The 6 SINUDYNE MOD. "24 is a 24 inches B/W television with VHF and UHF channels selectors.
The set was first SINUDYNE with transistorized tuners selectors and some other semiconductors technology based circuits on the chassis which anyway was tubes based.
The mechanical turret approach to television tuning has been used almost exclusively for the past 60 years. Even though replete with the inherent disadvantages of mechanical complexity, unreliability and cost, such apparatus has been technically capable of performing its intended function and as a result the consumer has had to bear the burdens associated with the device. However, with the " recent " Broadcast demands for parity of tuning for UHF and VHF channels, the increasing number of UHF and cable TV stations have imposed new tuning performance requirements which severely tax the capability of the mechanical turret tuner. Consequently, attempts are now being made to provide all electronic tuning to meet the new requirements.
The invention relates to a tuning unit with bandswitch for high frequency receivers, especially radio and television receivers, having a potentiometer system for the control of capacity diodes, the said potentiometer system consisting of a plurality of parallel resistance paths along which wiper contacts can be driven by means of screw spindles disposed adjacent one another in a common insulating material housing in which a bandswitch formed of metal rods is associated with each tuning spindle.
In these tuning units, the working voltages of the capacity diodes in the tuning circuits are recorded once a precise tuning to the desired frequency has been performed. A potentiometer tuning system has great advantages over the formerly used channel selectors operating with mechanically adjustable capacitors (tuning condensers) or mechanically adjustable inductances (variometers), mainly because it is not required to have such great precision in its tuning mechanism.
Tuning units with bandswitches formed of variable resistances and combined with interlocking pushbuttons controlling the supply of recorded working voltages to capacity diodes are known. Channel selection is accomplished by depressing the knobs, and the tuning or fine tuning are performed by turning the knobs. The resistances serving as voltage dividers in these tuning units are combined into a component unit such that they are in the form of a ladderlike pattern on a common insulating plate forming the cover of the housing in which the tuning spindles and wiper contacts corresponding to the variable resistances are housed. The number of resistances corresponds to the number of channels or frequencies which are to be recorded. The wiper contact picks up a voltage which, when applied to the capacity diodes determines their capacitance and hence the frequency of the corresponding oscillating circuit. The adjustment of the wipers is performed by turning the tuning spindle coupled to the tuning knob. By the depression of a button the electrical connection between a contact rod and a tuning spindle is brought about and thus the selected voltage is applied to the capacity diodes. Since the push buttons release one another, it is possible simply by depressing another button to tune to a different receiving frequency or a different channel, as the case may be.
Moreover, using this arrangement, the only indication--during adjustment--of which channel is selected is by station identification.

Most old televisions tuning mechanisms were incorporating coil springs in one form or another for various functions. They can be of the compression type which are wound with spaces between adjacent turns and are intended to be squeezed under pressure : when released they expand to their original form. The mounting springs under record-player turntable units are examples of this type. Alternatively the spring can be of the expanding variety. The coils are wound closely together with adjacent turns touching. The applied tension tends to pull them apart and they exert a contracting force to counteract this and pull the linked components together. In the majority of applications this type is used. Springs often become damaged by being over stretched, or the end loop breaks. More frequently the spring simply becomes detached and disappears. Thus the engineer is faced with the task of finding and fitting a replacement. While it is possible to apply to the makers of the equipment for the right spring this involves delay and of course there is always the problem of identifying the right one out of the many used in the particular mechanism. For this reason many engineers find it more convenient to make their own replacements.
Making a Coil Spring: The operation was quite simple, the equipment needed being a wheelbrace, vice, selection of long screwdrivers with varying diameter shanks and a supply of piano wire of various gauges. The wheelbrace is mounted horizontally in the vice with the wheel uppermost and a screwdriver chosen and inserted into the chuck with the blade foremost. This serves as a mandrel on which the spring can be wound. Because a spring expands slightly in diameter after it is wound the diameter of the screwdriver shank should be a little less than the required inside diameter of the spring. One end of the piano wire should be inserted in the chuck and secured to prevent it coming free. The wheel is then slowly turned and the wire taken up around the screwdriver shank. Keep the wire taut and pull it backward (see Fig. 1) toward the chuck at an angle which keeps the adjacent turns together but does not make a turn ride over the top of its predecessor. When the spring has reached the required length cut the wire and remove the springand screwdriver from the chuck.
As an aid in determining the size of the spring required-especially if the original is lost and there is no pattern to make a comparison with-here are a few observations on the characteristics of coil springs as determined by their dimensions.
