The Seleco Chassis BS990.0 Is a monocarrier fitting all functions of the TV set. 2 Units are fitted as daughter boards: Stereo Sound Unit, and teletext unit. A 3rd daughter board is soldered directly and feaures the SVHS and External video sources switching.
The chassis features widely tested IC circuits used even on older series. It was reliable except for the FBT(eldor) which was failing often with defects varying from faillig outputs, shorts, EHT discharging.... sometimes landing to a destroyed chassis circuits. This fate was diffused to all manufacturers who used these crappy eldor FBT/LOPTs.
The chassis was used in sets with screen fromats from 21 to 32 Inches format and was driving CRT Tubes types like PHILIPS, VIDEOCOLOR, TOSHIBA with few variants in power circuits.
This device will accept a PAL or NTSC composite video signal and output the
three color signals, needing only a simple driver amplifier to interface to the pic-
ture tube. The provision of high bandwidth on-screen display inputs makes it
suitable for text display, TV games, cameras, etc. The TDA3301 B has user con»
trol laws, and also a phase shift control which operates in PAL, as well as NTSC.
0 Automatic Black Level Setup
0 Beam Current Limiting
0 Uses Inexpensive 4.43 MHZ to 3.58 MHz Crystal
0 No Oscillator Adjustment Required
0 Three OSD Inputs Plus Fast Blanking Input
0 Four DC, High Impedance User Controls
0 lnterlaces with TDA33030B SECAM Adaptor
0 Single 12 V Supply
0 Low Dissipation, Typically 600 mW
The brilliance control operates by adding a pedestal to the output
signals. The amplitude of the pedestal is controlled by Pin 30.
During CRT beam current sampling a standard pedestal is
substituted, its value being equivalent tothe value given by V30 Nom
Brightness at black level with V30 Nom is given by the sum of three gun
currents at the sampling level, i.e. 3x20 |.1A with 100 k reference
resistors on Pins 16, 19, and 22.
During picture blanking the brilliance pedestal is zero; therefore, the
output voltage during blanking is always the minimum brilliance black
level (Note: Signal channels are also gain blanked).
Chrominance Decoder
The chrominance decoder section of the TDA3301 B
consists of the following blocks:
Phase-locked reference oscillator;
Phase-locked 90 degree servo loop;
U and V axis decoders
ACC detector and identification detector; .
Identification circuits and PAL bistable; .
Color difference filters and matrixes with fast blanking
The major design considerations apart from optimum
performance were:
o A minimum number of factory adjustments,
o A minimum number of external components,
0 Compatibility with SECAM adapter TDA3030B,
0 Low dissipation,
0 Use of a standard 4.433618 Mhz crystal rather
than a 2.0 fc crystal with a divider.
The crystal VCO is of the phase shift variety in which the
frequency is controlled by varying the phase of the feedback.
A great deal of care was taken to ensure that the oscillator loop
gain and the crystal loading impedance were held constant in
order to ensure that the circuit functions well with low grade
crystal (crystals having high magnitude spurious responses
can cause bad phase jitter). lt is also necessary to ensure that
the gain at third harmonic is low enough to ensure absence of
oscillation at this frequency.
It can be seen that the
necessary 1 45°C phase shift is obtained by variable addition
ol two currents I1 and I2 which are then fed into the load
resistance of the crystal tuned circuit R1. Feedback is taken
from the crystal load capacitance which gives a voltage of VF
lagging the crystal current by 90°.
The RC network in the T1 collector causes I1 to lag the
collector current of T1 by 45°.
For SECAM operation, the currents I1 and I2 are added
together in a fixed ratio giving a frequency close to nominal.
When decoding PAL there are two departures from normal
chroma reference regeneration practice:
a) The loop is locked to the burst entering from the PAL
delay line matrix U channel and hence there is no
alternating component. A small improvement in signal
noise ratio is gained but more important is that the loop
filter is not compromised by the 7.8 kHz component
normally required at this point for PAL identification
b) The H/2 switching of the oscillator phase is carried out
before the phase detector. This implies any error signal
from the phase detector is a signal at 7.8 kHz and not dc.
A commutator at the phase detector output also driven
from the PAL bistable coverts this ac signal to a dc prior
to the loop filter. The purpose ot this is that constant
offsets in the phase detector are converted by the
commutator to a signal at 7.8 kHz which is integrated to
zero and does not give a phase error.
When used for decoding NTSC the bistable is inhibited, and
slightly less accurate phasing is achieved; however, as a hue
control is used on NTSC this cannot be considered to be a
serious disadvantage.
