The history of television is both complex and far-reaching, involving the work of many inventors and engineers in several countries over many decades. Initially, work proceeded along two different but overlapping lines of development: those designs employing both mechanical and electronic principles, and those employing only electronic principles. Electromechanical television would eventually be abandoned in favor of all-electronic designs.
ONE thing needs to be said at the outset: nobody "invented" television. There was no one minute in history when anyone could accurately say for the very first time "Yes, I've got it". John Logie Baird genuinely felt he could claim this, but Baird was really the catalyst who stirred many others into taking television seriously. Television was conceived long before Baird, and depended on a whole chain of "little inventions" -a chain that continues to forged even today.

Mechanical TV in the 20's:
As in the UK, there were experiments with mechanical TV in the 1920's. Most famous of the entrepreneurs was Charles Jenkins whose work paralleled that of Baird in the UK. However, his system was only able to transmit sillouhettes; not half tones as with the Baird system.
There were some mechanical sets made by well known companies such as General Electric. These were often quite ornate console sets and the usual practice was to include the receiver in the same
cabinet as the scanning disc and neon lamp. Technically, the U.S mechanical system was superior. Although there were some low definition experiments using 24 lines, the most common was 60 lines horizontally scanned.
There were also serious attempts at proper synchronisation of the transmitting and receiving discs. Remember, this was in the days before phase locked loops and one of the difficulties
with the mechanical system was synchronisation. Because the U.S had standardised their mains supply at 60 cycles, a popular method was to use synchronous motors to drive the discs. This
worked well provided the viewer connected to the same power grid as the transmitter. Another successful method was to broadcast three signals; two being used for video and sound, with the third being a synchronising signal. This was amplified at the receiver to drive a synchronous motor on the same shaft as the normal disc driving motor. The other improvement over the UK system was to broadcast on short waves. This allowed a greater bandwidth than the medium wave broadcast band, and thus higher definition. Bell Telephone Laboratories also experimented with a video telephone system, around that time, using mechanical scanning.
"Baird arrived at Hastings in 1923 'coughing and choking' and generally in a bad state of health . . . he had little money, about £200, and after the disaster of the soap, socks and jam efforts his prospects were, to say the least, nebulous. Baird surveyed the situation and came to the conclusion 'I must invent something' - according to Sydney Moseley, one of his many biographers. He ignored the electronic ideas, and instead went back to the mechanical scanning of Nipkow - though with the tremendous advantage that by now the thermionic valve provided an efficient amplifier. He soon had a crude system he could demonstrate, though there are considerable doubts as to whether he ever achieved genuine synchronisation of his transmitter/receiver scanning discs in his early work. Ineffective synchronisation (as well as the low definition) was to remain a major problem with his 30 -line system. The limit of 30 lines was imposed not by the mechanics of the system however but by the need to limit the bandwidth to what could be radiated on a medium -wave channel. Indeed Baird subsequently devised 60, 120 and 180 -line systems, using the "flying -spot" mechanical camera. Baird undoubtedly occupies an important, if curious, place in television history. P. P. Eckersley wrote of his "flair for picking about on the scrap -heap of unrelated discoveries and assembling the bits and pieces to make something work and so revealing possibilities, if not finality". Oddly enough perhaps his most original contribution to television, the Telechrome multigun colour picture tube, which formed part of his war -time work on all -electronic colour systems, is often overlooked. His early work and many "firsts" are described by Maurice Exwood in his 1976 IERE History of Technology booklet. The 30 -line system was a good training ground, but was never a practical home entertainment system. Baird worried and snapped at the BBC, plagued the Post Office, almost scared the daylights out of the politicians, and at times bamboozled the investors - if he had not done so the UK would certainly not have had a high -definition TV service on the air by 1936! Electronic TV Zworykin, von Ardenne, Karolus, Mihaly, Schroeter and many others were all key figures in the development of good television, though in the UK tremendous credit is rightly given to the joint work of EMI (the video side) and The Marconi Company (the v.h.f. transmitters) that led to the successful 405 -line system. The team headed by Isaac Shoenberg at EMI included such brilliant research engineers and scientists as Alan Blumlein, Professor J. D. McGee, C. 0. Browne, W. F. Tedman and many others. J. D. McGee has pointed out that when leaving the Cavendish Laboratory to take up this post he was warned: "You had better take this offer, since jobs are scarce. I don't think this television business will ever come to much - but it will keep you going until we can get you a proper job"- an attitude which even after the success of their work was reflected by the editor of The Guardian newspaper writing: "Television. No good will come of this device. The word is half Greek and half Latin." The EMI work (which was initially based on improving mechanical systems) began in about 1931. It was carried

In 1935 the BBC accepted both the Baird and Marconi - EMI proposals for a trial period, alternating weekly. This was despite considerable pressure to keep to a common 240/243 -line system which would have met the Selsdon Committee's recommendations. One reason was that Scophony had developed a mechanical, large screen receiver, and it seemed unlikely that this could be stretched to 405 lines (this step was subsequently achieved however). Limitations in both transmission and reception meant that there was precious little difference between the two sets of pictures actually seen in the home - indeed a 240 -line sequential system can even today provide reasonable pictures. The downfall of the Baird system (it was discontinued in February 1937) was its lack of an electronic camera. It had been expected that the Farnsworth camera would have been available in time for the opening of the service (Farnsworth, in the USA, had developed a low - definition electronic camera as early as 1927). Instead, the Baird system used an intermediate film system for "live" broadcasts - the film was processed in less than a minute. Electronic cameras have in fact been the key to modern television. The principles of a pick-up tube akin to the iconoscope had been outlined in some detail by Campbell Swinton as early as 1911. Zworykin obtained his patent in 1923, but it was not until about 1932 that he had a demonstrable model. Farnsworth had a low -definition image dissector in 1927, and McGee and his colleagues were making good progress with the Emitron in 1932-33. The superior image iconoscope (Super-Emitron), also the orthicon (CPS Emitron), stemmed from Lubszynski, Rodda and Tedham at EMI. The image orthicon (1946) and the photoconductive vidicon tube (1950) came from RCA, and black -and -white TV reached a peak with the 4fin. image orthicon tube (which was proposed by RCA in 1952 but first put into production by EEV at Chelmsford in 1954). The 4+in. image orthicon provides brlliantly crisp pictures. A decade of difficult research by E. F. DeHaan and his colleagues at Philips resulted in the Plumbicon (lead -oxide) photoconductive tube becoming available in the mid -sixties - in time to become the work horse of colour TV.
The start of Electronic TVIt became obvious eventually, as it did elsewhere, that there were limitations to the low definition mechanical system and that the cathode ray tube was going to be the future of TV. The two major players were David Sarnoff (of RCA) with his Image Orthicon camera tube, and Philo Farnsworth with his Image Dissector. Television was at the time seen as the future of electronics (this was before WW2) and RCA put all their resources into TV. [As a sideline to this, RCA had a strong opposition to FM which they thought would encourage people to buy FM radio receivers instead of TV sets. Edwin Armstrong (the inventor of FM) was however supported by General Electric who subsequently set up an FM station in Schenectady].
The first 'standard' was 343 lines with the field rate locked to the mains; i.e.. 60 cycles. This was upgraded to 441 lines, 60 fields, negative modulation, and AM sound for the official start of TV
during the New York World Fair of 1939. The first stations were that of RCA in New York on top of the Empire State building broadcasting on 44-50Mc/s, and the Columbia Broadcasting System on 50-56Mc/s from the Chrysler building. At this time there were only five channels in Band 1. Americans were able to improve upon the British system from the start. With negative modulation, picture interference was less noticeable and this was improved on by using horizontal polarisation anyway. Besides, negative modulation made transmitter design easier and more efficient, and later when AGC systems were used in receivers, negative modulation allowed the sync pulses to be used as a reference. Vestigial sideband transmission was also used before the UK adopted it. [It should be noted that the decision to use a field rate of 60 fields per second, as determined by the mains supply, did cause difficulties in televising films taken at the standard 48 frames per second. Telecine machines required special projectors to deal with this. With European systems operating on 50 fields per second films are simply speeded up for showing, the extra two frames per second not being of significant consequence]
Pre-war TV Radiolympia from August 26, 1936 provided the public with its first chance to see the new systems. Some 100,000 people filed past a display of new receivers which officially remained anonymous but actually came from Baird, Cossor, Edison, Ferranti, GEC, Marconi -EMI and Philips. All were 12in. models, priced 85-105 guineas. Cossor, with a research team that included L. H. Bedford and 0. S. Puckle, had originally developed a "velocity -modulated" electronic system, but this was never put into service. While the official opening, some three months later on November 2, is generally considered to be the start of the world's first regular public high -definition service, it should not be forgotten that some 150,000 viewers at 28 public television rooms in Berlin had been able to see TV pictures from the 1936 Berlin Olympics (August 1-14). Three cameras (one manned by Walter Bruch) had been used with two specially -equipped mobile units. Germany had opened a 180 -line service in March 1935, but in August the equipment was destroyed in a fire at the Berlin Radio Exhibition. Is 180 lines "high -definition" or "low - definition"? The British claim for Ally Pally priority depends on your answer! Sales of receivers were extremely slow. For the price of a small motor car, viewers were at first limited to an hour of programmes in the afternoon and one hour in the evening. To get prices down, even 5in. models were made. From 300 sets in 1936, the total increased only slowly to about 20,000 by September 1, 1939 when the service suddenly closed down (finishing with a Disney cartoon film) for the duration of the war. (The sound transmitter was used for a time for "bending" German navigational beams.) The pre-war receivers used valve circuitry that, even today, most service engineers would have no difficulty in recognising - exceptions were the common use of gas -filled triodes as timebase oscillators and the absence of flyback e.h.t. systems (lethal transformer e.h.t. supplies providing about 4kV were a decided hazard). Flyback e.h.t. had in fact by then been developed, by Blumlein, but was not taken up by setmakers until later. Philips however had developed their projection tube, with its 25kV unit, in the pre-war period. War -time Developments In 1939 virtually all TV research in the UK was switched into radar (RDF, or radiolocation, to use the original names). This was not the case elsewhere. A regular 525 -line service was started in the USA in 1941, following the proposal of a 441 -line system in 1936 and the demonstration of a 343 -line RCA system at the 1939 World Fair. In Switzerland, the first form of Eidophor large -screen display was a wartime development. The 1930s were full of "TV is here" and "TV just around the corner" stories. 30 -line, low -definition TV was never good enough for real entertainment, competing as it did with the excellent picture quality of even the cheapest "flea- pit" cinemas. In the USA high -definition TV was slow in coming because of the classic "egg and chicken" difficulty of finding financial backers until there is a proven audience - or an audience until there are sufficient programmes. The UK, Germany and France have broadcast licence revenue, but the number of people willing or able to pay around 100 (in 1936 values) for a receiver was pitifully small. Much early effort in fact was directed at cinema television with large screens: the domestic home receiver market in the UK remained relatively small compared with sound radio until after the coming of ITV in 1955. The Germans had a TV service in Berlin until November 1943, when the transmitter was destroyed by bombing. They also ran, for the Wehrmacht occupation troops, a TV service from the Eiffel Tower. This continued until August 16, 1944 (the pictures were monitored by British Intelligence in Kent).
Post-war TV VE and KJ days came in the following year - and with them a major effort was made to get BBC TV back on the air. In the rush however a serious error of judgment was made. EMI urged that a new 605 -line system should be adopted, to take advantage of the improved equipment that could by now be contemplated. Only a few thousand receivers would be made redundant. The Hankey Committee however turned this down in favour of 405 lines for the home, a 1000 -line system being recommended for large -screen cinema presentation (which was still believed to be the only way in which millions of people could afford to watch TV). This resulted in all the later problems of switching from 405 to 625 lines. Europe might have standardized on 605 lines, instead of the 625 -line standard suggested later by Walter Bruch! The pioneers of colour deserve an article to themselves. Baird tried it with low -definition in the 1920s, then much more seriously in the 1940s when he proposed a multi -gun picture tube. CBS developed a sequential, non -compatible system to the stage where it was put into service (1951), but this required a bandwidth of some 12MHz and lasted only five months ("Goldmark's whirling dervish"). RCA came up with proposals for a compatible system, and in 1949 started a crash programme to develop a practical display device: Goldsmith, Schroeder and Law did so in a remarkably short time (the shadowmask tube), though the industry was at first convinced that it could never be mass- produced. The National Television Systems Committee in 1953 proved that sometimes a committee can design a thoroughbred horse. The early problems of NTSC colour led to work in Europe on producing systems less susceptible to transmission errors - though all drew on the ideas of NTSC. Bruch is always the first to admit that PAL was the offspring of NTSC and SEC AM. By now the pioneering days were over, though it took many years to build up the networks to cover the entire country, first in Band I and then, with the coming of ITVin 1955, in Band III. No longer could the UK claim to be the centre of the TV world (by 1954 there were over 30 million TV sets in the USA). The three major post-war developments - compatible colour with the shadowmask tube, videotape recording, and trans -ocean geostationary satellite relays - took place in the USA - coming largely from RCA, Ampex and Hughes Aircraft. Philips in Holland contributed the Plumbicon tube that so decisively improved colour transmission, while Henri de France developed the use of delay lines. All these incidentally were the result of intensive, large-scale industrial research efforts, working to a specific target. This is not to decry the British effort. Thorn produced the world's first all solid-state (except for the picture tube) colour receiver. The IBA were the first with an operational digital video equipment (a line standards converter that preceded the 1972 DICE intercontinental converter), and indeed digital TV systems remain the prime area of development. It's not always recognised that ENG/EFP (electronic news gathering and field production) were made feasible by the digital line timebase corrector (again an American development). More recently the UK has contributed teletext and viewdata and much work on multi- channel u.h.f. transmission. Pioneers in Many Fields Looking back through this all too brief account ofthe development of television, one is aware of the many names that have not been mentioned because their work was not originally aimed at TV. The Japanese scientistYagi for example, who has his memorial on millions ofrooftops; Southworth of Bell Telephones whose work led to the coaxial cable; Rosen and Williams of Hughes for the geostationary satellite (whose concept came fromArthur Clarke's imaginative 1945 article in Wireless World); the work done on high -power valves and later powerklystrons, much of it stemming from radar. And of course David Sarnoff and George Brown of RCA, who put the full resources of the company behind the development of compatible colour - and kept it going during the early, difficult days of 1954-60. But in the end four names stand out: Alan A.Campbell Swinton, John Logie Baird, V. K. Zworykin and Alan Blumlein - even though, as we've seen, television was not born of a single flash of genius but was painstakingly developed by industrial research teams.
System Standards:
Unlike the UK, TV in the US continued to function and develop during the War, for it wasn't until 1942 that the US became involved. Around the end of WW2, the TV system was upgraded. This
time the picture would consist of 525 lines with FM sound and 13 channels. Apart from dropping Channel 1 by the late 40s, this standard (known as System M) has remained in operation.
This change in standards did not cause anything like the upheaval that occurred in the UK. The only sets at the time were concentrated around New York and there were not that many of them.
It was also a simple job to convert a 441 line set to the new standard. The horizontal hold would require resetting or maybe a change in a resistor value if there was insufficient adjustment to increase the frequency from 13,230 c/s to 15,750 c/s. With low deflection angles and electrostatic tubes, the line output stages were sufficiently accommodating to work with this increase. The sound channel would automatically work on FM simply by adjusting the fine tuning control slightly so that slope detection occurred. In fact there were still some sets being commercially made with an AM sound channel (generally cheap kitsets) after the change to FM sound. Some did go to the trouble of rebuilding the sound channel with a limiting stage and proper FM (i.e. Travis, Foster Seeley, or Ratio detector) demodulation stage which was not beyond the capability of any competent TV technician.
The word television, so the Oxford English Dictionary tells us,entered our language in 1909. Yet inthe 1890s the artist Robida was already plucking from his fertile imagination such terms as "Telephonoscopique","Photo-phonographe" and even "Le Tele" (pronounced telly)
Television displays of broadcast television Analog signals are generated by repetitively scanning an electron beam over the surface of a picture tube viewing screen to form a lighted raster area. The beam intensity is modulated by video signals to form images on the screen representative of the picture to be displayed. Conventional television provides a high-speed horizontal scanning in conjunction with a relatively low-speed vertical scanning. The scanning in the vertical and horizontal directions is synchronized with synchronizing signals included in a composite video signal with the video signal to be displayed. The synchronizing signals are extracted from the composite video, and the synchronizing signals thus extracted are used to synchronize the vertical and horizontal-direction scanning apparatus.
The synchronizing signals are extracted from the composite video by use of synchronizing signal separator circuits. A sync separator for separating the horizontal synchronizing signal from the composite video includes a differentiating circuit and a threshold circuit. The differentiating circuit selectively couples signals at and above the horizontal synchronizing frequency to the threshold circuit. The threshold circuit responds to the differentiated synchronizing-signal portions of the composite video to produce a sequence of constant-width pulses representing horizontal frequency, synchronizing portions of the composite video.
Electromechanical television
Main article: Mechanical television
The Nipkow disk. This schematic shows the circular paths traced by the holes, that may also be square for greater precision.
The origins of mechanical television can be traced back to the discovery of the photoconductivity of the element selenium by Willoughby Smith in 1873, the invention of a scanning disk by Paul Gottlieb Nipkow in 1884 and John Logie Baird's demonstration of televised moving images in 1926.
As 23-year-old German university student, Nipkow proposed and patented the first "near-practicable" electromechanical television system in 1884. Although he never built a working model of the system, Nipkow's spinning disk design became a common television image rasterizer used up to 1939. Constantin Perskyi had coined the word television in a paper read to the International Electricity Congress at the International World Fair in Paris on August 25, 1900. Perskyi's paper reviewed the existing electromechanical technologies, mentioning the work of Nipkow and others. The photoconductivity of selenium and Nipkow's scanning disk were first joined for practical use in the electronic transmission of still pictures and photographs, and by the first decade of the 20th century halftone photographs, composed of equally spaced dots of varying size, were being transmitted by facsimile over telegraph and telephone lines as a newspaper service.
However, it was not until 1907 that developments in amplification tube technology, by Lee DeForest and Arthur Korn among others, made the design practical.[4] The first demonstration of the instantaneous transmission of still silhouette or duotone images was by Georges Rignoux and A. Fournier in Paris in 1909, using a rotating mirror-drum as the scanner and a matrix of 64 selenium cells as the receiver.
In 1911, Boris Rosing and his student Vladimir Kozmich Zworykin created a television system that used a mechanical mirror-drum scanner to transmit, in Zworykin's words, "very crude images" over wires to the electronic Braun tube (cathode ray tube or "CRT") in the receiver. Moving images were not possible because, in the scanner, "the sensitivity was not enough and the selenium cell was very laggy".

On March 25, 1925, Scottish inventor John Logie Baird gave the first public demonstration of televised silhouette and duotone images in motion, at Selfridge's Department Store in London. AT&;T's Bell Telephone Laboratories transmitted halftone still images of transparencies in May 1925. On June 13 of that year, Charles Francis Jenkins transmitted the silhouette image of a toy windmill in motion, over a distance of five miles from a naval radio station in Maryland to his laboratory in Washington, using a lensed disk scanner with a 48-line resolution.
However, if television is defined as the live transmission of moving images with continuous tonal variation, Baird first achieved this privately on October 2, 1925. But strictly speaking, Baird had not yet achieved moving images on October 2. His scanner worked at only five images per second, below the threshold required to give the illusion of motion, usually defined as at least 12 images per second. By January, he had improved the scan rate to 12.5 images per second. Then he gave the world's first demonstration of a working television system to members of the Royal Institution and a newspaper reporter on January 26, 1926 at his laboratory in London. Unlike later electronic systems with several hundred lines of resolution, Baird's vertically scanned image, using a scanning disk embedded with a double spiral of lenses, had only 30 lines, just enough to reproduce a recognizable human face.

In 1927, Baird transmitted a signal over 438 miles (705 km) of telephone line between London and Glasgow. In 1928, Baird's company (Baird Television Development Company/Cinema Television) broadcast the first transatlantic television signal, between London and New York, and the first shore-to-ship transmission. He also demonstrated an electromechanical color, infrared (dubbed "Noctovision"), and stereoscopic television, using additional lenses, disks and filters. In parallel, Baird developed a video disk recording system dubbed "Phonovision"; a number of the Phonovision recordings, dating back to 1927, still exist.[10] In 1929, he became involved in the first experimental electromechanical television service in Germany. In November of the same year, Baird and Bernard Natan of Pathe established France's first television company, Télévision-Baird-Natan. In 1931, he made the first outdoor remote broadcast, of the Epsom Derby.[ In 1932, he demonstrated ultra-short wave television. Baird's electromechanical system reached a peak of 240 lines of resolution on BBC television broadcasts in 1936 though the mechanical system did not scan the televised scene directly. Instead a 35 mm film was shot, rapidly developed and then scanned while the film was still wet. This intermediate film system was discontinued within three months in favor of a 405-line all-electronic system developed by Marconi-EMI.

Herbert E. Ives and Frank Gray gave a dramatic demonstration of mechanical television. These two US engineers represented the efforts of Bell Telephone Laboratories. The demonstration took place on April 7, 1927. Some 1,000 men worked on the project. The reflected-light television system included both small and large viewing screens. The small receiver had a two-inch-wide by 2.5-inch-high screen. The large receiver had a screen 24 inches wide by 30 inches high. Both sets were capable of reproducing reasonably accurate, monochromatic moving images. Along with the pictures, the sets also received synchronized sound. The system transmitted images over two paths: First, a wire link from Washington to New York City, then a radio link from Whippany, New Jersey. Comparing the two transmission methods, viewers noted no difference in quality. Subjects of the telecast included Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover. A flying-spot scanner beam illuminated these subjects. The scanner that produced the beam had a 50-aperture disk. The disc revolved at a rate of 18 frames per second, capturing one frame about every 56 milliseconds. (Today's systems typically transmit 30 frames per second, or one frame every 33 milliseconds.) Television historian Albert Abramson underscored the significance of the Bell Labs demonstration: "It was in fact the best demonstration of a mechanical television system ever made to this time. It would be several years before any other system could even begin to compare with it in picture quality."

Meanwhile in Soviet Russia, Léon Theremin had been developing a mirror drum-based television, starting with 16 lines resolution in 1925, then 32 lines and eventually 64 using interlacing in 1926, and as part of his thesis on May 7, 1926 he electrically transmitted and then projected near-simultaneous moving images on a five foot square screen. By 1927 he achieved an image of 100 lines, a resolution that was not surpassed until 1931 by RCA, with 120 lines.
On December 25, 1926, Kenjiro Takayanagi demonstrated a television system with a 40-line resolution that employed a Nipkow disk scanner and CRT display at Hamamatsu Industrial High School in Japan. This protype is still on display at the Takayanagi Memorial Museum in Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu Campus. His research in creating a production model were halted by the US after Japan lost World War II.
It should be noted that mechanical scanning systems, though obsolete for the more familiar television systems, nevertheless survive in long wave infra red cameras because there is no suitable all electronic pickup.
Electronic television
In 1908, Alan Archibald Campbell-Swinton, a fellow of the Royal Society (UK), published an article in the scientific journal Nature in which he described how "distant electric vision" could be achieved by using cathode ray tubes as both transmitting and receiving devices, apparently the first iteration of the electronic television method that would dominate the field until recently. He expanded on his vision in a speech he gave in London in 1911 and reported in The Times. Others had already experimented with using a cathode ray tube as a receiver, but the concept of using one as a transmitter was novel. By the late 1920s, when electromechanical television was still being introduced, several inventors were already working separately on versions of all-electronic transmitting tubes, including Philo Farnsworth and Vladimir Zworykin in the United States, and Kálmán Tihanyi in Hungary.
On September 7, 1927, Farnsworth's Image Dissector camera tube transmitted its first image, a simple straight line, at his laboratory at 202 Green Street in San Francisco. By September 3, 1928, Farnsworth had developed the system sufficiently to hold a demonstration for the press. In 1929, the system was further improved by elimination of a motor generator, so that his television system now had no mechanical parts.
That year, Farnsworth transmitted the first live human images with his system, including a three and a half-inch image of his wife Elma ("Pem") with her eyes closed (possibly due to the bright lighting required). Farnsworth gave the world's first public demonstration of a complete, all-electronic television system on August 25, 1934 at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia.Despite many useful improvements he developed for television, Farnsworth’s cameras still required extremely bright illumination of subjects to be effective.

Meanwhile, Vladimir Zworykin was also experimenting with the cathode ray tube to create and show images. While working for Westinghouse Electric Corporation in 1923, he began to develop an electronic camera tube. But in a 1925 demonstration, the image was dim, had low contrast and poor definition, and was stationary. Zworykin's imaging tube never got beyond the laboratory stage. But RCA, which had acquired the Westinghouse patent, asserted that the patent for Farnsworth's 1927 image dissector was written so broadly that it would exclude any other electronic imaging device. Thus RCA, on the basis of Zworykin's 1923 patent application, filed a patent interference suit against Farnsworth. The U.S. Patent Office examiner disagreed in a 1935 decision, finding priority of invention for Farnsworth against Zworykin. Farnsworth claimed that Zworykin's 1923 system would be unable to produce an electrical image of the type to challenge his patent. Zworykin was unable or unwilling to introduce evidence of a working model of his tube that was based on his 1923 patent application. In September 1939, after losing an appeal in the courts and determined to go forward with the commercial manufacturing of television equipment, RCA agreed to pay Farnsworth US$1 million (the equivalent of $13.8 million in 2006) over a ten-year period, in addition to license payments, to use Farnsworth's patents.
Drawing from Kálmán Tihanyi's 1926 patent application "Radioskop"
The problem of low sensitivity to light resulting in low electrical output from transmitting or "camera" tubes would be solved by Tihanyi beginning in 1924. His solution was a camera tube that accumulated and stored electrical charges ("photoelectrons") within the tube throughout each scanning cycle. The device was first described in a patent application he filed in Hungary in March 1926 for a television system he dubbed "Radioskop". After further refinements included in a 1928 patent application, Tihanyi was awarded patents for the camera tube in both France and Great Britain in 1928, and applied for patents in the United States in June of the following year. Although his breakthrough would be incorporated into the design of RCA's "iconoscope" in 1931, the U.S. patent for Tihanyi's transmitting tube would not be granted until May 1939. The patent for his receiving tube had been granted the previous October. Both patents had been purchased by RCA prior to their approval.

