Saturday, December 10, 2011


The MIVAR 14BN2L is a portable B/w television with 14 inches screen and manual tuning selector for program changing.

The search tuning is performed with a simple sequential VST tuning AFC electronically servo assisted in a semi automatic way.The general concept of Automatic Frequency Control (AFC) for television receivers is known in the art and has been adapted to radio receivers as well as to television receivers of both the monochrome and color variety. The general purpose of such a system is to assist the user in attaining proper fine-tuning of the receiver without requiring critical manual adjustment. The advantage of such a system is self-evident but its value to a color receiver is markedly increased due to the fact that improper tuning of a color receiver manifests itself in incorrect colors, or even a total lack of color, in the reproduced image. Typically, the AFC system is tuned to a reference or center frequency corresponding to the desired video IF frequency and so long as the tuning is reasonably close, within the response of the AFC system, an error voltage is developed to correct the tuning. If the user of the television receiver makes the fine-tuning adjustment while the AFC system is operative, he may adjust it to a point where the picture is acceptable but a substantial amount of AFC correction voltage is required. Thus, the receiver may be tuned at the limit of the "hold-in" range and would not give the proper "pull-in" performance when the channel selector is switched to the next channel. Accordingly, it is desirable to include an AFC defeat circuit for disabling the AFC system during manual fine-tuning. Heretofore, most AFC defeat circuits have required that the user of the television receiver defeat the AFC system by means of a manual switch. It is apparent, however, that the typical user of a television receiver may at times forget to flip the switch and hence the attendant problems are realized.

One of the last B/W portable sets produced by MIVAR.

It's made by MIVAR an Italian Brand NO MORE active.

These set were offering great features and extreme simplicity toghether with compactness and combined with reliability and durability.
(Basically all what today you won't see anymore !)

MIVAR is a Factory site in the near of Milan (italy) in a Industrial city conglomerate called Abbiate Grasso.

Founded in 1945 by Mr. Carlo Vichi class of 1923, The activity started in 1945 - in Milano, Via Ugo Tommei 5 street with fabrication of little radio apparates.


1945 - Milan, Via Ugo Tommei 5: Begin the activity
assembling small radios.

1950 - Via Curtatone 12: developed with the construction of more direct major radio components fabricants.

1956 - 13 Street Strigelli: industrial production is manily targeted to first radio devices with frequency modulation (FM).

1958 - Via P. 30 Jordanians: TV become a reality, the industries is doubling his ACTIVITY, always in Milan, we build the first "real" plant with 400 employees.

1963 - Abbiategrasso, Via Dante 45: in the wake of decentralization and the rampant success of the television, building a facility that will become important in place 800 employees occupying between 1968-70.

1990 - Abbiategrasso Canal towpath: aware of the physiological importance that television plays in society? Modern, rich expertise and resources, we began construction of a factory area of ​​120,000 m? which covered 30.00o , for the viabilit with parking spaces and 60,000 park trees.

In origin the factory was brand named as Radio Var and indeed the tellye here in collection is internally marked as Radio VAR. After 1985 they were marked rightly MIVAR.
Today's activity is oriented in virtual production of LCD crap but with very low market penetration due to "unfair" asian competitors presence.

(You call it global
market, I call it WORLD DESTRUCTION combined toghether with mass Afro Immigration).

Obsolete Technology Tellye will show even this model as a Time machine which looses nothing of the good tellyes ! ! !

A brief note about on Television sets reliability and durability..........................

ANYONE with even the smallest experience of television engineering is bound to come up against that embarrassing question which is always so difficult to answer-"which TV shall I get?" The questioner is usually concerned about obtaining the cheapest and most reliable receiver that is available, and this same approach generally governs the choice between buying when new - restoring in this time. This is perfectly reasonable and often applies to other consumer products apart from TV. 
What does seem a little strange however is that no one ever seems to ask "which TV set gives the best picture?" Why not? Doesn't anyone care, or is the question too complicated to discuss? 
Yet the average person spends five and a half hours a day, every day, watching TV garbage:
The Propaganda TV Machine a.k.a. The Ministry of Truth delivers The Truth from The Government to the people.
At least, that's what they say. In fact, a Propaganda Machine is only employed by The Empire and used to brainwash people into Gullible Lemmings who believe that everything is all right when in fact, it isn't, and that the very people who could help them are their enemies..............