90° Reference Generation
To generate the U axis reference a variable all-pass network
is utilized in a servo loop. The output of the all-pass netw
is compared with the oscillator output with a phase detector of
which the output is filtered and corrects the operating point of
the variable all»pass network .
As with the reference loop the oscillator signal is taken after
the H/2 phase switch and a commutator inserted before the
filter so that constant phase detector errors are cancelled.
For SECAM operation the loop filter is grounded causing
near zero phase shift so that the two synchronous detectors
work in phase and not in quadralure.
The use of a 4.4 MHz oscillator and a servo loop to generate
the required 90° reference signal allows the use of a standard,
high volume, low cost crystal and gives an extremely accurate
90° which may be easily switched to 0° for decoding AM
SECAM generated by the TDA3030B adapter.
ACC and Identification Detectors
During burst gate time the output components of the U and
also the V demodulators are steered into PNP emitters. One
collector current of each PNP pair is mirrored and balanced
against its twin giving push-pull current sources for driving the
ACC and the identification filter capacitors.
The identification detector is given an internal offset by
making the NPN current mirror emitter resistors unequal. The
resistors are offset by 5% such that the identification detector
pulls up on its filter capacitor with zero signal.
See Figure 11 for definitions.
Monochrome I1 > I2
PAL ldent. OK I1 < lg
PAL ldent_ X l1 > I2
NTSC I3 > I2
Only for correctly identified PAL signal is the capacitor
voltage held low since I2 is then greater than I1.
For monochrome and incorrectly identified PAL signals l1>l2
hence voltage VC rises with each burst gate pulse.
When V,ef1 is exceeded by 0.7 V Latch 1 is made to conduct
which increases the rate of voltage rise on C. Maximum
current is limited by R1.
When Vref2 is exceeded by 0.7 V then Latch 2 is made to
conduct until C is completely discharged and the current drops
to a value insufficient to hold on Latch 2.
As Latch 2 turns on Latch 1 must turn off.
Latch 2 turning on gives extra trigger pulse to bistable to
correct identification.
The inhibit line on Latch 2 restricts its conduction to alternate
lines as controlled by the bistable. This function allows the
SECAM switching line to inhibit the bistable operation by firing
Latch 2 in the correct phase for SECAM. For NTSC, Latch 2
is fired by a current injected on Pin 6.
lf the voltage on C is greater than 1.4 V, then the saturation
is held down. Only for SECAM/NTSC with Latch 2 on, or
correctly identified PAL, can the saturation control be
anywhere but minimum.
NTSC Switch
NTSC operation is selected when current (I3) is injected into
Pin 6. On the TDA33O1 B this current must be derived
externally by connecting Pin 6 to +12 V via a 27 k resistor (as
on TDA33OOB). For normal PAL operation Pin 40 should be
connected to +12 V and Pin 6 to the filter capacitor.
4 Color Difference Matrixing, Color Killing,
and Chroma Blanking
During picture time the two demodulators feed simple RC
filters with emitter follower outputs. Color killing and blanking
is performed by lifting these outputs to a voltage above the
maximum value that the color difference signal could supply.
The color difference matrixing is performed by two
differential amplifiers, each with one side split to give the
correct values of the -(B-Y) and -(Ft-Y) signals. These are
added to give the (G-Y) signal.
The three color difference signals are then taken to the
virtual grounds of the video output stages together with
luminance signal.
Sandcastle Selection
The TDA3301B may be used with a two level sandcastle
and a separate frame pulse to Pin 28, or with only a three level
(super) sandcastle. In the latter case, a resistor of 1.0 MQ is
necessary from + 12 V to Pin 28 and a 70 pF capacitor from
Pin 28 to ground.
Timing Counter for Sample Control
In order to control beam current sampling at the beginning
of each frame scan, two edge triggered flip-flops are used.
The output K ofthe first flip-flop A is used to clock the second
tlip-flop B. Clocking of A by the burst gate is inhibited by a count
of A.B.
The count sequence can only be initiated by the trailing
edge of the frame pulse. ln order to provide control signals for:
Luma/Chroma blanking
Beam current sampling
On-screen display blanking
Brilliance control
The appropriate flip-flop outputs ar matrixed with sandcastle
and frame signals by an emitter-follower matrix.
Video Output Sections
Each video output stage consists of a feedback amplifier in A further drive current is used to control the DC operating
which the input signal is a current drive to the virtual earth from point; this is derived from the sample and hold stage which
the luminance, color difference and on-screen display stages. samples the beam current after frame flyback.