In 1934 RCA introduced an improved camera tube that relied on Tihanyi's charge storage principle. Dubbed the Iconoscope by Zworykin, the new tube had a light sensitivity of about 75,000 lux, and thus was claimed to be much more sensitive than Farnsworth's image dissector.[citation needed] However, Farnsworth had overcome his power problems with his Image Dissector through the invention of a completely unique "multipactor" device that he began work on in 1930, and demonstrated in 1931. This small tube could amplify a signal reportedly to the 60th power or better and showed great promise in all fields of electronics. A problem with the multipactor, unfortunately, was that it wore out at an unsatisfactory rate.
American television broadcasting at the time consisted of a variety of markets in a wide range of sizes, each competing for programming and dominance with separate technology, until deals were made and standards agreed upon in 1941.RCA, for example, used only Iconoscopes in the New York area, but Farnsworth Image Dissectors in Philadelphia and San Francisco.In September 1939, RCA agreed to pay the Farnsworth Television and Radio Corporation royalties over the next ten years for access to Farnsworth's patents. With this historic agreement in place, RCA integrated much of what was best about the Farnsworth Technology into their systems.
Development continued around the world. At the Berlin Radio Show in August 1931, Manfred von Ardenne gave a public demonstration of a television system using a CRT for both transmission and reception. However, Ardenne hadn't developed a camera tube, using the CRT instead as a flying-spot scanner to scan slides and film. The world's first public all-electronic television demonstration would come at the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia on August 25, 1934, by Philo T. Farnsworth, and for ten days afterwords.
In Britain Isaac Shoenberg used Zworykin's design to develop Marconi-EMI's own "Emitron" tube, which formed the heart of the cameras they designed for the BBC. On November 2, 1936, a 405-line service employing the Emitron began at studios in Alexandra Palace, and transmitted from a specially-built mast atop one of the Victorian building's towers. It alternated for a short time with Baird's mechanical system in adjoining studios, but was more reliable and visibly superior. This was the world's first regular high-definition television service.
In 1941, the United States implemented 525-line television.
The world's first 625-line television standard was designed in the Soviet Union in 1944, and became a national standard in 1946.
The first broadcast in 625-line standard occurred in 1948 in Moscow. The concept of 625 lines per frame was subsequently implemented in the European CCIR standard.
Color television
Main article: Color television
Broadcast television
Further information: Timeline of the introduction of television in countries
Programming is broadcast by television stations, sometimes called "channels", as stations are licensed by their governments to broadcast only over assigned channels in the television band. At first, terrestrial broadcasting was the only way television could be widely distributed, and because bandwidth was limited, i.e., there were only a small number of channels available, government regulation was the norm.

In the U.S., the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allowed stations to broadcast advertisements beginning 1941, but required public service programming commitments as a requirement for a license. By contrast, the United Kingdom chose a different route, imposing a television licence fee on owners of television reception equipment to fund the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), which had public service as part of its Royal Charter.
Practically every country in the world now has at least one broadcast television station. Television has grown up all over the world, enabling nearly every country to share aspects of its culture and society with others.
United States and Canada
Below is a list showing when U.S. states and territories, and Canadian provinces and territories, established their first commercially licensed television stations.
* Alabama (1949)
* Alberta (1954)
* Territory of Alaska (1953)
* American Samoa (1964)
* Arizona (1949)
* Arkansas (1953)
* British Columbia (1953)
* California (1947)
* Colorado (1952)
* Connecticut (1948)
* Delaware (1949)
* Florida (1949)
* Georgia (1948)
* Guam (1956)
* Territory of Hawaii (1952)
* Idaho (1953)
* Illinois (1943)
* Indiana (1949)
* Iowa (1949)

* Kansas (1953)
* Kentucky (1948)
* Louisiana (1948)
* Maine (1953)
* Manitoba (1954)
* Maryland (1947)
* Massachusetts (1947)
* Michigan (1947)
* Minnesota (1948)
* Mississippi (1953)
* Missouri (1947)
* Montana (1953)
* Nebraska (1949)
* Nevada (1953)
* New Brunswick (1954)
* New Hampshire (1954)
* New Jersey (1948)
* New Mexico (1948)
* New York (1941)
* Newfoundland (1955)
* North Carolina (1949)
* North Dakota (1953)
* Northwest Territories (1967)
o Nunavut (1972)
* Nova Scotia (1954)
* Ohio (1943)
* Oklahoma (1949)
* Ontario (1952)
* Oregon (1952)
* Pennsylvania (1941)
* Prince Edward Island (1955)
* Puerto Rico (1954)
* Quebec (1952)
* Rhode Island (1949)
* Saskatchewan (1954)
* South Carolina (1953)
* South Dakota (1953)
* Tennessee (1948)
* Texas (1948)
* Utah (1948)
* Vermont (1954)
* Virginia (1947)
* U.S. Virgin Islands (1961)
* Washington (1948)
* Washington, D.C. (1945)
* West Virginia (1949)
* Wisconsin (1947)
* Wyoming (1954)
* Yukon (1968)
United States
Television antenna on a rooftop

The first regularly scheduled television service in the United States began on July 2, 1928. The Federal Radio Commission authorized C.F. Jenkins to broadcast from experimental station W3XK in Wheaton, Maryland, a suburb of Washington, D.C. For at least the first eighteen months, 48-line silhouette images from motion picture film were broadcast, although beginning in the summer of 1929 he occasionally broadcast in halftones.
Hugo Gernsback's New York City radio station began a regular, if limited, schedule of live television broadcasts on August 14, 1928, using 48-line images. Working with only one transmitter, the station alternated radio broadcasts with silent television images of the station's call sign, faces in motion, and wind-up toys in motion.[48][49] Speaking later that month, Gernsback downplayed the broadcasts, intended for amateur experimenters. "In six months we may have television for the public, but so far we have not got it."Gernsback also published Television, the world's first magazine about the medium.
General Electric's experimental station in Schenectady, New York, on the air sporadically since January 13, 1928, was able to broadcast reflected-light, 48-line images via shortwave as far as Los Angeles, and by September was making four television broadcasts weekly. It is considered to be the direct predecessor of current television station WRGB. The Queen's Messenger, a one-act play broadcast on September 11, 1928, was the world's first live drama on television.
Radio giant RCA began daily experimental television broadcasts in New York City in March 1929 over station W2XBS. The 60-line transmissions consisted of pictures, signs, and views of persons and objects.[Experimental broadcasts continued to 1931.

General Broadcasting System's WGBS radio and W2XCR television aired their regular broadcasting debut in New York City on April 26, 1931, with a special demonstration set up in Aeolian Hall at Fifth Avenue and Fifty-fourth Street. Thousands waited to catch a glimpse of the Broadway stars who appeared on the six-inch (15 cm) square image, in an evening event to publicize a weekday programming schedule offering films and live entertainers during the four-hour daily broadcasts. Appearing were boxer Primo Carnera, actors Gertrude Lawrence, Louis Calhern, Frances Upton and Lionel Atwill, WHN announcer Nils Granlund, the Forman Sisters, and a host of others.
CBS's New York City station W2XAB began broadcasting their first regular seven days a week television schedule on July 21, 1931, with a 60-line electromechanical system. The first broadcast included Mayor Jimmy Walker, the Boswell Sisters, Kate Smith, and George Gershwin. The service ended in February 1933.Don Lee Broadcasting's station W6XAO in Los Angeles went on the air in December 1931. Using the UHF spectrum, it broadcast a regular schedule of filmed images every day except Sundays and holidays for several years.
By 1935, low-definition electromechanical television broadcasting had ceased in the United States except for a handful of stations run by public universities that continued to 1939. The Federal Communications Commission saw television in the continual flux of development with no consistent technical standards, hence all such stations in the U.S. were granted only experimental and not commercial licenses, hampering television's economic development. Just as importantly, Philo Farnsworth's August 1934 demonstration of an all-electronic system at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia pointed out the direction of television's future.
On June 15, 1936, Don Lee Broadcasting began a one month-long demonstration of high definition (240+ line) television in Los Angeles on W6XAO (later KTSL) with a 300-line image from motion picture film. By October, W6XAO was making daily television broadcasts of films. RCA and its subsidiary NBC demonstrated in New York City a 343-line electronic television broadcast, with live and film segments, to its licensees on July 7, 1936, and made its first public demonstration to the press on November 6. Irregularly scheduled broadcasts continued through 1937 and 1938.[57] Regularly scheduled electronic broadcasts began in April 1938 in New York (to the second week of June, and resuming in August) and Los Angeles.
The FCC adopted NTSC television engineering standards on May 2, 1941, calling for 525 lines of vertical resolution, 30 frames per second with interlaced scanning, 60 fields per second, and sound carried by frequency modulation. Sets sold since 1939 which were built for slightly lower resolution could still be adjusted to receive the new standard. (Dunlap, p31). The FCC saw television ready for commercial licensing, and the first such licenses were issued to NBC and CBS owned stations in New York on July 1, 1941, followed by Philco's station WPTZ in Philadelphia. After the U.S. entry into World War II, the FCC reduced the required minimum air time for commercial television stations from 15 hours per week to 4 hours. Most TV stations suspended broadcasting. On the few that remained, programs included entertainment such as boxing and plays, events at Madison Square Garden, and illustrated war news as well as training for air raid wardens and first aid providers. In 1942, there were 5,000 sets in operation, but production of new TVs, radios, and other broadcasting equipment for civilian purposes was suspended from April 1942 to August 1945 (Dunlap).
Regular network television broadcasts began on the DuMont Television Network in 1946, on NBC in 1947, and on CBS and ABC in 1948. By 1949, the networks stretched from New York to the Mississippi River, and by 1951 to the West Coast. Commercial color television broadcasts began on CBS in 1951 with a field-sequential color system that was suspended four months later for technical and economic reasons. The television industry's National Television System Committee developed a color television system that was compatible with existing black and white receivers, and commercial color broadcasts reappeared in 1953.
FM sound
With the virtues of FM sound transmission known and proved by the late 1930's, it was natural to include it for TV sound channel. Most important was the immunity to interference, which could be
troublesome on the lower VHF channels. It is important to note that car ignition systems were the prominent form of interference as most cars did not have any suppression devices, for car
radios were fitted to the vast minority of cars. Other forms of interference commonly mentioned at the time include such things as neon signs (and the motor driven switches thereof), diathermy
equipment and brush type motors.
The first generations of US TV sets used a split sound IF for their FM sound channel. After all it was the logical progression to substitute an FM detector for the AM one. Sets were made like this
up until the late 1940's. However, the disadvantage of this is that any tuning drift becomes very evident. A 100K/cs drift in the tuner's local oscillator is not going to be so evident in the picture,
but it will take the sound channel right off tune resulting in weak and distorted sound. Some of the more elaborate sets did actually use the DC output from the FM tuner to correct the fine
tuning. This split sound method is used universally for AM sound (British 405 line and French 625 & 819 line systems) but is possibly less of a problem. By making the sound IF strip in the TV
receiver 200Kc/s wide, a fair amount of drift is allowable before the 10Kc/s audio signal goes out of the pass band. Unlike FM, an AM demodulator does not have to be tuned right on the signal to
provide distortion free sound.
Intercarrier Sound
A major development occurred in the late 40's when sets started to use intercarrier sound. This once and for all solved the problem of tuning drift in the sound channel. It also did allow a sound
IF strip of less complexity, and in fact was initially used as a cost cutting feature in cheap sets. It was realised that as the sound signal is always 4.5Mc/s away from the video carrier, there would always be the sound signal at 4.5Mc/s at the output of the video detector. This results from the beat between the sound and vision carriers being fed into a non linear device (i.e.. the video detector). The vision carrier is effectively performing as the local oscillator and converts the sound carrier down to 4.5Mc/s. Several stages of sound IF amplification can be dispensed with as the existing video IF strip has also amplified the sound channel. Furthermore, the video amplifier also contributes gain, and only a limiting stage and FM detector are required to extract the sound. Because the FM sound channel is now working at 4.5Mc/s, its alignment is more stable, but more importantly, because the frequency difference between sound and video carriers is precisely set at the transmitter, any fine tuning drift at the receiver will not cause loss of sound quality. (Obviously if the set is mistuned so much that the video carrier is lost there will be no sound, but this sort of drift does not occur in a properly working TV tuner). In the US, the FM deviation is 25Kc/s, unlike 50Kc/s used elsewhere for TV, and the 75Kc/s used for FM sound broadcasts on the 88-108Mc/s band.
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) adopted the American NTSC 525-line B/W 60 field per second system as its broadcast standard. It began television broadcasting in Canada in September 1952. The first broadcast was on September 6, 1952 from its Montreal, Quebec station CBFT. The premiere broadcast was bilingual, spoken in English and French. Two days later, on September 8, 1952, the Toronto, Ontario station CBLT went on the air. This became the English-speaking flagship station for the country, while CBFT became the French language flagship after a second English language station was licensed to CBC in Montreal later in the decade. The CBC’s first privately owned affiliate television station, CKSO in Sudbury, Ontario, launched in October 1953 (at the time, all private stations were expected to affiliate with the CBC, a condition that was relaxed in 1960–61 when CTV, Canada's second national English language network, was formed).
Being all horizontally polarised, TV aerials were usually connected to the set by 300 ohm ribbon. This impedance was chosen as it's the characteristic impedance of a folded dipole, which is the
basis of the typical Yagi based aerial. Flat twin lead ribbon has lower loss in typical situations and is cheaper than coaxial cable. Care is required in keeping the transmission line away from conductive objects otherwise the line can become unbalanced reducing noise immunity as well a causing ghosting. To make installation easier, a whole range of standoff insulators appeared so that the line could be run down the mast, over gutters, down brick walls, through windows etc. Ribbon cable remained dominant until the proliferation of cable TV in the 80's. For severe installations in very strong interference areas, or
where snow settling on the line was a problem, there was even a shielded version of ribbon cable which we never saw in Australia. Balanced transmission line was never popular in the U.K, presumably because direct signal pickup would be more of a problem with vertically polarised signals.
Early receiving aerials were band or channel specific. That means if you were in an area with channels in Band 1 and Band 3, two aerials were required. They would be mounted on a common mast with
a matching harness to connect the two together. This matching harness worked on the principle that at a 1/4 wavelength, an open transmission line appears as a short circuit and vice versa.
By the mid 50's (and the start of Australian TV) this two aerial system was out of fashion, and the high / low band yagi was developed which is still with us. There were also colinear, log periodic,
cross fire and phased array type aerials which we saw in Australia. For indoor aerials there were hundreds of designs from objects disguised as picture frames to flexible aerials built into a mat
you laid down on the attic floor. The ubiquitous spiral indoor aerial which is really an Aussie icon now, had its origins in the U.S., being released by the Hi Lo company in Chicago during 1951. With transmission standards being so similar it was easy to sell the US product here. Best known of U.S. aerial companies setting up locally was Channel Master who became involved with Ferris. Their 1057 Challenger model was one of the first here, using 600 ohm folded dipoles. This was a fringe model, but more commonly would be seen the Valiant 636 in suburban areas. The biggest aerial they made was the CX10, a huge log periodic. Their Traveling Wave aerial supposedly had exceptional directional characteristics but seemed to have disappeared by the early 60's. Perhaps this was due to the 3110 and 3112
aerials. These were exceptional in their anti ghosting performance. No other aerial I have seen has been able to cancel ghosts like the 3112. Along with aerials, Channel Master made
accessories such as masthead amplifiers, mast hardware, splitters etc. Other large companies were Jerrold and Winegard who we never saw in Australia until pay TV appeared with Jerrold decoder boxes being used for Galaxy/Austar/ECTV and Optus. As for the aerial installations themselves, they are much the same as in Australia, with guyed masts and wall brackets probably being the most common. However, unlike the U.S, Australian TV aerials virtually never had their masts earthed or any form of lightning protection provided. What was popular since the early days of TV in the U.S. were aerial rotators. Until TV spread across the country, viewers in many areas had to try their luck and pick up signals from transmitters that might be 200 miles away in varying directions. This was very dependent on weather and topographical conditions and therefore not a totally satisfactory solution. Around the early 1950's, outboard "Boosters" were heavily promoted and all sorts of extravagant claims were made on being able to pull in signals from 100's of miles away. These devices were the ancestors of today's masthead amplifiers and consisted of one or two stages of amplification using valves such as 6J6 or 6AG5. Some were broadband and covered Band 1 and Band 3 separately by switching coils. Better designs amplified the individual channels using turret, incremental, or continuous tuning mechanisms as used in the RF sections of TV tuners. However, their "miracle cure" claims, even when extra units were cascaded together is doubtful. The reason being is that these were set top devices and were therefore unable to compensate for the signal lost between the aerial and set. The noise at the set end of the transmission line would be amplified as much as the wanted signal. The correct place to have such an amplifier is of course, right at the aerial. If there is no signal at the aerial to start with, then even the highest gain amplifier will be useless. Where these gadgets would be useful is if the set has poor front end gain, which at the time was not unusual. It wasn't until the cascode and neutralised triode circuits appeared in the 50's and 60's that receiver gain became as good as it is now.
Cable TV
Cable TV of the 50's wasn't hundreds of channels of movies and sports as it is today. It actually started as a need to get the city channels into isolated rural communities. What usually
happened is that the local electrical/radio shop would discover that signals were sometimes receivable in their town and start selling a few sets with huge towering masts supporting the
aerial to go with them. Someone would soon find out much more reliable reception would be available at the top of a nearby hill and so the local tv guy and a few others would set up a cable
distribution system, forming a cable company. Coaxial cable would be strung between power poles, with valve distribution amplifiers placed where necessary to prevent signal loss through miles of
cables and tap offs. Each subscriber would pay an ongoing fee for this, and to have a 75 ohm coax cable connected to their house. All this would be fed from the aerial at the top of the hill, fitted with a masthead amplifier. Later it was realised how easy it was for a local consortium to feed other signals into that same cable and so a local channel unique to that town could easily be established without the additional expenses of setting up a transmitter, getting FCC approval etc. Another method used which the FCC frowned upon was to set up a receiving aerial at the top of a hill and amplify its signal, retransmitting it down to the town's inhabitants.
The cable system spread to the cities which already had terrestrial transmitters, in view of the extra channels that could be sent down it, and used as a basis for pay TV that we know today.
Additionally, some rather conservative communities disliked TV aerials sprouting from every rooftop, and not all areas had good off air reception anyway, so this only increased cable's
Pay TV
There were concerns during the early 1940's that TV would not be able to fund itself. With few sets there were few willing to advertise on the new medium. One solution was thought to be to
broadcast special programs, after normal viewing hours, that would be transmitted free of advertising. Only viewers who paid would be able to watch these programs.
So as not to interfere with the normal schedule of the station, these programs would be broadcast when the transmitter was not normally on air. This was a serious downfall as few
would want to start watching a concert at 11pm. Obviously to get people to pay, an encoding system had to be devised to prevent non payers watching the program. The two methods used in the 1940's were 'Phonevision' and one requiring a specially punched card to be inserted into an adapter connected to the TV set. This was another downfall of early pay TV; the set had to be modified to use a decoder.
Phonevision was trialled in Chicago and required a connection to the telephone line. This was really a pay per view system as the subscriber called up Phonevision who then sent synchronising pulses down the phone line which would then be fed into the sync circuitry of the TV set allowing a locked picture. (The Phonevision signal as radiated from the transmitter was devoid of sync pulses). A disadvantage can be immediately seen here, as requiring another phone line to be installed if anyone is to use the telephone during the program.
The punched card system also worked on disrupted sync pulses. The sync pulses would be shifted so as to give a very ragged edge to the picture. In this system, the decoder contained a
miniature CRT in front of which the punched card was placed. In front of this again was a phototube, the signal from which recreated the correct sync pulses. The small CRT was
synchronised to the off air signal and had it's Z axis modulated such that if the card had the correct punching, light would emanate through the card at the correct time for each sync pulse.
The problems with this system is an expensive decoder with CRT and HV supply but more importantly cards are easily duplicated.
Pay TV was a very short lived failure due to the restricted and inconvenient time slots. Additionally, Phonevision was disliked by the telephone company. It did not reemerge until many years later on cable and satellite systems.
Colour TV
It is not the aim of this article to go into the details of colour TV systems, but some of the development will be discussed here, as colour TV initially started off with converted monochrome
TV receivers. In 1949 CBS proposed a simple colour TV system using a partially mechanical system. By placing a three section coloured filter in front of a monochrome camera and receiver,
and having it rotate rapidly, it was possible to transmit and view the colour component. However, to avoid colour flicker being evident it was necessary to increase the field rate to 144c/s instead of 60c/s. This would immediately cause the video signal to require more than 4.5Mc/s of bandwidth, so this and the sound would not fit in the FCC specified 6Mc/s channel. Therefore, the line rate was dropped to 405 lines. The colour sets were actually dual standard, so they could be switched from the normal 525 line 60 field system, with the colour disc removed, to 405 lines 144 fields when a colour program was on. It was of course possible to see the colour program in monochrome without the disc as the signal consisted of the red, green, and blue components sent sequentially. Thus three fields would need to be sent to make the complete colour picture. Fairly obviously this was not a compatible system. While CBS argued that the mechanical components could be replaced with tri colour picture tubes when they became available, the signals could not ordinarily be viewed on existing monochrome sets. Unless a viewer had a colour set, or a set with its timebase circuitry modified, the programs could not be viewed. With millions of 525 line 60 field sets in use this was going to cause problems. Converting them all would be a huge task, and it was already fortunate that the low angle deflection circuitry used at the time seemed not to mind being run at frequencies it wasn't designed for. Electrostatic sets are no problem for this sort of modification. CBS did not make these sets but simply implemented the standard.
Although the performance of this system apparently gave good colour reproduction, there was some colour smearing on moving objects. RCA was determined not to let CBS win the colour battle with their mechanical and incompatible system. RCA knew that colour TV would have to be all electronic and compatible to be practical and retain the existing monochrome viewers. The transmitting end consisted of three separate camera tubes with red, green and blue filters as is still done now. At the receiver were three projection type cathode ray tubes, with corresponding coloured filters. Two remaining problems were to make this RGB signal compatible and to have one direct view picture tube for viewing. One compatible system that did have good results was the dot sequential system where the each pixel consisted of the RGB pixels sent sequentially. A monochrome set would simply average the three signals into a luminance signal and thus provide a proper monochrome picture. RCA then realised that most of the picture detail is in the luminance (i.e. black and white) part of the picture, and that also by using a simple matrixing circuit it was only necessary to transmit two low bandwidth colour signals. One variant of this system simply transmitted the green signal as the luminance signal. Monochrome sets would still produce a reasonably accurate picture as most scene content is in fact largely green and it's this colour that the human eye is most sensitive to. This is why green is 63% of the colour signal in modern systems. However, this system still required the red and blue (although of lesser bandwidth) outside the channel.
Finally, RCA achieved their aim by the early 50's with what came to be called the NTSC system and their tricolour shadowmask picture tube. The monochrome signal was transmitted as before, but the red and blue colour difference signals interleaved in the monochrome signal. As the FCC was on the verge of approving the CBS system, RCA was pressured to meet a deadline. Unfortunately NTSC, while it achieved a great deal in terms of compatibility, was an inferior colour system from the start. The problem is that phase distortion corrupts the hue of the received picture and although RCA experimented with various types of automatic correction (along the lines of PAL), it was never implemented, leaving NTSC being known as "Never Twice Same Colour". To this day, NTSC pictures still suffer from 'green faces' and sets require a manually adjustable control to try to correct this. It wasn't until European work in the late 50's brought PAL and SECAM into existence, eliminating this weakness of NTSC. The scanning rates were changed slightly upon the introduction of colour so as to obtain a suitable frequency ratio to the colour subcarrier. The line rate was now 15,734 c/s and field rate 59.9 c/s.
By the early 1950's, experiments were being done to assess the viability of using UHF for TV broadcasting, in view of wartime developments, as a solution to the crowding problem becoming evident in the VHF band. By about 1951 it was seen as successful enough to broadcast TV on and UHF stations have existed ever since. Of course existing TV sets could not receive the new transmissions so various methods were used to overcome this. The most popular was a set top converter, converting the UHF signal down to an unused VHF channel. Typically these devices used a lecher line tuning arrangement with a 6AF4 UHF triode and 1N28 diode as a mixer. It can be seen that such a device is fairly lossy with passive mixing and no RF amplifier. Tuners built into the TV itself took two forms. One used an existing VHF turret tuner with one of the biscuits replaced with one for UHF. This incorporated a diode to generate a harmonic from the existing VHF local oscillator. The limitations of this would be restricted tuning range (dependent on the range of the VHF fine tuning) and rather poor gain. The other way which was with us right up until the 1980's and the end of mechanical tuning, was along the lines of the UHF set top converters but used a variable capacitor in the UHF tuner built into the set. Again, a 6AF4 was used with a mixer diode, but the converter in the existing VHF tuner was incorporated to perform as the first IF stage providing some additional gain. By switching to the "U" position on the VHF channel selector, B+ would be fed into the UHF tuner, and the IF from the UHF tuner fed into the VHF mixer valve. Output from here was sent to the set's video IF strip in the usual way. Of course set makers were reluctant to include UHF tuners as standard. This was seen as a hindrance to the UHF cause, so in 1963 it became legislation that all new sets had to have a UHF tuner fitted. (It is unfortunate this didn't happen in Australia...there were sets still on sale here with VHF only tuning even after the advent of UHF only stations).
The aerials for UHF were always much as they are now, with bow tie and yagi designs being the most popular. Combined VHF/UHF aerials appeared later on. As with VHF, 300 ohm ribbon was
preferred due to low losses. There were some types of ribbon cable that were air spaced or slotted to reduce loss in wet weather. US TV sets had two sets of 300 ohm aerial terminals, so separate transmission lines had to be run from the VHF and UHF aerials. By using diplexers it was possible to combine both VHF and UHF into one length of ribbon, but the losses can be considerable, especially when there is no RF amplifier in the UHF tuner. With the popularity of cable systems and therefore coaxial cable, 300 ohm screw terminals gave way to coaxial connectors of the "F" variety. Outdoor aerials also became a dying breed in urban areas. With the advent of satellite, cable, and digital TV, the F connector is now becoming the standard worldwide connector for 75 ohm TV applications.
The first experiments in television broadcasting began in France in the 1930s, but the French were slow to employ the new technology.
In November 1929, Bernard Natan established France's first television company, Télévision-Baird-Natan. On April 14, 1931, there took plae the first transmission with a thirty-line standard by René Barthélemy. On December 6, 1931, Henri de France created the Compagnie Générale de Télévision (CGT). In December 1932, Bathélemy carried out an experimental program in black and white (definition: 60 lines) one hour per week, "Paris Télévision", which gradually became daily from early 1933.
