7430
TLF 14634 F HR 7430
TLF 14649 B HR 8308
TLF 14649 B1 HR 8308
TLF 14649 B3 HR 8308
TLF 14649 F HR 8308
TLF 14651 B1 HR 8259
TLF 14653 F HR 8084
TLF 14658 B HR 8302
TLF 14659 B3 HR 8308
TLF 14690 B HR 8782
TLF 14695 F1 HR 8804
TLF 14706 HR 7436
TLF 14706 F HR 7436
TLF 14706 F1 HR 7436
TLF 14731 HR 7986
TLF 14731 F HR 7986
TLF 14731 F1 HR 7986
TLF 14731 F1A HR 8097
TLF 14731 F2 HR 8098
TLF 14731 F2A HR 8098
TLF 14731 F3 HR 8098
TLF 14731 F3A HR 8098
TLF 14749 F HR 8813
TLF 14754 F HR 8145
TLF 14801 F HR 7447
TLF 14801 F1 HR 7447
TLF 14949 B HR 8813
TLF 15505 F HR 7265
TLF 15506 F HR 7262
TLF 15518 F HR 7872
TLF 15519 F HR 7784
TLF 15519 F1 HR 7784
TLF 15526 F HR 8420
TLF 15531 F HR 8108
TLF 15531 FA HR 8108
TLF 15534 F HR 7288
TLF 15538 B HR 8335
TLF 15538 F HR 8335
TLF 15539 B HR 8603
TLF 15539 B1 HR 8603
TLF 15542 F HR 7827
TLF 15542 F1 HR 7827
TLF 15544 F HR 8401
TLF 15548 F HR 7294
TLF 15557 F HR 8288
TLF 15562 F HR 7714
TLF 15564 F HR 8426
TLF 15566 F HR 8398
TLF 15567 F HR 8424
TLF 15568 F HR 7294
TLF 15570 B HR 8509
TLF 15570 F HR 8509
TLF 15571 F HR 8686
TLF 15574 F HR 8688
TLF 15606 F HR 7278
TLF 15607 F HR 8146
TLF 15609 F HR 8130
TLF 15615 F HR 8414
TLF 15615 F1 HR 8414
TLF 15626 F HR 8264
TLF 15634 B HR 8670
TLF 15634 F HR 8670
TLF 15639 F HR 8587
TLF 15644 F HR 8783
TLF 15644 F1 HR 8783
TLF 15646 F HR 8568
TLF 16945 HR 7437
TLF 4 G 503 F HR 8271
TLF 6028 F HR 8076
TLF 6028 FN HR 8076
TLF 6028 N HR 8076
TLF 6031 HR 6452
TLF 6031 B HR 6452
TLF 6041 HR 6454
TLF 6041 F HR 6454
TLF 6521 B HR 6588
TLF 6522 F HR 8075
TLF 6522 FN HR 8075
TLF 6609 HR 6451
TLF 6609 B HR 6451
TLF 69908 HR 6191
TLF 69983 HR 7193
TLF 69983 F HR 7193
TLF 70007 HR 8427
TLF 70007 A HR 8427
TLF 70012 HR 7477
TLF 70012 A HR 7477
TLF 70012 F HR 7477
TLF 70017 HR 46038
TLF 70017 A HR 46038
TLF 70018 HR 7469
TLF 70018 F HR 7469
TLF 70113 B HR 46028
TLF 70113 E HR 7246
TLF 70152 HR 7677
TLF 70161 HR 7491
TLF 70162 HR 7443
TLF 70162 A HR 7443
TLF 70162 B HR 7443
TLF 70162 G HR 7443
TLF 70177 HR 7920
TLF 70177 A HR 7920
TLF 70225 HR 8834
TLF 70233 HR 8621
TLF 70238 HR 8121
TLF 70239 HR 8573
TLF 71004 D HR 46057
TLF 71028 HR 8353
TLF 71028 F HR 8353
TLF 73523 HR 7641
TLF 73523 T2 HR 7641
TLF 73530 HR 46096
TLF 73548 HR 42044
TLF 73548 A HR 42044
TLF 76501 HR 46054
TLF 76501 F HR 46054
TLF 76502 HR 46086
TLF 76504 F HR 46087
TLF 77001 B HR 7469
TLF 84001 A HR 8641
TLF 84001 B HR 8641
TLF 84007 HR 46063
TLF 85673 B HR 7804
TLF 85680 B HR 46018
TLF 85686 B HR 7805
TLFA 01365 HR 46226
TM 005 HRT 507
TM 25-20 HRT 216 A
TM 25-20-5 HRT 505
TM 25-20-6 HRT 216 A
TM 25-20-6-G HRT 216 A
TM 25-6 HRT 202
TM 25-6 W HRT 505
TM 25-6 W 1 HRT 505
TM 25-6 W 19 HRT 202
TM 25-6 W 2 HRT 505
TM 25-8 HRT 202
TM 25-8 W HRT 505
TM 25-9 HRT 507
TM 25-9-5 HRT 505
TM 25-9-53 HRT 202
TM 25-9-6 HRT 202
TMF 1509 HR 42102
TMF 2200-1-482-035 HR 42040
TMF 2200-1482-03901 HR 2287 T11
TMF 2200-7003001410 HR 42053
TMF 2220 HR 42053
TMF 2300-16-330627 HR 42063
TMF 2500-79 A 313-1 HR 42055
TMF 2500A0239280015 HR 42052
TMF 2500B-1-482-024 HR 42000
TMF 2500B-1-482-049 HR 42081
TMF 2500B-1-482-050 HR 46021
TMF 2500B-1-482-052 HR 42034
TMF 2500B-1-482-058 HR 42112
TMF 2500B-1-482-061 HR 42061
TMF 2520 HR 42093
TMF 2521 HR 42090
TMF 2521 A HR 42090
TMF 2528 HR 42047
TMF 2535 HR 42058
TO 1930 I 04 HR 7568
TPN 30 HRT 261
TPN 31 HRT 259
TR 001 HR 6021
TR 002 HR 6036
TR 012 HR 7156
TR 013 HR 7135
TR 014 HR 7040
TR 015 HR 7026
TR 016 HR 7668
TR 017 HR 6062
TR 018 HR 6089
TR 019 HR 7063
TR 020 HR 6120
TR 021 HR 6656
TR 022 HR 6063
TR 023 HR 7065
TR 025 HR 42019
TR 026 HR 6057
TR 028 HR 7239
TR 029 HR 7047
TR 030 HR 7145
TR 031 HR 7583
TR 032 HR 6009
TR 033 HR 6003
TR 034 HR 7032
TR 035 HR 7583
TR 036 HR 6250
TR 037 HR 6149
TR 038 HR 6100
TR 039 HR 7594
TR 040 HR 6119
TR 041 HR 6060
TR 042 HR 8079
TR 043 HR 6170
TR 044 HR 7195
TR 045 HR 6005
TR 046 HR 6032
TR 047 HR 6113
TR 049 HR 6097
TR 050 HR 7505
TR 051 HR 6284
TR 052 HR 6067
TR 053 HR 6349
TR 054 HR 6305
TR 055 HR 6307
TR 056 HR 6308
TR 057 HR 6317
TR 058 HR 6319
TR 060 HR 7716
TR 061 HR 7004
TR 062 HR 8356
TR 063 HR 7094
TR 064 HR 7929
TR 066 HR 7037
TR 067 HR 7126
TR 069 HR 7647
TR 07.164 HR 9832
TR 07.176 HR 9494
TR 07.183 HR 15004
TR 07.184 HR 9823
TR 07.190 HR 9833
TR 07.196 HR 9494
TR 07.199 HR 15009
TR 07.206 HR 9850
TR 07.213 HR 9843
TR 07.214 HR 15014
TR 071 HR 7782
TR 073 HR 7473
TR 075 HR 7217
TR 076 HR 7451
TR 077 HR 7433
TR 078 HR 7437
TR 079 HR 6150
TR 080 HR 6182
TR 081 HR 6160
TR 082 HR 6256
TR 083 HR 6045
TR 084 HR 6158
TR 085 HR 6144
TR 087 HR 6388
TR 088 HR 6293
TR 089 HR 6175
TR 090 HR 6159
TR 091 HR 6174
TR 092 HR 6223
TR 093 HR 6167
TR 094 HR 6257
TR 095 HR 6475
TR 096 HR 6278
TR 097 HR 6160
TR 098 HR 6288
TR 099 HR 6255
TR 100 HR 6134
TR 101 HR 6155
TR 102 HR 6389
TR 103 HR 6057
TR 104 HR 6252
TR 105 HR 6253
TR 106 HR 6132
TR 107 HR 6294
TR 108 HR 6387
TR 109 HR 6008
TR 110 HR 6254
TR 111 HR 6268
TR 112 HR 6157
TR 113 HR 6053
TR 114 HR 7128
TR 115 HR 6004
TR 116 HR 6295
TR 117 HR 6224
TR 118 HR 6179
TR 119 HR 6181
TR 120 HR 6145
TR 121 HR 6154
TR 123 HR 6182
TR 128 HR 6075
TR 129 HR 7127
TR 135 HR 6573
TR 136 HR 6500
TR 137 HR 6502
TR 138 HR 6501
TR 139 HR 8165
TR 140 HR 6572
TR 141 HR 6595
TR 142 HR 6573
TR 144 HR 6141
TR 145 HR 6133
TR 146 HR 6040
TR 147 HR 7299
TR 148 HR 8188
TR 149 HR 7839
TR 152 HR 7140
TR 157 HR 7787
TR 161 HR 7254
TR 162 HR 7456
TR 163 HR 7468
TR 164 HR 7128
TR 165 HR 7577
TR 166 HR 7386
TR 167 HR 6178
TR 171 HR 8376
TR 1730 HR 1730
TR 174 HR 5705
TR 175 HR 5719
TR 178 HR 8055
TR 179 HR 6465
TR 180 HR 7604
TR 181 HR 7669
TR 182 HR 6272
TR 191 HR 7452
TR 192 HR 7483
TR 193 HR 7559
TR 194 HR 7531
TR 196 HR 7140
TR 199 HR 7762
TR 200 HR 7400
TR 201 HR 7401
TR 202 HR 6403
TR 203 HR 6404
TR 210 HR 6412
TR 211 HR 7533
TR 212 HR 6413
TR 213 HR 5711
TR 214 HR 7457
TR 215 HR 6200
TR 217 HR 6301
TR 218 HR 6300
TR 219 HR 6301
TR 220 HR 6302
TR 221 HR 6310
TR 222 HR 6312
TR 223 HR 6320
TR 224 HR 6321
TR 225 HR 6322
TR 226 HR 6323
TR 227 HR 6324
TR 230 HR 7719
TR 231 HR 7477
TR 232 HR 7443
TR 233 HR 7618
TR 234 HR 7605
TR 235 HR 7918
TR 236 HR 7439
TR 237 HR 6309
TR 238 HR 8349
TR 239 HR 6319
TR 240 HR 8190
TR 241 HR 7736
TR 242 HR 6316
TR 243 HR 6306
TR 245 HR 7041
TR 246 HR 7035
TR 247 HR 7434
TR 248 HR 7432
TR 249 HR 7644
TR 250 HR 7105
TR 251 HR 6043
TR 252 HR 8185
TR 253 HR 7018
TR 255 HR 7460
TR 258 HR 7728
TR 259 HR 7679