Properties of Coil Springs: There are two main properties of a spring, the length to which it can be expanded in comparison to its closed length and its tension or strength in the expanded state. If a coil spring is expanded too far its coils will not return to their original position and the spring is said to be stretched. The amount that a spring can be expanded without becoming stretched is governed by the number of turns and the diameter. The greater the number of turns the less each one has to deviate from its resting position for the complete spring to reach a particular length. Also the greater the diameter the smaller the strain and therefore the more the spring can be expanded. The strength of a spring is related to the gauge of wire and the diameter. A heavy gauge will obviously give greater tension than a lighter one but also a spring with a large diameter will exert less force than a smaller one because as we have seen there is less strain when it is expanded. More force is exerted when the spring is well expanded than when it is nearly closed. If therefore we need a spring that is strong and will stretch a long way we need a large number of turns but not so many that the spring is too long in its closed position. It needs to be of fairly large diameter but as this will make it weaker we must compensate by using a heavy gauge of wire. A weak spring with a long stretch is easily made with thinner wire and a large diameter while a strong spring with a short stretch need have few turns and small diameter. So the various factors are interdependent and although spring design can be quite an exact art-by varying the various parameters-something suitable for the job can usually be made up by judicously estimating the size from the foregoing principles. If a spring has become stretched nothing can be done to restore it by squeezing it up as it has now become a compression spring and the expanded state is its normal one. Rather than winding a completely new spring however the old one can be unwound on a wheelbrace-by reversing the winding process and then rewound tightly. Proper unwinding is essential, not just pulling the spring out straight, because this will produce kinks.
Leaf Springs: From coil springs we turn to leaf springs. These were used as contacts in tuner units and are also were used in the press button channel selector of the Philips colour TV range and other fabricants. To make a positive contact the leaf spring must be tensioned just right. In the case of the turret tuner the leaf must be so sprung that the contacting stud moves it about a tenth of an inch away from the resting position. If as sometimes happens contact is made without much movement of the leaf there will be little if any pressure and the contact will very likely be intermittent. If on the other hand the leaf is adjusted too far forward it may be caught by the edge of the coil biscuit and crumpled when the turret is rotated.
The set has the first logotype of brand name 6 SINUDYNE which stands for SEI SINUDYNE.
The B/W Tubes Television set was powered with a External Voltage stabiliser unit (portable metal box) which relates to voltage regulators of the type employed to supply alternating current and a constant voltage to a load circuit from a source in which the line voltage varies. Such regulators are frequently provided employing saturable core reactors and condensers connected in circuit... in such manner as to provide a plurality of variable voltage vectors which vary in different senses, as the line voltage varies, but which add vectorially in such manner that their vector sum remains substantially constant upon variations in line voltage, for providing automatic voltage stabilization of single or multiphase A. C. circuits where the supply voltage and frequency are subject to variation above and below normal value and where the load is subject to variation between normal limits
The voltage stabilization is automatically effected by the provision of an inductive pilot control device which is adapted to provide two excitation supply voltages for producing excitation or saturation of two magnetic circuits of a reversible booster transformer unit or units and diversion of flux from one magnetic circuit to the other, the booster unit being energized by primary windings from the A. C. supplysystem and being provided with a secondary winding or windings connected between the supply system and the corresponding inain or distribution circuit and in series therewith, through which a corrective boost voltage is
introduced into the circuit under the
influence of the pilot control device, of an amount equal to that of the supply voltage fluctuation which initiated it and appropriate in polarity and direction for restoring the voltage to normal value and providing automatic stabilization of the circuit voltage against supply voltages which fluctuate above and below normal value.

circuits forming a pair being constructed of materials possessing dis~similar magnetic characteristics when jointly energized by identical windings in series or by a collective primary winding, the said magnetic circuits being suitably proportioned to provide equal fluxes when energized at normal voltage.
The pilot control device is
the auxiliary secondary winding embraces only one circuit, preferably that subject to the least amount of flux variation. Either of the windings consists of two equal sections or in effect a double winding with a center tapping to which one end of the single winding is connected.