................... so the quality of the picture must be important........................ 

expecially for those football idiots so the they have the motivation to glue their assface on the screen all day long to discover better somewaht in their ignorance.
........Now................It is high time that people began to realise this simple fact, and to take an interest in the quality of the product that absorbs so much of their spare time. There are of course plenty of people who are genuinely interested in good picture quality. It is unlikely for example that so many readers of this Blog would be taking part in the magnificent TELEVISION colour receiver project, but more likely restoring  monochrome receivers or adapting old color ones, if they were indifferent to the quality of the picture obtained at the end of the day. But today times seems changing, the trend started by many readers of Obsolete Technology Tellye !  have had a significative rise up in recovering and restoring old CRT's TV's and started to build up collections by people in many lands worldwide.
 Good CRT  picture quality cannot however be achieved merely by connecting together the appropriate groups of circuits. Sometimes in fact even well established designs can present problems if they are assembled in a different way to the original or with non-standard components. 
So what constitutes good picture quality and what do you do when things go wrong? 
It is not much use delving into the textbooks because they are strangely unhelpful about this sort of thing.
  At least however we can here at Obsolete Technology Tellye !  establish some basic principles to use as a starting point. There is a difference between the kind of picture quality defects that you would expect to find in a manufactured receiver compared to one made by a home restorer / constructor. 
A CRT manufactured receiver usually has only minor faults and one wants to'assess how well it compares with the products of other set - makers.
Todays trade, threw a rather different light on matters however. Briefly, we found that during CRT boom periods for the setmakers reliability increased whilst during periods of diminishing sales a fall in the standard of reliability became evident, so you will find excellent sets from the 70s/80s. I had tended to think that a boom meant an attitude of anything goes to get as many sets out to meet the demand, with consequent corner cutting and use of whatever alternative components could be got hold of if necessary. The overriding point seems to be however that in boom conditions with a seller's market prices can be maintained and quality standards kept up whilst in flat market conditions there is overwhelming pressure on prices and reliability tends to fall. It is difficult to be too sure about this since the worst trading period coincided with the era of dual standard analog TV sets which may eventually but not certainly inevitably less reliable than the single -standard chassis which preceeded and succeeded them. It would however tie up  about the comparative reliability of colour and monochrome sets, since the era of colour boom coincides with a very flat period in monochrome set production and sales, that in talking about reliability means overall dependability rather than initial statistics for unboxed set condition. 

That all said is very applicable to todays times, with completely different technically means, reality where unfair market conditions focibly applied to European firms by an elite which has only the will and target to destroy European eritage at all levels with the main  point in destroying local economy.
It includes:

- A number of areas of law involving acts by one competitor or group of competitors which harm another in the field, and which may give rise to criminal offenses and civil causes of action.

- Trade libel, the spreading of false information about the quality or characteristics of a competitor's products, is prohibited at common law but still high present and unstopped.

- Various unfair business practices such as fraud, misrepresentation, and unconscionable contracts may be considered unfair competition, if they give one competitor an advantage over others expecially all from the so called ASIATIC MARKET.

All of todays apparates are literally absolute GARBAGE when new and resulting often broken when out of the box after purchase. Poor engineering, manufacturing and materials in the main part, combined with unfair massive import to Europe of such DUMP goods, at cheap prices in closed hard tight market (so they can be the only 2 3 competitor in foreign lands and all locals firms brought to death by heavy taxations, troublesome difficulties at all levels) and sold with medium to high prices respect to initial build costs !!
For that there can't be a comparation of reliability between a CRT TV SET and any one of todays sets, which often are resulting in a SCAM mainly under the technological part, emerging, even, from the first repair attempt !
......  And  in the end you will NEVER SEE a  restoring of ANY of the Actual todays electronic GARBAGE !


    Further Notes:

^ "MIVAR: tutto iniziò in via Tommei", articolo tratto dal sito Archiviato il 14 novembre 2011 in Internet Archive.^ [Maker], Mivar ; Milano from Audiphon to Trader, 703 pictures, 124 sc, su URL consultato il 13 giugno 2018.^ NUOVO ASSALTO AL CARROZZONE REL - la, in Archivio - la URL consultato l'11 gennaio 2018.^ LA MIVAR FA UTILI SENZA SPENDERE PER LA PUBBLICITA' - la, in Archivio - la URL consultato l'11 gennaio 2018.^ MIVAR, MIRACOLO AD ABBIATEGRASSO - la, in Archivio - la URL consultato l'11 gennaio 2018.^ Archivio Corriere della Sera, su URL consultato l'11 gennaio 2018.^ Archivio Corriere della Sera, su URL consultato l'11 gennaio 2018.^ notizia del sito Adnkronos del 4 maggio 2005 Archiviato il 19 ottobre 2006 in Internet Archive.^ JOB MILANO, in, 10 dicembre 2012. URL consultato l'11 gennaio 2018 (archiviato dall'url originale il 10 dicembre 2012).^ Mivar rilancia in Full Hd - Il Sole 24 ORE, su URL consultato l'11 gennaio 2018.^ (IT) Mivar In Crisi Ma Il Riscatto Avverrà Con I Led, su URL consultato l'11 gennaio 2018.
MonrifNet, Televisori Mivar: fine dei programmi il 30 novembre - Il Giorno - Legnano, su URL consultato l'11 gennaio 2018.
^ “La mia Mivar chiude, l’affitto gratis a chi assume 1200 italiani”, in Fanpage. URL consultato l'11 gennaio 2018.

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