Sunday, January 16, 2011


The ITT SCHAUB LORENZ STUDIO IDEAL - COLOR 2705 I is A 26 (66Cm) Inches color television in White wooden cabinet with ultrasonic remote controller and 8 programs with manual potentiometric channel preselection system.

It has a NIXIE display on the top of the right side of the front near the main switch.

The analog values of volume, bright, color and the turning on and off are made via touch sensors on the front back a lid to the frontend commands. (or via ultrasonic remote, the UFB 3) includes a plurality of tuning positions each defined by an adjustable potentiometer, a neon bulb indicator, a UHF/VHF switch and a two pole momentary contact touch switch. A common tuning capacitor has a tuning voltage developed thereacross for controlling the tuning of a varactor diode tuner. A source of reference potential is coupled across the tuning potentiometers and closure of any touch switch results in the tuning capacitor being charged from the voltage reference source through the selected one of the tuning potentiometers. The neon bulbs yield a visual indication of the selected tuning position. Circuitry for automatically placing control of the tuner to a preselected one of the tuning positions upon turn on of the receiver is also included.

In the  "recent" introduction (1970's) of several models featuring touch-sensitive tuning is the culmination of a series of developments in television tuning techniques over a long period of time. In the earliest (66/67's) push-button tuner units (v.h.f.) tuning was effected by the extent to which a multiple slug was inserted into the inline signal and oscillator coils. This was an improvement over rotary types of tuner and proved to be very reliable though the reset accuracy tended to diminish after prolonged use. The earlier u.h.f. and integrated or multiband tuners were also purely mechanical in operation and though the designs were considerable technical achievements the push-buttons nevertheless required quite some pressure to effect channel changing. More recently (1970's) with the introduction of varicap tuners channel changing has been done by electrical means. The capacitance of the varicap diodes associated with each of the tuned circuits is altered by changing the bias applied to them. For this a relatively simple switch unit to select the appropriate potentiometer is all that is required. The lightness of touch needed, elimination of mechanical switching problems and the fact that the tuner can be mounted remote from the switch at any convenient place in the cabinet give considerable design advantages. Varicap tuners have also facilitated the application of a.f.c., which is of particular importance in colour receivers. Basic Principles Touch-sensitive control units form a welcome and natural adjunct to the use of varicap tuner units. As they dispense completely with the need for electrical switches and switch contacts they should reduce further the number of service calls for tuning faults. Various circuit arrangements are used in touch - operated tuner control units but all operate when a finger tip bridges a pair of contacts which incidentally look at first glance like a single contact. When the finger tip completes the circuit forward bias is applied to a high gain switching transistor. This in turn switches on another transistor or transistors and the net outcome is that the supply to the appropriate tuning potentiometer is connected and held on while the supply to the previously selected potentiometer is switched off. In addition a channel identfication bulb is usually brought into circuit. As skin resistance is high the touch contacts must be incorporated in a correspondingly high resistance circuit; in practice resistor values in the range 10-22Mohm are used. The switching operations are carried out either by discrete transistors or i.c.s. Transistors form almost ideal switches of course. In the absence of forward base bias the collector emitter resistance  they present is very high especially with silicon types since there is negligible leakage current with these. On the other hand when a transistor is biased fully on, i.e. is saturated or bottomed, the collector current is maximum, the collector voltage minimum and the collector emitter impedance is very little. There is very little dissipation since although the collector current is at maximum the collector emitter voltage is at minimum generally less than 1 Volt.

 It's a Circuit arrangement for establishing a reference potential of a chassis of an electrical device such as a radio and/or TV receiver, such device being provided with at least one contactless touching switch operating under the AC voltage principle. The device is switched by touching a unipole touching field in a contactless manner so as to establish connection to a grounded network pole. The circuit arrangement includes in combination an electronic blocking switch and a unidirectional rectifier which separates such switch from the network during the blocking phase.In electronic devices, for example TV and radio receivers, there are used in ever increasing numbers electronic touching switches for switching and adjusting the functions of the device. In one known embodiment of this type of touching switch, which operates on a DC voltage principle, the function of the electronic device, is contactlessly switched by touching a unipole touching field, the switching being carried out by means of an alternating current voltage.