SELECO 25SS653 CHASSIS BS990.0 Switched mode power supply
Supply is based on TDA4601 (SIEMENS).
Power supply Description based on TDA4601d (SIEMENS)
TDA4601 Operation. * The TDA4601 device is a single in line, 9 pin chip. Its predecessor was the TDA4600 device, the TDA4601 however has improved switching, better protection and cooler running. The (SIEMENS) TDA4601 power supply is a fairly standard parallel chopper switch mode type, which operates on the same basic principle as a line output stage. It is turned on and off by a square wave drive pulse, when switched on energy is stored in the chopper transformer primary winding in the form of a magnetic flux; when the chopper is turned off the magnetic flux collapses, causing a large back emf to be produced. At the secondary side of the chopper transformer this is rectified and smoothed for H.T. supply purposes. The advantage of this type of supply is that the high chopping frequency (20 to 70 KHz according to load) allows the use of relatively small H.T. smoothing capacitors making smoothing easier. Also should the chopper device go short circuit there is no H.T. output. In order to start up the TDA4601 I.C. an initial supply of 9v is required at pin 9, this voltage is sourced via R818 and D805 from the AC side of the bridge rectifier D801, also pin 5 requires a +Ve bias for the internal logic block. (On some sets pin 5 is used for standby switching). Once the power supply is up and running, the voltage on pin 9 is increased to 16v and maintained at this level by D807 and C820 acting as a half wave rectifier and smoothing circuit. PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin 1 This is a 4v reference produced within the I.C. Pin 2 This pin detects the exact point at which energy stored in the chopper transformer collapses to zero via R824 and R825, and allows Q1 to deliver drive volts to the chopper transistor. It also opens the switch at pin 4 allowing the external capacitor C813 to charge from its external feed resistor R810. Pin 3 H.T. control/feedback via photo coupler D830. The voltage at this pin controls the on time of the chopper transistor and hence the output voltage. Normally it runs at Approximately 2v and regulates H.T. by sensing a proportion of the +4v reference at pin 1, offset by conduction of the photo coupler D830 which acts like a variable resistor. An increase in the conduction of transistor D830 and therefor a reduction of its resistance will cause a corresponding reduction of the positive voltage at Pin 3. A decrease in this voltage will result in a shorter on time for the chopper transistor and therefor a lowering of the output voltage and vice versa, oscillation frequency also varies according to load, the higher the load the lower the frequency etc. should the voltage at pin 3 exceed 2.3v an internal flip flop is triggered causing the chopper drive mark space ratio to extend to 244 (off time) to 1 (on time), the chip is now in over volts trip condition. Pin 4 At this pin a sawtooth waveform is generated which simulates chopper current, it is produced by a time constant network R810 and C813. C813 charges when the chopper is on and is discharged when the chopper is off, by an internal switch strapping pin 4 to the internal +2v reference, see Fig 2. The amplitude of the ramp is proportional to chopper drive. In an overload condition it reaches 4v amplitude at which point chopper drive is reduced to a mark-space ratio of 13 to 1, the chip is then in over current trip. The I.C. can easily withstand a short circuit on the H.T. rail and in such a case the power supply simply squegs quietly. Pin 4 is protected by internal protection components which limit the maximum voltage at this pin to 6.5v. Should a fault occur in either of the time constant components, then the chopper transistor will probably be destroyed. Pin 5 This pin can be used for remote control on/off switching of the power supply, it is normally held at about +7v and will cause the chip to enter standby mode if it falls below 2v. Pin 6 Ground. Pin 7 Chopper switch off pin. This pin clamps the chopper drive voltage to 1.6v in order to switch off the chopper. Pin 8 Chopper base current output drive pin. Pin 9 L.T. pin, approximately 9v under start-up conditions and 16v during normal running, Current consumption of the I.C. is typically 135mA. The voltage at this pin must reach 6.7v in order for the chip to start-up.Semiconductor
circuit for supplying power to electrical equipment, comprising a
transformer having a primary winding connected, via a parallel
connection of a collector-emitter path of a transistor with a first
capacitor, to both outputs of a rectifier circuit supplied, in turn, by a
line a-c voltage; said transistor having a base controlled via a
second capacitor by an output of a control circuit acted upon, in turn
by the rectified a-c line voltage as actual value and by a reference
voltage; said transformer having a first secondary winding to which the
electrical equipment to be supplied is connected; said transformer
having a second
secondary winding with one terminal thereof connected to
the emitter of said transistor and the other terminal thereof
connected to an anode of a first diode leading to said control circuit;
said transformer having a third secondary winding wi
th one terminal