The first official channel of French television appeared on February 13, 1935, the date of the official inauguration of television in France, which was broadcast in 60 lines from 8:15 to 8:30 pm. The program showed the actress Béatrice Bretty in the studio of Radio-PTT Vision at 103 rue de Grenelle in Paris. The broadcast had a range of 100 km (62 miles). On November 10, George Mandel, Minister of Posts, inaugurated the first broadcast in 180 lines from the transmitter of the Eiffel tower. On the 18th, Susy Wincker, the first announcer since the previous June, carried out a demonstration for the press from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Broadcasts became regular from January 4, 1937 from 11:00 to 11:30 am and 8:00 to 8:30 pm during the week, and from 5:30 to 7:30 pm on Sundays. In July 1938, a decree defined for three years a standard of 455 lines VHF (whereas three standards were used for the experiments: 441 lines for Gramont, 450 lines for the Compagnie des Compteurs and 455 for Thomson). In 1939, there were about only 200 to 300 individual television sets, some of which were also available in a few public places.
With the entry of France into World War II the same year, broadcasts ceased and the transmitter of the Eiffel tower was sabotaged. On September 3, 1940, French television was seized by the German occupation forces. A technical agreement was signed by the Compagnie des Compteurs and Telefunken, and a financing agreement for the resuming of the service is signed by German Ministry of Post and Radiodiffusion Nationale (Vichy's radio). On May 7, 1943 at 3:00 evening broadcasts.

In 1944, René Barthélemy developed an 819-line television standard. During the years of occupation, Barthélemy reached 1015 and even 1042 lines. On October 1, 1944, television service resumed after the liberation of Paris. The broadcasts were transmitted from the Cognacq-Jay studios. In October 1945, after repairs, the transmitter of the Eiffel Tower was back in service. On November 20, 1948, Mitterrand decreed a broadcast standard of 819 lines; broadcasting began at the end of 1949 in this definition. France was the only European country to adopt it (others will choose 625 lines).
Electromechanical broadcasts began in Germany in 1929, but were without sound until 1934. Network electronic service started on March 22, 1935, on 180 lines using telecine transmission of film, intermediate film system, or cameras using the Nipkow Disk. Transmissions using cameras based on the iconoscope began on January 15, 1936. The Berlin Summer Olympic Games were televised, using both all-electronic iconoscope-based cameras and intermediate film cameras, to Berlin and Hamburg in August 1936.
United Kingdom
The first British television broadcast was made by Baird Television's electromechanical system over the BBC radio transmitter in September 1929. Baird provided a limited amount of programming five days a week by 1930. During this time, Southampton earned the distinction of broadcasting the first-ever live television interview, which featured Peggy O'Neil, an actress and singer from Buffalo, New York. On August 22, 1932, BBC launched its own regular service using Baird's 30-line electromechanical system, continuing until September 11, 1935. On November 2, 1936 the BBC began broadcasting a dual-system service, alternating between Marconi-EMI's 405-line standard and Baird's improved 240-line standard, from Alexandra Palace in London, making the BBC Television Service (now BBC One) the world's first regular high-definition television service. The government, on advice from a special advisory committee, decided that Marconi-EMI's electronic system gave the superior picture, and the Baird system was dropped in February 1937. TV broadcasts in London were on the air an average of four hours daily from 1936 to 1939. There were 12,000 to 15,000 receivers. Some sets in restaurants or bars might have 100 viewers for sport events (Dunlap, p56).The outbreak of the Second World War caused the BBC service to be suspended on September 1, 1939, resuming from Alexandra Palace on June 7, 1946.
The first transatlantic television signal was sent in 1928 from London to New York by the Baird Television Development Company/Cinema Television, although this signal was not broadcast to the public. The first live satellite signal to Britain from the United States was broadcast via the Telstar satellite on July 23, 1962.
The first live broadcast from the European continent was made on August 27, 1950.
Soviet Union (USSR)
The Soviet Union began offering 30-line electromechanical test broadcasts in Moscow on October 31, 1931, and a commercially manufactured television set in 1932.
The first experimental transmissions of electronic television took place in Moscow on March 9, 1937, using equipment manufactured and installed by RCA. Regular broadcasting began on December 31, 1938. It was quickly realized that 343 lines of resolution offered by this format would have become insufficient in the long run, thus a specification for 441-line format was developed in 1940, superseded by a 625-line standard in 1944. This format was ultimately accepted as a national standard.
The experimental transmissions in 625-line format started in Moscow from November 4, 1948. Regular broadcasting began on June 16, 1949. Details for this standard were formalized in 1955 specification called GOST 7845-55, basic parameters for black-and-white television broadcast. In particular, frame size was set to 625 lines, frame rate to 25 frames/s interlaced, and video bandwidth to 6 MHz. These basic parameters were accepted by most countries having 50 Hz mains frequency and became the foundation of television systems presently known as PAL and SECAM.
Starting from 1951 broadcasting in the 625-line standard was introduced in other major cities of the Soviet Union.
Color television broadcast started in 1974, using SECAM color system.
Later development
The first regular television transmissions in Canada began in 1952 when the CBC put two stations on the air, one in Montreal, Quebec on September 6, and another in Toronto, Ontario two days later.
Technological innovations
The first live national television broadcast in the U.S. took place on September 4, 1951 when President Harry Truman's speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco, California was transmitted over AT&T's transcontinental cable and microwave radio relay system to broadcast stations in local markets.
The first live coast-to-coast commercial television broadcast in the U.S. took place on November 18, 1951 during the premiere of CBS's See It Now, which showed a split-screen view of the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City and the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. In 1958, the CBC completed the longest television network in the world, from Sydney, Nova Scotia to Victoria, British Columbia. Reportedly, the first continuous live broadcast of a "breaking" news story in the world was conducted by the CBC during the Springhill Mining Disaster, which began on October 23 of that year.
The development of cable and satellite television in the 1970s allowed for more channels and encouraged businessmen to target programming toward specific audiences. It also enabled the rise of subscription television channels, such as Home Box Office (HBO) and Showtime in the U.S., and Sky Television in the U.K.
Television sets
In television's electromechanical era, commercially made television sets were sold from 1928 to 1934 in the United Kingdom, United States, and Russia. The earliest commercially made sets sold by Baird in the UK in 1928 were radios with the addition of a television device consisting of a neon tube behind a mechanically spinning disk (the Nipkow disk) with a spiral of apertures that produced a red postage-stamp size image, enlarged to twice that size by a magnifying glass. The Baird "Televisor" was also available without the radio. The Televisor sold in 1930–1933 is considered the first mass-produced set, selling about a thousand units.
Early 1950s United States television set
The first commercially made electronic television sets with cathode ray tubes were manufactured by Telefunken in Germany in 1934, followed by other makers in France (1936), Britain (1936), and America (1938).The cheapest of the pre-World War II factory-made American sets, a 1938 image-only model with a 3-inch (8 cm) screen, cost US$125, the equivalent of US$1,863 in 2007. The cheapest model with a 12-inch (30 cm) screen was $445 ($6,633).
An estimated 19,000 electronic television sets were manufactured in Britain, and about 1,600 in Germany, before World War II. About 7,000–8,000 electronic sets were made in the U.S. before the War Production Board halted manufacture in April 1942, production resuming in August 1945.
Television usage in the United States skyrocketed after World War II with the lifting of the manufacturing freeze, war-related technological advances, the gradual expansion of the television networks westward, the drop in set prices caused by mass production, increased leisure time, and additional disposable income. In 1947, Motorola introduced the VT-71 television for $189.95, the first television set to be sold for under $200, finally making television affordable for millions of Americans. While only 0.5% of U.S. households had a television set in 1946, 55.7% had one in 1954, and 90% by 1962.In Britain, there were 15,000 television households in 1947, 1.4 million in 1952, and 15.1 million by 1968.
For many years different countries used different technical standards. France initially adopted the German 441-line standard but later upgraded to 819 lines, which gave the highest picture definition of any analogue TV system, approximately double the resolution of the British 405-line system. However this is not without a cost, in that the cameras need to produce four times the pixel rate (thus quadrupling the bandwidth), from pixels one-quarter the size, reducing the sensitivity by an equal amount. In practice the 819-line cameras never achieved anything like the resolution that could theoretically be transmitted by the 819 line system, and for color, France reverted to the same 625 lines as the European CCIR system.
Eventually most of Europe switched to the 625-line PAL standard, once more following Germany's example, with France adopting SECAM. Meanwhile in North America the original NTSC 525-line standard from 1941 was retained, although analog television broadcasting in the United States ended on June 12, 2009 in favor of digital-only broadcasting.
Television inventors/pioneers
* John Logie Baird
* Guillermo González Camarena
* Alan Blumlein
* Walter Bruch (PAL television)
* Alan Archibald Campbell-Swinton
* Allen B. DuMont
* Philo Taylor Farnsworth
* Boris Grabovsky
* Charles Francis Jenkins
* Earl Muntz
* Paul Gottlieb Nipkow
* Constantin Perskyi
* Boris Rosing
* Ulises Armand Sanabria
* David Sarnoff
* Kenjiro Takayanagi
* Kálmán Tihanyi
* Vladimir Zworykin
1. ^ George Shiers and May Shiers, Early Television: A Bibliographic Guide to 1940, Taylor & Francis, 1997, p. 13, 22. ISBN 9780824077822.
2. ^ Shiers & Shiers, p. 13, 22.
3. ^ "Télévision au moyen de l'électricité", Congrès International d'Électricité (Paris, 18-25 août 1900), Gauthier-Villars, 1901, p. 54–56.
4. ^ a b "Sending Photographs by Telegraph", The New York Times, Sunday Magazine, September 20, 1907, p. 7.
5. ^ Henry de Varigny, "La vision à distance", L'Illustration, Paris, December 11, 1909, p. 451.
6. ^ R.W. Burns, Television: An International History of the Formative Years, IET, 1999, p. 119. ISBN 978-0852969144.
7. ^ "Current Topics and Events", Nature, vol. 115, April 4, 1925, p. 505–506.
8. ^ "Radio Shows Far Away Objects in Motion", The New York Times, June 14, 1925, p. 1.
9. ^ a b Glinsky, Albert (2000). Theremin: Ether Music and Espionage. Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press. pp. 41-45. ISBN 0-252-02582-2.
10. ^ Restoring Baird's TV Recordings
11. ^ J. L. Baird, "Television in 1932", BBC Annual Report, 1933.
12. ^ Richard G. Elen, "The fools on the hill", Baird: The Birth of Television, 2003, 2009.
13. ^ Abramson, Albert, The History of Television, 1880 to 1941, McFarland & Co., Inc., 1987, p. 101. ISBN 9780899502847.
14. ^ Kenjiro Takayanagi: The Father of Japanese Television, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), 2002, retrieved 2009-05-23.
15. ^ Swinton, A. A. Campbell, "Distant Electric Vision", Nature, Vol. 78, No. 151, 1908-06-18, retrieved 2009-07-29.
16. ^ "Distant Electric Vision", The Times (London), Nov. 15, 1911, p. 24b.
17. ^ Abramson, Albert, Zworykin, Pioneer of Television, p. 16.
18. ^ Postman, Neil, "Philo Farnsworth", The TIME 100: Scientists & Thinkers,, 1999-03-29, retrieved 2009-07-28.
19. ^ a b "Philo Taylor Farnsworth (1906-1971)", The Virtual Museum of the City of San Francisco, retrieved 2009-07-15.
20. ^ Abramson, Albert, Zworykin, Pioneer of Television, p. 226.
21. ^ The Philo T. and Elma G. Farnsworth Papers
22. ^ "New Television System Uses 'Magnetic Lens'", Popular Mechanics, Dec. 1934, p. 838–839.
23. ^ Burns, R. W. Television: An international history of the formative years. (1998). IEE History of Technology Series, 22. London: IEE, p. 370. ISBN 0-85296-914-7.
24. ^ Abramson, Albert, Zworykin, Pioneer of Television, University of Illinois Press, 1995, p. 51. ISBN 0252021045.
25. ^ Stashower, Daniel, The Boy Genius and the Mogul: The Untold Story of Television, Broadway Books, 2002, p. 243–244. ISBN 978-0767907590.
26. ^ Everson, George (1949), The Story of Television, The Life of Philo T. Farnsworth New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Co,. ISBN-13: 978-0405060427, 266 pages
27. ^ a b "Kálmán Tihanyi (1897–1947)", IEC Techline, International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 2009-07-15.
28. ^ "Kálmán Tihanyi’s 1926 Patent Application 'Radioskop'", Memory of the World, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 2005, retrieved 2009-01-29.
29. ^ United States Patent Office, Patent No. 2,133,123, Oct. 11, 1938.
30. ^ United States Patent Office, Patent No. 2,158,259, May 16, 1939.
31. ^ Doug Elliot, "The Beginning of Television", History Magazine, Vol. 7 No. 3, March 2006, Moorshead Magazines Ltd.
32. ^ a b Abramson, Albert (1987), The History of Television, 1880 to 1941. Jefferson, NC: Albert Abramson. p. 148. ISBN 0-89950-284-9.
33. ^ Everson, George (1949), The Story of Television, The Life of Philo T. Farnsworth New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Co,. ISBN-13: 978-0405060427, pages 137-141.
34. ^ Everson, George (1949), The Story of Television, The Life of Philo T. Farnsworth New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Co,. ISBN-13: 978-0405060427, page 139.
35. ^ Everson, George (1949), The Story of Television, The Life of Philo T. Farnsworth New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Co,. ISBN-13: 978-0405060427, page 141.
36. ^ Everson, George (1949), The Story of Television, The Life of Philo T. Farnsworth New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Co,. ISBN-13: 978-0405060427, page 248.
37. ^ a b Abramson, Albert (1987), The History of Television, 1880 to 1941. Jefferson, NC: Albert Abramson. p. 254. ISBN 0-89950-284-9.
38. ^ Schatzkin, Paul (2002), The Boy Who Invented Television. Silver Spring, Maryland: Teamcom Books, pp. 187-8. ISBN 1-928791-30-1.
39. ^ Albert Abramson, Zworykin: Pioneer of Television, University of Illinois Press, 1995, p. 111.
40. ^ Burns, R. W., Television: An international history of the formative years. (1998). IEE History of Technology Series, 22. London: IEE, p. 576. ISBN 0-85296-914-7.
41. ^ "Go-Ahead Signal Due for Television", The New York Times, April 25, 1941, p. 7.
42. ^ "An Auspicious Beginning", The New York Times, August 3, 1941, p. X10.
43. ^ a b "On the beginning of broadcast in 625 lines 60 years ago", 625 magazine (in Russian).
44. ^ "M.I. Krivocheev – an engineer’s engineer", EBU Technical Review, Spring 1993.
45. ^ "In the Vanguard of Television Broadcasting".
46. ^ "What Television Offers You", Popular Mechanics, November 1928, p. 823.
47. ^ "The Latest in Television", Popular Mechanics, September 1929, p. 472.
48. ^ "WRNY to Start Daily Television Broadcasts; Radio Audience Will See Studio Artist", The New York Times, August 13, 1928, p. 13.
49. ^ "WRNY Has Extended Television Schedule", The New York Times, September 30, 1928, p. 155.
50. ^ "Television Drama Shown With Music", The New York Times, August 22, 1928, p. 1.
51. ^ The Queen's Messenger, Early Television Museum.
52. ^ "Television Placed on Daily Schedule", The New York Times, March 22, 1929, p. 30.
53. ^ "Six Visual Stations on the New York Air", The New York Times, July 19, 1931, p. XX13.
54. ^ "Radio Talkies Put On Program Basis", The New York Times, April 27, 1931, p. 26.
55. ^ CBS considers it to be an ancestor of WCBS-TV, which first went on the air on July 1, 1941 as one of the first two commercially licensed television stations in the country (the other being the National Broadcasting Company's WNBC).
56. ^ W6XAO later moved to VHF Channel 1 before World War 2, and to Channel 2 in the post-war television realignment. It was commercially licensed in 1947 as KTSL and is the direct ancestor of current station KCBS-TV.
57. ^ "Where Is Television Now?", Popular Mechanics, August 1938, p. 178.
58. ^ "Telecasts Here and Abroad", The New York Times, Drama-Screen-Radio section, April 24, 1938, p.10.
59. ^ "Early Birds", Time, June 13, 1938.
60. ^ "Telecasts to Be Resumed", The New York Times, Drama-Screen-Radio section, Aug. 21, 1938, p. 10.
61. ^ Robert L. Pickering, "Eight Years of Television in California", California — Magazine of the Pacific, June 1939.
62. ^ Hawley, Chris, "Peggy O'Neil sang her way from the Hydraulics to stardom", The Hydraulics [blog], January 15, 2009.
63. ^ "Truman to Be Televised In First National Hook-Up", The New York Times, September 4, 1951, p. 2.
64. ^ "Television Highlights", The Washington Post, September 4, 1951, p. B13.
65. ^ "Coast to Coast Television" (CBS advertisement), The Wall Street Journal, September 4, 1951, p. 9.
66. ^ Early British Television: Baird, Television History: The First 75 Years.
67. ^ Pre-1935, Television History: The First 75 Years. The French model shown does not appear to have entered production.
68. ^ Pre-1935 Baird Sets: UK, Television History: The First 75 Years.
69. ^ Telefunken, Early Electronic TV Gallery, Early Television Foundation.
70. ^ 1934–35 Telefunken, Television History: The First 75 Years.
71. ^ 1936 French Television, Television History: The First 75 Years.
72. ^ 1936 Baird T5, Television History: The First 75 Years.
73. ^ Communicating Systems, Inc., Early Electronic TV Gallery, Early Television Foundation.
74. ^ America's First Electronic Television Set, Television History: The First 75 Years.
75. ^ American TV Prices, Television History: The First 75 Years.
76. ^ Annual Television Set Sales in USA, Television History: The First 75 Years.
77. ^ Number of TV Households in America, Television History: The First 75 Years.
78. ^ Lachenbruch, David (1984), "New digital receivers deliver ultimate TV". Popular Science, Times Mirror Company, June 1984, p. 56.
Further reading
* Abramson, Albert. The History of Television, 1880 to 1941. (1987). Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co. ISBN 0-89950-284-9.
* Abramson, Albert. The History of Television, 1942 to 2000. (2003). Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co. ISBN 0-78641-220-8.
* Burns, R. W. Television: An international history of the formative years. (1998). IEE History of Technology Series, 22. London: IEE. ISBN 0-85296-914-7.
* Everson, George (1949), The Story of Television, The Life of Philo T. Farnsworth New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Co,. ISBN-13: 978-0405060427, 266 pages.
* Fisher, David E. and Marshall Jon Fisher. Tube: the Invention of Television. (1996). Washington: Counterpoint. ISBN 1887178171.
* Shiers, George. Early Television: A Bibliographic Guide to 1940. (1997). Garland Reference Library of Social Science. ISBN 0-82407-782-2.
* Meyrowitz, Joshua(1985). No Sense of Place, Oxford University Press, New York.
Hinton, “Character rounding for the Wireless Word Teletex Decoder,” Wireless World, Nov. 1978, pp. 49-53, vol. 84 No. 1515, IPC Business Press, United Kingdom.
Kruger, “Speicherfernsehen, Das Digitale Kennungssystem ZPS,” Proceedings 9th International Congress Microelectroncis, pp. 39-45.
“Fernsehempfang rund um die Uhr” Funk Technik, Mar. 1981, vol. 36.
“Method for the Transmission of Additional Information,” German Patent Application submitted by Blaupunkt Werke GMBH, filed May 31, 1980.
“Eine Neue Generation Mikroprozessorgesteuerter Datensender Und -Empfänger Für Alle Varianten Der Datenübertragung in Der V-Lücke Des Fernsehisgnals”, A. Ebner and K. Schuster, Rundfunktechnische Mitteilungen, vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 215-220.
“A Novel Television Add-On Data Communication System”, Jan. 1974, Patrick T. King, Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers Journal, vol. 83.
“Actual Two-Way Systems,” Ronald K. Jurgen, IEEE Spectrum, Nov. 1971.
“Additional Information Within the Television Signal”, Sep. 1970, R. A. O'Connor, Journal of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, vol. 79, No. 9, p. 824.
“Applications of Information Networks,” J.C.R. et al, Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 66, No. 11, pp. 1330-1346, Nov. 1978.
“Automated Control Units for Advertising on Cable,” G. Morgan, Image Technology, vol. 68, No. 9, pp. 457, 460, Sep. 1986.
“Coded Information Within the Picture Area”, Feb.,1974, Wilton R. Holm, Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers Journal, vol. 83.
“Color Decode a PCM NTSC Television Signal”, Jun. 1974, John P. Rossi, Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers Journal, vol. 83.
“Comparison of Technology and Capital Costs of New Home Services,” Metin B. Akgun, IEEE Transactions on Cable Television, vol. CATV-5, No. 3, Jul. 1980.
“Codifica Numerica Del Segnale Sonoro—Interfaccia Per Gli Apparati Professionali”, Oct. 1985, M. Barbero and M. Occhiena, Elettronica e Telecomunicazi oni, vol. 34, No. 5, 9 pp. 209-216.
“Encryption-based security systems”, May 29, 1987-Jun. 1, 1987, Wechselberger, NCTA Convention Records pp. 148-152.
“Experiences with Piolot Projects in North America, Japan, and Europe”, 1977, Eds. W. Kaiser, H. Marko, and E. Witte, Two-Way Cable Television.
“Going for The Microcomputer Market with Commercial Telesoftware”, 1982, M. Shain, Viewdata 82.
“Hard encrypted video & audio television system”, Mar. 15, 1986-Mar. 18, 1986, Jeffers, Glaab 8&. Griffin, NCTA Convention Records pp. 232-234.
“Hybrid Addressability,” Stubbs & Holobinko, National Cable Television Association Convention, pp. 255-265, Jun. 3-6, 1984.
“Individualized Still-Picture Communication on a Two-Way Broad-Band CATV System,” Koji Maeda, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. Com-23, No. 1, Jan. 1975.
“Low Cost Interactive Home TV Terminal,” Stetten & Mason, National Cable Television Association Convention, pp. 49-53, Jul. 6-9, 1971.
“Measurement and Control of TV Transmitters,” Shelley and Smart, Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers Journal, vol. 80, Nov. 1971.
“Off Premises Addressability,” Preschutti, National Cable Television Association Convention, pp. 48-57, Jun. 2-5, 1985.
“On Distributed Communications,” Paul Baran, The RAND Corporation, vols. 1-10.
“Operational Implementation of a Broadcast Television Frame Synchronizer”, Mar. 1975, Robert J. Butler , Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers Journal, vol. 84.
“Pilot Two-Way CATV Systems,” Ernest K. Smith, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. COM-23, No. 1, Jan. 1975.
“Some Methods of Automatic Analysis of Television Test Signals”, Dec. 1971, R. H. Vivian, Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers Journal, vol. 80.
“SRS El Segundo Interim Test Report,” Callais, National Cable Television Association Convention, pp. 384-407, May 14-17, 1972.
“Status Monitoring System,” Hale, National Cable Television Association Convention, . 153-158, 1974.
“Television Applications and Transmission of Digital Data in the Vertical Blanking Interval”, 1980, J. J. Lopinto ITC/USA/'80, International Telemetering Conference, p. 650, pp. 345-349.
“Television Central,” Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers Journal, vol. 85, Oct. 1976.
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“The Subscriber Response System,” Durfee & Callais, National Cable Television Association Convention, pp. 28-48, Jul. 6-9, 1971.
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“Two-Way Coax TV System Handles All Communication Needs,” George F. Benton, Communications News, Apr. 1975.
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Mothersole, Peter L., “Teletext Signal Generation Equipment and Systems,” Consumer Electronics pp. 345-352.
Harden, Brian, “Teletext/Viewdata LSI,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 353-358.
Swanson, E. et al., “An Integrated Serial to Parallel Converter for Teletext Application,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 359-361.
Neal, C. Bailey et al., “A Frequency-Domain Interpretation of Echoes and Their Effect on Teletext Data Reception,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 362-377.
Goyal, Shri K. et al., “Reception of Teletext Under Multipath Conditions,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 378-392.
Prosser, Howard F., “Set Top Adapter Considerations for Teletext,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 393-399.
Suzuki, Tadahiko et al., Television Receiver Design Aspects for Employing Teletext LSI, Consumer Electronics, pp. 400-405.
Baer, Ralph H., “Tele-Briefs—A Novel User-Selectable Real Time News Headline Service for Cable TV,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 406-408.
Sherry, L.A., “Teletext Field Trials in the United Kingdom,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 409-423.
Clifford, Colin, “A Universal Controller for Text Display Systems,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 424-429.
Barlow, “The Design of an Automatic Machine Assignment System”, Journal of the SMPTE, Jul. 1975, vol. 84, p. 532-537.
Barlow, “The Automation of Large Program Routing Switchers”, SMPTE Journal, Jul. 1979, Vol. 88, p. 493-497.
Barlow, “The Computer Control of Multiple-Bus Switchers”, SMPTE Journal, Sep. 1976, Vol. 85, p. 720-723.
Barlow, “The Assurance of Reliability”, SMPTE Journal, Feb. 1976, Vol. 85, p. 73-75.
Barlow, “Some Features of Computer-Controlled Television Station Switchers”,Journal of the SMPTE, Mar. 1972, vol. 81, p. 179-183.
Barlow et al., “A Universal Software for Automatic Switchers”, SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1978, vol. 87, p. 682-683.
Butler, “PCM-Multiplexed Audio in a Large Audio Routing Switcher”, SMPTE Journal, Nov. 1976, vol. 85, p. 875-877.
Dickson et al., “An Automated Network Center”, Journal of the SMPTE, Jul. 1975, Vol. 84, p. 529-532.
Edmondson et al., “Nbc Switching Central”, SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1976, Vol. 85, p. 795-805.
Flemming, “NBC Television Central—An Overview”, SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1976, Vol. 85, p. 792-795.
Horowitz, “CBS” New-Technology Station, WBBM-T, SMPTE Journal, Mar. 1978, vol. 87, p. 141-146.
Krochmal et al., “Television Transmission Audio Facilities at NBC New York”, SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1976, vol. 85, p. 814-816.
Kubota et al., “The Videomelter”, SMPTE Journal, Nov. 1978, Vol. 87, p. 753-754.
Mausler, “Video Transmission Video Facilities at NBC New York”, SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1976, vol. 85, p. 811-814.
