Tuesday, August 7, 2012


The VOXSON T6657CD is a 26 inches color television with 16 programs Frequency synthesized tuning system based around PHILIPS TRD.

Was first VOXSON model featuring the PHILIPS 30AX SYSTEM CRT TUBE.The 30AX system, which Philips introduced in 1979, is an important landmark in the development of colour picture systems. With previous systems the assembly technician had to workthrough a large number of complicated setting-up procedures whenever he fitted a television picture tube with aset of coils for deflecting the electron beams. These procedures were necessary to ensure that the beams for the three colours would converge at thescreen for every deflection. They are no longer necessary with the 30AX system: for a given screen format any deflection unit can be combined  with any tube to form a single 'dynamically convergent' unit. A colour-television receiver can thus be assembled from its components almost as easily as a monochrome receiver. The colour picture tube of the PHILIPS 30AX system displays a noticeably sharper picture over the entire screen surface. This will be particularly noticeable when data transmissions such as Viewdata and Teletext are displayed. This has been achieved by a reduction in the size of the beam spot by about 30%. Absence of coma and the retention of the 36.5 mm neck diameter have both contributed to increased picture sharpness. Coma has been eliminated by means of corrective field shapers embedded in the deflection coils which are sectionally wound saddle types. The new deflection unit has no rear flanges. enabling uniform self-convergence to be obtained for all screen sizes. without special corrections, adjustments, or tolerance compensations. Horizontal raster distortion is reduced and no vertical correction is required. One of the inventions in 30AX is an internal magnetic correction system which obviates static convergence and colour purity errors. This enables the usual multiple unit to be dispensed with. together with the need for its adjustment !  New techniques have been employed to achieve close tolerance construction of the glass envelope. In addition, the 30AX picture tube incorporates two features whereby it can be accurately adjusted during the last stages of manufacture. One is the internal magnetic correction system. The other is an array of bosses on the cone that establish a precise reference for the axial purity positioning of the deflection unit on the tube axis and for raster orientation. During its manufacture, each deflection unit is individually adjusted for optimum convergence. The coil carrier also incorporates reference bosses that co-operate with those on the cone of the tube. ' Since every picture tube and every deflection unit is individually pre-aligned, any deflection unit automatically matches with any picture tube of the appropriate size. The deflection unit has only to be pushed onto the neck of the tube unit it seats. Once the reference bosses are engaged, the combination is accurately aligned and requires no adjustment for convergence, colour purity or raster orientation. With no multiple unit and a flangeless deflection unit, there is more space in the receiver cabinet. Higher deflection sensitivity means that less current is consumed, and consequently less heat is produced. This increases the reliability of the TV receiver again. 30AX means simple assembly. Any picture tube is compatible with any deflection unit of the appropriate size and is automatically self-aligning as well as being self-convergent.
Now that the new Philips 30AX tube has put in an appearance, some details can be filled in. The new tube has been developed from the 20AX, which has been in production since 1974, but brings with it several important advances. First, no dynamic convergence, static convergence, purity or raster correction adjustments are necessary. Secondly the new yoke design gives improved deflection sensitivity, a straight NS raster, and reduced EW raster distortion. Due to the close mechanical tolerances and the inclusion of positioning bosses on the tube bowl, the tube and yoke can be aligned simply by being pushed together - any 30AX yoke will automatically match any 30AX tube of the appropriate size. Thirdly the newly designed electron gun gives a sharper spot, with greater focus uniformity over the screen area. An internal magnetic ring is used to give correct purity and static beam convergence, in place of the multipole unit used in previous in -line gun tube designs. This results in a strikingly compact assembly. The automatic yoke/tube alignment does away with the need for preset mechanical tilt and shift adjustments which, Philips point out, correct one error by introducing another. The new tube is being produced in the 26, 22 and 20in. screen sizes. The power consumption of a set fitted with the 30AX is typicaly 100W compared to 120W with the 20AX system, at 1.2mA beam current and with an e.h.t. of 25kV. This compares with 88W for a set fitted with a 90° narrow -neck tube and hybrid yoke, under the same conditions.
The well-known 20AX features of HI-Bri, Soft-Flash and Quick-vision are maintained in the new 30AX systern.  In their work on the design of deflection coils in the last few years the developers have expanded  the magnetic deflectionfields into 'multipoles', Thisapproach has improved the understanding  of the relations between coil and field and between field and deflection to such an extent that  designing deflection units is now more like playing a difficult but fascinating game of chess than  carrying out the obscure computing procedure once necessary.