thereof connected, on the one hand, via a series connection of a third
capacitor with a first resistance, to the other terminal of said third
secondary winding and connected, on the other hand, to the emitter of
said transistor, the collector of which is connected to said primary
winding; a point between said third capacitor and said first resistance
being connected to the cathode of a second diode; said control circuit
having nine terminals including a first terminal delivering a
reference voltage and connected, via a voltage divider formed of a
third and fourth series-connected resistances, to the anode of said
second diode; a second terminal of said control circuit serving for
zero-crossing identification being connected via a fifth resistance to
said cathode of said second diode; a third terminal of said
control-circuit serving as actual value input being directly connected
to a divider point of said voltage divider forming said connection of
said first terminal of said control circuit to said anode of said
second diode; a fourth terminal of said control circuit delivering a
sawtooth voltage being connected via a sixth resistance to a terminal
of said primary winding of said transformer facing away from said
transistor; a fifth terminal of said control circuit serving as a
protective input being connected, via a seventh resistance to the
cathode of said first diode and, through the intermediary of said
seventh resistance and an eighth resistance, to the cathode of a third
diode having an anode connected to an input of said rectifier circuit; a
sixth terminal of said control circuit carrying said reference
potential and being connected via a fourth capacitor to said fourth
terminal of said control circuit and via a fifth capacitor to the anode
of said second diode; a seventh terminal of said control circuit
establishing a potential for pulses controlling said transistor being
connected directly and an eighth terminal of said control circuit
effecting pulse control of the base of said transistor being connected
through the intermediary of a ninth resistance to said first capacitor
leading to the base of said transistor; and a ninth terminal of said
control circuit serving as a power supply input of said control circuit
being connected both to the cathode of said first diode as well as via
the intermediary of a sixth capacitor to a terminal of said second
secondary winding as well as to a terminal of said third secondary
invention relates to a blocking oscillator type switching power supply
for supplying power to electrical equipment, wherein the primary
winding of a transformer, in series with the emitter-collector path of a
first bipolar transistor, is connected to a d-c voltage obtained by
rectification of a line a-c voltage fed-in via two external supply
terminals, and a secondary winding of the transformer is provided for
supplying power to the electrical equipment, wherein, furthermore, the
first bipolar transistor has a base controlled by the output of a
control circuit which is acted upon in turn by the rectified a-c line
voltage as actual value and by a set-point transmitter, and wherein a
starting circuit for further control of the base of the first bipolar
transistor is provided.
Such a blocking oscillator switching
power supply is described in the German periodical, "Funkschau" (1975)
No. 5, pages 40 to 44. It is well known that the purpose of such a
circuit is to supply electronic equipment, for example, a television
set, with stabilized and controlled supply voltages. Essential for such
switching power supply is a power switching transistor i.e. a bipolar
transistor with high switching speed and high reverse voltage. This
transistor therefore constitutes an important component of the control
element of the control circuit. Furthermore, a high operating frequency
and a transformer intended for a high operating frequency are provided,
because generally, a thorough separation of the equipment to be
supplied from the supply naturally is desired. Such switching power
supplies may be constructed either for synchronized or externally
controlled operation or for non-synchronized or free-running operation.
A blocking converter is understood to be a switching power supply in
which power is delivered to the equipment to be supplied only if the
switching transistor establishing the connection between the primary
coil of the transformer and the rectified a-c voltage is cut off. The
power delivered by the line rectifier to the primary coil of the
transformer while the switching transistor is open, is interim-stored
in the transformer and then delivered to the consumer on the secondary
side of the transformer with the switching transistor cut off.
the blocking converter described in the aforementioned reference in
the literature, "Funkschau" (1975), No. 5, Pages 40 to 44, the power
switching transistor is connected in the manner defined in the
introduction to this application. In addition, a so-called starting
circuit is provided. Because several diodes are generally provided in
the overall circuit of a blocking oscillator according to the definition
provided in the introduction hereto, it is necessary, in order not to
damage these diodes, that due to the collector peak current in the case
of a short circuit, no excessive stress of these diodes and possibly
existing further sensitive circuit parts can occur.