TR 260 HR 8357
TR 261 HR 7527
TR 262 HR 7789
TR 263 HR 7142
TR 264 HR 7777
TR 266 HR 6018
TR 267 HR 8352
TR 268 HR 7462
TR 269 HR 8080
TR 270 HR 7196
TR 271 HR 5707
TR 272 HR 7506
TR 274 HR 7483
TR 275 HR 7491
TR 276 HR 8087
TR 278 HR 8600
TR 279 HR 8597
TR 281 HR 6385
TR 282 HR 7608
TR 283 HR 6169
TR 284 HR 8350
TR 285 HR 8351
TR 286 HR 6303
TR 287 HR 7455
TR 288 HR 7840
TR 289 HR 7796
TR 291 HR 7113
TR 292 HR 8205
TR 293 HR 7459
TR 294 HR 7403
TR 295 HR 7500
TR 296 HR 6203
TR 299 HR 7630
TR 301 HR 7214
TR 302 HR 8074
TR 303 HR 7353
TR 304 HR 7253
TR 305 HR 7253
TR 306 HR 7253
TR 307 HR 7230
TR 308 HR 7225
TR 309 HR 7230
TR 310 HR 7231
TR 311 HR 7224
TR 312 HR 8066
TR 313 HR 7224
TR 315 HR 6409
TR 316 HR 6400
TR 317 HR 7627
TR 318 HR 8207
TR 319 HR 7898
TR 325 HR 7971
TR 327 HR 7737
TR 328 HR 7484
TR 329 HR 7906
TR 330 HR 7608
TR 331 HR 7400
TR 351 HR 7378
TR 352 HR 7378
TR 353 HR 7228
TR 354 HR 7218
TR 355 HR 7223
TR 356 HR 7131
TR 357 HR 8157
TR 358 HR 7229
TR 361 HR 7397
TR 363 HR 8077
TR 366 HR 7344
TR 369 HR 7127
TR 370 HR 7566
TR 373 HR 7589
TR 375 HR 7203
TR 376 HR 6328
TR 377 HR 7114
TR 378 HR 7302
TR 379 HR 7301
TR 380 HR 7317
TR 381 HR 7305
TR 382 HR 7306
TR 384 HR 7731
TR 385 HR 7488
TR 392 HR 7269
TR 393 HR 8760
TR 394 HR 7971
TR 401 HR 6567
TR 402 HR 6590
TR 403 HR 6700
TR 405 HR 6593
TR 406 HR 6594
TR 407 HR 6560
TR 410 HR 6585
TR 411 HR 6609
TR 414 HR 6620
TR 415 HR 6597
TR 4164 HR 2116
TR 4170 HR 6128
TR 4178 HR 7165
TR 4179 HR 7156
TR 418 HR 6701
TR 4180 HR 7026
TR 4181 HR 7125
TR 4183 HR 6173
TR 4184 HR 7151
TR 4185 HR 7538
TR 4187 HR 7453
TR 42-18 HR 3542
TR 420 HR 7227
TR 421 HR 7287
TR 423 HR 8007
TR 424 HR 7351
TR 425 HR 7325
TR 426 HR 7309
TR 427 HR 7322
TR 4275 HR 19007
TR 4278 HR 6399
TR 4279 HR 7336
TR 428 HR 7317
TR 4283 HR 6394
TR 4287 HR 6354
TR 429 HR 7308
TR 4290 HR 7172
TR 4292 HR 7261
TR 4293 HR 6456
TR 4294 HR 7269
TR 4295 HR 8057
TR 4297 HR 7360
TR 430 HR 7323
TR 431 HR 7310
TR 432 HR 7315
TR 434 HR 7295
TR 435 HR 7434
TR 437 HR 8122
TR 438 HR 7291
TR 439 HR 7877
TR 440 HR 7877
TR 441 HR 7589
TR 442 HR 7574
TR 445 HR 7577
TR 446 HR 8041
TR 447 HR 7591
TR 448 HR 7112
TR 449 HR 8122
TR 451 HR 8397
TR 453 HR 8010
TR 454 HR 8397
TR 455 HR 8008
TR 456 HR 8030
TR 457 HR 8051
TR 458 HR 8010
TR 459 HR 8030
TR 464 HR 7376
TR 465 HR 7394
TR 466 HR 6177
TR 4662 HR 6373
TR 467 HR 7728
TR 4670 HR 6067
TR 4672 HR 6239
TR 4674 HR 9806
TR 4675 HR 7127
TR 4676 HR 6260
TR 4682 HR 7478
TR 4685 HR 7264
TR 4688 HR 7128
TR 4689 HR 7478
TR 470 HR 7971
TR 472 HR 7815
TR 473 HR 7774
TR 474 HR 8124
TR 475 HR 7814
TR 476 HR 6205
TR 477 HR 7977
TR 478 HR 7296
TR 504 HR 7578
TR 513 HR 6140
TR 571 HR 7537
TR 572 HR 7537
TR 602 HR 8035
TR 604 HR 7566
TR 630 HR 7522
TR 631 HR 7503
TR 632 HR 7471
TR 633 HR 8006
TR 643 HR 8078
TR 649 HR 7218
TR 650 HR 6569
TR 654 HR 7495
TR 655 HR 46045
TR 656 HR 46145
TR 657 HR 46056
TR 658 HR 7751
TR 667 HR 7523
TR 668 HR 7871
TR 669 HR 8035
TR 670 HR 8036
TR 671 HR 7950
TR 672 HR 7950
TR 673 HR 8118
TR 675 HR 7484
TR 676 HR 7833
TR 677 HR 7950
TR 678 HR 7671
TR 679 HR 8417
TR 680 HR 8336
TR 681 HR 8827
TR 682 HR 8700
TR 684 HR 8029
TR 685 HR 8700
TR 686 HR 8368
TR 687 HR 7242
TR 688 HR 7666
TR 690 HR 8553
TR 691 HR 8545
TR 694 HR 7263
TR 700 HR 8812
TR 7002 HR 2130
TR 7062 HR 2089
TR 712 HR 8604
TR 7132 HR 6197
TR 7133 HR 2085/15
TR 714 HR 8366
TR 7146 HR 2080/10
TR 7261 HR 7407
TR 7264 HR 2277 T8S
TR 7269 HR 7188
TR 7270 HR 7873
TR 7271 HR 7136
TR 7275 HR 1610
TR 7284 HR 6096
TR 7287 HR 6113
TR 7291 HR 6005
TR 7292 HR 6145
TR 7294 HR 7114
TR 7299 HR 6150
TR 7300 HR 8269
TR 7301 HR 6144
TR 7304 HR 6212
TR 7305 HR 1563
TR 7306 HR 7162
TR 7309 HR 7402
TR 7310 HR 6060
TR 7311 HR 5719
TR 7312 HR 7163
TR 7314 HR 7720
TR 7318 HR 7639
TR 7319 HR 5709
TR 7320 HR 6157
TR 7321 HR 6098
TR 7322 HR 6028
TR 7323 HR 6063
TR 7324 HR 7113
TR 7325 HR 6062
TR 7326 HR 6032
TR 7327 HR 6237
TR 7331 HR 7161
TR 7332 HR 7479
TR 7333 HR 5704
TR 7335 HR 6100
TR 7336 HR 6003
TR 7337 HR 6141
TR 7344 HR 7712
TR 7346 HR 7675
TR 7348 HR 6141
TR 7349 HR 5715
TR 7350 HR 5706
TR 7352 HR 7472
TR 7353 HR 9559
TR 7359 HR 7146
TR 7360 HR 6089
TR 7361 HR 6057
TR 7362 HR 7503
TR 7365 HR 9807
TR 7366 HR 7854
TR 7369 HR 7689
TR 7372 HR 7315
TR 7373 HR 7470
TR 7374 HR 7685
TR 7375 HR 7713
TR 7379 HR 7947
TR 7381 HR 6351
TR 7384 HR 3628
TR 7385 HR 6149
TR 7387 HR 6140
TR 7390 HR 7633
TR 7391 HR 6501
TR 7393 HR 7317
TR 7394 HR 6214
TR 7396 HR 7403
TR 7398 HR 7601
TR 7402 HR 6500
TR 7404 HR 6160
TR 7405 HR 6157
TR 7409 HR 7981
TR 7410 HR 7518
TR 7412 HR 7527
TR 7414 HR 6193
TR 7415 HR 7167
TR 7417 HR 7244
TR 7419 HR 7730
TR 7422 HR 6403
TR 7423 HR 7462
TR 7428 HR 7229
TR 7429 HR 1563
TR 7434 HR 7244
TR 7436 HR 7687
TR 7437 HR 7477
TR 7438 HR 7477
TR 7442 HR 5807
TR 7443 HR 7604
TR 7446 HR 7630
TR 7447 HR 7643
TR 7449 HR 7831
TR 7451 HR 7446
TR 7455 HR 7132
TR 7458 HR 7469
TR 7459 HR 8658
TR 7464 HR 8359
TR 7468 HR 7471
TR 7471 HR 7564
TR 7472 HR 7265
TR 7475 HR 7604
TR 7478 HR 7778
TR 7483 HR 7669
TR 7487 HR 7403
TR 7488 HR 7854
TR 7496 HR 7288
TR 7497 HR 7460
TR 7498 HR 7491
TR 7501 HR 7268
TR 7503 HR 46106
TR 7511 HR 7443
TR 7514 HR 7262
TR 7515 HR 8095
TR 7519 HR 3132
TR 7520 HR 7770
TR 7525 HR 7337
TR 7526 HR 7493
TR 7530 HR 7896
TR 7534 HR 8615
TR 7535 HR 7592
TR 7538 HR 7488
TR 7544 HR 7811
TR 7549 HR 7973
TR 757 HR 7583
TR 7670 HR 6067
TR 7688 HR 7128
TR 821 HR 7694
TR 822 HR 7601
TR 829 HR 8466
TR 836 HR 8122
TR 837 HR 6450
TR 901 HR 5705
TR.6050 HR 502
TR.7031 HR 502
TR.8011 HR 185
TRE 1004 HR 6284
TRE 1014 HR 6213
TRE 1018 HR 6160
TRE 1025 HR 7503
TRE 1033 HR 7524
TRE 1034 HR 7214
TRI 60 HRT 225 BP
TRIP 01 HRT 507
TRIP 02 HRT 201
TRIP 03 HRT 202
TRIP 05 HRT 508 P
TRIP 15 HRT 242 BP
TRIP 20 HRT 240 BS
TRIP 21 HRT 241 BP
TRIP 22 HRT 245 BS
TRIP 23 HRT 245 BS
TRIP 24 HRT 248 BP
TRIP 25 HRT 255
TRIP 26 HRT 250
TRIP 27 HRT 251
TRIP 28 HRT 265
TRIP 40 HRT 210 BF
TRIP 41 HRT 209
TRIP 50 HRT 901
TRIP 51 HRT 906
TRIP 52 HRT 913
TRIP 60 HRT 225 BP
TRIP 61 HRT 236 BP
TRIP 70 HRT 227 BP
TRIP 71 HRT 222 BS
TRIP 72 HRT 226 BS
TRIP 73 HRT 230 BP
TRIP 74 HRT 235 BP
TRIP 75 HRT 234 BP
TRIP 76 HRT 254
TRIP 77 HRT 237 BP
TRIP 78 HR 236
TRIP 80 HRT 207
TRIP 81 HRT 208
TRIP 82 HRT 507
TRNS FB 033 A HR 8361
TRNS FB 1053 HR 6215
TRNS FB 1061 HR 46077
TRNS FB 1061 A HR 46077
TRNS FB 2023 HR 42028
TRNS FB 2030 HR 42030
TRNS FB 2058 HR 7651
TRNS FB 2059 HR 46044