ITT Semiconductors have announced additions to their range of i.c.s for television receivers, mainly for use in the front end. First the company is offering an i.c. set for controlling TV tuners. It consists of two MOS i.c.s which provide all the data required for tuner control, such as tuning voltage, switching voltage for band selection (where applicable) and the a.f.c. signal. The set comprises the storage i.c. type SAA1020, which functions as a static shift register and has an extremely low current consumption, and the control i.c. type SAA1021, which performs the data processing duties. The low current consumption of the SAA1020 enables the channel data to remain stored for almost a year, even when the TV is switched off. Power is provided by a small 1.5V battery. This i.c. set also facilitates electronic station searching, with silent tuning. This method of station selection obviates the need for any mechnical tuning/storage devices (such as tuning potentio- meters). Also new is a 30 -channel ultrasonic transmitter/receiver combination, the SAA1024 and SAA1025. An altern- ative receiver circuit, the SAA1130, offers programme store as an additional facility. The latter can be used to drive the new SAA1008 character generator which enables the selected channel to be displayed on the screen.

 In early 1974 the Chief Engineer at ITT's Hastings television factory called a meeting of a small group of his colour TV engineers. He told them that the company planned to market a fully solid-state chassis by Christmas of the following year to supersede the long popular CVC5- CVC9 series of hybrid chassis, and that it was their job to design it. The objectives laid down were not modest. The new chassis had to be ultra -reliable, easy to service, and simpler to make than its predecessor. Reliability headed the list because of the reports of the problems other setmakers had had when changing from hybrid to solid-state colour chassis. It was considered vitally important that the new chassis should be without reproach in this respect. TYPE OF TUBE The first point that had to be agreed upon was the type of tube to use. The previous chassis had been fitted with 90° delta -gun tubes and had established a reputation for above average picture quality. These tubes are difficult to converge and set up however. Worse, particularly from the viewpoint of rental organisations, is the need to readjust them for best results as the convergence circuits age. The c.r.t. selected for the new chassis was the PHILIPS 20AX 110°  -in -Line  tube which has the great advantage of being already semi converged and purified, requiring less adjustment throughout its life. It has been described in some detail in previous issues of this blog , so I won't go over the principles again here. Briefly, it's an in -line gun tube with a slotted shadowmask and vertical RGB phosphor stripes, and with a precision toroidal scanning yoke which is permanently fixed to the tube. The only slight problem with this arrangement is that the cut-off points of the three guns cannot be matched by the conventional technique of adjusting the first anode controls. So a slightly different technique is used - varying the d.c. levels at the three cathodes.
The new tube, to be known as the 20AX, has been developed by PHILIPS in conjunction with the parent Philips / Mullard organisation and will be produced by several Philips subsidiary companies on the Continent as well as by PHILIPS in the UK. PHILIPS envisage quantity production of the tube by 1976, mainly for export at first, with large-scale production for UK set - makers starting in 1977. The tube has been developed as "probably the final phase in the design of the 110° shadowmask tube". Its main features are the use of three guns mounted horizontally in line, the use of a shadow - mask with slots instead of circular holes, and a screen with the phosphors deposited in vertical stripes instead of as a pattern of dot triads. It seems therefore that the days of the present delta gun shadowmask tube are now numbered, though considerable production will have to continue for many years to provide replacement tubes for the millions of colour sets already in use. So far as the viewer is concerned however it is important to appreciate the time scale involved (see above) and the reasons for the development of the new tube. There is nothing wrong with the type of shadow - mask tube we have known since the beginning of colour TV: it is able to provide superb pictures. But in its 110° form it does require rather a lot of scan/convergence correction circuitry. If this can be reduced by means of an alternative approach
as with the 20AX tube  considerable benefits in set production and servicing will be obtained. This has been the aim behind the development of the new tube, and the demonstration tube we have seen operating with its associated deflection yoke and circuitry gave a picture every bit as good as we have come to expect from the present "conventional" approach to colour tube design. There are now four colour tubes with in -line guns, the Sony Trinitron (the first to come along), the RCA /Mazda PIL tube, the Toshiba RIS tube and now the PHILIPS 20AX. It is interesting to compare them. The Trinitron is a 90° narrow neck (29mm) tube. It differs from the others in using an aperture grill (slits from top to bottom) instead of a mask behind the screen to shadow the beams and a tube face which is substantially flat in the vertical plane. On the domestic market it is used exclusively in Sony sets and certainly represented a break through in simplifying the convergence circuitry and setting up adjustments required. The Toshiba RIS (rectangular flare, in-line guns, slotted shadowmask) tube has now turned up in the UK in the recently introduced 18in. Sharp Model C1831H. Its most distinctive feature is the rectangu- lar instead of conical tube flare and the rectangular semi -toroidal scanning yoke which is used with this. It is a 110° thick neck (36mm) tube. The convergence arrangements are fairly simple. The most interesting comparisons however are between the PI tube and the 20AX. The first is a 90° tube of the narrow neck variety and features a toroidal yoke which is cemented to the tube- thus if either is faulty the entire tube/yoke assembly must be replaced. The great advantage is that no dynamic convergence adjustments or circuitry are required. It is at present limited to sizes up to 20in. and the designers say that it is not intended as a successor to the standard shadowmask tube above this size. Its depth compares with 110° tubes because of the simplified gun structure used. The PHILIPS 20AX tube differs from it in several respects. First it is basically a 110° tube which can be produced in a whole range of sizes production of 18, 22 and 26in. versions is proposed so that set  makers can use it with a single chassis for models of various sizes. Secondly it uses saddlewound deflection coils which are separate from though accurately aligned with the tube. And thirdly it is a thick neck tube. Unlike the PI tube in which all the gun electrodes except the cathodes are common to all guns the electrodes of each gun in the 20AX are separately available at the base. This means that in addition to RGB drive to the cathodes the grids are available for blanking and beam limiting and the first anodes for background control setting in the normal manner. In fact PHILIPS emphasised that the new tube is entirely compatible with existing colour set techniques  though the whole convergence system is greatly simplified. The basic idea behind these in line gun, slotted mask tubes is that by mounting the guns horizontally in line the convergence errors are confined to the horizontal plane and by applying an astigmatic deflection field these errors are cancelled. This means that a fair amount of cunning in the design of the deflection yoke is required. A saddlewound yoke is more efficient than a toroidal yoke since the deflection fields are totally enclosed.