the operation of a blocking oscillator, this means that, in the event
of a short circuit, the number of collector current pulses per unit
time must be reduced. For this purpose, a control and regulating
circuit is provided. Simultaneously, a starting circuit must bring the
blocking converter back to normal operation when the equipment is
switched on, and after disturbances, for example, in the event of a
short circuit. The starting circuit shown in the literature reference
"Funkschau" on Page 42 thereof, differs to some extent already from the
conventional d-c starting circuits. It is commonly known for all
heretofore known blocking oscillator circuits, however, that a
thyristor or an equivalent circuit replacing the thyristor is essential
for the operation of the control circuit.
is accordingly an object of the invention to provide another starting
circuit. It is a further object of the invention to provide a possible
circuit for the control circuit which is particularly well suited for
this purpose. It is yet another object of the invention to provide such a
power supply which is assured of operation over the entire range of
line voltages from 90 to 270 V a-c, while the secondary voltages and
secondary load variations between no-load and short circuit are largely
With the foregoing and other objects in view, there is
provided, in accordance with the invention, a blocking oscillator-type
switching power supply for supplying power to electrical equipment
wherein a primary winding of a transformer, in series with an
emitter-collector path of a first bipolar transistor, is connected to a
d-c voltage obtained by rectification of a line a-c voltage fed-in via
two external supply terminals, a secondary winding of the transformer
being connectible to the electrical equipment for supplying power
thereto, the first bipolar transistor having a base controlled by the
output of a control circuit acted upon, in turn, by the rectified a-c
line voltage as actual value and by a set-point transmitter, and
including a starting circuit for further control of the base of the
first bipolar transistor, including a first diode in the starting
circuit having an anode directly connected to one of the supply
terminals supplied by the a-c line voltage and a cathode connected via a
resistor to an input serving to supply power to the control circuit,
the input being directly connected to a cathode of a second diode, the
second diode having an anode connected to one terminal of another
secondary winding of the transformer, the other secondary winding having
another terminal connected to the emitter of the first bipolar
In accordance with another feature of the
invention, there is provided a second bipolar transistor having the same
conduction type as that of the first bipolar transistor and connected
in the starting circuit with the base thereof connected to a cathode of
a semiconductor diode, the semiconductor diode having an anode
connected to the emitter of the first bipolar transistor, the second
bipolar transistor having a collector connected via a resistor to a
cathode of the first diode in the starting circuit, and having an
emitter connected to the input serving to supply power to the control
circuit and also connected to the cathode of the second diode which is
connected to the other secondary winding of the transformer.
accordance with a further feature of the invention, the base of the
second bipolar transistor is connected to a resistor and via the latter
to one pole of a first capacitor, the anode of the first diode being
connected to the other pole of the first capacitor.
accordance with an added feature of the invention, the input serving
to supply power to the control circuit is connected via a second
capacitor to an output of a line rectifier, the output of the line
rectifier being directly connected to the emitter of the first bipolar
In accordance with an additional feature of the
invention, the other secondary winding is connected at one end to the
emitter of the first bipolar transistor and to a pole of a third
capacitor, the third capacitor having another pole connected, on the
one hand, via a resistor, to the other end of the other secondary
winding and, on the other hand, to a cathode of a third diode, the
third diode having an anode connected via a potentiometer to an actual
value input of the control circuit and, via a fourth capacitor, to the
emitter of the first bipolar transistor.
In accordance with yet
another feature of the invention, the control circuit has a control
output connected via a fifth capacitor to the base of the first bipolar
transistor for conducting to the latter control pulses generated in
the control circuit.
In accordance with a concomitant feature of
the invention, there is provided a sixth capacitor shunting the
emitter-collector path of the first transistor.
Other features which are considered as characteristic for the invention are set forth in the appended claim.
the invention is illustrated and described herein as embodied in a
blocking oscillator type switching power supply, it is nevertheless not
intended to be limited to the details shown, since various
modifications and structural changes may be made therein without
departing from the spirit of the invention and within the scope and
range of equivalents of the claims.
The construction and method of operation of the invention, however,
together with additional objects and advantages thereof will be best
understood from the following description of specific embodiments when
read in connection with the accompanying drawings, in which:
FIGS. 1 and 2 are circuit diagrams of the blocking oscillator type switching power supply according to the invention; and
FIG. 3 is a circuit diagram of the control unit RS of FIGS. 1 and 2.