Negri, “Hardware Interface Considerations for a Multi-Channel Television Automation System”, SMPTE Journal, Nov. 1976, vol. 85, p. 869-872.
Paganuzzi, “Communication in NBC Television Central”, SMPTE Journal, Nov. 1976, vol. 85, p. 866-869.
Roth et al., “Functional Capabilities of a Computer Control System for Television Switching”, SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1976, vol. 85, p. 806-811.
Rourke, “Television Studio Design—Signal Routing and Measurement”, SMPTE Journal, Sep. 1979, vol. 88, p. 607-609.
Yanney, Sixty-Device Remote-Control System for NBC's Television Central Project, SMPTE Journal, Nov. 1976, vol. 85, p. 873-877.
Young et al., “Developments in Computer-Controlled Television Switches”, Journal of the SMPTE, Aug. 1973, vol. 82, p. 658-661.
Young et al., “The Automation of Small Television Stations”, Journal of the SMPTE, Oct. 1971, vol. 80, p. 806-811.
Zborowski, “Automatic Transmission Systems for Television”, SMPTE Journal, Jun. 1978, vol. 87, p. 383-385.
“Landmark forms cable weather news network,” Editor & Publisher, (Aug. 8, 1981) p. 15.
“Broadcast Teletext Specification,” published jointly by British Broadcasting Corporation, Independent Broadcasting Authority, British Radio Equipment Manufacturers' Association (Sep. 1976), pp. 1-24.
“Colormax Cable captioning—16,000,000 Subs Need It!,” Colormax Electronic Corp. (advertisement), 3 pages.
“7609 Sat-A-Dat Decoder/Controller,” Group W Satellite Communications (advertisement) 2 pages.
“Teletext Timing Chain Circuit (SAA5020),” (Aug. 1978), pp. 109.
“Teletext Video Processor (SAA 5030),” Mullard (Dec. 1979), pp. 1-9.
“Video Text Decoder Systems (Signetics)”, Phillips IC Product Line Summary (May 1981), pp. 15-16.
“Teletext Acquisition and Control Circuit (SAA5040 Series),” Mullard (Jun. 1980), pp. 1-16.
“Asynchronous Data Transmission System Series 2100 Vidata,”Wagener Communications, Inc. (advertisement), 2 pages.
“Zenith VIRTEXTTM . . . Vertical Interval Region Text and Graphics,” Zenith Radio Corporation (flyer), 7 paged.
Anon, “Television Network Automated by Microcomputer-Controlled Channels,” Computer Design, vol. 15, No. 11, (Nov. 1976), pp. 50, 59, 62, 66 and 70.
Kinik, et al., “A Network Control System for Television Distribution by Satellite,” Journal of the SMPTE, Feb. 1975, vo. 84 No. 2, pp. 63-67.
Chiddix, “Videocassette Banks Automate Delayed Satellite Programming,” Aug. 1978, TV Comunications, pp. 38-39.
Curnal, et al., “Automating Television Operating Centers,” Bell Laboratories Record, Mar. 1978, pp. 65-70.
Baran, Paul (Packetcable Inc.), “Packetcable: A New Interactive Cable System Technology,” Cable '82—Technical Papers, National Cable Television Association 31st Annual Convention, Las Vegas, NV, May 3-5, 1982 (“CABLE '82”), pp. 1-6.
Tunmann, Ernest O. (Tele-Engineering Corporation), “Two-Way Cable TV Technologies,” Cable '82, pp. 7-15.
Dickinson, Robert V.C. (E-COM Corporation), “Carriage of Multiple One-Way and Interactive Service on CATV Networks,” Cable '82, pp. 16-21.
McNamara, R.P. et al. (Sytek, Incorporated), “MetroNet: an Overview of a CATV Regional Data Network,” Cable '82, pp. 22-31.
Eissler, Charles (Oak Communications Systems), “Addressable Control for the Small System,” Cable '82, pp. 32-36.
Mesiya, M.F. et al. (Times Fiber Communications, Inc.), “Mini-Hub Addressable Distribution System for Hi-Rise Application,” Cable '82, pp. 37-42.
Thomas, William L. (Zenith Radio Corporation), “Full Field Tiered Addressable Teletext,” Cable '82, pp. 44 46.
Langley, Don et al. (University of Cincinnati and Rice-Richter Associates), “Interactive Split Screen Teleconferencing,” Cable '82, pp. 47-50.
Klare, Stephen W. (Scientific—Atlanta), “Bandwidth-Efficient, High-Speed Modems for Cable Systems,” Cable '82, pp. 72-78.
Jubert, Jay (Wang Laboratories, Inc.), “Wangnet, a Cable-Based Localnet,” Cable '82, pp. 79-81.
Switzer, I. (Cable America, Inc.), “Cable TV Advances and TV Receiver Compatibility Problems,” Cable '82, pp. 114-118.
Skrobko, John (Scientific-Atlanta Incorporated), “Improving CATV System Reliability with Automatic Status Monitoring and Bridger Switching,” Cable '82, pp. 133-137.
Dahlquist, John (Jerrold Division, General Instrument Corporation), “Techniques for Improving Continuity of Service in a CATV Distribution System,” Abstract, Cable '82, p. 138.
Polishuk, Paul Dr. (Information Gatekeepers, Inc.) “Present Status of Fiber Optics Technology and its Impact on the CATV Industry,” Cable '82, pp. 142-147.
Dufresne, Michel (Videotron Communications LTEE), “New Services: an Integrated Cable Networks's Approach,” Cable '82, pp. 156-160.
Stanton, Gary W. (Southern Satellite Systems), “Downloading and Addressing via Teletext,” Cable '82, pp. 161-165.
Goldberg, Efrem I. (GTE Laboratories Incorporated), “Videotex on Two-Way Cable Television Systems—Some Technical Considerations,” Cable '82, pp. 166-174.
Noirel, Yves (CCETT/Rennes, France), “Abstract of paper entitled Data Broadcasting: “Didon” and “Diode” Protocols,” Cable '82, pp. 175-179.
von Meister, William F. (Digital Music Company), “The Home Music Store,” Cable '82, pp. 180-182.
Brown, Jr., Robert R. (Cima Telephone and Television), “Inter Bridger Trunking for Information Services,” Cable '82, pp. 183-189.
Alvord, Charles, Dr. (Communications Technology Management, Inc.), “Creating Standards for Interconnect Systems,” Cable '82, pp. 190-196.
Schrock, Clifford B. (Cable Bus Systems Corporation), “Can Noise and Ingress Coexist with Two-Way Services?,” Cable '82, pp. 205-209.
The Weather Channel, “The Weather Star Satellite Transponder Addressable Receiver,” Operation/Installation Manual, Rev. 01.5/82.
Lafayette, Jon, “TV ad monitor system starts tests here Mon.,” New York Post, Oct. 18, 1985, p. 63.
Jones, Stacy V., “Patents/Monitoring Display of TV Ads,” The New York Times, Oct. 19, p. 34.
Remley, F.M., “Television Technology,” SMPTE Journal, May 1982, pp. 458-462.
Proposed American National Standard, “Electrical and Mechanical Characteristics for Digital Control Interface,” SMPTE Journal, Sep. 1982, pp. 888-897.
Zaludek, Jerry P., “Videotape—Past, Present, and Future,” SMPTE Journal, Apr. 1982, pp. 356-360.
Kary, Michael Loran, “Video-Assisted Film Editing System,” SMPTE Journal, Jun. 1982, pp. 547-551.
Glover, S. “Automatic Switching at the Edmonton Television Studios,” SMPTE Journal, Nov. 1966, vol. 75, pp. 1089-1092.
Barlow, M.W.S., “The Remote Control of Multiplexed Telecine Chains,” SMPTE Journal, Apr. 1971, vol. 80, pp. 270-275.
Campbell, Keith D., “An Automated Video-Tape Editing System,” Journal of the SMPTE, Mar. 1970, vol. 79, pp. 191-194.
Bonney, R.B. et al., “A Proposed Standard Time and Control Code for Video-Tape Editing,” Journal of the SMPTE, Mar. 1970, vol. 79, pp. 186-190.
Barlow, M., Letter to the Editor, “Re: Coding and Packaging Film for Broadcasting,” Journal of the SMPTE, Oct. 1969, vol. 78, p. 889.
Barlow, M., Letter to the Editor, “Re: Automation of Telecine Equipment,” Journal of the SMPTE, Apr. 1970, vol. 79, pp. 345-346.
Matley, J. Brian, “A Digital Framestore Synchronizer,” SMPTE Journal, Jun. 1976, vol. 85, pp. 385-388.
Connolly, W.G. et al., “The Electronic Still Store: A Digital System for the Storage and Display of Still Pictures,” SMPTE Journal, Aug. 1976, vol. 85, pp. 609-613.
Sadashige, K., “Overview of Time-Base Correction Techniques and Their Applications,” SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1976, vol. 85, pp. 787-791.
Siocos, C.A., “Satellite Technical and Operational Committee—Television (STOC-TV) Guidelines for Waveform Graticules,” SMPTE Journal, Nov. 1976, vol. 85, pp. 878-879.
“Index to Subjects—Jan.-Dec. 1976 • vol. 85,” 1976 Index to SMPTE Journal, SMPTE Journal, vol. 85, pp. I-5 to I-13, I-15.
Rodgers, Richard W., “Design Considerations for a Transmission and Distribution System for SMPTE Time-Code Signals,” SMPTE Journal, Feb. 1977, vol. 86, pp. 69-70.
Allan, J.J., III, et al., “A Computer-Controlled Super-8 Projector,” SMPTE Journal, Jul. 1977, vol. 86, pp. 488-489.
“Index to Subjects—Jan.-Dec. 1977 • vol. 86,” 1977 Index to SMPTE Journal, SMPTE Journal, vol. 86, pp. I-5 to I-14.
Hamalainen, KJ., “Videotape Editing Systems Using Microprocessors,” SMPTE Journal, Jun. 1978, Vol. 87, pp. 379-382.
McCoy, Reginald F.H., “A New Digital Video Special-Effects Equipment,” SMPTE Journal, Jan. 1978, vol. 87, pp. 20-23.
Leonard, Eugene, “Considerations Regarding the Use of Digital Data to Generate Video Backgrounds,” SMPTE Journal, Aug. 1978, vol. 87, pp. 499-504.
Swetland, George R., “Applying the SMPTE Time and Control Code to Television Audio Post Production,” SMPTE Journal, Aug. 1978, vol. 87, pp. 508-512.
Moore, J.K., et al., “A Recent Innovation in Digital Special Effects, The CBS ‘Action Track’ System,” SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1978, vol. 87, pp. 673-676.
Connolly, William G., “Videotape Program Production at CBS Studio Center,” SMPTE Journal, Nov. 1978, vol. 87, pp. 761-763.
Nicholls, William C., “A New Edit Room Using One-Inch Continuous-Field Helical VTRs,” SMPTE Journal, Nov. 1978, vol. 87, pp. 764-766.
“Index to vol. 87 Jan.-Dec. 1978,” SMPTE Journal, Part II to Jan. 1979 SMPTE Journal, pp. I-1, I-4 to I-14.
Wetmore, R. Evans, “System Performance Objectives and Acceptance Testing of the Public Television Satellite Interconnection System,” SMPTE Journal, Feb. 1979, vol. 88, pp. 101-111.
Bates, George W., “Cut/Lap: A New Method for Programmable Fades and Soft Edit Transitions Using a Single Source VTR,” SMPTE Journal, Mar. 1979, vol. 88, pp. 160-161.
Douglas, W. Gordon, “PBS Satellite Interconnection Technical Operations and Maintenance,” SMPTE Journal, Mar. 1979, vol. 88, pp. 162-163.
Oliphant, Andrew et al., “A Digital Telecine Processing Channel,” SMPTE Journal, Jul. 1979, vol. 88, pp. 474-483.
Bates, George W. et al., “Time Code Error Correction Utilizing a Microprocessor,” SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1979, vol. 88, pp. 712-715.
Geise, Heinz-Dieter, “The Use of Microcomputers and Microprocessors in Modern VTR Control,” SMPTE Journal, Dec. 1979, vol. 88, pp. 831-834.
“Index to Subjects—Jan.-Dec. 1979 • vol. 88,” 1979 Index to SMPTE Journal, SMPTE Journal, vol. 88, pp. I-4 to I-10.
“Advanced Transmission Techniques,” SMPTE Journal, Report on the 121st Technical Conference, Jan. 1980, vol. 89, pp. 31-32.
“Anderson: Progress Committee Report for 1979—Television,” SMPTE Journal, May 1980, vol. 89, pp. 324-328.
SMPTE Journal, May 1980, vol. 89, p. 391, no title.
“The TCR-119 Reader,” Gray Engineering Laboratories, SMPTE Journal, May 1980, vol. 89, p. 438. (advertisement).
Hopkins, Robert S., Jr., “Report of the Committee on New Technology,” SMPTE Journal, Jun. 1980, vol. 89, pp. 449-450.
Limb, J.O. et al., “An Interframe Coding Technique for Broadcast Television,” SMPTE Journal, Jun. 1980, vol. 89, p. 451.
“Preliminary List of Papers,” SMPTE Journal, Sep. 1980, vol. 89, p. 677.
Davis, John T., “Automation of a Production Switching System,” SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1980, vol. 89, pp. 725-727.
“Video Tape Recording Glossary,” SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1980, vol. 89, p. 733.
Advertisement, “CTVM 3 series of Barco master control color monitors”, “Barco TV Modulator, Model VSBM 1/S”, “VICMACS Type 1724 Vertical Interval Machine Control System”, “Videotape Editing Controllers by US JVC Corp., RM-70U, RM-82U, RM-88U”, SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1980, Vol. 89, p. 820 et seq.
Ciciora, Walter, “Teletext Systems: Considering the Prospective User,” SMPTE Journal, Nov. 1980, vol. 89, pp. 846-849.
Hathaway, R.A. et al., “Development and Design of the Ampex Auto Scan Tracking (AST) System,” SMPTE Journal, Dec. 1980, vol. 89, p. 931.
Connor, Denis J., “Network Distribution of Digital Television Signals,” SMPTE Journal, Dec. 1980, vol. 89, pp. 935-938.
“Index to Subjects—Jan.-Dec. 1980 • vol. 89,” 1980 Index to SMPTE Journal, SMPTE Journal, pp. I-5 to I-11.
“Index to SMPTE-Sponsored American National Standards, Society Recommended Practices, and Engineering Committee Recommendations,” 1980 Index to SMPTE Journal, SMPTE Journal, pp. I-15 to I-20.
Table of Contents, SMPTE Journal, Feb. 1981, vol. 90, No. 2, 1 page.
Table of Contents, SMPTE Journal, Mar. 1981, vol. 90, No. 3, 1 page.
Table of Contents, SMPTE Journal, Apr. 1981, vol. 90, No. 4,1 page.
Table of Contents, SMPTE Journal, May 1981, vol. 90, No. 5, 1 page.
“Television,” SMPTE Journal, May 1981, pp. 375-379.
Table of Contents, SMPTE Journal, Jan. 1981, vol. 90, No. 1,1 page.
Table of Contents, SMPTE Journal, Jun. 1981, vol. 90, No. 6, 1 page.
Table of Contents, SMPTE Journal, Jul. 1981, vol. 90, No. 7,1 page.
Table of Contents, SMPTE Journal, Aug. 1981, vol. 90, No. 8, 1 page.
“American National Standard” “time and control code for video and audio tape for 525-line/ 60-field television systems,” SMPTE Journal, Aug. 1981, pp. 716-717.
Table of Contents, SMPTE Journal, Sep. 1981, vol. 90, No. 9, 1 page.
“Proposed SMPTE Recommended Practice” “Vertical Interval Time and Control Code Video Tape for 525-Line/ 60-Field Television Systems,” SMPTE Journal, Sep. 1981, pp. 800-801.
Table of Contents, SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1981, vol. 90, No. 10, 1 page.
Kaufman, Paul A. et al., “The Du Art Frame Count Cueing System,” SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1981, pp. 979-981.
“American National Standard” “dimensions of video, audio and tracking control records on 2-in video magnetic tape quadruplex recorded at 15 and 7.5 in/ s,” SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1981, pp. 988-989.
Table of Contents, SMPTE Journal, Nov. 1981, vol. 90, No. 11, 1 page.
Table of Contents, SMPTE Journal, Dec. 1981, vol. 90, No. 12, 1 page.
Powers, Kerns H., “A Hierarchy of Digital Standards for Teleproduction in the Year 2001,” SMPTE Journal, Dec. 1981, pp. 1150-1151.
“Application of Direct Broadcast Satellite Corporation for a Direct Broadcast Satellite System,” Before the Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C., Jul. 16, 1981.
Rice, Michael, “Toward Enhancing the Social Benefits of Electronic Publishing,” Report of an Aspen Institute Planning Meeting, Communications and Society Forum Report, Feb. 25-26, 1987.
Rice, Michael, “Toward Improved Computer Software for Education and Entertainment in the Home,” Report of an Aspen Institute Planning Meeting, Communications and Society Forum Report, Jun. 3-4, 1987.
Gano, Steve, “Teaching ‘real world’ systems,” 1 page, 1987.
Pollack, Andrew, “Putting 25,000 Pages on a CD,” New York Times, 1 page, Mar. 4, 1987.
Gano, Steve, “A Draft of a Request for Proposals Concerning the Adoption of Computer Technology in the Home,” Jan. 1988, Draft © 1987 Steve Gano.
COMSAT, “Communications Satellite Corporation Magazine,” No. 7, 1982.
COMSAT, “Satellite to Home Pay Television,” no date.
COMSAT, “Annual Report 1981.”
“Comsat's STC: Poised for blastoff into TV's space frontier,” Broadcasting, Feb. 22, 1982, pp. 38-45.
Taylor, John P., “Comsat bid to FCC for DBS authorization: Questions of finances, ‘localism,’ monopoly,” Television/Radio Age, May 4, 1981, pp. 42-44 and 80-81.
Taylor, John P., “Fourteen DBS authorization applications to FCC differ greatly in both structure and operations,” Television/Radio Age, Oct. 5, 1981, pp. 40-42 and 116-119.
Taylor, John P., “Comsat bid to FCC for DBS authorization: Is direct broadcasting the wave of the future?”, Television/Radio Age, Mar. 23, 1981, pp. A-22-24 and A-26 and A-28-31.
“At Sequent Computer, One Size Fits All,” Business Week, Sep. 17, 1984, 1 page.
Hayashi, Alden, M., “Can Logic Automation model its way to success?”, Electronic Business, Aug. 1, 1986, 1 page.
“Imager monitors the bloodstream,” High Technology, Mar. 1987, 1 page.
Merritt, Christopher R.B., M.D., “Doppler blood flow imaging: integrating flow with tissue data,” Diagnostic Imaging, Nov. 1986, pp. 146-155.
Eisenhammer, John, “Will Europe's Satellite TV Achieve Lift-Off?”, Business, Aug. 1986, pp. 56-60.
Hayes, Thomas C., “New M.C.C. Chief's Strategy: To Speed Payoff on Research,” The New York Times, Jun. 24, 1987, 2 pages.
Collins, Glenn, “For Many, a Vast Wasteland Has Become a Brave New World,” New York Times, no date, 2 pages.
Gleick, James, “U.S. Is Lagging on Forecasting World Weather,” The New York TimesFeb. 15, 1987, 2 pages.
Browning, E.S., “Sony's Perseverance Helped It Win Market for Mini-CD Players,” Wall Street Journal, Feb. 27, 1986, 2 pages.
Dragutsky, Paula, “Data in the bank is booming biz,” New York Post, Apr. 29, 1985, 1 page.
Wayne, Leslie, “Dismantling the Innovative D.R.I.,” The New York Times, Dec. 16, 1984, 2 pages.
Sanger, David E., “A Computer Full of Surprises,” The New York Times, May 8, 1987, 2 pages.
Hoffman, Paul, “The Next Leap in Computers,” The New York Times Magazine, Dec. 7, 1986, 6 pages.
Taylor, Thayer C., “Laptops and the Sales Force: New Stars in the Sky,” pp. 81-84.
Parker, Edwin B., “Satellite micro earth stations—a small investment with big returns,” Data Communications, Jan. 1983, 5 pages.
“Micro Key System,” Video Associates Labs, product description.
“SMPTE Journal Five-Year Index 1971-1975,” SMPTE Journal.
“SMPTE Journal Five-Year Index 1976-1980,” SMPTE Journal.
“SMPTE Journal Five-Year Index 1981-1985,” SMPTE Journal, vol. 95, No. 1, Jan. 1986.
“SMPTE Journal Five-Year Index 1986-1990,” SMPTE Journal, vol. 100, No. 1, Jan. 1991.
“Annual Index 1982,” SMPTE Journal, vol. 91, Jan.-Dec. 1982, pp. 1253-1263.
“Highlights, SMPTE, The 124th SMPTE Conference,” SMPTE Journal, Jan. 1983, p. 3.
SMPTE Journal, Jan. 1983, pp. 64, 69-70, 87-90, 92-98.
“Highlights, SMPTE,” SMPTE Journal, Feb. 1983, p. 163.
“Highlights, SMPTE,” SMPTE Journal, Mar. 1983, p. 267.
“Highlights, SMPTE,” SMPTE Journal, Apr. 1983, p. 355.
Thomas, L. Merle, “Television,” SMPTE Journal, Apr. 1983, pp. 407-410.
“Highlights, SMPTE,” SMPTE Journal, May 1983, p. 547.
“Highlights, SMPTE,” SMPTE Journal, Jun. 1983, p. 627.
“Highlights, SMPTE,” SMPTE Journal, Jul. 1983, p. 715.
“Highlights, SMPTE,” SMPTE Journal, Aug. 1983, p. 803.
Tooms, Michael S. et al., “The Evolution of a Comprehensive Computer Support System for the Television Operation,” SMPTE Journal, Aug. 1983, pp. 824-833.
“Highlights, SMPTE,” SMPTE Journal, Sep. 1983, p. 907.
“Highlights, SMPTE,” SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1983, p. 1027.
“Highlights, SMPTE,” SMPTE Journal, Nov. 1983, p. 1173.
“Highlights, SMPTE,” SMPTE Journal, Dec. 1983, p. 1269.
“Index to Subjects—Jan.-Dec. 1983 • vol. 92,” Annual Index 1983, SMPTE Journal, pp. 1385-1391.
“Highlights, SMPTE,” SMPTE Journal, Jan. 1984, p. 3.
“Index to Subjects—Jan.-Dec. 1984 • vol. 93,” Annual Index 1984, SMPTE Journal, pp. 1211-1217.
“Highlights, SMPTE,” SMPTE Journal, Jan. 1985, p. 3.
Barlow, Michael W.S., “Application of Personal Computers in Engineering,” SMPTE Journal, Jan. 1985, pp. 27-30.
“Television Systems and Broadcast Technology,” SMPTE Journal, Jan. 1985, pp. 172-175.
“Highlights, SMPTE,” SMPTE Journal, Feb. 1985, p. 181.
Day, Alexander G., “From Studio to Home—How Good is the Electronic Highway?”, SMPTE Journal, Feb. 1985, pp. 216-217.
“Highlights, SMPTE,” SMPTE Journal, Mar. 1985, p. 265.
“Proposed SMPTE Recommended Practice, Storage of Edit Decision Lists on 8-in. Flexible Diskette Media,” SMPTE Journal, Mar. 1985, pp. 353-354.
McCroskey, Donald C., “Television,” SMPTE Journal, Apr. 1985, pp. 382-395.
“Highlights, SMPTE,” SMPTE Journal, Apr. 1985, p. 361.
SMPTE Journal, Apr. 1985, pp. 366-368, 473-478.
“Highlightsd SMPTE,” SMPTE Journal, May 1985, p. 545.
Morii, Yutaka, et al., “A New Master Control System for NHK's Local Stations,” SMPTE Journal, May 1985, pp. 559-564.
Kuca, Jay, et al., “A Fifth-Generation Routing Switcher Control System,” SMPTE Journal, May 1985, pp. 566-571.
“Highlights, SMPTE,” SMPTE Journal, Jun. 1985, p. 641.
“Highlights, SMPTE,” SMPTE Journal, Jul. 1985, p. 721.
Busby, E.S., “Digital Component Television Made Simple,” SMPTE Journal, Jul. 1985, pp. 759-762.
“Highlights, SMPTE,” SMPTE Journal, Aug. 1985, p. 801.
Rayner, Bruce, “High-Level Switcher Interface Improves Editing Techniques,” , SMPTE Journal, Aug. 1985, pp. 810-813.
Hayes, Donald R., “Vertical-Interval Encoding for the Recordable Laser Videodisc,” SMPTE Journal, Aug. 1985, pp. 814-820.
“SMPTE Recommended Practice, Video Record Parameters for 1-in Type C Helical-Scan Video Tape Recording,” SMPTE Journal, Aug. 1985, pp. 872-873.
“Proposed SMPTE Recommended Practice, Time and Control Codes for 24, 25, or 30 Frame-Per-Second Motion-Picture Systems,” SMPTE Journal, Aug. 1985, pp. 874-876.
“Proposed SMPTE Recommended Practice, Data Tracks on Low-Dispersion Magnetic Coatings on 35-mm Motion-Picture Film,” SMPTE Journal, Aug. 1985, pp. 877-878.
“Highlights,” SMPTE Journal, Sep. 1985, p. 881.
“Proposed SMPTE Recommended Practice, Control Message Archtecture,” SMPTE Journal, Sep. 1985, pp. 990-991.
“Proposed SMPTE Recommended Practice, Tributary Interconnection,” SMPTE Journal, Sep. 1985, pp. 992-995.
“Highlights,” SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1985, p. 1001.
Zimmerman, Frank, “Hybrid Circuit Construction for Routing Switchers,” SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1985, pp. 1015-1019.
“Highlights,” SMPTE Journal, Nov. 1985, p. 1155.
Sabatier, J., et al., “The D2-MAC-Packet System for All Transmission Channels,”SMPTE Journal, Nov. 1985, pp. 1173-1179.
“Highlights,” SMPTE Journal, Dec. 1985, p. 1243.
Shiraishi, Yuma, “History of Home Videotape Recorder Development,” SMPTE Journal, Dec. 1985, pp. 1257-1263.
“Index to Subjects—Jan.-Dec. 1985 • vol. 94,” Annual Index 1985, SMPTE Journal, pp. 1351-1357.
“Highlights,” SMPTE Journal, Jan. 1986, p. 3.