Was featuring a OSD for channel and program numbering.

It has a Transistorized horizontal deflection circuits  made up of a horizontal switching or output transistor, a diode, one or more capacitors and a deflection winding. The output transistor, operating as a switch, is driven by a horizontal rate square wave signal and conducts during a portion of the horizontal trace interval. A diode, connected in parallel with the transistor, conducts during the remainder of the trace interval. A retrace capacitor and the deflection yoke winding are coupled in parallel across the transistor-diode combination. Energy is transferred into and out of the deflection winding via the diode and output transistor during the trace interval and via the retrace capacitor during the retrace interval.
In some television receivers, the collector of the horizontal output transistor is coupled to the B+ power supply through the primary windings of the high voltage transformer.

The set is build with a Modular chassis design because as modern television receivers become more complex the problem of repairing the receiver becomes more difficult. As the number of components used in the television receiver increases the susceptibility to breakdown increases and it becomes more difficult to replace defective components as they are more closely spaced. The problem has become even more complicated with the increasing number of color television receivers in use. A color television receiver has a larger number of circuits of a higher degree of complexity than the black and white receiver and further a more highly trained serviceman is required to properly service the color television receiver.
Fortunately for the service problem to date, most failures occur in the vacuum tubes used in the television receivers. A faulty or inoperative vacuum tube is relatively easy to find and replace. However, where the television receiver malfunction is caused by the failure of other components, such as resistors, capacitors or inductors, it is harder to isolate the defective component and a higher degree of skill on the part of the serviceman is required.
Even with the great majority of the color television receiver malfunctions being of the "easy to find and repair" type proper servicing of color sets has been difficult to obtain due to the shortage of trained serviceman.
At the present time advances in the state of the semiconductor art have led to the increasing use of transistors in color television receivers. The receiver described in this application has only two tubes, the picture tube and the high voltage rectifier tube, all the other active components in the receiver being semiconductors.
One important characteristic of a semiconductor device is its extreme reliability in comparison with the vacuum tube. The number of transistor and integrated circuit failures in the television receiver will be very low in comparison with the failures of other components, the reverse of what is true in present day color television receivers. Thus most failures in future television receivers will be of the hard to service type and will require more highly qualified servicemen.
The primary symptoms of a television receiver malfunction are shown on the picture tube of the television receiver while the components causing the malfunction are located within the cabinet. Also many adjustments to the receiver require the serviceman to observe the screen. Thus the serviceman must use unsatisfactory mirror arrangements to remove the electronic chassis from the cabinet, usually a very difficult task. Further many components are "buried" in a maze of circuitry and other components so that they are difficult to remove and replace without damage to other components in the receiver.
Repairing a modern color television receiver often requires that the receiver be removed from the home and carried to a repair shop where it may remain for many weeks. This is an expensive undertaking since most receivers are bulky and heavy enough to require at least two persons to carry them. Further, two trips must be made to the home, one to pick up the receiver and one to deliver it. For these reasons, the cost of maintaining the color television receiver in operating condition often exceeds the initial cost of the receiver and is an important factor in determining whether a receiver will be purchased.
Therefore, the object of this invention is to provide a transistorized color television receiver in which the main electronic chassis is easily accessible for maintenance and adjustment. Another object of this invention is to provide a transistorized color television receiver in which the electronic circuits are divided into a plurality of modules with the modules easily removable for service and maintenance. The main electronic chassis is slidably mounted within the cabinet so that it may be withdrawn, in the same manner as a drawer, to expose the electronic circuitry therein for maintenance and adjustment from the rear closure panel after easy removal. Another aspect is the capability to be serviced at eventually the home of the owner.
This model is even showing the use of a complex LOGIC BOARD to feature some functions in group with other ASIC's to feature and implement PHILIPS DICT TRD - TUNING REMOTE DIGITAL, the set doesn't use any kind of Ucontroller or microprocessor to obtain complex tuning synthesizer functions .