TRNS FB 2059 A HR 46044
TRNS FB 2059 E HR 46044
TRNS FB 2063 HR 42069
TRNS FB 2068 HR 42077
TRNS FB 3005 HR 6382
TRNS FB 3056 HR 46023
TRNS FB 3064 HR 46023
TRNS FB 3082 HR 8781
TRNS FB 3084 HR 46026
TRR 002 HR 602
TRR 009 HR 2274 T35S
TRR 072 HR 6076
TRR 130 HR 025
TRR 138 HR 2031/22
TRR 139 HR 3112 TS
TRR 142 HR 2046
TRR 145 HR 2045
TRR 146 HR 1481
TRR 147 HR 6011
TRR 148 HR 2277 T9S
TRR 149 HR 1490
TRR 150 HR 3122 RSI
TRR 151 HR 6012
TRR 152 HR 2282 T1
TRR 159 HR 3215
TRR 161 HR 1610
TRR 167 HR 2282 T1
TRR 169 HR 6059
TRR 171 HR 6030
TRR 174 HR 3215
TRR 197 HR 6059
TRR 235 HR 2277 T8S
TRR 236 HR 6096
TRR 240 HR 530
TRR 246 HR 6040
TRR 247 HR 6094
TRR 263 HR 6142
TRR 269 HR 6205
TRR 271 HR 6196
TRR 274 HR 6141
TRR 275 HR 6489
TRR 283 HR 6030
TRR 294 HR 6140
TRR 298 HR 6139
TRR 306 HR 7503
TRR 325 HR 6214
TRR 326 HR 7505
TRR 327 HR 42041
TRR 345 HR 42059
TRR 349 HR 7506
TRR 351 HR 6236
TRR 353 HR 7524
TRR 367 HR 7549
TRR 369 HR 7527
TRR 371 HR 6217
TRR 378 HR 6216
TRR 381 HR 7533
TRR 384 HR 6213
TRR 386 HR 6206
TRR 388 HR 7641
TRR 395 HR 6096
TRR 397 HR 7592
TRR 406 HR 7488
TRR 408 HR 6581
TRR 414 HR 6483
TRR 417 HR 6485
TRR 424 HR 6547
TRR 441 HR 7808
TRR 442 HR 7781
TRR 443 HR 6538
TRR 447 HR 6636
TRR 474 HR 7279
TRR 479 HR 6607
TRR 482 HR 7693
TRR 488 HR 8751
TRR 499 HR 7681
TRR 501 HR 7683
TRR 502 HR 6608
TRR 505 HR 7442
TRR 515 HR 7682
TRR 544 HR 7839
TRR 551 HR 7951
TRR 559 HR 8225
TRR 562 HR 7774
TRR 567 HR 7817
TRR 609 HR 8126
TRR 623 HR 7977
TRR 700 HR 2265
TRR 700 A HR 2265
TRU 45/20-40 HR 2269 T9S
TRU 45/20-47 HR 2280 T13
TRU 45/20-547 HR 2280 T13
TRU 45/28-18 HR 2269 T6S
TRU 47/25-02 HR 3611
TRU 47/25-03 HR 3765
TRU 47/25-05 HR 3501
TRU 4725-02 HR 3611
TRU 4725-03 HR 3765
TRU 4725-05 HR 3501
TRU 5010 HR 2268 TRSI
TRU 5017 HR 502
TRU 5019 HR 2268 TRSI
TS 002 HR 9663
TS 004 HR 9616
TS 065 HR 9543
TS 089 HR 9879
TS 090 HR 9567
TS 091 HR 9104
TS 092 HR 9566
TS 098 HR 9880
TS 100 HR 9828
TS 102 HR 9880
TS 103 HR 9828
TS 186 HR 9555
TS 187 HR 9555
TS 25-11 TBW HRT 216 S
TS 25-11 TDG HRT 507
TS 25-11 TDL HRT 217
TS 25-11 TDV HRT 205
TS 25-11 TEF HRT 302
TS 25-11 TEL HRT 217 A
TS 25-11 TGK HRT 216 C
TS 25-11 TJN HRT 304
TS 25-11 TJP HRT 303
TS 30-11 TFV HRT 205
TS 30-11 THV HRT 301
TS 30-11 THY HRT 300
TS 505 HRT 505 A
TSM 34 HR 9874
TSM 4007 HR 9706
TSM 5 HR 9485
TV 2030 HR 046
TV 4030 HR 046
TV 7030 HR 046
TV 9986 HR 6159
TVC 105 HRT 205
TVC 106 HRT 216 A
TVC 106 P HRT 216 P
TVC 50 B 01 HR 7094
TVC 50 B 02 HR 7247
TVC/10 HR 8239
TVC/100 HR 6363
TVC/101 HR 6384
TVC/102 HR 6266
TVC/103 HR 8310
TVC/104 HR 8310
TVC/11 HR 7357
TVC/110 HR 7667
TVC/111 HR 8213
TVC/112 HR 8606
TVC/113 HR 8263
TVC/114 HR 8761
TVC/115 HR 8266
TVC/12 HR 7787
TVC/12FB HR 7083
TVC/121 HR 8609
TVC/123 HR 7988
TVC/124 HR 8565
TVC/125 HR 8108
TVC/126 HR 7986
TVC/127 HR 8097
TVC/128 HR 8098
TVC/129 HR 8426
TVC/13 HR 7455
TVC/130 HR 8169
TVC/131 HR 7616
TVC/132 HR 7618
TVC/133 HR 8394
TVC/140 HR 8252
TVC/141 HR 7660
TVC/142 HR 8257
TVC/143 HR 7963
TVC/15 HR 7455
TVC/16 HR 7254
TVC/17 HR 7484
TVC/187 HR 7740
TVC/19 HR 7843
TVC/201 HR 8468
TVC/21 HR 6383
TVC/21FA HR 8109
TVC/22 HR 6280
TVC/23 HR 7166
TVC/24 HR 8109
TVC/25 HR 8110
TVC/26 HR 8112
TVC/27 HR 8113
TVC/28 HR 8114
TVC/29 HR 8115
TVC/31 HR 2177
TVC/32 HR 2064
TVC/33 HR 6133
TVC/34 HR 6357
TVC/35 HR 7259
TVC/36 HR 7662
TVC/37 HR 7611
TVC/38 HR 7650
TVC/39 HR 7662
TVC/47 HR 7654
TVC/48 HR 7451
TVC/49 HR 7613
TVC/54 HR 7303
TVC/55 HR 7310
TVC/60 HR 7494
TVC/61 HR 7888
TVC/62 HR 7888
TVC/63 HR 7892
TVC/64 HR 8099
TVC/65 HR 8101
TVC/67 HR 8106
TVC/68 HR 8101
TVC/70 HR 7468
TVC/71 HR 7890
TVC/72 HR 7890
TVC/73 HR 7887
TVC/74 HR 7889
TVC/75 HR 8102
TVC/76 HR 8606
TVC/77 HR 8103
TVC/78 HR 8104
TVC/98 HR 6364
TVC/99 HR 6131
TVK 1 HRT 202
TVK 18 HRT 506
TVK 185-5 HRT 246 BS
TVK 186 HRT 218 B
TVK 186-5 HRT 218 B
TVK 186-5X HRT 219 BP
TVK 196-07 HRT 226 BS
TVK 196-15 HRT 225 BP
TVK 196-17 HRT 227 BP
TVK 196-17 I HRT 227 BP
TVK 196-25 HRT 225 BP
TVK 196-27 HRT 227 BP
TVK 196-27 M 200 HRT 227 BP
TVK 196-27 M 203 HRT 263
TVK 196-27 M 207 HRT 229 BP
TVK 196-27 M 208 HRT 230 BP
TVK 196-27 M 209 HRT 231 BP
TVK 196-27 M 211 HRT 228 BP
TVK 196-27 M 221 HRT 233 BP
TVK 196-27 M 243 HRT 235 BP
TVK 196-27 M 563 HRT 234 BP
TVK 196-27 M 563G HRT 234 BP
TVK 196-27 M207 HRT 229 BP
TVK 196-27 M208 HRT 230 BP
TVK 196-27 M209 HRT 231 BP
TVK 196-27 M211 HRT 228 BP
TVK 196-27 M221 HRT 233 BP
TVK 196-27 M243 HRT 235 BP
TVK 196-28 HRT 234 BP
TVK 196-37 HRT 236 BP
TVK 22 HRT 201
TVK 23 HRT 201
TVK 23 F HRT 201
TVK 23 I HRT 201
TVK 24 HRT 205
TVK 25 HRT 205
TVK 27 HRT 209
TVK 31 HRT 202
TVK 33 HRT 202
TVK 41 HRT 202
TVK 51 HRT 202
TVK 52 HRT 202
TVK 52 S HRT 202
TVK 52-4 HRT 203
TVK 52-5 HRT 203
TVK 52-6 HRT 202
TVK 53 HRT 202
TVK 54 HRT 202
TVK 55 HRT 202
TVK 71100 HRT 509
TVK 711005958 HRT 505
TVK 711005959 HRT 509
TVK 711010523 HRT 505
TVK 711010524 HRT 505
TVK 711010525 HRT 509
TVK 711010526 HRT 509
TVK 713010524 HRT 216 P
TVK 72 HRT 205
TVK 72-1 HRT 205
TVK 72-2 HRT 205
TVK 72-3 HRT 205
TVK 72-5 HRT 205
TVK 76 HRT 216 A
TVK 76 AE HRT 256
TVK 76 AL HRT 506
TVK 76 BE HRT 257
TVK 76 BV HRT 262
TVK 76-1 HRT 216 A
TVK 76-15 HRT 216 A
TVK 76-3 HRT 507
TVK 76-4 HRT 507
TVK 76-5 HRT 216 A
TVK 76-9 HRT 507
TVK 82 HRT 207
TVK 82-5 HRT 207
TVK 86 HRT 208
TVK 86-5 HRT 208
TVK 94-44 HRT 227 BP
TVK 96-1 HRT 209
TVK 96-2 HRT 209
TVK 96-3 HRT 210 BF
TVL 106 HR 8155
TVL 106/2 HR 8148
TVL 106/3 HR 8148
TVL 108/2 HR 8150
TVL 108/3 HR 8152
TVL 108/4 HR 8152
TVL 108/5 HR 7593
TVL 114 HR 6062
TVL 115 HR 7565
TVL 115/02 HR 7565
TVL 115/2 HR 7565
TVL 116 HR 8154
TVL 116/01 HR 8154
TVL 116/1 HR 8154
TVL 130 HR 8157
TVL 201 HR 7277
TVL 402 HR 7666
TVL 96 HR 5664
TVL 96/2 HR 5666
TVL 96/3 HR 5667
TWMF 2244 HR 2287 T17
TWMF 2246 HR 42112
TWMF 2247 HR 2287 T11
TWMF 2248 HR 42034
TWMF 2251 HR 42063
TWMF 2259 HR 42040
TWMF 2260 HR 42061
TWMF 2261 HR 42000
TWR 002A HR 634 RS
TWR 005A HR 236
TWR 007A HR 602
TWR 027A HR 3122 RSI
TWR 033B HR 2268 TRSI
TWR 034A HR 2270 V1
TWR 036A HR 2272 R
TWR 038A HR 025
TWR 041A HR 185
TWR 044A HR 2267-2
TWR 047A HR 2265
TWR 057A HR 3122 RSI
TWR 059A HR 025
TWR 061A HR 631
TWR 062A HR 3122 RSI
TWR 071A HR 2270 V2
TWR 073A HR 2266 R
TWR 076A HR 052
TWR 078A HR 530
TWR 081A HR 2266 R
TWR 085A HR 236
TWR 087A HR 2266 R
TWR 090A HR 025
TWR 091A HR 2266 R
TWR 126A HR 025
TWR 1895.641 WO HRT 506
T1E/E190 HR 9423
T85/050R HR 9422