 In comparison to current 110° PHILIPS tubes the 20AX requires much the same horizontal deflection power but about twice the vertical deflection power (which can be obtained without trouble from modern semiconductor devices). The use of a separate yoke with a tube of this type means that some dynamic convergence controls are still necessary, in order to match the assemblies. PHILIPS refer to these as "tolerance adjustments" rather than "dynamic convergence controls". About seven are required at present though further work is being done on this and by the time sets with the new tube appear we can expect some reduction. A single pincushion transductor is required instead of the two needed with 110° shadowmask tubes of the present variety. In comparison the PIL  tube requires no dynamic convergence adjustments, only some simple tube neck magnets for static setting up. It is a little less efficient however because of the type of yoke employed. Whatever else happens there is no doubt that the vast majority of colour tubes fitted to TVC sets come 1977 will be of the in line gun, slotted mask, vertical phosphor stripe variety. Two further points made by PHILIPS at their demonstration : first, this type of tube requires less degaussing so that there are worthwhile savings in the amount of copper required for the degaussing coils: secondly their new tube, and in fact all PHILIPS monochrome tubes and shortly their colour tubes as well, will incorporate "instant on" guns which come into operation about  five seconds after the set is switched on instead of the 30 seconds or more taken by present tubes. This instant on feature is based on a new heater/cathode assembly in which the use of mica insulators has been avoided. 
Meanwhile we understand that in addition to RCA and, in the UK, Mazda, ITT and Videocolor SA are to produce PIL tubes. Whilst congratulations all round was appropriate on the successful development of these  tubes it does seem a pity that was about to enter for the first time an era of non compatible colour c.r.t.s.

AND......... Weights a TON ! !! !

Started in 1921 by Georg von Schaub as Schaub-Elektrizitätsgesellschaft and was located in the Charlottenburg district of Berlin, Germany, originally manufacturing various electric equipment but entered the radio receiver market in 1923. The name of the company was changed to G. Schaub Apparatebau Gesellschaft GmbH in 1925 but continued to use plain Schaub as it's trademark and it became one of the better known manufacturers of radios in central Europe. Moved to Pforzheim-Dillweissenstein in 1934 and was taken over by C. Lorenz in 1940 although the company operated mostly independently until the early 50's. Restarted production of loudspeakers and receivers in 1946 or as soon as the occupation forces allowed and sold consumer products initially as Schaub and as later as Schaub-Lorenz, all manufacture of Lorenz CE products was actually handed over to the company in 1950 due to the blockade of Berlin by the Soviet occupation forces, the Schaub company was finally merged with the rest of the C. Lorenz companies in 1958 although the name was used at the least partially up until the sale of the Lorenz consumer division to Nokia in 1988.