provided with a main and an auxiliary secondary winding or group of windings, the main secondary winding or windings being adapted to provide a voltage representing the difference in the fluxes of the two circuits to which it is jointly associated, while
The voltage in the single secondary winding of the pilot device becomes directionally additive to that in one half of the tapped secondary winding and substractive in respect to that in the other half. When the supply voltage is normal the voltage provided by the single secondary winding is zero, since there is no difference of flux in the two magnetic circuits, and the two excitation voltages
produced in the halves of the other secondary winding are equal and when connected to the two excitation windings of the booster units, do not produce

the fluxes in its two magnetic circuits or sets of magnetic circuits, no corrective voltage is introduced into the main circuit by the booster. If, however, the supply voltage varies from normal the pilot control device provides a voltage across the one secondary winding due to the difference in the fluxes of the two dis-similar magnetic circuits of which it is comprised, which voltage is combined with thosc in the halves of the other secondary winding to provide two excitation voltages which vary complementarily to each other as the supply voltage fluotuates, and cause a transference of flux between the two
circuits or groups of circuits in the booster unit and automatically provide a corrective boost voltage in the main circuit in which the series winding of the booster transformer is includcd of a value equal to that of the variation in supply voltage which initiated it.
The pilot device may be arranged in various ways, forboth single phase and multiphase operation, as exemplified by the constructions hereinafter more fully described.Similarly, numerous arrangements of the booster transformer unit are possible, some of which are hereinafter described in detail. The booster transformer unit embodies thc principles of the inductive devices described in my co-pending Application No. 411,189, filed February 18, 1954.
As an alternative to the provision of an auxiliary secondary winding on the pilot control device this may be
replaced by an independent or external source of supply,which may be either subject to or independent of supply voltage variation, provided such supply may be arranged with a center tapping if required.
Feed-back arrangements may be employed for providing compensation against voltage drop due to the effects of load in various ways. These are preferably providedon the booster transformer unit and may comprise a current transformer in one or more lines of the main circuit,
the secondary output of the transformer being rectified and arranged to energize an additional excitation winding on the booster transformer unit which in clfect increases the amount of the corrective boost voltage as the load increases.
See here below SINUDYNE History.
SINUDYNE was an Italian manufacturer of radio and television sets.
It was founded in 1946 SEI-Società Elettronica Italiana S.p.A., by two mates : Antonio Longhi and Bruno Berti, and they started manufacturing radio apparates with tubes.
In 1954 the started producing television sets which was in the 70's theyr primary activity.
In 1959 the production was transferred at Ozzano dell'Emilia near Bologna.
SINUDYNE have had a good success in Italy were it have had large diffusion and lots of service centers because a good quality of product and design.
In 1983 SINUDYNE realized the first Italian Digital Television employing the ITT DIGIVISION Technology
SINUDYNE was in the 1980's and in the 1990's even importer of brands like NORDMENDE and
SINUDYNE was even known for it's product design which was quite remarcable some times.
The slogan of SINUDYNE in the 80's was "SINUDYNE COLORE STUPORE ! " and it was meaning " SINUDYNE COLOR ASTONISHMENT " in English.
In 2002 SINUDYNE was aquired by another Italian group called Merloni which introduced productions of appliances like air conditioning clima systems.
In 2003 SINUDYNE started marketing LCD (Crap) displays.
In 2006 SINUDYNE closed his production factory landing to fail !!
Further readings and more Notes:
- ^
^ fonte e catalogo Sinudyne 2004)
^ Sinudyne :: Virtuspedia, su URL consultato il 22 agosto 2018.
^ Biblioteca Salaborsa, homepage, su Biblioteca salaborsa. URL consultato il 22 agosto 2018.
^ Articolo sullo stabilimento spagnolo Sinudyne Archiviato il 27 dicembre 2009 in Internet Archive.
^ schede tecniche[collegamento interrotto]
^ History of the radio manufacturer Sinudyne - Bologna, URL consultato il 1º luglio 2018 (archiviato dall'url originale il 31 gennaio 2015).
^ (IT) Duesse Communication S.r.l., Sinudyne: in arrivo il televisore con combinato Dvd+Vhs, in E2S. URL consultato il 22 agosto 2018.
- pag. 34 della rivista Trade Consumer Electronics del Settembre 2006
- ^ Merloni e Mister Panini cercano un socio cinese per i televisori Sinudyne -, su URL consultato il 22 agosto 2018.
- ^ (IT) Duesse Communication S.r.l., Sinudyne: l’azienda chiude, in Editoriale Duesse. URL consultato il 22 agosto 2018.
- ^ (IT) Sinudyne: l’azienda chiude. Accordo per mobilità lavoratori, in Sassuolo 2000. URL consultato il 22 agosto 2018.
Redazione, la crisi, in La Repubblica - Sezione di Bologna, 1º settembre 2006, p. 2. URL consultato il 20 febbraio 2021.
Chi siamo 1946-1970, su URL consultato il 20 febbraio 2021 (archiviato dall'url originale il 5 maggio 2006).