Original Reference HR
UHA 103 HR 5664
UHA 104 HR 5666
UHA 105 HR 5665
UHA 106 HR 5667
UHA 108 HR 5662
UHA 111 HR 5663
UHA 112 HR 5670
UX 1110(FX) HR 7402
UX 1600 HR 7244
UX 1601 HR 7245
UX 1604 A 2 HR 7337
UX 1605(P4) HR 7337
UX 1605(P7) HR 7337
UX 1605(Q8) HR 7337
UX 1605(34) HR 7337
UX 1621 HR 7411
UX 1623(P2) HR 7411
UX 1623(32) HR 7411
UX 1650 HR 7243
UX 1651(N5) HR 7244
UX 1651(33) HR 7244
UX 1700 S HR 7416
UX 1702 HR 7416
UX 1730(LR) HR 7973
UX 2600(A2) HR 46106
UX 2600(Q7) HR 46106
UX 2601(R1) HR 46106
UX 2603(Q9) HR 46106
UX 2603(36) HR 46106

Original Reference HR
V 0393 HR 025
V 0639 HR 2267-2
V 1155 HR 3615
V 1165 HR 3616
V 1356 HR 3616
V 1642 HR 6059
V 1823 HR 5126
V 79 A 348-1 HR 46099
V 8427 HR 6096
VC 14 HR 7673
VCV 20 HR 2080/20
VD 18 HRT 201
VD 18 A HRT 201
VD 18 B HRT 201
VE 30002054 HR 8689
VE 30002826 HR 8601
VE 30016641 HR 8652
VE 30016922 HR 8648
VJ 031 HR 2115
VJM 110 C HR 1100
VJM 110 D HR 1100
VT 341 HR 42027
VT 6411 HR 42026
VT 647 HR 42101
VT 648 HR 42025
VT 821 HR 46044
VT 841 HR 42049
V2 080 60 HR 3615
Original Reference HR
X 40333841 HR 46202
X 51 LC 05110000 HR 7918
XJ 023 A HR 2273 T16S
XOF 91001 A HR 42048
XOF 91002 A HR 42048
XX 15188-10A HR 8673
XX 15188-12B HR 8456
XX15128-16E HR 8682
XX15361-18A HR 8680
XX15361-19A HR 8675
XX15419-02A HR 8676
XX1544-45A HR 8680
XZ 5212/01 HRT 202
XZ 5212/01 Z HRT 202