now to the drawing and, first, particularly to FIG. 1 thereof, there is
shown a rectifier circuit G in the form of a bridge current, which is
acted upon by a line input represented by two supply terminals 1' and
2'. Rectifier outputs 3' and 4' are shunted by an emitter-collector path
of an NPN power transistor T1 i.e. t
series connection of the so-called first bipolar transistor referred to
hereinbefore with a primary winding I of a transformer Tr. Together
with the inductance of the transformer Tr, the capacitance C1 determines
the frequency and limits the opening voltages of the switch embodied by
the first transistor T1. A capacitance C2, provided between the base of
the first transistor T1 and the control output 7,8 of a control circuit
RS, separates the d-c potentials of the control or regulating circuit
RS and the switching transistor T1 and serves for addressing this
switching transistor T1 with pulses. A resistor R1 provided at the
control output 7,8 of the control circuit RS is the negative-feedback
resistor of both output stages of the control circuit RS. It determines
the maximally possible output pulse current of the control circuit RS. A
secondary winding II of the transformer Tr takes over the power supply
of the control circuit, in steady state operation, via the diode D1. To
this end, the cathode of this diode D1 is directly connected to a power
supply input 9 of the control circuit RS, while the anode thereof is
connected to one terminal of the secondary winding II. The other
terminal of the secondary winding II is connected to the emitter of the
power switching transistor T1.
The cathode of the diode D1 and,
therewith, the power supply terminal 9 of the control circuits RS are
furthermore connected to one pole of a capacitor C3, the other pole of
which is connected to the output 3' of the rectifier G. The capacitance
of this capacitor C3 thereby smoothes the positive half-wave pulses and
serves simultaneously as an energy storage device during the starting
period. Another secondary windi
III of the transformer Tr is connected by one of the leads thereof
likewise to the emitter of the first transistor T1, and by the other
lead thereof via a resistor R2, to one of the poles of a further
capacitor C4, the other pole of which is connected to the
first-mentioned lead of the other secondary winding III. This second
pole of the capacitor C4 is simultaneously connected to the output 3' of
the rectifier circuit G and, thereby, via the capacitor C3, to the
cathode of the diode D1 driven by the secondary winding II of the
transformer Tr as well as to the power supply input 9 of the control
circuit RS and, via a resistor R9, to the cathode of a second diode D4.
The second pole of the capacitor C4 is simultaneously connected directly
to the terminal 6 of the control circuit RS and, via a further
capacitor C 6, to the terminal 4 of the control circuit RS as well as,
additionally, via the resistor R6, to the other output 4' of the
rectifier circuit G. The other of the poles of the capacitor C4 acted
upon by the secondary winding II is connected via a further capacitor C5
to a node, which is connected on one side thereof, via a variable
resistor R4, to the terminals 1 and 3 of the control circuit RS, with
the intermediary of a fixed resistor R5 in the case of the terminal 1.
On the other side of the node, the latter and, therefore, the capacitor
C5 are connected to the anode of a third diode D2, the cathode of which
is connected on the one hand, to the resistor R2 mentioned hereinbefore
and leads to the secondary winding III of the transformer Tr and, on the
other hand, via a resistor R3 to the terminal 2 of the control circuit
The nine terminals of the control circuit RS have the following purposes or functions:
1 supplies the internally generated reference voltage to ground i.e.
the nominal or reference value required for the control or regulating
Terminal 2 serves as input for the oscillations provided
by the secondary winding III, at the zero point of which, the pulse
start of the driving pulse takes place;
Terminal 3 is the control
input, at which the existing actual value is communicated to the
control circuit RS, that actual value being generated by the rectified
oscillations at the secondary winding III;
Terminal 4 is
responsive to the occurrence of a maximum excursion i.e. when the
largest current flows through the first transistor T1 ;
Terminal 5
is a protective input which responds if the rectified line voltage
drops too sharply; Terminal 6 serves for the power supply of the control
process and, indeed, as ground terminal;
Terminal 7 supplies the
d-c component required for charging the coupling capacitor C2 leading
to the base of the first transistor T1 ;
Terminal 8 supplies the control pulse required for the base of the first transistor T1 ; and
Terminal 9 serves as the first terminal of the power supply of the control circuit RS.
Further details of the control circuit RS are described hereinbelow.
capacity C3 smoothes the positive half-wave pulses which are provided
by the secondary winding II, and simultaneously serves as an energy
storage device during the starting time. The secondary winding III
generates the control voltage and is simultaneously used
feedback. The time delay stage R2 /C4 keeps harmonics and fast
interference spikes away from the control circuit RS. The resistor R3 is
provided as a voltage divider for the second terminal of the control
circuit RS. The diode D2 rectifies the control pulses delivered by the
secondary winding III. The capacity C5 smoothes the control voltage. A
reference voltage Uref, which is referred to ground i.e. the potential
of terminal 6 is present at the terminal 1 of the control circuit RS.
