Tuesday, January 4, 2011


ITT DIGIVISION 3888 I HI FI Ident - Nr. 5435 32 70
Chassis DIGI B 110° FST / IFB - 483
Opened: Chassis and Tube View !

Circuit Description for Digi B
In the new generation, the well-known colour ` concept has
been further refined, and adapted to the latest state-of-the-art.
This has resulted in a series of improvements in the concept
itself and in the circuit design, and also in the more rationalized
configuration, all largely made possible by funher progress in
VLSI technology. The most important differences compared with
the previous chassis can be seen in the block diagram (Fig. 1),
and comprise the following points:
1. The operating unit panel at the front of the set now contains
only the entry keyboard, the display and the infra-red
receiver. The chip of the central control unit IC 1520 (CCU
SEL 04), has now been relocated on the Digi-Chassis B
(motherboard). This is also the location for the peripheral
modules IC 1540, MEA 2901 as the tuner interface or
IC 1560, MDA 2062 as the external memory for storing
channel tuning data (now for up to 60 channels). To extend
the memory capacity, there is a second MDA 2062 of Digital
Board B (IC 690), in which the digital data for the set-specific
values, switch-on values and the sen/ice alignment are
2. In the vicinity of the power pack, which as previously is
located on the motherboard, the introduction of an integrated
circuit for controlling the isolating transformer has simplified
the circuitry significantly. Power pack IC 710, TEA 2165, also
offers the option of stand-by mode coupled with significantly
reduced transformer output. This means that the stand-by
power pack with mains transformer on the operating unit
board is no longer necessary and has been dispensed with.
A new circuit (IC 740, TSA 0416) has also been incorporated
in the design for the control function of the transformer power
3. Digital Board B has been reconfigured. The digital audio
signal processing function with the two IC’s 3101,
ADC 2310 E and 3201, APU 2470 T are now located inside
stereo module B together with the sound output stages
(2 X TDA 2040 H).
New additions to Digital Board B are IC 630, SPU 2220 as
the SECAM signal processor, replacing the discrete SECAM-
PAL transcoder, plus IC 680, DTI 2222, a circuit for improving
colour signal transitions.

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