Original Reference HR
Y 2433481 HR 6544
Y 2434141 HR 7518
Y 260482 HR 6173
Y 260561 HR 7151
Y 260582 HR 7042
Y 260761 HR 7538
Y 260971 HR 8080
Y 261072 HR 6336
Y 261141 HR 6057
Y 261273 HR 7453
Y 261273 G HR 7453
Y 261372 HR 7829
Y 261372 A HR 7829
Y 261373 HR 7829
Y 261461 HR 8131
Y 261741 HR 46048
Y 265274 HR 46162
Y 265279 HR 46152
Y 265279 D HR 46152
Y 265315 HR 46168
Y 265315 D HR 46168
Y 265382 HR 46162
Y 265382 A HR 46162
Y 265432 HR 46206
Y 265432 B HR 46206
YI 030 HR 2115
YJ 030 HR 2115
YM 302 HR 236
YM 342 HR 2274 T29S
YN 0342 HR 2274 T29S
YN 0343 HR 2274 T29S
YN 302 HR 236
YN 343 HR 2274 T29S
YV 0245 HR 046
YV 0262 HR 046
Y2431851 HR 7518
Y261372 A HR 7829
Y265279 D HR 46152
Y265315 D HR 46168
Y265382 A HR 46162
Y265432 B HR 46206
Y434141 HR 7518