The resistors R4 and R5 form a voltage divider of the input-difference
control amplifier at the terminal 3. The desired secondary voltage can
be set manually via the variable resistor R4. A time-delay stage R6 /C6
forms a sawtooth rise which corresponds to the collector current rise of
the first bipolar transistor T1 via the primary winding I of the
transformer Tr. The sawtooth present at the terminal 4 of the control
circuit RS is limited there between the reference voltage 2 V and 4 V.
The voltage divider R7 /R8 (FIG. 2), brings to the terminal 5 of the
control circuit RS the enabling voltage for the drive pulse at the
output 8 of the control circuit RS.
The diode D4, together with
the resistor R9 in cooperation with the diode D1 and the secondary
winding II, forms the starting circuit provided, in accordance with the
invention. The operation thereof is as follows:
After the
switching power supply is switched on, d-c voltages build up at the
collector of the switching transistor T1 and at the input 4 of the
control circuit RS, as a function in time of the predetermined time
constants. The positive sinusoidal half-waves charge the capacitor C3
via the starting diode D4 and the starting resistor R9 in dependence
upon the time constant R9.C3. Via the protective input terminal 5 and
the resisto
R11 not previously mentioned and forming the connection between the
resistor R9 and the diode D1, on the one hand, and the terminal 5 of the
control circuit RS, on the other hand, the control circuit RS is biased
ready for switching-on, and the capacitor C2 is charged via the output
7. When a predetermined voltage value at the capacitor C3 or the power
supply input 9 of the control circuit RS, respectively, is reached, the
reference voltage i.e. the nominal value for the operation of the
control voltage RS, is abruptly formed, which supplies all stages of the
control circuit and appears at the output 1 thereof. Simultaneously,
the switching transistor T1 is switched into conduction via the output
8. The switching of the transistor T1 at the primary winding T of the
transformer Tr is transformed to the second secondary winding II, the
capacity C3 being thereby charged up again via the diode D1. If
sufficient energy is stored in the capacitor C3 and if the re-charge via
the diode D1 is sufficient so that the voltage at a supply input 9 does
not fall below the given minimum operating voltage, the switching power
supply then remains connected, so that the starting process is
completed. Otherwise, the starting process described is repeated several
In FIG. 2, there is shown a further embodiment of the
circuit for a blocking oscillator type switching power supply, according
to the invention, as shown in FIG. 1. Essential for this circuit of
FIG. 2 is the presence of a second bipolar transistor T2 of the type of
the first bipolar transistor T1 (i.e. in the embodiments of the
invention, an npn-transistor), which forms a further component of the
starting circuit and is connected with the collector-emitter path
thereof between the resistor R9 of the starting circuit and the current
supply input 9 of the control circuit RS. The base of this second
transistor T2 is connected to a node which leads, on the one hand, via a
resistor R10 to one electrode of a capacitor C7, the other electrode of
which is connected to the anode of the diode D4 of the starting circuit
and, accordingl
to the terminal 1' of the supply input of the switching power supply G.
On the other hand, the last-mentioned node and, therefore, the base of
the second transistor T2 are connected to the cathode of a Zener diode
D3, the anode of which is connected to the output 3' of the rectifier G
and, whereby, to one pole of the capacitor C3, the second pole of which
is connected to the power supply input 9 of the control circuit RS as
well as to the cathode of the diode D1 and to the emitter of the second
transistor T2. In other respects, the circuit according to FIG. 2
corresponds to the circuit according to FIG. 1 except for the resistor
R11 which is not necessary in the embodiment of FIG. 2, and the missing
connection between the resistor R9 and the cathode of the diode D1,
respectively, and the protective input 5 of the control circuit RS.
Regarding the operation of the starting circuit according to FIG. 2,
it can be stated that the positive sinusoidal half-wave of the line
voltage, delayed by the time delay stage C7, R10 drives the base of the
transistor T2 in the starting circuit. The amplitude is limited by the
diode D3 which is provided for overvoltage protection of the control
circuit RS and which is preferably incorporated as a Zener diode. The
second transistor T2 is switched into conduction. The capacity C3 is
charged, via the serially connected diode D4 and the resistor R9 and the
collector-emitter path of the transistor T2, as soon as the voltage
between the terminal 9 and the terminal 6 of the control circuit RS i.e.
the voltage U9, meets the condition U9 <[UDs -UBE (T2)].
of the time constant R9.C3, several positive half-waves are necessary
in order to increase the voltage U9 at the supply terminal 9 of the
control circuit RS to such an extent that the control circuit RS is
energized. During the negative sine half-wave, a partial energy
chargeback takes place from the capacitor C3 via the emitter-base path
of the transistor T2 of the starting circuit and via the resistor R10
and the capacitor C7, respectively, into the supply network. At
approximately 2/3 of the voltage U9, which is limited by the diode D3,
the control circuit RS is switched on. At the terminal 1 thereof, the
reference voltage Uref then appears. In addition, the voltage divider R5
/R4 becomes effective. At the terminal 3, the control amplifier
receives the voltage forming the actual value, while the first bipolar
transistor T1 of the blocking-oscillator type switching power supply is
addressed pulsewise via the terminal 8.