“Proposed American National Standard for component digital video recording—19-mm type D-1 cassette— tape cassette,” SMPTE Journal, Mar. 1986, pp. 362-363.
“Index to SMPTE-Sponsored American National Standards and Society Recommended Practices and Engineering Guidelines,” Smpte Journal, Annual Index 1987, pp. 1258, 1260-1262.
Rice, Philip, et al., “Development of the First Optical Videodisc,” SMPTE Journal, Mar. 1982, pp. 277-284.
Kubota, Yasuo, “The Videomelter,” SMPTE Journal, vol. 87, Nov. 1978, pp. 753-754.
“USTV Direct Satellite to Home Television Service,” General Instrument News Release, Aug. 1982.
“Second Senior Executive Conference on Productivity Improvement,” SALT, Society for Applied Learning Technology, Dec. 4-6, 1986.
“New Publications for 1987 from The Videodisc Monitor,” advertisement, 2 pages.
“The Videodisc Monitor,” vol. IV: No. 10, Oct. 1986.
“The Videodisc Monitor,” vol. IV: No. 12, Dec. 1986.
Smith, Charles C., “Computer Update” “Program Notes,” TWA Ambassador, Sep. 1982, pp. 74-90.
Harrar, George, “Opening Information Floodgates,” American Way, Oct. 1982, pp. 53-56.
“Publishers Go Electronic,” Business Week, Jun. 11, 1984, pp. 84-97.
“Serious Software Helps the Home Computer Grow Up,” Business Week, Jun. 11, 1984, pp. 114-118.
“Videoconferencing: No Longer Just a Sideshow,” Business Week, Nov. 12, 1984, pp. 116-120.
“Ratings War,” Forbes, Aug. 1, 1983, 1 page.
Kindel, Stephen, “Pictures at an exhibition,” Forbes, Aug. 1, 1983, pp. 137-139.
“Merrill Lynch and IBM Form Joint Venture to Market Financial Data Systems and Services,” News Release, Mar. 1984, 2 pages.
Branch, Charles, “Text Over Video,” PC World, Dec. 1983, pp. 202-210.
“Window on the World” “The Home Information Revolution,” 1981, Business Week, Jun. 29, 1981, pp. 74-83.
“Correspondence School Via Computer Is Planned,” The New York Times, Sep. 13, 1983, 1 page.
“‘Smart’ Digital TV Sets May Replace The Boob Tube,” Business Week, Sep. 26, 1983, p. 160, 2 pages.
“Round Two for Home Computer Makers,” Business Week, Sep. 19, 1983, pp. 93-95.
“High Technology,” Business Week, Jan. 11, 1982, pp. 74-79.
Kneale, Dennis, “Stations That Show Only Ads Attract a Lot of TV Watchers,” The Wall Street Journal, Sep. 23, 1982, 1 page.
“Video Kitchen” “Commercial Prospects for Food Data-Base Management,” Prospectus for a Multiclient Study from American Information Exchange, 1982.
I/Net Corporation, Company Brochure.
Diamond, David, “Why Television's Business Programs Haven't Turned a Profit,”The New York Times, Jun. 16, 1985, pp. F10-F11.
Tagliabue, John, “ITT's Key. West German Unit,” The New York Times, Apr. 29, 1985, p. D8.
Tagliaferro, John, “Tag Lines,” 1982, 1 page.
“PBS Project With Merrill,” newsarticle, Apr. 4, 1983.
“Merrill Lynch sinks $4M into FNN's Data Cast service,” Cable Vision, Mar. 11, 1985, p. 23.
“Merrill Lynch bullish on new data service,” Electronic Media, Feb. 28, 1985, p. 4.
“Merrill Lynch Plans Stock-Quote Service Linked to IBM's PC,” The Wall Street Journal, Mar. 21, 1984, p. 60.
Sanger, David E., “Public TV Joins Venture to Send Finance Data to Computer Users,” The New York Times, Feb. 21, 1985, pp. 1 and D8.
Dolnick, Edward, “Inventing The Future,” The New York Times Magazine, Aug. 23, 1987.
“Everything you've always wanted to know about TV Ratings,” A.C. Nielsen Company, brochure, 1978.
“Management With The Nielsen Retail Index System,” A.C. Nielsen Company, 1980.
Pollack, Andrew, “Computer Programs as University Teachers,” The New York Times, 4 pages.
“Business Television” “Changing the Way America Does Business,” PSN, 1986.
Merrell, Richard G., “TAC-Timer,” 1986 NCTA Technical Papers, 1986, pp. 203-206.
“Universal Remote Control,” Radio Shack, Owner's Manual, 4 pages.
Long, Michael, E., “The VCR Interface,” 1986 NCTA Technical Papers, 1986, pp. 197-202.
“Flexible programmieren mit. VPS,” Funkschau, (German publication), 1985. (translation provided).
Chase, Scott, “Corporate Satellite Networks No Longer A Luxury But Rather A Necessity,” Via Statellite, Jul. 1987, pp. 18-21.
Diamond, Sam, “Turning Television Into A Business Tool,” High Technology, Apr. 1987, 2 pages.
“The Portable Plus Personal Computer,” Hewlett-Packard, advertisement, Mar. 1986.
“The Portable Plus for Professionals in Motion,” Hewlett-Packard, advertisement, Jul. 1985.
“KBTV Kodak Business TeleVision,” Kodak, brochure, Sep. 1987.
“Broadway Video,” Brochure, Feb. 1987.
“Digital TV set to burst on U.S. mart,” New York Post, 2 pages.
Prospectus, VIKONICS, Inc., Jul. 14, 1987.
Prospectus, DIGITEXT, Inc., Feb. 27, 1986.
Prospectus, Color Systems Technology, Inc., Aug. 13, 1986.
Prospectus, Cheyenne Software, Inc., Oct. 3, 1985.
1986 Annual Report, the Allen Group Inc.
Wilson, Donald H., “A Process for Creating a National Legal Computer Research Service in The United States,” remarks at the conference on World Peace Through World Law and World Assembly of Judges, Belgrade Yugoslavia, Jul. 23, 1971.
Pollack, Andrew, “Teletext is Ready for Debut,” The New York Times, Feb. 18, 1983, 2 pages.
“Sunny Outlook for Landmark's John Wynne; Landmark Communications Inc.,” Broadcasting, Lexis-Nexis, Jul. 27, 1987.
“Applications Information VCR-3001A Universal Videocassette Control Module,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, 5 pages, Mar. 1984.
Killion, Bill, “Advertising,” SAT Guide, Jul. 1982.
“PL-5A Price List Typical Systems,” Channelmatic, Inc., Nov. 1984.
“Channelmatic SPOTMATIC Random Access Commercial Insert System,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, Jul. 1983.
Killion, Bill, “Automatic Commercial Insertion Equipment for the Unattended Insertion of Local Advertising,” paper presented at 33rd Annual National Cable Television Association Convention, Jun. 1984.
“Channelmatic SDA-1A Sync Stripping Pulse Distribution Amplifier,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, 1 page.
“Broadcast Quality Random Access Commercial Insert System Featuring the Channelmatic SPOTMATIC Z,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, 1 page.
“Audio Level Detector ALD-3000A,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, Mar. 1984, 1 page.
“CVS-3000A Commercial Verification System,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, Mar. 1984, 1 page.
“Four-Channel Commercial Insert System Featuring the Channelmatic CIS-1A SPOTMATIC JR,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, 1 page.
“Local Program Playback System Featuring the Channelmatic VCR-3005A-5 Videocassette Sequencer,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, 1 page.
“Channelmatic BBX-1A Billibox Bypass and Test Switcher,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, 2 pages.
“Channelmatic's Handimod I,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, 2 pages.
“SPOTMATIC JR. Single VCR Commercial Insert System,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, 4 pages.
“PL-1A Price List, 3000 Series Equipment,” Channelmatic, Inc., Feb. 1985, 2 pages.
“PL-2B 1000 Series Price List, 1.75× 19 Inch Rack Mounting,” Channelmatic, Inc., Jul. 1985.
“VPD-3001A Signal Presence Detector,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, Mar. 1984, 1 page.
“Channelmatic CMG-3008A 8-page Color Message Generator Module,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, 1 page.
“Tone Switching System Model TSS-3000A-1,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, 1 page.
“Series 3000 Satellite Receiver Controllers,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, 2 pages.
“Channelmatic UAA-6A Universal Audio Amplifier,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, 1 page.
“Channelmatic ADA-3006A Audio Distribution Amplifier,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, 1 page.
“Channelmatic ADA-1A, ADA-2A, ADA-3A Audio Distribution Amplifier,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, 1 page.
“Channelmatic VDA-3006A Video Distribution Amplifier,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, 1 page.
“Channelmatic VDA-1A, VDA-2A, VDA-3A Video Distribution Amplifier,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, 1 page.
“Channelmatic AVS-10A Patchmaster,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, 2 pages.
“Broadcast Break Sequencer Model BBS-3006A,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, Mar. 1984, 1 page.
“Audio-Video Emergency Alert System,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, Mar. 1984, 2 page.
“VCR Automation System LPS-3000A,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, Mar. 1984, 2 pages.
“Clock Switching System Model CCS-3000A-1,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, Mar. 1984, 1 page.
“Channelmatic PCM-3000A Superclock Programmable Controller Module,” Channelmatic, Inc., product description, 2 pages.
“PL-3A Price List Videocassette Changers,” Channelmatic, Inc., Nov. 1984, 1 page.
Channelmatic, Inc., advertisement, “Looking at Local Ad Sales?”, 1 page.
“Channelmatic Television Switching and Control Equipment 3000 Series,” Channelmatic, Inc., product descriptions, 1984.
“CIS-1A SPOTMATIC JR. & CIS-2A Li' l Moneymaker,” Channelmatic, Inc., Installation and Operations Guide, 950-0066-00, V1.0.
“1986 Annual Report to Shareowners, Customers and Employees,” The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation.
Landro, Laura, “CBS, AT&T May Start Videotex Business in '83 if 7-Month Home Test Is Successful,” The Wall Street Journal, Sep. 28, 1982, p. 8.
“Video Visionaries,” Review, Sep. 1982, pp. 95-103.
“Video-Game Boom Continues Despite Computer Price War,” Technology, The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 1, 1982, p. 33.
Dunn, Donald H., editor, “How to Pick Your Stocks by Computer,” Personal Business, Business Week, Sep. 12, 1983, pp. 121-122.
Sandberg-Diment, Erik, “Instruction Without Inspiration,” Personal Computers, The New York Times, Sep. 6, 1983, p. C4.
Pace, Eric, “Videotex: Luring Advertisers,” The New York Times, Oct. 14, 1982.
“Will Knight-Ridder Make News With Videotex?”, Media, Business Week, Aug. 8, 1983, pp. 59-60.
Kneale, Dennis, et al., “Merrill Lynch and IBM Unveil Venture To Deliver Stock-Quote Data to IBM PCs,” The Wall Street Journal, Mar. 22, 1984, p. 8.
“Merrill Lynch Joins I.B.M. in Venture, ” The New York Times, Mar. 22, 1984, 1 page.
Kneale, Dennis, “Merrill Lynch Plans Stock-Quote Service Linked to I.B.M.'s PC,” The Wall Street Journal, Mar. 21, 1984, 1 page.
“A Videotex Pioneer Pushes Into the U.S. Market,” Business Week, Apr. 16, 1984, p. 63.
Gregg, Gail, “The Boom In On-Line Information,” New Businesses, Venture, Mar. 1984, pp. 98-102.
Sanger, David E., “Trading Stock by Computer,” Technology, The New York Times, Mar. 29, 1984, 1 page.
Saddler, Jeanne et al., “COMSAT, Citing Risks, Ends Negotiations With Prudential on Satellite—TV Venture,” The Wall Street Journal, Dec. 3, 1984, p. 51.
Pollack, Andrew, “Electronic Almanacs Are There for the Asking,” The New York Times, Mar. 18, 1984, 1 page.
Connelly, Mike, “Knight-Ridder's Cutbacks at Viewtron Show Videotex Revolution Is Faltering,” The Wall Street Journal, Nov. 2, 1984, p. 42.
“Time Inc. May Drop Teletext,” newspaper article, 1 page.
Pollack, Andrew, “Time Inc. Drops Teletext Experiment,” newspaper article, 1 page.
Arenson, Karen W., “CBS, I.B.M., Sears Join in Videotex Venture,” newspaper article, 1 page.
“E.F. Hutton to Start A Videotex Service,” newspaper article, 1 page.
Dunn, Donald H., editor, “Devices That Let You Track Stocks Like A Floor Trader,” Personal Business, Business Week, Jul. 25, 1983, pp. 83-84.
“United Satellite Racing Competitors,” newspaper article, 1 page.
Fantel, Hans, “Videotex to Expand What a TV Can Do,” article, 1 page.
“Zenith and Taft Co. In Teletext Venture,” The New York Times, p. D3.
Pollack, Andrew, “Videodisk's Data Future,” The New York Times, Oct. 7, 1982, p. D2.
Pace, Eric, “Videotex in Years To Come,” The New York Times, Sep. 1, 1982, p. D15.
“Advanced Minicomputer-based Systems for Banking and Financial Institutions,” Money Management Systems, Incorporated, brochure, 1980, 9 pages.
Middleton, Teresa, “The Education Utility,” American Educator, Winter 1986, pp. 18-25.
Perlez, Jane, “Teachers Act to Increase Decision-Making Power,” The New York Times, Jul. 8, 1986, 1 page.
Couzens, Michael, “Invasion of the People Meters,” Channels, Jun. 1986, pp. 40-45.
Behrens, Steve, “People Meters vs. The Gold Standard,” Channels, p. 72, Sep. 1987.
Diamond, Edwin, “Attack of the People Meters,” New York, pp. 38-41, Aug. 24, 1987.
“Ratings Brawl (Is Nielsen losing its grip?)” Time, p. 57, Jul. 20, 1987.
Sheets, Kenneth R., “No go. TV networks nix new high-tech rating system,” U.S. News & World Report, p. 39, Jul. 20, 1987.
Lieberman, David, “The Networks' Big Headache,” Business Week, pp. 26-28, Jul. 6, 1987.
Barbieri, Rich, “Perfecting the Body Count,” Channels, p. 15, Jun. 1987.
Dumaine, Brian, “Who's Gypping Whom in TV Ads?”, Fortune, pp. 78-79, Jul. 6, 1987.
Behrens, Steve, “People Meters' Upside,” Channels, p. 19, May 1987.
“People Meters,” The New Yorker, pp. 24-25, Mar. 2, 1987.
Zoglin, Richard, “Peering Back at the Viewer,” Time, p. 84, Jun. 30, 1986.
Kanner, Bernice, “Now, People Meters,” New York, 3 pages, May 19, 1986.
Trachtenberg, Jeffrey A., “Anybody home out there?”, Forbes, pp. 169-170, May 19, 1986.
Waters, Harry F. et al., “Tuning In on the Viewer,” Newsweek, p. 68, Mar. 4, 1985.
Berss, Marcia, “Tune in,” Forbes, p. 227, Sep. 24, 1984.
“Financial News Network Eyeing Teletext Service Tied To Home Computers,” International Videotex Teletext News, Dec. 1983, 1 page.
Prospectus, Financial News Network, Inc., Jul. 13, 1982.
“ELRA Group Cablemark Reports vol. I,” SAT Guide, Feb. 1982, 1 page.
“DOWALERT,” Brochure, 1983, 6 pages.
New York Stock Exchange, Inc., Computer Input Services, Schedule of Monthly Charges, Aug. 1, 1981, 1 page.
New York Stock Exchange, Inc., Market Data Services, Schedule of Monthly Charges, Jan. 1, 1982, 1 page.
“Introducing DowAlert,” brochure, 1982, 8 pages.
“Dow Jones Cable Information Services,” Company Brochure, 1982.
“Personal Portfolio Button,” brochure, JS&A, 1982.
“Business news breakthrough from Dow Jones,” advertisement, The Wall Street Journal, Jun. 10, 1982, p. 47.
“Charting A More Profitable Course for Your Portfolio?”, advertisement, Dow Jones News/Retrieval, The Wall Street Journal, Jun. 24, 1982, p. 40.
“Now you can get the precise business and financial news you want . . . throughout the business day.” “Dow Alert,” brochure, 1982.
Promotional letter, “Dow Jones Cable News,” Dow Jones & Company, Inc., Jan. 1, 1982, 2 pages.
“1981 Annual Report,” Quotron Systems, Inc.
Prospectus, Quotron Systems, Inc., Nov. 1982.
“Threat to Quotron Discounted,” The New York Times, 1984, 2 pages.
“Quotron's Central Position in Statistics Service Is Facing Competition From Several Challengers,” The Wall Street Journal, Feb. 2, 1984, p. 59.
“European Security Prices Are Now Available As New Service From Quotron Systems,” News Release, Sep. 21, 1984, 1 page.
“1983 Annual Report,” Quotron Systems, Inc.
“How to increase training productivity through Videodisc and Microcomputer systems,” seminar brochure, 1981.
“The Revolution Continues . . . ”, Regency Systems, Inc., company brochure, 1984, 6 pages.
“How personal computers can backfire,” Business Week, Jul. 12, 1982, pp. 56-59.
“Taking control of computer spending,” Business Week, Jul. 12, 1982, pp. 59-60.
Meserve, Everett T., “A History of Rabbits,” Datamation, pp. 188-192.
Meserve, Everett T. (BILL), “The Future of Rabbits,” Datamation, Jan. 1982, pp. 130-136.
PC Ideas International Corp., product catalog, 7 pages, 1985.
UltiTech, Inc., “The Portable Interactive Videodisc System 3,” brochure, 1985.
Sony Video Communications, “LDP-1000A Laser Videodisc Player,” product description, 1983, 2 pages.
TMS Inc., Digital Laser Technology, product information, 1984, 16 pages.
Sony Video Communications, “Videodisc, Premastering and Formatting,” brochure, 1982.
Pioneer Video, Inc., “LD-V4000 Industrial Laserdisc Player,” product description, Feb. 1984, 2 pages.
Pioneer Video, Inc., “LD-V6000 Industrial Laserdisc Player,” product description, May 1985, 2 pages.
Pioneer Video, Inc., “LD-V6000 Industrial Laserdisc Player,” products price list, Apr. 1984, 1 page.
Pioneer Video, Inc., “Customer Support Publications,” 2 pages.
Pioneer Video, Inc., “Pioneer LD-V1000 Laserdisc Player,” price list, Feb. 1984, 1 page.
Pioneer Video, Inc., “LD-V1000 Laserdisc Player,” product description, Feb. 1985, 2 pages.
Pioneer Video, Inc., “LD-V4000 Laserdisc Player,” products price list, Dec. 1983, 1 page.
“Space-Age Navigation For The Family Car,” reprinted from Business Week, Jun. 18, 1984, 2 pages.
Held, Thomas et al., “Videodisc to Lure and to Learn,” reprinted from The Journal of the International Television Association, International Television, May 1984, 4 pages.
Sony, “SONY View System, The Intelligent Video System,” product description, 1985, 2 pages.
Sony, “LDP-2000 Series, VideoDisc Players,” brochure, 1985, 12 pages.
Digital, “Vax Producer, A System for Creating Interactive Applications,” product bulletin, May 1984, 8 pages.
“Laserdata Announces Trio Encoder at the SALT Show,” News release, Aug. 21, 1985, 3 pages.
“Laserdata Still Frame Audio Premastering Guide,” advertisement, 3 pages.
“Laserdata Trio Encoder Product Description,” product description, 4 pages.
“PC Trio,” Laserdata, product description, 2 pages.
Laserdata, price list, Aug. 1, 1985, 4 pages.
News Release, Industrial Training Corporation, Merger of IIAT with and into ITC, Jun. 11, 1985, 1 page.
“A Touch-Screen Disc (Devlin Interviews the Producer),” reprinted magazine, E&ITV magazine, vol. 16, No. 5, May 1984, 4 pages.
“Interactive Videodisc in Education and Training,” Seventh Annual Conference, Society for Applied Learning Technology, conference agenda, Aug. 1985.
“Inter Active Video from . . . . ” BCD Associates, brochure, 1985.
The Videodisc Monitor, vol. II: No. 8, Aug. 1984, 16 pages.
“Products From The VideoDisc Monitor,” order form, 2 pages.
“Interactive Video Served on a disc,” Scotch Laser Videodisc, 3M, brochure, 8 pages.
Scotch Laser Videodisc, Price List, May 1, 1984, 2 pages.
“How to find the pot of gold at the end of this rainbow,” Scotch Videodisc, 3M, brochure.
Scotch Laser Videodisc, Prices for Special Services, Feb. 15, 1984, 2 pages.
Scotch Laser Videodisc, Master Tape Specifications, May 1984, 2 pages.
“IEV Graphics and Interactive Video Products,” IEV Corporation, product information, 1 page.
“IEV-20 High-Resolution Color Graphics for The IBM-PC,” IEV Corporation, product description, 1 page.
“IEV-40 Graphics Overlay and Video Disc and Tape Control for the IBM-PC,” IEV Corporation, product description, 1 page.
“IEV-10 A Direct Replacement for the IBM Color/Graphics Adapter Card with Video Overlay Capability,” IEV Corporation, product description, 1 page.
“Model 60 Graphics Overlay and Disc or Tape Controller,” IEV Corporation, product description, 1 page.
“The IRIS System,” Silicon Graphics, Inc., product brochure, 1983.
“IRIS 1400, High Performance Geometry Computer,” Silicon Graphics, Inc., product specification, 2 pages.
“IRIS 1000/1200, High Performance Geometry Terminals,” Silicon Graphics, Inc., product specification, 2 pages.
“IRIS 1500, High Performance Geometry Computer,” Silicon Graphics, Inc., product specification, 2 pages.
“The IRIS Graphics System,” Silicon Graphics, Inc., system description, 1983, 6 pages.
“UNIX, Operating System for the IRIS Geometry Computer,” Silicon Graphics, Inc., product specification, 1 page.
“IRIS Graphics Library, Programming Support for IRIS Systems,” Silicon Graphics, Inc., product specification, 1 page.
“Ethernet, 10mbit per second Local Area Network,” Silicon Graphics, Inc., product specification, 2 pages.
Sony, Sony Video Communications, “PVM-1910/PVM-1911 19” Trinitron Color Video Monitors, product brochure, 1984, 8 pages.
“Computer Controls for Video Production,” EECO EECODER Still-Frame Decoder VAC-300, product brochure, 1984, 4 pages.
O'Donnell, John et al., “Videodisc Program Production Manual,” Sony, 1981.
“Still Frame Audio Encoder,” Laserdata, product description, 2 pages.
“TRIO 110,” Laserdata, product description, 2 pages.
“LD-V6000, Industrial Laserdisc Player,” A Technical Perspective, Pioneer Video, Inc., May 1984.
“SWSD System,” Stills With Sound and Data, Pioneer Video, Inc., product description, Aug. 1984, 2 pages.
Pioneer Video, Inc., Price List, Industrial Disc Replication and Program Development Services, May 1984, 4 pages.
“V: Link 1000,” Visage, Inc., product description, 1984, 2 pages.
“The University of Delaware Videodisc Music Series presents Interactive Videodisc Instruction in Music,” advertisement, 8 pages.
“Interactive Videodisc In Education and Training,” Sixth Annual Conference, Society for Applied Learning Technology, conference agenda, Aug. 1984, 2 pages.
“Sony engineering introduces to industry the new Sony Laser VideoDisc,” Sony Video Communications, product brochure, 12 pages.
“GraphOver 9500,” Hi-Res Graphics Overlays for NTSC Video, New Media Graphics, product description, 1983, 4 pages.
“New Horizons in Interactive Video,” Puffin product advertisement, IEV Corporation, 2 pages.
IEV Feb. 1985 Price List, 1 page.
“Fast Forth” “No Other Forth Comes Close,” IEV Corporation, product brochure.
“Pro 68 Advanced Technology 16/32 Bit Co-Processor for IBM PC, PC/XT, PC/AT and Capatibles,” Hallock Systems Company, Inc., product description, 7 pages.
“Pro 68 Software Facts,” Hallock Systems Company, Inc., product description, 6 pages.
“Pro CAD A Pro 68 Software Product,” Hallock Systems Company, Inc., product description, 4 pages.
“V: Station 2000 System,” Visage, Inc., product description, 2 pages.
“Upgrade Packages,” Visage, Inc., product description, 1 page.
“Development Software,” Visage, Inc., product description, 4 pages.
“V: Link Modules,” Visage, Inc., product description, 4 pages.
Visage, Price List, Visage, Inc., Apr. 1985, 4 pages.
Kalowski, Nathan, “Player, Monitor, Interface,” reprinted from Jan. 1985 issue of Data Training, 4 pages.
“Five Authoring Languages Now Available for Use With Visage Interactive Video Systems,” Visage News Release, Visage, Inc., Mar. 18, 1985, 5 pages.
“GraphOver 9500,” Hi-Res Hi-Speed Graphics Overlays for Videodisc, New Media Graphics, product description, 1985, 4 pages.
“PC-VideoGraph,” Hi-Res PC Graphics For Videotaping or Display, New Media Graphics, product description, 1985, 4 pages.
“PC-GraphOver,” Interactive Video With Graphics Overlays, New Media Graphics, product description, 1985, 4 pages.
“Off-the-shelf raster scan display generator creates composite video image,” reprinted by Defense Systems Review and Military Communications, Jan. 1985, p. 55.
“The NTN Entertainment Network,” NTN Entertainment Network, programming information sheet, 2 pages.
Dickey, Glenn, “A Game That's Better Than the Real Thing,” San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 17, 1985, p. 63.
Connell, Steve, “Arm-Chair Quarterbacking (Computer football game makes fans the play-callers),” The Sacramento Union, Jan. 23, 1986, 3 pages.
Gunn, William, “Get Ready For Monday Night Football,” Night Club and Bar, Jul. 1986, pp. 20-22.
Brack, Fred, “QB1 Anyone?”, Alaska Airlines, Aug. 1986, 2 pages.
Dickey, Glenn, “QB1: Bringing The Game Into the Bar,” Sport Magazine, Oct. 1986, 1 page.
“The Most Exciting Customer and Revenue Building Program Since Sports were First Shown on T.V.”, NTN Communications, Inc., QB1 product brochure, 1986, 4 pages.
“NTN—The Company,” NTN Communications, Inc., company description, 1 page.
NTN Communications, Inc., “Trivia Countdown,” and “Trivia Showdown,” product descriptions, 1 page.