Original Reference HR
Z 0369 BM HR 9803
Z 0418 BM HR 13042
Z 0500 BM HR 1832
Z 0501 BM HR 9809
Z 0502 BM HR 9810
Z 0503 BM HR 9428
Z 0504 BM HR 9434
Z 0505 BM HR 9428
Z 0507 BM HR 9812
Z 0508 BM HR 9437
Z 0509 BM HR 9811
Z 0511 BM HR 9433
Z 0511 BMZZ HR 9433
Z 0512 BM HR 9428
Z 0514 BM HR 9440
Z 0514 BMZZ HR 9440
Z 0519 BM HR 9817
Z 0521 B HR 9451
Z 0521 BM HR 9451
Z 0524 BM HR 9489
Z 0530 BM HR 9461
Z 0535 BM HR 9468
Z 0540 BM HR 9471
Z 0545 BM HR 9472
Z 0546 BM HR 9475
Z 0548 BM HR 9478
Z 0549 BM HR 9477
Z 0550 BM HR 9480
Z 0552 BM HR 9487
Z 0553 BM HR 9478
Z 0557 BM HR 9484
Z 0558 BM HR 9486
Z 0559 BM HR 9490
Z 0561 BM HR 9486
Z 0562 BM HR 9490
Z 0563 BM HR 9496
Z 0566 BM HR 9819
Z 05701 BM HR 9809
Z 0573 BM HR 9837
Z 0575 BM HR 15008
Z 0576 BM HR 9830
Z 0577 BM HR 9830
Z 0578 BM HR 9830
Z 0582 BM HR 9848
Z 0583 BM HR 15018
Z 0586 BM HR 15020
Z 0587 BM HR 15021
Z 0588 BM HR 9854
Z 0591 BM HR 9859
Z 0704 BM HR 13033
Z 0715 BM HR 13041
Z 0718 BM HR 13042
Z 0720 BM HR 13044
Z 0721 BM HR 13046
Z 4034 HR 6364
Z 4035 HR 6131
Z 4036 HR 6363
Z 4085 HR 6266
Z 4086 HR 6384
ZBA 309176 HR 091 RSI
ZN 1835 HR 2467
ZN 1951 HR 2114
ZN 2145 HR 2114
ZN 2497 HR 2458
ZN 2520 HR 2459
ZN 2540 HR 2459
ZN 2549 HR 2152
ZN 2843 HR 2460
ZN 3013 HR 2461
ZN 3247 HR 2440
ZN 3268 HR 2450
ZT 50.8 HR 2110
ZT 64/71 HR 2267
ZT 64/72 HR 025
ZT 65/75 HR 025
ZT 68/13 HR 2266 R
ZT 68/13 W HR 2266 R
ZTF 73345 A HR 46143
ZTFH 44010 A HR 8636
ZTFH 44011 A HR 8591
ZTFH 65001 A HR 8410
ZTFH 65005 A HR 8631
ZTFH 65007 A HR 8618
ZTFH 65008 A HR 8287
ZTFH 65011 A HR 8588
ZTFH 65013 A HR 8632
ZTFH 65014 A HR 8657
ZTFH 65015 A HR 8593
ZTFH 74028 HR 46114
ZTFH 74028 C HR 46114
ZTFJ 73345 A HR 46143
ZTFJ 73346 A HR 7826
ZTFK 33005 A HR 8327
ZTFL 73345 A HR 46143
ZTFL 84001 A HR 8641
ZTFL 94001 A HR 8607
ZTFL 94002 A HR 8594
ZTFM 05002 A HR 8596
ZTFM 05004 A HR 8632
ZTFM 05005 A HR 8593
ZTFM 05006 HR 8596
ZTFM 05006 A HR 8596
ZTFM 05008 A HR 8639
ZTFM 05010 A HR 8651
ZTFM 05013 A HR 8672
ZTFM 23004 A HR 8607
ZTL 11 HR 6212
ZTR 1001 HR 5126
ZTR 1021 HR 3131
ZTR 54-23/11 HR 052
ZTR 64-23/J-1 HR 052
ZTR 64-23/71 HR 052
ZTR 65-23 B HR 052
ZTR 65-23 C HR 052
ZTR 65/75 HR 025
ZTR 67/502 HR 2267-2
ZTR 68/13 HR 025
ZV 1130 HR 052