One side Note:
The advert says "ITT Technik der Welt" (ITT the world Technology) indeed the contribution given by these organizations toghether the products of them increased man's life quality on certains aspects, so no surprises if today quality is heavily lowered by chinese market, because anyway at the end it's a man choice.

Started in 1921 by Georg von Schaub as Schaub-Elektrizitätsgesellschaft and was located in the Charlottenburg district of Berlin, Germany, originally manufacturing various electric equipment but entered the radio receiver market in 1923. The name of the company was changed to G. Schaub Apparatebau Gesellschaft GmbH in 1925 but continued to use plain Schaub as it's trademark and it became one of the better known manufacturers of radios in central Europe. Moved to Pforzheim-Dillweissenstein in 1934 and was taken over by C. Lorenz in 1940 although the company operated mostly independently until the early 50's. Restarted production of loudspeakers and receivers in 1946 or as soon as the occupation forces allowed and sold consumer products initially as Schaub and as later as Schaub-Lorenz, all manufacture of Lorenz CE products was actually handed over to the company in 1950 due to the blockade of Berlin by the Soviet occupation forces, the Schaub company was finally merged with the rest of the C. Lorenz companies in 1958 although the name was used at the least partially up until the sale of the Lorenz consumer division to Nokia in 1988.

One side Note:
The advert says "ITT Technik der Welt" (ITT the world Technology) indeed the contribution given by these organizations toghether the products of them increased man's life quality on certains aspects, so no surprises if today quality is heavily lowered by chinese market and other society crap mixtures, because anyway at the end it's a man choice.

ITT Corporation (NYSE: ITT) is a global diversified manufacturing company with 2008 revenues of $11.7 billion. ITT participates in global markets including water and fluids management, defense and security, and motion and flow control. named ITT Corporation to its list of "America's Best Managed Companies" for 2008, and awarded the company the top spot in the conglomerates category.

,ITT's water business is the world's largest supplier of pumps and systems to transport, treat and control water, and other fluids. The company's defense electronics and services business is one of the ten largest US defense contractors providing defense and security systems, advanced technologies and operational services for military and civilian customers. ITT's motion and flow control business manufactures specialty components for aerospace, transportation and industrial markets.

In 2008, ITT was named to the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World) for the tenth time in recognition of the company's economic, environmental and social performance. ITT is one of the few companies to be included on the list every year since its inception in 1999.

The company was founded in 1920 as International Telephone & Telegraph. During the 1960s and 1970s, under the leadership of its CEO Harold Geneen the company rose to prominence as the archetypal conglomerate, deriving its growth from hundreds of acquisitions in diversified industries. ITT divested its telecommunications assets in 1986, and in 1995 spun off its non-manufacturing divisions, later to be purchased by Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide.

In 1996, the company became ITT Industries, Inc., but changed its name back to ITT Corporation in 2006.


ITT was formed in 1920, created from the Puerto Rico Telephone Company co-founded by Sosthenes Behn.[1] Its first major expansion was in 1923 when it consolidated the Spanish Telecoms market into what is now Telefónica.[2] From 1922 to 1925 it purchased a number of European telephone companies. In 1925 it purchased the Bell Telephone Manufacturing Company of Brussels, Belgium, which was formerly affiliated with AT&T, and manufactured rotary system switching equipment. In the 1930s, ITT grew through purchasing German electronic companies Standard Elektrizitaetsgesellschaft (SEG) and Mix & Genest, both of which were internationally active companies. Its only serious rival was the Theodore Gary & Company conglomerate, which operated a subsidiary, Associated Telephone and Telegraph, with manufacturing plants in Europe.

In the United States, ITT acquired the various companies of the Mackay Companies in 1928 through a specially organized subsidiary corporation, Postal Telegraph & Cable. These companies included the Commercial Cable Company, the Commercial Pacific Cable Company, Postal Telegraph, and the Federal Telegraph Company.

International telecommunications

International telecommunications manufacturing subsidiaries included STC in Australia and Britain, SEL in Germany, BTM in Belgium, and CGCT and LMT in France. Alec Reeves invented Pulse-code modulation (PCM), upon which future digital voice communication was based. These companies manufactured equipment according to ITT designs including the (1960s) Pentaconta crossbar switch and (1970s) Metaconta D, L and 10c Stored Program Control exchanges, mostly for sale to their respective national telephone administrations. This equipment was also produced under license in Poznań (Poland), and in Yugoslavia, and elsewhere. ITT was the largest owner of the LM Ericsson company in Sweden but sold out in 1960.