Bruno Berti, su URL consultato il 20 febbraio 2021.
^ 1950, su URL consultato il 20 febbraio 2021 (archiviato dall'url originale il 5 maggio 2006).
^ 1953, su URL consultato il 20 febbraio 2021 (archiviato dall'url originale il 5 maggio 2006).
Quale futuro per la tv Made in Italy?, in Trade Consumer Electronics, E2S, settembre 2006, p. 34.
^ 1954, su URL consultato il 20 febbraio 2021 (archiviato dall'url originale il 5 maggio 2006).
^ 1956, su URL consultato il 20 febbraio 2021 (archiviato dall'url originale il 5 maggio 2006).
R. Ferretti, L'industrializzazione: dalla comunità locale ai mercati mondiali, in Dalla guerra al "boom". Territorio, economia, società e politica nei comuni della pianura orientale bolognese. Industrializzazione e società. Economia, demografia e stili di vita, vol. 3, 2006, p. 177.
^ 1964, su URL consultato il 21 febbraio 2021 (archiviato dall'url originale il 5 maggio 2006).
^ 1969, su URL consultato il 21 febbraio 2021 (archiviato dall'url originale il 5 maggio 2006).
^ 1970, su URL consultato il 21 febbraio 2021 (archiviato dall'url originale il 5 maggio 2006).
^ 1975, su URL consultato il 21 febbraio 2021 (archiviato dall'url originale il 5 maggio 2006).
^ 1980, su URL consultato il 21 febbraio 2021 (archiviato dall'url originale il 5 maggio 2006).
^ R. Cominotti, S. Mariotti, Italia multinazionale 1990. L'integrazione internazionale e le prospettive del Mercato Unico Europeo. III rapporto R&P al CNEL, Franco Angeli, 1990, pp. 304, 421.
^ Sinudyne, Societá Elettronica Italiana, su URL consultato il 6 luglio 2022 (archiviato il 1º luglio 2018).
^ 1983, su URL consultato il 21 febbraio 2021 (archiviato dall'url originale il 5 maggio 2006).
^ Redazione, S.E.I. Sinudyne: il marchio Orion sarà distribuito da Euronics, in, 1º maggio 2009. URL consultato il 6 luglio 2022 (archiviato il 6 luglio 2022).
^ 1992, su URL consultato il 21 febbraio 2021 (archiviato dall'url originale il 5 maggio 2006).
^ 1993-2002, su URL consultato il 21 febbraio 2021 (archiviato dall'url originale il 5 maggio 2006).
^ 1996, su URL consultato il 21 febbraio 2021 (archiviato dall'url originale il 5 maggio 2006).
^ 1997, su URL consultato il 21 febbraio 2021 (archiviato dall'url originale il 5 maggio 2006).
^ 1998, su URL consultato il 21 febbraio 2021 (archiviato dall'url originale il 5 maggio 2006).
^ 1999, su URL consultato il 21 febbraio 2021 (archiviato dall'url originale il 5 maggio 2006).
^ (ES) Audiotecnic, televisores para todo el mundo, in Laesfera, 21 dicembre 2003. URL consultato il 21 febbraio 2021 (archiviato dall'url originale il 27 dicembre 2009).
^ (ES) La plantilla de Audiotecnic (antigua Thomson) se concentra en San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid), en defensa de sus empleos, in ANIA, 16 novembre 2004. URL consultato il 21 febbraio 2021.
^ 2000, su URL consultato il 21 febbraio 2021 (archiviato dall'url originale il 5 maggio 2006).
^ Redazione, Sinudyne: l'azienda acquisita da Panini, in, 1º maggio 2009. URL consultato il 6 luglio 2022 (archiviato il 6 luglio 2022).
^ Redazione, EICMA: BERTI, MOTO MORINI SI RISVEGLIA, in Motor Press, 17 novembre 2005. URL consultato il 6 luglio 2022 (archiviato il 28 luglio 2021).
^ L. Nigro, Rinasce un marchio storico torna la Moto Morini, in La Repubblica - Sezione di Bologna, 5 dicembre 2003, p. 5. URL consultato il 6 luglio 2022 (archiviato l'11 agosto 2018).
^ Synudine vuole licenziare 83 dipendenti, in L'Unità, 25 giugno 2005, p. 14.
^ Fineldo, lo scrigno di famiglia che ha fatto il peno di utili, in La Repubblica, 12 novembre 2007, p. 19. URL consultato il 6 luglio 2022 (archiviato l'8 marzo 2013).