Nowadays, more and more monitor comes in with flyback transformers problems.
Testing flyback transformer are not difficult if you carefully follow the
instruction. In many cases, the flyback transformer can become short
circuit after using not more than 2 years. This is partly due to bad design
and low quality materials used during manufactures flyback transformer.
The question is what kind of problems can be found in a flyback transformer
and how to test and when to replace it. Here is an explanation that will help
you to identify many flyback transformer problems.
There are nine common problems can be found in a flyback transformer.
a) A shorted turned in the primary winding.
b) An open or shorted internal capacitor in secondary section.
c) Flyback Transformer becomes bulged or cracked.
d) External arcing to ground.
e) Internal arcing between windings.
f) Shorted internal high voltage diode in secondary winding.
g) Breakdown in focus / screen voltage divider causing blur display.
h) Flyback Transformer breakdown at full operating voltage (breakdown when under load).
i) Short circuit between primary and secondary winding.

Testing flyback transformer will be base on (a) and (b) since problem
(c) is visible while problem (d) and (e) can be detected by hearing the arcing
sound generated by the flyback transformer. Problem (f) can be checked with multimeter
set to the highest range measured from anode to ABL pin while (g) can be solved by
adding a new monitor blur buster (For 14' & 15' monitor only.) Problem (h) can only be
tested by substituting a known good similar Flyback Transformer. Different monitor have
different type of flyback transformer design. Problem (i) can be checked using an
ohm meter measuring between primary and secondary winding. A shorted turned or open
in secondary winding is very uncommon.

What type of symptoms will appear if there is a shorted turned in primary winding?
a) No display (No high voltage).
b) Power blink.
c) B+ voltage drop.
d) Horizontal output transistor will get very hot and later become shorted.
e) Along B+ line components will spoilt. Example:- secondary diode UF5404 and B+ FET IRF630.
f) Sometimes it will cause the power section to blow.

What type of symptoms will appear if a capacitor is open or shorted in a flyback transformer?

Capacitor shorted

a. No display (No high voltage).
b. B+ voltage drop.
c. Secondary diode (UF5404) will burned or shorted.
d. Horizontal output transistor will get shorted.
e. Power blink.
f. Sometimes power section will blow, for example: Raffles 15 inch monitor.
g. Power section shut down for example: Compaq V55, Samtron 4bi monitor.
h. Sometimes the automatic brightness limiter (ABL) circuitry components will get burned.
This circuit is usually located beside the flyback transformer. For example: LG520si

Capacitor open

a. High voltage shut down.
b. Monitor will have ‘tic - tic’ sound. Sometimes the capacitor may measure O.K. but
break down when under full operating voltage.
c. Horizontal output transistor will blow in a few hours or days after you have replaced it.
d. Sometimes it will cause intermittent "no display".
e. Distorted display i.e., the display will go in and out.
f. It will cause horizontal output transistor to become shorted and blow the power section.

How to check if a primary winding is good or bad in a Flyback Transformer?
a) By using a flyback/LOPT tester, this instrument identifies faults in primary winding by
doing a ‘ring’ test.
b) It can test the winding even with only one shorted turned.
c) This meter is handy and easy to use.
d) Just simply connect the probe to primary winding.
e) The readout is a clear ‘bar graph’ display which show you if the flyback transformer
primary winding is good or shorted.
f) The LOPT Tester also can be used to check the CRT YOKE coil, B+ coil and switch mode power transformer winding.

NOTE: Measuring the resistance winding of a flyback transformer, yoke coil, B+ coil and
SMPS winding using a multimeter can MISLEAD a technician into believing that a shorted
winding is good. This can waste his precious time and time is money.

How to diagnose if the internal capacitor is open or shorted?
By using a normal analog multimeter and a digital capacitance meter. A good capacitor have the range from 1.5 nanofarad to 3 nanofarad.*
1) First set your multimeter to X10K range.
2) Place your probe to anode and cold ground.
3) You must remove the anode cap in order to get a precise reading.
4) Cold ground means the monitor chassis ground.
5) If the needle of the multimeter shows a low ohms reading, this mean the internal capacitor
is shorted.
6) If the needle does not move at all, this doesn’t mean that the capacitor is O.K.
7) You have to confirm this by using a digital capacitance meter which you can easily get one
from local distributor.
8) If the reading from the digital capacitance meter shows 2.7nf, this mean the capacitor is
within range (O.K.).
9) And if the reading showed 0.3nf, this mean the capacitor is open.
10) You have three options if the capacitor is open or shorted.
- Install a new flyback transformer or
- Send the flyback transformer for refurbishing or
- Send the monitor back to customers after spending many hours and much effort on it.