Pottle, Jack T. et al., “The Impact of Competitive Distribution Technologies on Cable Television,” Report, prepared for The National Cable Television Association, Mar. 1982.
“Consumer Electronics: A $40-Billion American Industry,” a report prepared by Arthur D. Little, Inc. for the Electronic Industries Association/Consumer Electronics Group, Apr. 1985.
“Camp,” Arbitron Cable, The Arbitron Company, product brochure, May 1980, 8 pages.
“Times Mirror Videotex/Infomart Joint Venture,” Times Mirror, Background, Jan. 8, 1982, 3 pages.
Cable Advertising Conference Feb. 9, 1982, conference agenda, Cabletelevision Advertising Bureau, Inc., 6 pages.
True Stereo Television, Series 1600 Warner-Amex Stereo Processers, Wegener Communications, Inc., product description, 1982, 3 pages.
“EUROM—a single-chip c.r.t. controller for videotex,” Mullard, Technical publication, 1984, 12 pages.
“EUROM” “A display IC for CEPT Videotex,” Mullard, product information, Feb. 1984, 6 pages.
“Satellite-Delivered Text Service Signs 4 Carriers,” Multichannel News, Jun. 18, 1984, p. 18.
Aarsteinsen, Barbara, “How the Chip Spurs TV Growth,” “The promise of digital televison has stirred the U.S. Industry,”The New York Times, May 20, 1984, 1 page.
Pollack, Andrew, “As Usual, Here Comes The Japanese,” The New York Times, May 20, 1984, 1 page.
“Unleashing IBM Could Help a Satellite Venture Blast Off,” Business Week, May 28, 1984, 2 pages.
Mayer, Martin, “Here comes Ku-band,” Forbes, May 21, 1984, pp. 65-72.
“The UCSD p-System Version IV,” SOFTECH Microsystems, product description, 2 pages.
“UCSD p-System Languages, Version IV UCSD Pascal, Fortran-77, Basic and Assembler,” SOFTECH Microsystems, product description, 2 pages.
“Add-On Features, UCSD p-System Version IV,” SOFTECH Microsystems, product description, 2 pages.
“USCD p-System, Version IV.1,” SOFTECH Microsystems, product description, 4 pages.
SOFTECH Microsystems, Product Order Form, Oct. 1982, 2 pages.
“Homecast, A Consumer Market Service from ICM Services,” Chase Econometrics, product brochure, 2 pages.
“Consumer Systems Industry Service,” research notes, Gartner Group, Inc., Jun. 22, 1983, 13 pages.
Download, Monthly Newsletter, vol. 1, No. 1, May 1984.
Nocera, Joseph, “Death of a Computer,” Texas Monthly, Apr. 1984.
Special Report, Business Week, Jul. 16, 1984, pp. 84-111.
Zenith, Video Hi-Tech Component TV, product brochure, Aug. 1982, 8 pages.
Ferretti, Fred, “For Major-League Times, Addicts, A Way to Win a Pennant,” The New York Times, Jul. 8, 1980, 1 page.
Friedman, Jack, “The Most Peppery Game Since The Hot Stove League? It's Rotisserie Baseball,” People weekly, Apr. 23, 1984, 2 pages.
“Information Package for MDS Applicants,” Department of Communications Radio Frequency Management Division, Oct. 1986.
Department of Transport and Communications Radio Frequency Management Division, Licensing Procedures for Ancillary Communications Services (ACS).
Minister for Communications Guidelines for Provision of Video and Audio Entertainment and Information Services, Oct. 13, 1986.
Christopher, Maurine, “BAR cable service set,” Advertising Age, Sep. 21, 1981, pp. 68 & 72.
“In this corner, Digisonics!”, Media Decisions, Jun. 1968, 5 pages.
“Did the ad run?”, Media Decisions, Jul. 1969, pp. 44 et seq.
“Digisonics TV Monitor System Finds Defenders,” Advertising Age, Dec. 8, 1969, 1 page.
“Merrill Lynch Advanced Applications Systems,” Advanced Automation Systems Department, system description, publication date unknown.
Dougherty, Philip, “Gathering Intelligence for Profit,” newspaper article, 1981, p. D7.
“Vidbits,” Advertising Age, Sep. 21, 1981, p. 70.
“Measuring The Cable Audience,” Ogilvy & Mather, Advertising, 1980, pp. H1-H8.
Cooney, John E., “Counting Cable's Gold Coins,” View, Sep. 1981, 4 pages.
“Cable TV Advertising,” Paul Kogan Associates, Inc., No. 22, Feb. 18, 1981, 6 pages,
“IDC begins monitoring,” At Deadline, Broadcasting, Sep. 14, 1970, p. 9.
“Contraband code,” Closed Circuit, Broadcasting, Sep. 28, 1970, 1 page.
“Listeners,” Closed Circuit, Broadcasting, 1 page.
“Digisonics violated standards, says BAR,” Broadcasting, Oct. 5, 1970, pp. 21-23.
“Talent pay code put off,” At Deadline, Broadcasting, Nov. 9, 1970, p. 9.
“Digisonics' Aim Is Info Bank, Not Just Proof of Performance,” Advertising Age, Nov. 9, 1970, 4 pages.
“Digisonics pushes its coding method,” Broadcasting, Dec. 7, 1970, p. 37.
“No. Digisonics friends show in comments,” Broadcasting, May 24, 1971, p. 62.
“Digisonics' dilemma,” Media Decisions, Jun. 1971, 6 pages.
“IDC encoding system still alive at FCC,” Broadcasting, Sep. 27, 1971, p. 31.
Howard, Niles A., “IDC drops tv monitoring; mulls revival,” reprint from Advertising Age, Feb. 3, 1975, 1 page.
“Teleproof I” “An Exciting New Development of International Digisonics Corporation,” product brochure, 13 pages.
“Teleproof 2,” IDC Services, Inc., product description, 6 pages.
“The Best Reason to Buy Odetics On-Air Automation Systems Today?” Advertisement, Odetics Broadcast, 1 page.
“Advertising on Cable” “Automatic Commercial Insertion-Plus-Automatic Print-Out Verification With the New Ad Machine and Ad Log,” Advertisement, Tele-Engineering Corporation, 4 pages.
“NTN Communications, Inc. Entertainment Network Program Schedule,” Advertisement, NTN Communications, Inc., 2 pages.
“Interactive Football for The Home,” Advertisement, U.S. Videotel, 2 pages.
“NTN Programming,” Advertisement, NTN Communications, Inc., 2 pages.
“Electronic Surveys, Inc. Signs NTN Contract,” News Release, NTN Communications, Inc. Carlsbad, CA, 2 pages.
Andrews, Edmund L., “AT&T Sees The Future in Games,” The New York Times, Business Day, 2 pages.
“Total Teleconferencing Solutions for Your Communication and Training Needs,” brochure, Parker Communications Corporation, Parker Associates.
“PSN Signs Fourth High Technology Customer As Amdahl Corporation Implements Business Television,” PSN News, News Release, Private Satellite Network, Inc., 2 pages.
PSN, Private Satellite Network, Inc., product information for MISTS, Mass Interactive Simultaneous Telecommunications System, 6 pages.
“Broadcasting Services,” brochure, PSN, Private Satellite Network, Inc., 6 pages.
Martin, Vivian B., “Companies use TV talk shows to inform workers,” The Hartford Journal, Business Weekly, 1 page.
Fisher, Lawrence M., “TV: Growing Corporate Tool,” The New York Times, 2 pages.
Vaughan, Kimithy, “Evolution of Corporate Television Networks,” Teleconference, The Business Communication Magazine, pp. 38-40.
“New in Teleconferencing Resources,” advertisement, Parker Associates, 4 pages.
“Business Television Services,” Irwin Communications, Inc., brochure, 1 page.
“Corporate Capabilities,” Irwin Communications, Inc., brochure, 1 page.
“Introducing RSVP: The latest breakthrough for cable!”, advertisement, Arbitron, 1 page.
“Viacom Unit Will Tap Into Pay Networks,” newspaper article, 1 page.
“Show or Tell?”, Advertising material, The Weather Star 4000, The Weather Channel, 8 pages.
“Video Hi-Tech Component TV,” CV 1950, CV 510, CV 540, CV 520, CV 150, advertisement, Zenith Radio Corporation, 4 pages.
“Point-To-Multipoint Data Communication Network Services,” product description, Equatorial Communications Company, 5 pages.
“C-100 Series Micro Earth Stations for Satellite Data Distribution,” product description, Equatorial Communications Company, 4 pages.
“C-200 Micro Earth Station for Satellite Data Communications,” product description, Equatorial Communications Company, 3 pages.
“Interactive Data Communication Network Services,” product description, Equatorial Communications Company, 3 pages.
“Data Communications Network Description,” product description, Equatorial Communications Company, 5 pages.
Landro, Laura, “Satellite Company Signs Merill Lynch For Its Video Service,” The Wall Street Journal, 1 page.
“Elite 2000 Creation System,” IBM Compatible Information Display System, advertisement, Display Systems International, Inc., 1 page.
“Video Database Management . . . When Words Are Not Enough,” advertisement, U.S. Video, 2 pages.
“U.S. Video presents . . . True Computer-Video Overlays,” The Raster Master RM-110, product description, U.S. Video, 2 pages.
“Now You Can Find Just the Right Image Every Time Quickly and Easily with Image Search and the IBM PC/XT,” advertisement, Online Computer Systems, Inc., 1 page.
“Touch the Future Today,” advertisement, MetaMedia Systems, Inc., 1 page.
“Training solutions for the 80's and beyond,” advertisement, Online Computer Systems, Inc., 2 pages.
“Experienced Educator/Trainers,” “Use the new Pilot plus Training System to develop highly interactive courseware on your IBM PC that will run on most microcomputers,” advertisement, Online Computer Systems, Inc., 2 pages.
“Technical Specifications for Hardware and Software Products,” Online Products Corporation, 9 pages.
“Museum Image Series,” product information, Online Products Corporation, 2 pages.
“Omega Vision,” product description, Omega Management Group Corp., 2 pages.
“Visage Visual Information Systems,” Interactive Video Products, brochure, Visage, Inc.
“Now the Future Is Clear,” Visage Visual Information Systems, brochure, Visage, Inc., 4 pages.
“Speak Through The Power of Today's Technology,” QUEST, product description, Allen Communication, 4 pages.
“Universal Video Controller,” product description, Allen Communication, 2 pages.
“Video-Microcomputer Interface,” product description, Allen Communication, 2 pages.
“The Leader in Interactive Video,” advertisement, Allen Communication, 2 pages.
“Allen Communication Price List,” Allen Communication, 1 page.
“Touché Interactive videodisc training by IIAT,” advertisement, IIAT, International Institute of Applied Technology, Inc., 1 page.
“Touché Interactive Videodisc System,” product description, IIAT, International Institute of Applied Technology, Inc., 2 pages.
“IIAT ST-1000A IIAT Training Station,” product description, IIAT, International Institute of Applied Technology, Inc., 2 pages.
“IIAT ST-1000B IIAT Training Station,” product description, IIAT, International Institute of Applied Technology, Inc., 2 pages.
“IIAT International Institute of Applied Technology, Inc.,” company description, 4 pages.
“Pilot plus Course Authoring Interpreter,” IIAT Products, product description, 1 page.
“Touch Monitor/ Videodisc Player Interface Card and Video Switch Box,” IIAT Products, product description, 1 page.
“Touch Sensitive Monitor Interface Card for Apple II,” IIAT Products, product description, 1 page.
“Touchpoint, A Total Eclipse of Existing Technology,” product description, Allen Communication, 2 pages.
“Totally Integrated Interactive System—TII-PC,” product description, Allen Communication, 2 pages.
“Most Valuable Peripheral,” product description, Allen Communication, 2 pages.
“Allen Communication Introduces Integrated Interactive Video Systems,” brochure, 2 pages.
“Automation, Control and Monitoring Systems,” brochure, Jasmin Electronics Limited.
“jasmin,” company brochure, Jasmin Electronics Limited, 4 pages.
“jasmin Teletext Systems,” advertisement, Jasmin Electronics Limited, 4 pages.
“jasmin Process Control Systems,” advertisement, Jasmin Electronics Limited, 4 pages.
“Teleprompter of Denver Channel Line Up,” 2 pages.
“City of Seal Beach Channel Utilization Guide,” 3 pages.
“V: Link 1910: The Single-Slot VGA Interactive Video Solution,” product description, Visage, Inc., 4 pages.
“The OASYS Authoring System,” advertisement, Online Computer Systems, Inc., 1 page.
“Advertisers Guide to Cable TV Terms,” brochure, Cable Ad Associates, Inc.
“Cable Audience Measurement Study,” A Prospectus based upon recommendations of the Ad Hoc Cable Measurement Committee, pamphlet.
Kane, Sharyn et al., “Technology in the First Person,” reprint from Delta Air Lines' SKY magazine, 4 pages.
“Training Systems,” brochure, WICAT systems, Training Systems Division, 4 pages.
“The Consultant,” advertisement, Co-Opportunities, Sales Development Information Systems, a division of Jefferson-Pilot Communications Company.
“Introducing Spot Data,” “Cable Ad Sales Just Got Better,” advertisement, TV Data Technologies, 4 pages.
“Do You Want to be Making $5-$10 a Subscriber—Right Now?” “Join Us in Our Success!”, advertisement, Multi-Image Systems, 1page.
“Mediastar,” “The message is clear,” brochure, Multi-Image Systems, 6 pages.
“Art to Go” “The Business Builder in a Box,” advertisement, Multi-Image Systems, 1 page.
“Few Things in Life Work As Well As TAPSCAN,” advertisement, Tapscan Incorporated, 6 pages.
“Dow Jones Cable News Service Daily Features Financial Markets,” product summary, 1 page.
“Financial News Network The Business Connection,” brochure, Financial News Network, 8 pages.
“The Financial News Network Means Business,” advertisement, The Financial News Network, 1 page.
“The Dawn of a New Era in Financial News Broadcasting,” advertisement, Financial News Network, 1 page.
“FNN Financial News Network,” advertisement, brief review of research from the Stanford Research Institute's VALS study, and research from ELRA Group Cablemark Reports vol. I, 4 pages.
“Industrial Skills Training With the Touch of a Finger . . . Introducing . . . Activ,” Advanced Concepts in Touch-Interactive Video, advertisement, Industrial Training Corporation, 4 pages.
“eca,” brochure, Effective Communication Arts, Inc., 4 pages.
“ODC 612 Encoder/Generator,” product description, Optical Disc Corporation, 2 pages.
“. . . the Recordable Laser Videodisc—RLV,” product description, Optical Disc Corporation, 2 pages.
“ODC 610 Videodisc Recording System,” product description, Optical Disc Corporation, 2 pages.
“Hitachi New CD-ROM Drive CDR-2500,” product description, Hitachi, Ltd., 2 pages.
“Hitachi CD-ROM Drive CDR-1502S,” product description, Hitachi, Ltd., 6 pages.
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Edwardson, S.M., “Ceefax: A Proposed New Broadcasting Service,” Journal of the SMPTE, Jan. 1974, p. 14-19.
J. Chiddix, “Automated Videotape Delay of Satellite Transmissions,” Satellite Communications Magazine, May 1978 (reprint—2 pages).
J. Chiddix, “Tape Speed Errors in Line-Locked Videocassette Machines for CATV Applications,” TVC, Nov. 1977 (reprint—2 pages).
CRC Electronics, Inc. Product Description, “Model TD-100-Time Delay Videotape Controller,” 2 pages.
CRC Electronics, Inc., Net Price List—Mar. 1, 1980 (TD-100 Time Delay Videotape Controller), 1 page.
CRC Electronics, Inc. Product Description, “Model P-1000 Videocassette Programmer,” 4 pages.
CRC Electronics, Inc., Net Price List—Jul. 31, 1981 (P-1000 Video Machine Programmer), 1page.
Tunmann, E.O. et al. (Tele-Engineering Corp.), “Microprocessor for CATV Systems,” Cable 78— Technical Papers, National Cable Television Association 27th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA, Apr. 30-May 3, 1978 (“Cable 78”), pp. 70-75.
Vega, Richard L. (Telecommunications Systems, Inc.), “From Satellite to Earth Station to Studio to S-T-L to MDS Transmitter to the Home; Pay Television Comes to Anchorage, Alaska,” Cable 78, pp. 76-80, 1978.
Wright, James B. et al. (Rockford Cablevision, Inc.), “The Rockford Two-Way Cable Project: Existing and Projected Technology,” Cable 78, pp. 20-28, 1978.
Fannetti, John D. et al. (City of Syracuse), “The Urban Market: Paving the Way for Two-Way Telecommunications,”Cable 78, pp. 29-33, 1978.
Schnee Rolf M. et al. (Heinrich-Hertz-Institut Berlin (West)), “Technical Aspects of Two-Way CATV Systems in Germany,” Cable 78, pp. 34-41, 1979.
Dickinson, Robert V.C. (E-Com Corporation), “A Versatile, Low Cost System for Implementing CATV Auxiliary Services,” Visions '79—Technical Papers, National Cable Television Association 28th Annual Convention, Las Vegas, NV, May 20-23, 1979, (“Vision '79”), pp. 65-72.
Evans, William E. et al. (Manitoba Telephone System), “An Intercity Coaxial Cable Electronic Highway,” Visions '79, pp. 73-79.
Schrock, Clifford B. (C.B. Schrock and Associates, Inc.), “Pay Per View, Security, and Energy Controls Via Cable: The Rippling River Project,” Visions '79, pp. 80-85.
Amell, Richard L. (Cox Cable Communications, Inc.), “Computer-Aided CATV System Design,” Visions '79, pp. 128-133.
Lopinto, John J. (Home Box Office), “Considerations for Implementing Teletext in the Cable System,” Visions of the 80's, pp. 45-48, 1980.
O'Brien, Jr., Thomas E. (General Instrument Corporation), “System Design Criteria of Addressable Terminals Optimized for the CATV Operator,” Visions of the 80's, pp. 89-91, 1980.
Ost, Clarence S. et al. (Electronic Mechanical Products Co.), “High-Security Cable Television Access System ” Visions of the 80's, pp. 92-94, 1980.
Bacon, John C. (Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.), “Is Scrambling the Only Way?,” Visions of the 80's, pp. 95-98, 1980.
Davis, Allen (Home Box Office), “Satellite Security,” Visions of the 80's, pp. 99-100, 1980.
Mannino, Joseph A. (Applied Date Research, Inc.), “Computer Applications in Cable Television,” Visions of the 80's, pp. 116-117, 1980.
Beck, Ann et al. (Manhattan Cable TV), “An Automated Programming Control System for Cable TV,” Visions of the 80's, pp. 122-127, 1980.
Schloss, Robert E. et al. (Omega Communications, Inc.), “Controlling Cable TV Head Ends and Generating Messages by Means of a Micro Computer, ” Visions of the 80's, pp. 136-138, 1980.
Eissler, Charles O. (Oak Communications, Inc.), “Addressable Control,” Cable: '81 The Future of Communications—Technical Papers, National Cable Television Association 30th Annual Convention, Los Angeles, CA, May 29-Jun. 1, 1981 (“Cable: '81”), pp. 29-33.
Schoeneberger, Carl F. (TOCOM, Inc.), “Addressable Terminal Control Using the Vertical Interval,” Cable: '81, pp. 34-40.
Stern, Joseph L. (Stem Telecommunications Corporation), “Addressable Taps,” Cable: '81, p. 41.
Brown, Larry C. (Pioneer Communications of America), “Addressable Control—A Big First Step Toward the Marriage of Computer, Cable, and Consumer,” Cable: '81, pp. 42-46.
Grabowski, Ralph E. (VISIONtec), “The Link Between the Computer and Television,” Cable: '81, pp. 99-100.
Ciciora, Ph.D., W.S. (Zenith Radio Corporation), “Virtext & Virdata: Adventures in Vertical Interval Signaling,” Cable: '81, pp. 101-104.
Gilbert, Bill et al. (TEXSCAN Corporation), “Automatic Status Monitoring for a CATV Plant,” Cable: '81, pp. 124-128.
Ciciora, Walter et al., “An Introduction to Teletext and Viewdata with Comments on Compatibility,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. CE-25, No. 3, Jul. 1979 (“Consumer Electronics”), pp. 235-245.
Tanton, N. E. “UK Teletext— Evolution and Potential,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 246-250, 1979.
Bown, H.G. et al., “Telidon: A New Approach to Videotex System Design,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 256-268, 1979.
Chitnis, A..M. et al., “Videotex Services: Network and Terminal Alternatives ” Consumer Electronics, pp. 269-278, 1979.
Hedger, J. “Telesoftware: Home Computing Via Broadcast Teletext,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 279-287, 1979.
Crowther, G.O., “Teletext and Viewdata Systems and Their Possible Extension to Europe and USA,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 288-294, 1979.
Gross, William S., “Info-Text, Newspaper of the Future ” Consumer Electronics, pp. 295-297, 1979.
Robinson, Gary et al., “‘Touch-Tone’ Teletext—A Combined Teletext-Viewdata System,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 298-303, 1979.
O'Connor, Robert A., “Teletext Field Tests,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 304-310, 1979.
Blank, John, “System and Hardware Considerations of Home Terminals With Telephone Computer Access,” Comsumer Electronics, pp. 311-317, 1979.
Plummer, Robert P. et al., “4004 Futures for Teletext and Videotex in the U.S.,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 318-326, 1979.
Marti, B. et al., The Antiope Videotex System, Consumer Electronics, pp. 327-333, 1979.
Frandon, P. et al., “Antiope LSI,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 334-338, 1979.
Crowther, G.O., “Teletext and Viewdata Costs As Applied to the U.S. Market,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 339-344, 1979.
Mothersole, Peter L., “Teletext Signal Generation Equipment and system,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 345-352, 1979.
Harden, Brian, “Teletext/Viewdata LSI,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 353-358, 1979.
Swanson, E. et al., “An Integrated Serial to Parallel Converter for Teletext Application,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 359-361, 1979.
Neal, C. Bailey et al., “A Frequency-Domain Interpretation of Echoes and Their Effect on Teletext Data Reception,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 362-377, 1979.
Goyal, Shri K. et al., “Reception of Teletext Under Multipath Conditions,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 378-392, 1979.
Prosser, Howard F., “Set Top Adapter Considerations for Teletext,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 393-399, 1979.
Suzuki, Tadahiko et al., Television Receiver Design Aspects for Employing Teletext LSI, Consumer Electronics, pp. 400-405, 1979.
Baer, Ralph H., “Tele-Briefs—A Novel User-Selectable Real Time News Headline Service for Cable TV,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 406-408, 1979.
Sherry, L.A., “Teletext Field Trials in the United Kingdom,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 409-423, 1979.
Clifford, Colin, “A Universal Controller for Text Display Systems,” Consumer Electronics, pp. 424-429, 1979.
Barlow, “The Design of an Automatic Machine Assignment System”, Journal of the SMPTE, Jul. 1975, vol. 84, p. 532-537.
Barlow, “The Automation of Large Program Routing Switchers”, SMPTE Journal, Jul. 1979, vol. 88, p. 493-497.
Barlow, “The Computer Control of Multiple-Bus Switchers”, SMPTE Journal, Sep. 1976, vol. 85, p. 720-723.
Barlow, “The Assurance of Reliability”, SMPTE Journal, Feb. 1976, vol. 85, p. 73-75.
Barlow, “Some Features of Computer-Controlled Television Station Switchers”, Journal of the SMPTE, Mar. 1972, vol. 81, p. 179-183.
Barlow et al., “A Universal Software for Automatic Switchers” SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1978, vol. 87, p. 682-683.
Butler, “PCM-Multiplexed Audio in a Large Audio Routing Switcher”, SMPTE Journal, Nov. 1976, vol. 85, p. 875-877.
Dickson et al., “An Automated Network Center”, Journal of the SMPTE, Jul. 1975, vol. 84, p. 529-532.
Edmondson et al., “NBC Switching Central”, SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1976, vol. 85, p. 795-805.
Flemming, “NBC Television Central—An Overview”, SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1976, vol. 85, p. 792-795.
Horowitz, “CBS” New-Technology Station, WBBM-T, SMPTE Journal, Mar. 1978, vol. 87, p. 141-146.
Krochmal et al., “Television Transmission Audio Facilities at NBC New York”, SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1976, vol. 85, p. 814-816.
Kubota et al., “The Videomelter”, SMPTE Journal, Nov. 1978, vol. 87, p. 753-754.
Mausler, “Video Transmission Video Facilities at NBC New York”, SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1976, vol. 85, p. 811-814.
Negri, “Hardware Interface Considerations for a Multi-Channel Television Automation System”, SMPTE Journal, Nov. 1976, vol. 85, p. 869-872.
Paganuzzi, “Communication in NBC Television Central”, SMPTE Journal, Nov. 1976, vol. 85, p. 866-869.
Roth et al., “Functional Capabilities of a Computer Control System for Television Switching”, SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1976, vol. 85, p. 806-811.
Rourke, “Television Studio Design—Signal Routing and Measurement”, SMPTE Journal, Sep. 1979, vol. 88, p. 607-609.
Yanney, Sixty-Device Remote-Control System for NBC's Television Central Project, SMPTE Journal, Nov. 1976, vol. 85, p. 873-877.
Young et al., “Developments in Computer-Controlled Television Switches”, Journal of the SMPTE, Aug. 1973, vol. 82, p. 658-661.
Young et al., “The Automation of Small Television Stations”, Journal of the SMPTE, Oct. 1971, vol. 80, p. 806-811.
Zborowski, “Automatic Transmission Systems for Television”, SMPTE Journal, Jun. 1978, vol. 87, p. 383-385.
“Landmark forms cable weather news network,” Editor & Publisher, (Aug. 8, 1981) p. 15.
“Broadcast Teletext Specification,” published jointly by British Broadcasting Corporartion, Independent Broadcasting Authority, British Radio Equipment Manufacturers' Association (Sep. 1976), pp. 1-24.
“Colormax Cable captioning—16,000,000 Subs NEED IT !,” Colormax Electronic Corp. (advertisement), 3 pages.
“7609 Sat-A-Dat Decoder/Controller,” Group W Satellite Communications (advertisement) 2 pages.
“Teletext Video Processor (SAA 5030),” Mullard (Dec. 1979), pp. 1-9.
“Video Text Decoder Systems (Signetics)”, Phillips IC Product Line Summary (May 1981), pp. 15-16.
“Teletext Acquisition and Control Circuit (SAA5040 Series),” Mullard (Jun. 1980), pp. 1-16.