1989 breakup

In 1989 ITT sold its international telecommunications product businesses to Alcatel, now Alcatel-Lucent. ITT Kellogg was also part of the 1989 sale to Alcatel. The company was then sold to private investors in the U.S. and went by the name Cortelco Kellogg. Today the company is known as Cortelco (Corinth Telecommunications Corporation, named for Corinth, MS headquarters). ITT Educational Services, Inc. (ESI) was spun off through an IPO in 1994, with ITT as an 83% shareholder. ITT merged its long distance division with Metromedia Long Distance, creating Metromedia-ITT. Metromedia-ITT would eventually be acquired by Long Distance Discount Services, Inc. (LDDS) in 1993. LDDS would later change its name to Worldcom in 1995.

In 1995, ITT Corporation split into 3 separate public companies:

* ITT Corp. — In 1997, ITT Corp. completed a merger with Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, selling off its non-hotel and resorts business. By 1999, ITT completely divested from ITT/ESI; however, the schools still operate as ITT Technical Institute using the ITT name under license.[1] Also in 1999, ITT Corp. dropped the ITT name in favor of Starwood.[7]
* ITT Hartford (insurance) — Today ITT Hartford is still a major insurance company although it has dropped the ITT from its name altogether. The company is now known as The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.
* ITT Industries — ITT operated under this name until 2006 and is a major manufacturing and defense contractor business.
o On July 1, 2006, ITT Industries changed its name to ITT Corporation as a result of its shareholders vote on May 9, 2006.

Purchase of International Motion Control (IMC)

An agreement was reached on June 26, 2007 for ITT to acquire privately held International Motion Control (IMC) for $395 million. The deal was closed and finalized in September 2007. An announcement was made September 14, 2010, to close the Cleveland site.
Purchase of EDO

An agreement was reached September 18, 2007 for ITT to buy EDO Corporation for $1.7 billion.[12] After EDO shareholders' approval, the deal was closed and finalized on December 20, 2007.

Purchase of Laing

On April 16, 2009, ITT announced it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Laing GmbH of Germany, a privately held leading producer of energy-efficient circulator pumps primarily used in residential and commercial plumbing and heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.

2011 breakup

On January 12, 2011, ITT announced a transformation to separate the company into 3, stand-alone, publicly-traded, and independent companies.

HISTORY OF Standard Elektrik Lorenz AG IN GERMAN:

Die Standard Elektrik Lorenz AG (heute Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG) ist ein Unternehmen der Nachrichtentechnik (früherer Slogan: SEL – Die ganze Nachrichtentechnik) mit Hauptsitz in Stuttgart. Zur Nachrichtentechnik zählen auch Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik, Telekommunikationstechnik (SEL war für die Röchelschaltung bekannt) und früher Fernmeldetechnik oder Schwachstromtechnik. Einen weiteren Geschäftsbereich hatte das Unternehmen in der Bahnsicherungstechnik, so wurden für die Deutsche Bundesbahn Relaisstellwerke und elektronische Stellwerke mit den dazugehörigen Außenanlagen (Signale, Gleisfreimeldeanlagen, Weichenantriebe) sowie die Linienzugbeeinflussung entwickelt und gebaut, welche auch bei ausländischen Bahnen Abnehmer fanden. Der Bereich gehört seit 2007 als Thales Transportation Systems GmbH (seit 02.2011 vorher Thales Rail Signalling Solutions GmbH) zum Thales-Konzern. Die bereits 1998 ausgegliederten Bereiche Alcatel Air Navigation Systems und SEL Verteidigungssysteme sind ebenfalls heute in Thales Deutschland beheimatet.[1]
Fernseher Illustraphon 743 von 1957
„Goldsuper Stereo 20“ (1961)
Das Flaggschiff der erfolgreichen Schaub-Lorenz Kofferradios der sechziger Jahre: Touring 70 Universal
Erster Digitalfernseher der Welt (1983)

Bis 1987 gehörte SEL zusammen mit anderen auf dem Sektor Telekommunikation in anderen Ländern tätigen Schwesterfirmen zum US-amerikanischen Mischkonzern International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT). ITT verkaufte die Aktien-Mehrheit an den ITT-Telekommunikationsfirmen an die französische Compagnie Générale d’Electricité (CGE), die nach der Zusammenfassung mit den eigenen Telekommunikationsaktivitäten daraus die Alcatel N.V. bildete.