* However certain monitors may have the value of 4.5nf, 6nf and 7.2nf.
Note: Sometimes the internal capacitor pin is connected to circuits (feedback) instead of ground.
Tv rca flyback transformer circuits usually do not have a internal capacitor in it.
If you have a flyback diagram and circuits which you can get it from the net, that would be an advantage to easily understand how to check them. transformers generate the necessary deflection pulse and other many key voltages and the  high voltage for anode of the picture tube in tube televisions and computer monitors. Usually this is around 30 kV for a color device, but the current is  with approx. 0.5 to 4 mA.

The line transformer or horizontal output transformer (English: flyback transformer or line output transformer) is part of a television / monitor with picture tube. It is used to supply the line deflection coil of the deflection system and at the same time usually also to generate the high voltage of 20 to 30 kV required for the operation of the picture tube and other voltages necessary for the operation of the device.

Line transformers work with the line frequency, with European TV sets with 15.625 kHz. Line transformers of 100 Hz televisions work at twice the frequency, i.e. at 31.25 kHz. In monitors, the line transformer is operated at different frequencies, which depend on the resolution of the image sent by the computer. For example, the line frequency of a monitor with a resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels and 85 Hz vertical frequency is approximately 68.7 kHz. With these frequencies, the line output stage switches a switching tube or today a switching transistor, which are used to control the line transformer.
The whistling noise of some older monitors and most older, conventional TV sets arises from the fact that mainly the line transformer, but also other components such as coils and capacitors, are mechanically excited to vibrate by the occurring magnetic and electrostatic forces. Whistling has a frequency of 15.625 kHz due to the European television standard. TVs with 100 Hz technology and most high-resolution computer monitors whistle outside the listening area........

Line transformers are potted with resin and have a ferrite core and are therefore of course only suitable for high frequencies in the kHz range. Newer types, so-called diode split transformers, contain many individual diodes between the windings and thus supply a rectified high voltage (pulsating DC voltage). Older models made of black and white devices have an external cascade, the direct (high-frequency) output voltage is then only about 8 kV, but a little more current is available with such AC line transformers. Line transformers require an electronic control circuit which provides a square wave signal in the range of approx. 15 kHz.

Diode split transformer with permanently cast diodes and DC output The advantage of line transformers: They are easy and inexpensive (or free) and can be obtained in large numbers at radio / TV shops and in computer shops where devices are disposed of. Especially nowadays, in which tube monitors have to make room for flat screens, many old monitors and TVs are disposed of.

Removal and wiring of a line transformer:

Important when removing the line transformer from the TV or monitor: First discharge the picture tube, then remove the high-voltage connection, and draw out the pin assignment of the line transformer before unsoldering. Two connections are particularly important: supply supply (approx. 150V from the power supply unit) and connection that goes to the collector of the horizontal output transistor or on very older types to a tube or thyristor final stage.

The thick, well-insulated, red cable is the high-voltage output (approx. 30kV), while the somewhat thinner, black cable carries the focus voltage, which is only around 6kV. Finally, the orange cable brings the grid 2 voltage, which is only a few hundred volts. Television and monitor flyback transformer pinout have some common designed except that the monitor
flyback have a internal capacitor built in. The internal capacitor value have around 2.7 nanofarad to 4.5 nanofarad to improve the picture quality especially when the monitor which can go for a higher resolution compare to Tv. If without the internal capacitor in the monitor flyback the display will curve or slightly out of shape especially at both the right and left hand side of the picture and may present other imperfections not admitted for monitors. It acts as a filter. Internally they may have a high vealue resitor (600 to 900 mega ohm) in parallel to HV output. This to adapt the ouput impedance of the LOPT to the CRT Anode.

Mostly tv and monitor flyback transformers have about ten pins at the bottom of the flyback. Each of the pin have a purpose or function as part of a complete circuit. The common pins that you can find in monitor flyback are: B+ pin, Horizontal collector pulse, ABL (automatic blanking limiter), GROUND, G1, AFC (automatic frequency control), VCC, HEATER (to filament) and X-RAY protection.

The B+ and horizontal collector pulse pin forms one winding which we call it as flyback primary winding. It can  only can be test by using a flyback meter such as the  Lopt tester flyback transformer pinoutor sencore LC102 and LC103C.

Note that some monitors and TV design may have a separate HV and deflections circuits

Normal meters can't check this kind of fault. This is the most important winding compares to others and it can easily developed a short circuit when B+ voltage line or Horizontal output transistor (HOT) shorted. Sometimes a shorted internal capacitor in the flyback transformer may cause the primary winding to burn internally and the flyback became bulge and poured out the epoxy.

Other pins are the ground, G1, and AFC winding. AFC stand for automatic frequency control and it send signal (pulse) from the flyback transformer to the horizontal oscillator ic to lock or synchronize the frequency of the monitor. If this AFC line fails the picture will shift either to the far left or far right. There is no way that you can adjust the picture to the center even with the internal adjustment in the mainboard. The purpose of G1 voltage is to pull the electron generated from the cathode (after the heater or filament heat up) and passed it to G2 which is the screen voltage.

G1 normally is a negative voltage or positive from few volts to 32 volts in some most ancient designs . Most tv picture tube do not use G1 voltage. If the G1 voltage is missing or zero voltage to the picture tube the monitor display will becomes very bright with retrace lines (diagonal lines or flyback lines) across the screen and sometimes the monitor will goes into shutdown mode.
ABL stand for automatic beam limiter- I refer it as a limiter further circuit. Why? because whenever there is a contrast or bright problem i will search for this pin and begin to trace from there. Normally a resistor increased in resistance and a shorted ceramic capacitor caused the display to become dim and you may think it might be the fault of a bad CRT.

Heater or filament pin nowadays hardly found in monitor flyback because the crt heater voltage now is derived directly from the switch mode power supply. However heater pin is still can be found in television flyback transformer. If the anode voltage is too high (more than 30 kilovolt), the x-ray protect pin will send a signal to horizontal oscillator ic in order to disable the horizontal drive waveform THIS FOR SAFETY REASONS.

Without the horizontal drive pulse the high voltage generated by the flyback will collapsed and protect the user from excessive x-ray.

The flyback transformer pinout will also generate high pulse ac which later convert to dc through an ultra fast recovery diode. For your information, the ac pulse generated by the flyback transformer cannot be check with our normal analog or digital meter. the frequency is so high and you need a special meter to do the job. The dc voltages are then supply to various circuit such as the vertical output circuit. If you  understand all the functions of each flyback transformer pinout, repairing  monitor or tv will be much easier and save your precious time.