“Asynchronous Data Transmission System Series 2100 VIDATA, ”Wagener Communications, Inc. (advertisement), 2 pages.
“Zenith Virtexttm . . . Vertical Interval Region Text and Graphics,” Zenith Radio Corporation (flyer), 7 pages.
Anon, “Television Network Automated by Microcomputer-Controlled Channels,” Computer Design, vol. 15, No. 11, (Nov. 1976), pp. 50, 59, 62, 66 and 70.
Kinik, et al., “A Network Control System for Television Distribution by Satellite,” Journal of the SMPTE, Feb. 1975, vo 84, No. 2, pp. 63-67.
Chiddix, “'Videocassette Banks Automate Delayed Satellite Programming,” Aug. 1978, TV Comunications, pp. 38-39.
Curnal, et al., “Automating Television Operating Centers,” Bell Laboratories Record, Mar. 1978, pp. 65-70.
Chorafas, “Interactive Videotex: The Domesticated Computer,” 1981, Petrocelli Books, New York.
Hinton, “Character rounding for the Wireless Word teletex decoder,” Wireless World, Nov. 1978, pp. 49-53, vol. 84 No. 1515, IPC Business Press, United Kingdom.
Kruger, “Speicherfernsehen, Das Digitale Kennungssystem ZPS,” Proceedings 9th International Congress Microelectronics, pp. 39-45.
“Fernsehempfang rund um die Uhr” Funk Technik, Mar. 1981, vol. 36.
Hanas et al.,“An Addressable Satellite Encryption System for Preventing Signal Piracy”, Nov. 1981, pp. 631-635.
National Cable Television Association Executive Seminar Series, Videotex Services, Oct. 1980, pp. 1-155.
Kokado et al.,“A Programmable TV Receiver”, Feb. 1976, pp. 69-82.
J. Hedger et al., “Telesoftware-Value Added Teletext”,Auqust 1980, pp. 555-567.
Marti , B., The Concept of a Universal “Teletext” Jun. 1979, pp. 1-11.
Article re: America's Talk-Back Television Experiment: Qube.
Article re: “Teletext-Applications in Electronic Publishing”.
Article re: A Description of the Broadcast Telidon System.
Article re: EPEOS—Automatic Program Recording System by G. Degoulet.
Article re: Teletext signals transmitted in Uk . . . .
Article re: New services offered by a packet data broadcasting system.
Article re: Philips TV set indicates station tunign and color settings on screen.
Vincent, al., “Telidon Teletest System. Field Triasl” (Abstract).
Rzeszeewski, T.,“A New Telletex Channel”.
Numaguchi, Y. et al., “Compatibility and Transmision Characteristics of Digital Signals Inserted in the Field-Blanking Interval of the Television Signal” (Abstract).
Zimmerman, R. et al., Bildschirmtextesysteme (Abstract).
Pilz, F., “Digital Codierte Uebertragungen von Text and Graphik in den Vertikal-anstastintervallen des Fernsehsignas” (Abstract).
Pilz, F., “Uebertragung Insaitryliches Informationen, Insbesondere von Texten, In Ungenutryten Zeilen der Vertikal-Anstastlueke des Fernsehsignals” (Abstract).
Numaguchi, Y., Wie man Stillstehende Bilder Uebertraegt. Ueberlick Ueber Teletext-, Fernseheinzelbild-Und Faksimile-Uebertrragunsverfahren (Abstract).
Transcript, Videotex, Viewdata, and Teletext: Viewdata '801 Online Conference on Videotex, Viewdata and Teletext, London. Mar. 26k-28, 1980 (Abstract).
Graf, P.H., “Antiope-Uebertragung fuer Breitbandige Videotex-Verteildienste”, 1981.
Poubread, J.J., “Cryptage' du Son Pour la Televiser A Peague” 1981 (Abstract).
Graf, P.H., “Das Videotex-System Antiope” 1980 (Abstract).
Vardo, J.C., “Les Emetteurs de Television et la Diffusion de Donnees” 1980 (Abstract).
Noirel, Y., “Constructin D'un Reseau de Diffusion de Donnees Par Paquets” 1979 (Abstract).
Vardo, J.C., “ Effet de Distorsions en Diffusion de Donnes. II. Resultats Theoriques” 1979 (Abstract).
Baerfuss, C., “Experiences de Diffusion de Donnees dans un Canal de Television” 1979 (Abstract).
Blineau, J., “Liasons Telex a Support Video Sur Des Circuits de Television Internationaux” 1979 (Abstract) .
Dublet, G., “Methodes Utilisees et Principaux Resultats Obtenus Lors D'Une Campagne de esure ‘Didon’ Dans la Refion Centre-est” 1978 (Abstract).
Guinet, Y., “Etude Comparative des Systems de Teletexte en Radio-Diffusion. Quelques Avantages de la Diffusion des Donnees Par Paques Applique an Teletexte” 1977 (Abstract).
Goff, R., “A Review of Teletext” 1978 (Abstract).
Haplinsky, C.H., “The D**(2)B A One Logical Wire Bus for Consumer Applications” 1981.
Cazals, A., “cts Techniques du Teletexte Diffuse” 1981 (Abstract).
Sechet, C. et al., “Epees et la Viideomessagerie” 1981 (Abstract).
Cayet, A. “La Peritelevison Face a Son Public” 1981 (Abstract).
“La Telematique au Service Des Entreprises et des Particliers: Les Reseaux—Les Produits Noveaux—Les Aplication” 1980 (Abstract).
Sechet, C., “Antiope Teletext Captioning” 1980.
Lambert, O. et al., “Antiope and D.R.C.S.” 1980.
Broggini, P., “Antiope: La Bonne Information Au Bon Moment” 1980 (Abstract).
Strauch, D., “(Texte Sur Ecran An Nivenn International. Viewdata 80. Premeire Confirence Mendiale Sur Viewdata, Video text at Teletext, a Londres)” 1980.
Strauch, D., (Las Media De Telecommunication Devant la Rapture. Les Nonvellas Methodes Presentees a L'Exposition International 1979 de Radio (Et Television)) 1979.
Eymery, G., “Le Teletexte Antiope System D'Information a La Demande” 1979-1980 (Abstract).
Brasq , R., “Micro 8 Bits Dans Linite Gestion da Terminal de Videotex Antiope”.
Hughes, JW,“Videotex and Teletext Systems” 1979.
Marti, B., “Terminolegie Des Services de Communication De Texte” 1979.(Abstract).
Schreber, H., “Antiope et Tietae, La Tele-Informatique Sur L'ecran De Votre Televiscur” 1978 (Abstract).
Kulpok, A., “Videotext, Teletext, Bilschimzeiting” 1979 (Abstract).
Cochard, J.P. et al., “Antiope Prototype da Teletexte De Demain” 1979 (Abstract).
Messerschmid, U., “Videotext: Ein Nueur Informations dienst in Fernschrund funk” 1978 (Abstract).
D'Argoevves, T. et al, “La Chaine Vieo: Magnetoscopes, Videodisqhes, Andiodisques” 1979 (Abstract).
Klingler, R., “Les Systemes de Teletexte Unidirectionals” 1978 (Abstract).
Guillermin, J., “Dix Annees D'Antomatisation Au Service De la Radiodiffusion” 1977 (Abstract).
Brusq, R., “Le Terminal de Teletexte Antiope” 1977 (Abstract).
Guinet, Y., “Les Systemes des Teletextes Antiope” 1977 (Abstract).
Schwartz, C. et al., “Specification Preliminarie du Systeme Teletexte Antope” 1977 (Abstract).
United States International Trade Commission notice of decision not to review Admin. law judges initial dismissal of complaint (case involves certain recombinantly Produced Human Growth Hormones).
U.S. I.T.C.'s order granting Complainants Motion to Desqualify the Law Firm of Finnegan, Henderson et al. (Case involves Certain Cardiac Pacemakers and Components therof).
Decision in Ford Motor Company v. Jerome H. Lemelson.
General Counsel's recommendation to U.S.I.T.C. to refuse a patent-based section 337 investigation based on a complaint filed not by the owner of the patents in issue, but by nonexclusive licensees.
Portion of ITC's Industry and Trade Summary serial publication.
ITC Admin. Judges Order #9: Initial Determination Terminating Investigation (Investigation #337-TA-373) .
“LSI Circuits for Teletext and Viewdata—The Lucy Generation” published by Mullard Limited, Mullard House (1981).
2 page article by Nicholas Negroponte in SID 80 Digest titled, “17.4/10:25 a.m.: Soft Fonts”, pp. 184-185.
IEEE Consumer Electronics Jul. 1979 issue from Spring Conference titled, “Consumer Text Display Systems”, pp. 235-429.
Videotext '81 published by Online Conferences Ltd., for the May 20-22, 1981 Confernece, pp. 1-470.
“Teletext and Viewdata Costs as Applied to the U.S. Market” Published by Mullard House (1979), pp. 1-8.
CCETT publication titled, “Didon Diffusion de donnees parpaquets”.
Dalton,C.J., “International Broadcasting Convention” (1968), Sponsors: E.E.A., I.E.E., I.E.E.E., I.E.R.E., etc.
Shorter, D.E.L., “The Distribution of Television Sound by Pulse-Code Modulation Signals Incorporated in the Video Waveform”.
Chorky, J.M., Shorter, D.E.L., “International Broadcasting Convention” (1970), pp. 166-169.
The Implementation of the Sound-in-Sync project for Eurovision (Feb. 1975), pp. 18-22.
Maegele, Manfred, “Digital Transmissions of Two Television Sound Channels in Horizontal Banking”, pp. 68-70.
Weston, J.D., “Digital TV Transmission for the European Communications Satellite” (1974), pp. 318-325.
Golding, L., “A 15 to 25 Mhz Digital Television System for Transmission of Commercial Color Television” (1967), pp. 1-26.
Huth, Gaylord K., Digital Television System Design Study: Final Report (Nov. 28, 1976), prepared for NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center.
Weston, J.D., “Transmission of Television by Pulse Code modulation”, Electrical Communication (1967), pp. 165-172.
Golding, L, “F1-Ditec-A-Digital Television Communications System for Satellite Links,” Telecommunications Numeriques Par Satellite.
Haberle, H. et al.,“Digital TV Transmission via Satellite”, Electrical Communications (1974).
Dirks, H. et al., TV-PCM6 Integrated Sound and Vision Transmission System, Electrical Communication (1977), pp. 61-67.
Talygin, N. V. et al., The “Orbita” Ground Station for Receiving Television Programs Relayed by Satellites, Elecktrovinz, pp. 3-5.
1973 NAB Convention Program, Mar. 25-28, 1973.
Portions of Electonic Engineer's Reference Book (1989)—Multichannel sound systems, Teletext transmission, cable television, ISDN applications, etc.
Yoshido, Junko, teletext back in focus: VBI service revived as alternative delivery system, Electronic Engineering Times (1994) (Abstract).
Blankenhorn, Dana, “ Int'l Teletext expands market (International Teletext Communication Inc.),” NewsBytes (1993) (Abstract).
Collin, Simon, PC Text II (Hardware Review (Shortlist), PC User (1990).
Alfonzetti, Salvatore, “Interworking between teletext and OSI systems,” Computer Communications (1989).
Gabriel, Michael R., Videotex and teletex: Waiting for the 21st century?, Education Technology (1988).
Voorman, J.O. et al., A one-chip Automatic Equalizer for Echo Reduction in Teletext , IIEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, pp. 512-529.
National Online Meeting: Proceedings—1982 sponsored by: Online Review, pp. 547-551.
MacKenzie, G.A., A Model for the UK Teletext Level 2 Specification (Ref: GTV2 242 Annex 6″ based on the ISO Layer model.
Chambers, J.P., A Domestic Television Program Delivery Services, British Broadcasting Corporation, pp. 1-5.
McKenzie, G.A., UK Teletext—The Engineering Choices, Independent Broadcasting Authority, pp. 1-8.
Adding a new dimension to British television, Electronic Engineering (1974).
Jones, Keith, The Development of Teletext, pp. 1-6.
Marti, B. et al., Discrete, service de television cryptee, Revue de radiodiffusion—television (1975), pp. 24-30.
Ando, Heiichero et al., Still-Picture Broadcasting—A new Informational and Instructional Broadcasting System, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting (1973), pp. 68-76.
Sauter, Dietrich, “Intelligente Komponenten Fur Das Afra-Bus-Fernsteuersystem”, Rundfunk technischen Mittelungen, pp. 54-57.
Hogel, T. et al., “Afra-Bus-ein digitales Fersteuersysten fur Fernsehstudion Komplexe”, Fernseh-Und Kino-Technik (1974), pp. 13-14.
Hogel, G., “Das Afra-Bus System: 2. Technische Struktur des AFRA-Bus-Systems”, Fernseh-Und Kino-Technik (1975), pp. 395-400.
Krauss, G., “Das Afra-Bus-System: 4. Wirtschaftlich Keits-betrachtungen und Rationalisierung seifekte beim Einsatz des AFRA-Bus-Systems”, Fernseh-Und Kino-Technik (1976), pp. 40-49.
Wellhausen, H. “Das AFRA-Bus-System: 1. Grundsatzliche-Betrachtungen und Rationlisierung und Automatisierun in den Fernschbetreben”, Fernseh-Und Kino-Technik (1975), pp. 353-356.
Sauter, D., “Das AFRA-Bus-System: 3. Einsatz-moglich Keiten des Afra-Bus Systems in Fernsehbetrieben”, Fernseh-Und Kino-Technik (1976), pp. 9-13.
B.B.C.I.B.A., Specification of Standards for information transmission by digitally coded signals in the field—blanking interval of 625-line systems (1974), pp. 5-40.
Centre Commun Des De Television et Telecommunications, Specification du Systeme Di Teletext, Antiope.
Heller, Arthur, VPS—Ein Neues System Zuragsgesteurten Programmanfzeichnung, Rundfunk technisde Mitteilungen, pp. 162-169.
Institut fur Rundfunktechnik, ARD/SDF/ZXEI—Richlinie “Video Programm-System”, pp. 1-30.
Buro der Technischen Kommission, “Niederschrift uber die Besprechung zwischen Rundfunkanstalten (Techik, Sendeleiter) und ZVEI zur Einfuhrung des Video-Programm-Systems”, pp. 1-4.
Buro der Technischen Kommission, Ergebnisse und Festlegungen anda “Blich einer Besprechung zwishen Rundfunanstalten..”, pp. 1-4.
Koch, H. et al., “Bericht der ad hoc—Arbeitsgruppe ‘Videotext programmiert Videorecorder’ der TEKO”, pp. 1-40.
European Broadcasting Union, “Specification of the Domestic Video Programme Delivery Control System”, pp. 1-72.
ARD/ZDF/ZVEI-Richtlinie “Video Programme System”.
Reports on Developments in USA, Teletext, EIA Meeting.
Videotex '81: A Special Report.
Tarrant, D.R., “Teletext for the World”.
Clifford, Colin et al., “Microprocessor Based, Software Defined Television Controller”, IEEE Transaction on Consumer Electronics (1978), pp. 436-441.
Hughes, William L. et al., “Some Design Considerations for Home Interactive Terminals”, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting (1971).
Mothersdale, Peter L. , “Teletext and viewdata: new information systems using the domestic television receiver”, Electronics Record (1979), pp. 1349-1354.
Betts, W.R., “Viewdata: the evolution of home and business terminals”, PROC.IEE (1979), pp. 1362-1366.
Hutt, P.R., “Thical and practical ruggedness of UK teletext transmission”, PROC.IEE (1979), pp. 1397-1403.
Rogers, B.J., “Methods of measurement on teletext receivers and decoders”, PROC.IEE (1979), pp. 1404-1407 .
Green, N., “Subtitling using teletext service—technical and editorial aspects”, PROC.IEE (1979), pp. 1408-1416.
Chambers, M.A., “Teletext—enhancing the basic system”, PROC.IEE (1979), pp. 1425-1428.
Crowther, G.O., “Adaptation of Uk Teletex System for 525/60 Operation”, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics (1980), pp. 587-596.
Marti, B. et al., Discrete, service de television cryptee , Revue de radiodiffusion—television (1975), pp. 24-30.
Lopinto, John, “The Application of DRCS within the North American Broad cast Teletext Specification”, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics (1982), pp. 612-617.
BBC, BBC Microcomputer: BBC Microcomputer with Added Processor and Teletex Adaptor (Manual).
Green, N.W., “Picture Oracle,” on Independent Television Companies Association Limited Letterhead.
National Captioning Institute, Comments on the Matter of Amendment of Part 73, Subpart E. of the Federal Communications Rules Government Television Stations to Authorize Teletext (before F.C.C.).
Balchin, C., “Videotext and the U.S.A.”, I.C. Product Marketing Memo.
Koteen and Burt, “British Teletext/Videotex”.
EIA Teletext SubCommittee Meetings, Report on USA Visit.
Brighton's Experience with Software for Broadcast (Draft).
The institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers, Conference on Electronic Delivery of Data and Software.
AT&T, “Videotex Standard Presentation Level Protocol”.
Various Commissioner statements on Authorization of Teletext Transmissions by TV Stations.
Report and Order of FCC on the Matter of Amendment of Parts 2,73, and 76 of the Commission's Rules to Authorize the Transmission of Teletext by TV Stations, pp. 1-37.
IBA Technical Review of Digital Television, pp. 1-64.
National Cable Television Association report, “Videotex Services” given at Executive Seminar.
Lexis Research results for Patent No. 4,145,717.
Web page—Company Overview of Norepack Corporation.
Coversheet titled, “Zing”.
Lemelson v. Apple Computer, Inc. patent case in the Bureau of National Affairs, 1996.
A computer printout from Library Search.
Electronic Industries Association—Teletext Subcommittee Rask Group A—Systems Minutes of Meeting Mar. 30, 1981 at Zenith plus attachments.
Electronic Industries Association—Teletext Subcommittee Task Group A Systems Interim Report, Mar. 30, 1981 by Stuart Lipoff, Arthur D. Little Inc.
Minutes of Eletronic Industries Association Teletext Subcommittee Task Force B —Laboratory & Field Tests Mar. 30, 1981.
National Captioning Institute Report, “The 1980 Closed-Captioned Television Audience”.
Electronic Industries Assoc.—Teletext Subcommittee— Steering Committee Minutes of Meeting on Mar. 31, 1981.
Aug. 6, 1990 letter from Herb Zucker to Walter Ciciora with attachment.
Articles, information sheets under cover sheet “QVP—Pay Per View” Nov. 29, 1982.
National Cable Television Association report, “Videotex Services”.
Scala Info Channel Advertisement, “The Art of Conveying A Message”.
Zenith Corporation's Z-Tac Systems information includes Z-tac specifications, access list, etc.
Report by Cablesystems Engineering Ltd. on, “Zenith Addressable System and Operating Procedures” and Advertising documents.
Memo from W. Thomas to G. Kelly on Jan. 21, 1982 Re: Modified ZTAC/Multi Channel.
Notations by Walt Ciciora dated Aug. 19, 1981 referring to Virtext figures.
Stamped Zenith Confidential, “Preliminay Specification for Basic Text”.
Report titled “The Necams Business Plan,” dated Mar. 18, 1994.
The Personalized Mass Media Corp. reported titled, “Portfolio of Programming Examples” by Harvey, Keil, & Parker 1991.
Petition to FCC dated Mar. 26, 1981 titled, “Petition for Rulemaking of Unighted Kingdom Teletext Industry Goup,” also 1 page of handwritten notes from Walter Ciciora.
“Enhanced Computer Controlled Teletext for 525 Line Systems (Usecct) SAA 5245 User Manual” report by J.R. Kinghorn.
“Questions and Answers about Pay TV” by Ira Kamen.
Oak Industries 1981 Annual Report.
Article, “50 Different Uses for At Home 2-Way Cable TV Systems” by Morton Dubin.
Derwent Info Ltd. search. Integrated broadcasting & Computer Processing system. Inventor J. Harvey/J. Cuddihy.
Telefax from Arjen Hooiveld to Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue Re: European Patent Appl. No. 88908836.5 and abstract plus related correspondence and Derwent search.
Advertisement in royal TV Society Journal (1972) for PYE TVT.
Letter to Dean Russell listing “reference papers”, pp. 1-4.
Letter from George McKenzie to Dean Russell Re: PMM Corp., v. TWC Inc.
Reisebericht (German memo).
Blanpunk (German memo).
“Relevant papers for Weather Channel V PMMC”.
Letter to Peter Hatt Re: BVT: Advisory UK Industry Contact Group.
Incomplete report on Antiope.
Memo FCC: Next Moves.
Memo—Re: British Teletext—ABC.
Memo with FCC Report and Order Authorizing Teletext Transmission.
Notes to Section 22.4: Simple Block Encipherment Algorithm.
Memos on Zenith and Teletext.
Memo to Bernie Kotten about National Cable TV Association meeting and efforst to encourage Sony to integrate teletext chip sets into its TV.
Memo's from Koteen & Naftalin.
Description of patents from Official Gazette.
Explanation of Collateral Estoppel.
DNA's Intellectual Property Library on CD's summary of Jamesbury Corporation v. United States.
BBA's Intellectual Property printouts of Lemelson v. Apple Computer, Inc.
ITC Judge Order denying Motion for Summary Judgment in the Matter of Certain Memory Devices with Increased Capacitance and Products Containing Same, Investigation #337-TA-371.
Decision in court case Corbett v. Chisolm and Schrenk invovling patent #3,557,265.
Matthew Beaden Printouts regarding interference practice and the Board Interference.
BNA's Intellectual Property Library on CD printouts about Corbett v. Chisolm.
Numerous Group W business cards including James Cuddihy.
The Broadcast Teloetext Specification, published by the BBC, The IBA and the British Radio Equipment Manufacturers' Association (1976).
Kahn, et al., “Advances in Packet Radio Technology,” . . . Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 66, No. 11, Nov. (1978) pp. 1468-1495.
Clifford, C., “A Universal Controller for Text Display Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, (1979) pp. 424-429.
Harden, B., “Teletext/Viewdata LSI,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, (1979), pp. 353-358.
Bown, H. et al., “Comparative Terminal Realizatins with Alpha-Geometric Coding,” IEEE Transaction on Consumer Electronics, (1980), pp. 605-614.
Crowther, “Dynamically Redefinable Character Sets—D.R.C.S.,” IEEE Transaction on Consumer Electronics, (1980), pp. 707-716.
Chambers, John et al., “The Development of a Coding Hierarchy for Enhanced UK Teletext,” IEEE Transaction on Consumer Electronics, (1981), pp. 536-540.
Reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 4,706,121.
U.S. Patent Application by T. Diepholz (Serial No. 266900).
List of relevant or searched patents.
88908836.5 and Amendments to John C. Harvey,. European Patent Office.
88908836.5 International Application to John C. Harvey.
Kruger, H.E., “Memory Television, the ZPS Digital Identification System,” pp. 1-9.
Gaines, B.R. and Sams, J., “Minicomputers in Security Dealing,” Computer, Sep. 1976, pp. 6-15.
Kazama et al., “Automatic storage and retreival of video taped programs”, Apr. 1979.
Transcript of Viewdata '80, first world conference on viewdata, videotex, and teletext, Mar. 26-28, 1980, London.
Benson, K. B. et al., “CBS New York Video Tape Facilities”.
Brown et al., Project Score, pp. 624-630, 1960.
Burkhardt et al., “Digitial Television Transmisson With 34 Mbit/s”.
Byloff, “Automatic Control of Video Tape Equipment at NBC, Burbank,” by the National Broadcasting Company, Inc. In 1959.
Charles Gerrish, “QUBE”—Interactive Video on the Move.
Crowther, et al. G.O., “Teletext Receiver LSI Data Acquisition and Control,” Jan. 13, 1976, pp. 911-915.
Davidoff, Frank, “The All-Digital Television Studio,” SMPTE Journal, vol. 89, No. 6.
Diederich, Werner DT, “Electronic Image and Tone Return Equipment With Switching System and Remote Control Receiver for Television Decoder”.
Gaucher, “Automatic Program Recording System”.
M.W.S.. Barlow, “Automatic Switching in the CBC—An Update”.
Marsden, “Master Control Techniques,” v 9 of the “Journal of the Television Society,” 1959.
McArthur, David, “The television as a receive only terminal”.
Millar et al., “Transmission of Alphanumeric Data by Television”.
Schober, “The WETA Teletext Filed Trial: Some Technical Concerns . . . ”.
Skilton, The Digitrol 2—Automatic VTR Programme Control.
Stern, “An Auotmated Programming Control Sysem for Cable TV”.
Yamane et al., “System and apparatus for automatic Monitoring control of Broadcast Circuits”.
Zettl, “Television Production Handbook”, second edition.
Schiller et al., “CATV Program Origination and Production”.
Hughes et al., Some Design Considerations for Home Interactive Terminals, IEEE Transaction on Broadcasting, vol. BC-17, No. 2, Jun. 1971.
Kaneko et al., “Digital Transmission of Broadcast Television with Reduced Bit Rate.”
Gautier, C., “Automatic Program Recording Systems”.
Kahn et al. “Advances in Packet Radio Technology,” Proceedings of IEEE, vol. 6.6, No. 11, Nov. 1975.
Marti, B., “The Concept of Universal Teletext,” CCETTt, Rennes 11th International Television Symposium Paper, V11 A-3A, pp. 1-11, May 27, 1979.
“Videotex Services,” National Cable Television Association Executive Seminar Series, NCTA Washington, Oct. 1980, pp. III-VII, 1-3, 23-27, Oct. 1980.
“Specification du service de classe A, TeleDiffusion de France,” Antiope, Feb. 1985.
Gautier, J.P. “Language Telediffuse de Messagerie du Projet Ecrans Hybrides,” Antiope/Didon system, Jun. 1981.
Auer, R., “Die Warteschlange Uberlistet,” Funkschau, pp. 53-56, Jun. 1985.
Grethlein, M., “Videotext und Bildschirmtext,” Funkschau, Heft 5, 1981, pp. 69-73, May 1981.
Heider, et al., “Videotext und Bildschirmtext,” Grundig Technische Informationen, Heft 4/5, 1980, pp. 171-195, Apr. 1980.
Kombinierer fur Videotextsignal, “Runfunktechnische Mitteilungen,” Jahrgang 28, (1984), Heft 6, pp. 273-289, Jun. 1984.
Art Kleiman, “Heathkit GR-2001—Programmable Color TV,” Radio Electronics, May 1977.