^ Redazione, SINUDYNE: L'AZIENDA ACQUISITA DA PANINI, in, 9 aprile 2003. URL consultato il 21 febbraio 2021.
^ Storia 2003, su URL consultato il 21 febbraio 2021 (archiviato dall'url originale il 5 maggio 2006).
^ Duesse Communication S.r.l., Sinudyne: in arrivo il televisore con combinato Dvd+Vhs, in E2S, 19 novembre 2002. URL consultato il 6 luglio 2022 (archiviato il 6 luglio 2022).
^ Lamberto Angelini, in Ottagono, n. 174, Editrice Co.P.IN.A, ottobre 2004, p. 174.
^ Product, su URL consultato il 21 febbraio 2021.
^ Redazione, Merloni Progetti: nasce la linea ped a marchio Sinudyne, in, 1º maggio 2009. URL consultato il 6 luglio 2022 (archiviato il 6 luglio 2022).
^ Redazione, Sinudyne: delocalizzata in Lituania la produzione di Crt e Lcd, in, 1º maggio 2009. URL consultato il 6 luglio 2022 (archiviato il 6 luglio 2022).
^ F. Allegra, Merloni e Mister Panini cercano un socio cinese per i televisori Sinudyne, in Milano Finanza, n. 181, 14 settembre 2005, p. 10.
^ Redazione, MERLONI PROGETTI: JOINT VENTURE CON JOYCARE, in, 21 febbraio 2006. URL consultato il 21 febbraio 2021.
Redazione, Sinudyne: l'azienda chiude, in, 1º maggio 2009. URL consultato il 6 luglio 2022 (archiviato il 6 luglio 2022). ^ Sinudyne: l'azienda chiude. Accordo per mobilità lavoratori, in Sassuolo 2000. URL consultato il 6 luglio 2022 (archiviato dall'url originale il 23 settembre 2020). ^ Capannoni ex Sinudyne di Ozzano demoliti entro 2 mesi | Sabato Sera, su, 2 marzo 2021. URL consultato il 6 luglio 2022 (archiviato il 6 luglio 2022). ^ Iniziati i lavori di abbattimento dei capannoni dell'ex Sinudyne. | Comune di Ozzano dell'Emilia, su URL consultato il 6 luglio 2022 (archiviato il 19 giugno 2022). ^ Ditte anni 60, su URL consultato il 6 luglio 2022 (archiviato il 6 luglio 2022). ^ Sinudyne, su URL consultato il 6 luglio 2022 (archiviato il 25 aprile 2022). ^ La Virtus Sinudyne vince il campionato di basket, 4 aprile 1976, su URL consultato il 13 gennaio 2023. ^ M. Bertuzzi, F. Monti, La maglia del Bologna. Storia delle divise rossoblù, Edizioni Minerva, 2017, pp. 156-159.
- ^
^ fonte e catalogo Sinudyne 2004)
^ Sinudyne :: Virtuspedia, su URL consultato il 22 agosto 2018.
^ Biblioteca Salaborsa, homepage, su Biblioteca salaborsa. URL consultato il 22 agosto 2018.
^ Articolo sullo stabilimento spagnolo Sinudyne Archiviato il 27 dicembre 2009 in Internet Archive.
^ schede tecniche[collegamento interrotto]
^ History of the radio manufacturer Sinudyne - Bologna, URL consultato il 1º luglio 2018 (archiviato dall'url originale il 31 gennaio 2015).
^ (IT) Duesse Communication S.r.l., Sinudyne: in arrivo il televisore con combinato Dvd+Vhs, in E2S. URL consultato il 22 agosto 2018.
- pag. 34 della rivista Trade Consumer Electronics del Settembre 2006
- ^ Merloni e Mister Panini cercano un socio cinese per i televisori Sinudyne -, su URL consultato il 22 agosto 2018.
- ^ (IT) Duesse Communication S.r.l., Sinudyne: l’azienda chiude, in Editoriale Duesse. URL consultato il 22 agosto 2018.
- ^ (IT) Sinudyne: l’azienda chiude. Accordo per mobilità lavoratori, in Sassuolo 2000. URL consultato il 22 agosto 2018.
- ^ (IT) Duesse Communication S.r.l., Sinudyne: delocalizzata in Lituania la produzione di Crt e Lcd, in E2S. URL consultato il 22 agosto 2018.
Cool retro tech you have here! Do your TVs still work?
ReplyDeleteHI, thanks.
ReplyDeleteMajority of them are running fine.
Have fun,