Die Standard Elektrik Lorenz AG wurde 1993 in Alcatel SEL AG umbenannt. Die Aktienmehrheit liegt mit über 99 % bei der Alcatel. Mit der Fusion von Alcatel und Lucent zu Alcatel-Lucent am 1. Dezember 2006 und der Neu-Firmierung beider Unternehmen in Deutschland zur Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG entfiel der Zusatz SEL.


Die beiden Stammfirmen des Unternehmens, die Mix & Genest AG und die Telegraphenbauanstalt von C. Lorenz, wurden 1879 bzw. 1880 gegründet. Das erste Patent von Mix & Genest datiert von 1883, das erste Patent von C. Lorenz ist aus dem Jahr 1902.

Das Unternehmen Mix & Genest war wesentlicher Teil der Standard Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft (SEG), in die auch die Süddeutsche Apparatefabrik (SAF), die 1875 von F. Heller als "Friedrich Heller, Fabrik Elektrotechnischer Apparate" gegründet wurde, integriert wurde. Der technische Schwerpunkt von Mix & Genest bzw. SEG sowie der C. Lorenz AG war der klassischen Fernmelde- bzw. Funktechnik zuzuordnen. Die C. Lorenz AG baute in den 1920er und 1930er Jahren Großsender für den neu gegründeten Rundfunk.

1930 übernahm die International Telephone and Telegraph Company (ITT) die Aktienmehrheit der Mix &; Genest AG und der C. Lorenz AG.

Die C. Lorenz AG positionierte sich mit der Übernahme der G. Schaub Apparatebau-Gesellschaft mbH im Jahr 1940 in der Entwicklung und Herstellung von Rundfunkempfängern. Ab dem Jahr 1950 wurden alle Geräte bei Schaub in Pforzheim gefertigt. 1952 wurde das Typenprogramm beider Unternehmen verschmolzen und der Lorenz-Radio-Vertrieb in die Firma Schaub integriert. Ab 1955 wurden die Geräte unter dem Namen Schaub-Lorenz vertrieben.

1956 wurde das Unternehmen SEG in Standard Elektrik AG umbenannt. Ebenfalls 1956 wurde ein Kabelwerk gegründet. Wesentlicher Motor für das 1957 gegründete Informatikwerk war Karl Steinbuch, der von 1948–1958 dem Unternehmen, zuletzt als Technischer Direktor und Leiter der Zentralen Forschung, angehörte.

1958 erfolgte die Vereinigung der Standard Elektrik AG mit der C. Lorenz AG zur Standard Elektrik Lorenz AG (SEL).

Die Standard Elektrik Lorenz AG übernahm 1961 die Graetz KG. Die Firmenteile Schaub-Lorenz und Graetz waren zusammen mit einem Bildröhrenwerk Bestandteil der Unternehmensgruppe Audio Video der SEL AG, die 1979 als Audio-Video-Elektronik in die ITT ausgegliedert wurde. Die Produkte, die unter anderem Fernsehgeräte, Radios, Autoradios, Kassettenrecorder, Weltempfänger und Lautsprecherboxen umfassen, wurden fortan unter dem Namen ITT Schaub-Lorenz vertrieben.[2]

Versuche, auf dem neuen Gebiet der Raumfahrt-Elektronik Fuß zu fassen, waren auf folgende Produkte beschränkt:

* AZUR: Telemetrie/Telekommandogeräte
* Spacelab: Datenerfassung/Kommandoterminal.

SEL entwickelte zu Beginn der 1970er Jahre das Präzisionsanflugverfahren SETAC. Dieser Unternehmensbereich wurde im Jahre 1987 von der finnischen Firma Nokia übernommen.

1976 hatte SEL ein Grundkapital von 357 Mio. DM bei 33.000 Beschäftigten und einem Umsatz von 2,6 Mrd. DM.

1983 stellte SEL auf der Internationalen Funkausstellung Berlin 1983 mit dem ITT Digivision den weltweit ersten Fernseher mit digitaler Signalverarbeitung vor.

2003 wurden die Markenrechte am Namen Schaub Lorenz an die italienische General Trading SpA verkauft. Die neugegründete Schaub Lorenz International GmbH vertreibt seitdem unter dem alten Markennamen Schaub-Lorenz importierte Konsumelektronik aus dem unteren Preisbereich.



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