Gecsei, Jan. The Architecture of Videotex Systems (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1983 pp. 174-177, 233-238.
Sigel, Efrem et al. The Future of Videotext: Worldwide Prospects for Home/Office Electronic Information Services (White Plains, N.Y.: Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc., 1983), pp. 28, 119-126.
Raggett, Michael. “Broadcast Telesoftware,” Computer Graphics World, vol. 6, No. 9, Sep. 1983, table of contents, pp. 49, 50, 52 and letters.
Tydeman, John et al. Teletex and Videotex in the United States: Market Potential Technology, Public Policy Issues, Institute for the Future (New York: McGraw-Hill Publications, 1982), pp. 4, 89-99, 122-169.
“Telesoftware and Education Project: Summary of Report,” A Joint BBC/ITV & Brighton Research Project, Summer 1982, 111 p. and appendix.
Damouny, N. G. “Teletext Decoders—Keeping Up with the Latest Technology Advances,” Consumer Electronicsvol. CE-30, No. 3, Aug. 1984, pp. 429-436.
Nishimoto, Naomichi et al. “VHS VCR with Index and Address Search Systems,” Consumer Electronics, vol. CE-33, No. 3 Aug. 1987, pp. 220-225.
Weissman, Steven B. “Teletext in transactional videotex,” Electronic Publishing Review, vol. 2, No. 4, 1982, pp. 301-304.
Crowther, G.O. “Teletext Enhancements—Levels 1, 2 and 3,” IBA Technical Review, May 1983, pp. 11-16.
McIntyre, Colin, “Broadcast teletext—who says it isn't interactive?” pp. 1-12 in: Anon. Videotex -key to the information revolution (Online Publications Ltd., 1982).
Veith, Richard H., “Television's Teletext,” Elsevier Science Publishing, Inc., New York, 1983, pp. 9, 12, 17, 19, 32, 46-47, 136-137, 139.
Alber, Antone F., “Videotex/Teletext, Principles and Practices,” McGraw-Hill Book Company, pp. 37, 138-139, 142-147, 188-191.
Russell, R.T. “Teletext remote control,” part 1, Wireless World, Apr. 1979, 4 pages.
Russell, R.T. “Teletext remote control”, part 2, Wireless World, May 1979, pp. 83-86.
Pandey, K. “Second generation teletext and viewdata decoders,” Proceedings IEE, vol. 126, Dec. 1979, pp. 1367-1373.
Hedger, J. et al. “Telesoftware: adding intelligence to teletext,” Proceedings IEE, vol. 126, Dec. 1979, pp. 1412-1416.
Sigel, Efrem et al. Videotext: The Coming Revolution in Home/Office Information Retrieval, (White Plains, NY: Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc., 1980), pp. 6, 7, 13, 28, 33, 34, 36, 37.
Roizen, Joseph, “Teletext in the USA,” SMPTE Journal, vol. 90, Jul. 1981, pp. 602-610.
Money, Steve A. Teletext and Viewdata (London: Butterworth & Co., Ltd., 1981), preface, pp. 1-145, glossary and index.
Risher, Carol A. “Electronic Media and the Publishers, Part 1: Teletext,” Videodisc Videotex, vol. 1, No. 3, Summer 1981, pp. 162-167.
Chew, J.R. “CEEFAX: evolution and potential,” BBC Reseach Department Report No. BBC RD 1977/26, Aug. 1977, table of contents, pp. 1-14 and appendix.
Hedger, John. “Telesoftware: Home computing via teletext,” Wireless World, Nov. 1978, pp. 61-64.
Anon, Videotex '81, International Conference & Exhibition, May 20-22, 1981 Toronto, Canada (Northwood Hills, UK: Online Conference, Ltd; 1981), pp. 78-84.
Winsbury, Rex, ed. Viewdata in Action: A Comparative Study of Prestel (London: McGraw-Hill, Ltd., 1981), pp. 10-12, 31, 35, 36, 57-61, 102, 103, 109, 202-204, 211-219.
“Colloquium on Broadcast and Wired Teletext Systems—Ceefax, Oracle, Viewdata,” Tuesday, Jan. 13, 1976, IEE Electronics Division, Professional Groupm E14 (Television and Sound), Digest No. 1976/3.
Anon. “Updating databases by off-peak TV,” New Scientist, Oct. 21, 1976, p. 162.
Martin, Bernard. “New Ancillary Services Using a Televison Channel,” SMPTE Journal, vol. 86, Nov. 1977, pp. 815, 817, 818.
Biggs, A.J. et al., “Broadcast data in television,”GEC Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 41, No. 4, 1974, pp. 117-124.
Heuer, D.A. “A Microprocessor Controlled Memory Tuning System,” Consumer Electronics, vol. CE-25, No. 4, Aug. 1979, pp. 677-683.
Marti, Bernard et al. “Antiope, service de télétexte,” journal unk., pp. 17-22.
Lipoff, Stuart J. “Mass Market Potential for Home Terminals,” Consumer Electronics, vol. unk., pp. 169-184.
Crowther, G.O., “Adaptation of U.K. Teletext System for 525/60 Operations,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. CE-26, Aug. 1980, pp. 587-599.
Gosch, John, “Code accompanying TV program turns on video cassette recorder in proposed scheme,” Electronics, Feb. 10, 1981, pp. 80-82.
Somers, Eric, “Appropriate Technology for Text Broadcasting,” Viewdata and Videotext 1980-81: A Worldwide Report, Transcript of viewdata '80, first word conference on viewdata and Videotext, and teletext, Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc., White Plains, New York, Copyright 1980 by Online Conference, Ltd., pp. 499-514.
Dages, Charles L., “Playcable: A Technological Alternative for Information Services,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. CE-26, Aug. 1980, pp. 482-486.
Norris, Bryan L. et al., “Teletext Data Decoding,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Aug. 1976, pp. 248-253.
Kokado, N. et al., “A Programmable TV Receiver,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 22, No. 1, Feb. 1976, pp. 69-83.
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“Advanced Transmission Techniques,” SMPTE Journal, Report on the 121st Technical Conference, Jan. 1980, vol. 89, pp. 31-32.
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“American National Standard” “time and control code for video and audio tape for 525-line/60-field television systems,” SMPTE Journal, Aug. 1981, pp. 716-717.
“Anderson: Progress Committee Report for 1979—Television,” SMPTE Journal, May 1980, vol. 89, pp. 324-328.
“Application of Direct Broadcast Satellite Corporation for a Direct Broadcast Satellite System,” Before the Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C., Gen. Docket No. 80-603, Jul. 16, 1981.
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“Digisonics TV Monitor System Finds Defenders,” Advertising Age, Dec. 8, 1969, 1 page.
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“Digisonics' Aim Is Info Bank, Not Just Proof of Performance,” Advertising Age, Nov. 9, 1970, 4 pages.
“Digisonics' dilemma,” Media Decisions, Jun. 1971, 6 pages.
“Everything you've always wanted to know about TV Ratings,” A.C. Nielsen Company, brochure, 1978.
“How to increase training productivity through Videodisc and Microcomputer systems,” seminar brochure, 1981.
“IDC begins monitoring,” At Deadline, Broadcasting, Sep. 14, 1970, p. 9.
“IDC encoding system still alive at FCC,” Broadcasting, Sep. 27, 1971, p. 31.
“In this corner, Digisonics!”, Media Decisions, Jun. 1968, 5 pages.
“Index to SMPTE-Sponsored American National Standards, Society Recommended Practices, and Engineering Committee Recommendations,” 1980 Index to SMPTE Journal, SMPTE Journal, pp. 1-15 to 1-20.
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“Index to vol. 87 Jan.-Dec. 1978,” SMPTE Journal, Part II to Jan. 1979 SMPTE Journal, pp. I-1, I-4 to I-14.
“Listeners,” Closed Circuit, Broadcasting, 1 page.
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“Measuring The Cable Audience,” Ogilvy & Mather, Advertising, 1980, pp. H1-H8.
“No Digisonics friends show in comments,” Broadcasting, May 24, 1971, p. 62.
“Preliminary List of Papers,” SMPTE Journal, Sep. 1980, vol. 89, p. 677.
“Proposed SMPTE Recommended Practice” “Vertical Interval Time and Control Code for Video Tape for 525-Line/60-Field Television Systems,” SMPTE Journal, Sep. 1981, pp. 800-801.
“SMPTE Journal Five-Year Index 1971-1975,” SMPTE Journal.
“SMPTE Journal Five-Year Index 1976-1980,” SMPTE Journal.
“Talent pay code put off,” At Deadline, Broadcasting, Nov. 9, 1970, p. 9.
“Television,” SMPTE Journal, May 1981, pp. 375-379.
“The TCR-119 Reader,” Gray Engineering Laboratories, SMPTE Journal, May 1980, vol. 89, p. 438, (advertisement ).
“Vidbits,” Advertising Age, Sep. 21, 1981, p. 70.
“Video Tape Recording Glossary,” SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1980, vol. 89, p. 733.
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9 Digital Television Developments, Independent Broadcasting Authority (Iba) Technical Review, pp. 19-31.
A System of Data Transmission in the Field Blanking Period of the Television Signal, Iba Technical Review, Digital Television, pp. 37-44.
Adams, D.M., “The Place of Viewdata in Relation to Other Communications Techniques in the Travel Industry : A Personal View,” Viewdata & Videotext, 1980-81: A Worldwide Report, 1980, pp. 379-397.
Addressable Cable Television Control System with Vertical Interval Data Transmission, Campbell et al. abandoned app. No. 348,937, pp. 1-28, abstract, claims 1-42, Fig. 1-13 (Mar. 1980).
Addressable control—A big first step toward the marriage of computer, cable, & consumer, Larry C. Brown, (Pioneer Communications of America), Cable.
Ancillary Signals for Television, U.S. Dept. Of Commerce, Sep. 1975.
Anderson, The Vertical Interval: A General-Purpose Transmission Path, Sep. 1, 1971.
Appx. B of Petition to FCC, p. 72, filed Jul. 29, 1980.
Automated Videotape Delay of Satellite Transmission, Chiddix, “Satellite Communicatins Magazine”, 2 Pages.
Barlow, Automatic Switching in the CBC—A Update, Sep. 1, 1976.
Beakhurst, D.J., et al., “Teletext and Viewdata—A Comprehensive Component Solution,” Illustrations, Proceedings, IEE, vol. 126, Dec. 1979, pp. 1382-1385.
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Diederich, Electronic Image and Tone Return Equipment With Switching System and Remote Control Receiver for Television Decoder, May 22, 1975.
Enhanced graphics for Teletext, R.H. Vivian, Aug. 1981, IEEE pp. 541-550.
Etkin, Vertical Interval Signal Applications, Broadcast Engineering, pp. 30-35, Apr. 1970.
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Ferre, “Goodbye, TV Snow”, Electronic Servicing, May 1977, pp. 14-22.
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Gaucher, et al., Automatic Program Recording System, Nov. 1, 1975.
Howell, “A Primer on Digital Television” Journal of the SMPTE, Jul. 1975, 538-541.
Hutt, “A System of Data Transmission in the Field Blanking Period of the Television Signal”, SLICE pp. 37-44, Jun. 1973.
John Hedger, Oracle ( (TCA), U.K. 1980).
Kamishima, et al., A Monitor Device of a Switcher System, May 8, 1981.
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Morgan, G., “Britains Teletext Services are a Commercial Success,” Viewdata '80, Mar. 1980, pp. 341-357.
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Zimmerman, R., “Future Utilization of Interactive and Broadcast Videotex in Germany and its Effects on Standardization,” Viewdata '80, Mar. 1980, pp. 263-269.
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Camrass, R., “Viewdata: A Practical Medium for Electronic Mail,” Viewdata & Videotext, 1980-81: A Worldwide Report, 1980, pp. 173-184.
Castell, S., “Prestel and the Law,” Viewdata & Videotext, 1980-81: A Worldwide Report, 1980, pp. 301-312.
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Maslin, J.M., “An evaluation of viewdata for training in industry,” Viewdata & Videotext, 1980-81: A Worldwide Report, 1980, pp. 523-531.
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“Context” A Complete Teletext Origination System Developed by Logica and the BBC, Advertisement, 8 pages.
Dages, C.L., “Videotex Services via CATV—Hybrid Systems Approach,” pp. 14-25.
Rogers, B.J., “The Broadcasting Options for Data Transmission Methods in Public Service Broadcasting,” pp. 1-3.
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Hershberger, S., “Say French in Talks on Teletext,” newspaper article, May 14, 1979, p. 48.
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Crowther, G.O., “Subscription T.V., A Concept for a Multi Satellite, Multi Programme Source Environment,” Apr. 27, 1987, 2 pages.
Sillman, David, “Television Captioning for the Deaf,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, May 1984, vol. CE-30, No. 2, pp. 62-65.
Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers, “Programme and Registration Form, International Conference on ‘Telesoftware,’0 Cavendish Conference Centre, London: Sep. 27-28, 1984,”4 pages.
Kruesi, William R., et al., “Residential Control Considerations,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Nov. 1982, vol. CE-28 No. 4, pp. 563-570.
McKenzie, G.A., “Teletext—The First Ten Years,” Developments in Teletext, Independent Broadcasting Authority, May 1983, pp. 4-10.
Vivian, R.H., “Level 4—Teletext Graphics using Alpha-geometric Coding,” Developments in Teletext, Independent Broadcasting Authority, May 1983, pp. 21-26.
Johnson, G.A., et al., “The Networking of ORACLE,” Developments in Teletext, Independent Broadcasting Authority, May 1983, pp. 27-36.
Staff at the Mullard Application Laboratory, “Integrated Circuits for Receivers,” Developments in Teletext, Independent Broadcasting Authority, May 1983, pp. 43-56.
Lambourne, A.D., “NEWFOR—An Advanced Subtitle Preparation System,” Developments in Teletext, Independent Broadcasting Authority, May 1983, pp. 57-63.
Harris, Dr. Thomas G., et al., “Development of the MILNET,” Conference Record, Eascon 82, 1982, pp. 77-80.
Veith, Richard H., “Teletext (Broadcast Videotex) Begins in the United States,” National ONLINE Meeting Proceedings—1982, pp. 547-551.
Beville, Hugh M. Jr., “The Audience Potential of the New Technologies: 1985-1990,” Journal of Advertising Research, Apr./May 1985, pp. RC-3-RC-10.
“Draft, North American Broadcast Teletext Specification (NABTS),” EIA/CVCC, Sep. 20, 1983, 85 pages.
Yamamoto, Toshiaki, et al., “An Experimental System of FM Data-Broadcasting,” NHK Laboratories Note, Dec. 1983, serial No. 293, 12 pages.
Numaguchi, Y, et al., “A Teletext System for Ideographs,” NHK Laboratories Note, Feb. 1982, serial No. 271, 14 pages.
International Telecommunications Union, “Recommendations and Reports of the CCIR, 1982,” XVth Plenary Assembly Geneva, 1982, 393 pages.
Murata, M., et al., “A Proposal for Standardization of Home Bus System for Home Automation,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Nov. 1983, vol. CE-29, No. 4, pp. 524-529.
Yamamoto, Kazuyuki, et al., A Home Terminal System Using the Home Area Information Network, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Nov. 1983 vol. CE-30, No. 4, pp. 608-616.
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Lukaart, A., “Dutch Telesoftware Standard,” Netherlands PTT, Sep. 1984, 24 pages.
Rayers, D.J., “The UK Teletext Standard for Telesoftware Transmission,” Telesoftware, Cavendish Conference Center, Sep. 27-28, 1984, IERE Publication No. 60, pp. 1-8.
Kinghorn, J.R., “Receiving Telesoftware with CCT,” Telesoftware, Cavendish Conference Center, Sep. 27-28, 1984, IERE Publication No. 60, pp. 9-14.
Sharpless, G.T., “Telesoftware: Adding Intelligence to Video,” Telesoftware, Cavendish Conference Center, Sep. 27-28, 1984, IERE Publication No. 60, pp. 15-19.
Blineau, J., et al., “How to Execute TeleSoftware within the Terminals,” Telesoftware, Cavendish Conference Center, Sep. 27-28, 1984, IERE Publication No. 60, pp. 21-24.
Brown, L., “Telesoftware: Experiences of Providing a Broadcast Service,” Telesoftware, Cavendish Conference Center, Sep. 27-28, 1984, IERE Publication No. 60, pp. 25-28.
White, M., “Educational Telesoftware,” Telesoftware, Cavendish Conference Center, Sep. 27-28, 1984, IERE Publication No. 60, pp. 29-33.
Yeates, N.J., “Monitoring and Evaluation of the Telesoftware and Primary Education Project,” Telesoftware, Cavendish Conference Center, Sep. 27-28, 1984, IERE Publication No. 60, pp. 35-37.
Stanton, G.W., “Implementation of Teletext on Cable Television System in the United States,” Telesoftware, Cavendish Conference Center, Sep. 27-28, 1984, IERE Publication No. 60, pp. 39-43.
Dowsett, C., “Telesoftware in the Development of Wideband Cable Systems and Services,” Telesoftware, Cavendish Conference Center, Sep. 27-28, 1984, IERE Publication No. 60, pp. 45-48.
Pim, D.N., “Telesoftware via Full Channel Teletext,” Telesoftware, Cavendish Conference Center, Sep. 27-28, 1984, IERE Publication No. 60, pp. 49-54.
Havelock, T.J., “Games Telesoftware on Cable,”Telesoftware, Cavendish Conference Center, Sep. 27-28, 1984, IERE Publication No. 60, pp. 55-58.
Shain, M., “Microcomputer Publishing,” Telesoftware, Cavendish Conference Center, Sep. 27-28, 1984, IERE Publication No. 60, pp. 59-69.
Sweet, A., “The Development of a Commercial Telesoftware Service,” Telesoftware, Cavendish Conference Center, Sep. 27-28, 1984, IERE Publication No. 60, pp. 71-74.
Maurer, H., et al., “Teleprograms—The Right Approach to Videotex . . . If You Do It Right,” Telesoftware, Cavendish Conference Center, Sep. 27-28, 1984, IERE Publication No. 60, pp. 75-76.
Harris, A., “A European Standard Protocol for Videotext Telesoftware,” Telesoftware, Cavendish Conference Center, Sep. 27-28, 1984, IERE Publication No. 60, pp. 79-82.
Griffith, Michael, “Text Services on Wideband Cable Networks,” Sep. 11, 1986, 12 pages.
Pim, D.N., “The World System Teletext Specification,” IERE Conference on Electronic Delivery of Data and Software, London, Sep. 16-17, 1986, Publication No. 69, pp. 3-8.
Dowsett, C., “Code of Practice for Second Generation Teletext,” IERE Conference on Electronic Delivery of Data and Software, London, Sep. 16-17, 1986 pp. 9-26.
Foster, R.A.L., et al., “The European Videotext Standard,” IERE Conference on Electronic Delivery of Data and Software, London, Sep. 16-17, 1986 pp. 27-32.
Brown, Lawson, J., “BBC Telesoftware—3 Years On,” IERE Conference on Electronic Delivery of Data and Software, London, Sep. 16-17, 1986 pp. 35-38.
Harris, Anthony, “A European Standard for Videotex Processable Data,” IERE Conference on Electronic Delivery of Data and Software, London, Sep. 16-17, 1986 pp. 39-42.
Waters, A.G., “The Use of Broadcast and Multicast Techniques on Computer Networks,” IERE Conference on Electronic Delivery of Data and Software, London, Sep. 16-17, 1986 pp. 45-50.
Conway, Paul A., “‘Acotuda’ An adaptive Technique for Optimum Channel Useage in Data Broadcasting,” IERE Conference on Electronic Delivery of Data and Software, London, Sep. 16-17, 1986 pp. 51-56.
Robinson, C.J., “Interactive Video Cable,” IERE Conference on Electronic Delivery of Data and Software, London, Sep. 16-17, 1986 pp. 59-66.
Boyd, R.T., “Interactive Service Development on the BT Switched-Star Network,” IERE Conference on Electronic Delivery of Data and Software, London, Sep. 16-17, 1986 pp. 67-73.
Mason, A., “The Principles of the Over-Air Addressed Pay-Per-View Encryption System for Direct Broadcasting by Satellite and for Teletext,” IERE Conference on Electronic Delivery of Data and Software, London, Sep. 16-17, 1986 pp. 77-85.
Stow, R.G., et al., “Privacy and Security in Broadcast Teletext Systems,” IERE Conference on Electronic Delivery of Data and Software, London, Sep. 16-17, 1986 pp. 87-91.
Chambers, J.P., “BBC Datacast—The Transmission System,” IERE Conference on Electronic Delivery of Data and Software, London, Sep. 16-17, 1986 pp. 93-98.
Bradshaw, D.J., et al., “BBC Datacast—Conditional Access Operation,” IERE Conference on Electronic Delivery of Data and Software, London, Sep. 16-17, 1986 pp. 99-105.
Brown, Lawson, J., “BBC Datacast—Implementing A Data Service,” IERE Conference on Electronic Delivery of Data and Software, London, Sep. 16-17, 1986 pp. 107-110.
Givertz, M.J., “Practical Implementation of an Information Provision Service Using Teletext,” IERE Conference on Electronic Delivery of Data and Software, London, Sep. 16-17, 1986 pp. 111-116.
Tarrant, D.R, “Data Link Using Page-Format Teletext Transmission,” IERE Conference on Electronic Delivery of Data and Software, London, Sep. 16-17, 1986 pp. 119-125.
Hinson, C.R., “A ‘Full Level One+’ World System Teletext Decoder,” IERE Conference on Electronic Delivery of Data and Software, London, Sep. 16-17, 1986 pp. 127-132.
Kinghorn, J.R., et al.,“Packet and Page Format Data Reception Using a Multistandard Acquisition Circuit,” IERE Conference on Electronic Delivery of Data and Software, London, Sep. 16-17, 1986 pp. 133-140.
Gill, B., “A New Teletext Data Acquisition Circuit in CMOS, The MV1812,” IERE Conference on Electronic Delivery of Data and Software, London, Sep. 16-17, 1986 pp. 141-145.
Martin, James, Viewdata and the Information Society, Prentice Hall, 1982, pp. 293+.
Alber, Antone F., Videotex/Teletext, McGraw-Hill, 1985 pp. 495+.
Veith, Richard H., Videotex/Teletext, North-Holland, 1983, pp. 180+.
Joint EIA/CVCC Recommended Practice for Teletext: North American Basic Teletext Specification (NABTS), IS-14, CVCC-TS100, Mar. 1984, pp. 76+.
Videotex/Teletext Presentation Level Protocol Syntax, North American PLPS, ANSI X3.110-1983, CSA T500-1983, ANSI & CSA, Dec. 1983, pp. 105+.
Fletcher, Carol, “Videotext: Return Engagement,” IEEE Spectrum, Oct. 1985, pp. 34-38.
Bortz, Paul I., et al., Great Expectations; A Television Manager's Guide to the Future, National Association of Broadcasters, Apr. 1986, pp. 101-103, 133-136.
Raag, Helmo, “International Electronic Mail,” NTC Record-1981, National Telecommunications Conference, Nov. 29, 1981-Dec. 3, 1981, pp. A9.1.1-A9.1.5.
Hagen, Rolf, “Teletex, A New Text Communication Service and Its Impact on Network Modules,” NTC Record-1981, National Telecommunications Conference, Nov. 29, 1981-Dec. 3, 1981, pp. F5.3.1-F5.3.5.
Holmes, Edith, “Electronic Mail Debuts,” ,ASIS Bulletin, Dec. 1981, pp. 40-42.
Bertsekas, Dimitri P., “Distributed Dynamic Programming,” Proceedings of the 20th IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, Dec. 16, 1981, vol. 1, pp. 774-779.
Herman, James C., “Application of Fiber Optics in CATV Distribution Systems,” Technical Papers. NCTA 31st Annual Convention & Exposition, May 3-5, 1982, pp. 148-152.
“SAT-Guide Tests Electronic Program Guide Unit at Facilities,” SAT Guide, May 1982, pp. 50-52.
Ciciora, Walter S., “Pixels and Bits—How Videotex Works,” The World Videotex Report, 1984, pp. 17-33.
Ciciora, Walter S., “Cable Videotex in the United States,” The World Videotex Report, 1984, pp. 559-573.
“Zenith Teletex Technology: A Backgrounder,” Zenith Radio Corporation, Summer 1983, 6 pages.
“KEYCOM, SSS Boards Approve Joint Venture for KEYFAX National Teletex Magazine,” KEYCOM News Release, Aug. 20, 1982, 3 pages.
“KEYCOM Completes Successful Nite-Owl Experiment,” KEYCOM News Release, Sep. 5, 1982, 3 pages.
“SSS, KEYCOM Formally Launch KEYFAX National Teletext Magazine,” SSS Press Release, Nov. 17, 1982, 2 pages.
“1983 Worldwide Census of Videotex and Cabletext Activities,” CSP International, Sep. 1983, pp. 24+.
“Diode Array Connection,” Virdata 2.1, 1982, 7 pages.
Gits, V., “Surprise a-Tac,” Cablevision, vol. 10, No. 5, Oct. 1984, pp. 30-33.
Rosenthal, E.M., “Keyfax: first nationally but only the beginning,” Cable Age, Jan. 31, 1982, 3 pages.
Mapp, L., et al., Telesoftware & Education Project—Final Report, BBC/ITV and Brighton Polytechnic, Jul. 1982, pp. 1-111.
Roussel, A.D., et al., T400 Teletext Terminal Operators Manual, Logica, Oct. 1985.
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Hobbs, R., The Guide to Teletext, Logica, Jan. 1986.
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“Vidata Teletext and Vertical Interval Data Products,” Product Summary, Wegener Communications, Apr. 20, 1983.
Roizen, J., “New technologies Make Headlines at Videotex '82,” The International Journal of Broadcast Technology, Aug. 1982, 3 pages.
Weiss, M., et al., “How Teletext Can Deliver More Service and Profits,” The International Journal of Broadcast Technology, Aug. 1982, 4 pages.
Zenith Radio Corporation, News Release, “Teletext: The Newest Window To The Future As Science Fiction Becomes Reality,” Jun. 23, 1983.
Roberts, C., “Will Cable Television Revolutionize Campaigns?,” The Register, Feb. 21, 1982.
Yanagimachi, Akio, “An Experimental Second-Generation Japanese Teletext System,” NHK Laboratories Note, Oct. 1983, serial No. 291.
Mothersole, P.L., “Equipment for Network Distribution,” Developments in Teletext, Independent Broadcasting Authority, May 1983, pp. 37-42.