A wide variety of "search" or "signal seeking" tuning systems for radio and television receivers are known which provide for automatically tuning only those channels which have acceptable reception characteristics and for skipping past thosechannels which have unacceptable reception characteristics. Such tuning systems typically include a number of signal detectors for determining when a received RF carrier has acceptable reception characteristics. For example, a search type tuning systemfor a television receiver may include: an AFT (automatic fine tuning) detector for determining when an IF carrier derived from the received RF carrier has a frequency within a predetermined range of its desired value; and AGC (automatic gain control)detector for determining when the received RF carrier has an amplitude greater than a predetermined value; and a synchronization detector to determine when synchronization pulses derived from the received RF carrier have the proper frequency.

Tuning systems are also known which include a memory having memory locations associated with each channel in a tuning range for storing information as to whether the associated station or channel is preferred or not. Such "memory" type tuningsystems may be utilized as an alternative to the "search" type tuning systems to select only those channels with acceptable reception characteristics in a given location.

Both "search" and "memory" type tuning systems require a considerable amount of complex and expensive circuitry, in addition to the basic tuning system for tuning each channel in a tuning range, for tuning only those channels with acceptablereception characteristics. Thus, there is a need for a tuning system which requires only a relatively small amount of circuitry in addition to the basic tuning system for tuning only channels with acceptable reception characteristics.

VOXSON was an Italian manufacturer site in Rome in Italy.

It was founded in 1952 by the engineer Arnaldo Piccinini with the name FARET, which stays for Fabbrica Apparecchi Radio e Televisione S.p.A..

The activity begun with radio and television fabrication factory.

It have had almost an immediate success on the market and at the end of the 1950's it have great penetration in the market with lot of sales even in extra market such as Germany.

With some unclear involvements in the 1980's VOXSON was sinking , and with classics Italian industry destroy style it was treatened like a tennis ball between that and this guy and mate; and all of this degraded rapidly the original identity of this industry.

Today VOXSON is selling LCD crap like many others with parts coming from there and there.

The destiny of such industry seems all around the same.

(To see the Internal Chassis Just click on Older Post Button on bottom page, that's simple !)

Further Notes and readings:

^ Produce autoradio da ventisei anni, in L'Unità, 28 ottobre 1977. ^ G. Dell'Aquila, Alla Voxson non bastano o e sovvenzioni, in L'Unità, 30 agosto 1977. ^ F. Ferrarotti, La città come fenomeno di classe, Editore Franco Angeli, 1975, p. 69 ^ A. Castagnoli, E. Scarpellini, Storia degli imprenditori italiani, Einaudi, 2003, p. 333 ^ (EN) "EMI buys 50 P.C. of Voxson, TV Maker", articolo della rivista Billboard del 24 aprile 1971. ^ "VOXSON / L'EMI VUOLE CEDERE IL POSTO ALLA GEPI", articolo del periodico L'Espresso vol. 21, numero 8 del febbraio 1975. ^ Atti Parlamentari - Camera dei Deputati, SEDUTA DI GIOVEDÌ 29 SETTEMBRE 1977 (PDF), su, 29 settembre 1977. URL consultato il 22 gennaio 2019.

 ^ Dal sito ^ Informazione tratta dal sito ^ "ITT E REL DANNO VITA ALLA VIDITAL ASSORBIRA' 750 LAVORATORI VOXSON", Repubblica, 8 febbraio 1985 ^ "VA A FONDO LA VOXSON COSTRETTA A LICENZIARE", Repubblica, 11 settembre 1987 ^ "QUESTO IL FALLIMENTO REL 377 MILIARDI SPESI NEL NULLA", Repubblica, 2 ottobre 1987 ^ "LA REL ENTRA NELLA VOXSON PER SALVARE 300 OCCUPATI", Repubblica, 9 ottobre 1987 ^ "BATTAGLIA DA' IL VIA AL RIFINANZIAMENTO DELLA VOXSON", Repubblica, 22 ottobre 1987 ^ "SOMMERSI E SALVATI CON I SOLDI REL", Repubblica, 19 ottobre 1990 ^ "REL LIQUIDATA LO STATO 'ESCE' DALL'ELETTRONICA", Repubblica, 21 dicembre 1990 ^ "la Maserati suona l' ultima sirena", Corriere della Sera, 30 marzo 1993 ^ "Aspettando Rete4 Di Stefano fa trading", Corriere della Sera, 25 febbraio 2008

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