Because the capacitor C6
is charged via the resistor R6, a higher voltage than Uref is present at
the terminal 4 if the control circuit RS is activated. The control
voltage then discharges the capacitor C6 via the terminal 4 to half the
value of the reference voltage Uref, and immediately cuts off the
addressing input 8 of the control circuit RS. The first driving pulse of
the switching transistor T1 is thereby limited to a minimum of time.
The power for switching-on the control circuit RS and for driving the
transistor T1 is supplied by the capacitor C3. The voltage U9 at the
capacitor C3 then drops. If the voltage U9 drops below the switching-off
voltage value of the control circuit RS, the latter is then
inactivated. The next positive sine half-wave would initiate the
starting process again.
By switching the transistor T1, a voltage
is transformed in the secondary winding II of the transformer Tr. The
positive component is rectified by the diode D1, recharing of the
capacitor C3 being thereby provided. The voltage U9 at the output 9 does
not, therefore, drop below the minimum value required for the operation
of the control circuit RS, so that the control circuit RS remains
activated. The power supply continues to operate in the rhythm of the
existing conditions. In operation, the voltage U9 at the supply terminal
9 of the control circuit RS has a value which meets the condition U9
>[UDs -UBE (T2)], so that the transistor T2 of the starting circuit
remains cut off.
For the internal layout of the control circuit
RS, the construction shown, in particular, from FIG. 3 is advisable.
This construction is realized, for example, in the commercially
available type TDA 4600 (Siemens AG).
The block diagram of the control circuit according to FIG. 3
the power supply thereof via the terminal 9, the output stage being
supplied directly whereas all other stages are supplied via Uref. In the
starting circuit, the individual subassemblies are supplied with power
sequentially. The d-c output voltage potential of the base current gain
i.e. the voltage for the terminal 8 of the control circuit RS, and the
charging of the capacitor C2 via the terminal 7 are formed even before
the reference voltage Uref appears. Variations of the supply voltage U9
at terminal 9 and the power fluctuations at the terminal 8/terminal 7
and at the terminal 1 of the control circuit RS are leveled or smoothed
out by the voltage control. The temperature sensitivity of the control
circuit RS and, in particular, the uneven heating of the output and
input stages and input stages on the semiconductor chip containing the
control circuit in monolithically integrated form are intercepted by the
temperature compensation provided. The output values are constant in a
specific temperature range. The message for blocking the output stage,
if the supply voltage at the terminal 9 is too low, is given also by
this subassembly to a provided control logic.
The outer voltage divider of the terminal 1 via the r
R5 and R4 to the control tap U forms, via terminal 3, the variable side
of the bridge for the control amplifier formed as a differential
amplifier. The fixed bridge side is formed by the reference voltage Uref
via an internal voltage divider. Similarly formed are circuit portions
serving for the detection of an overload short circuit and circuit
portions serving for the "standby" no-load detection, which can be
operated likewise via terminal 3.
Within a provided trigger
circuit, the driving pulse length is determined as a function of the
sawtooth rise at the terminal 4, and is transmitted to the control
logic. In the control logic, the commands of the trigger circuit are
processed. Through the zero-crossing identification at input 2 in the
control circuit RS, the control logic is enabled to start the control
input only at the zero point of the frequency oscillation. If the
voltages at the terminal 5 and at the terminal 9 are too low, the
control logic blocks the output amplifier at the terminal 8. The output
amplifier at the terminal 7 which is responsible for the base charge in
the capacitor C2, is not touched thereby.
The base current gain
for the transistor T1 i.e. for the first transistor in accordance with
the definition of the invention, is formed by two amplifiers which
mutually operate on the capacitor C2. The roof inclination of the base
driving current for the transistor T1 is impressed by the collector
current simulation at the terminal 4 to the amplifier at the terminal 8.
The control pulse for the transistor T1 at the terminal 8 is always
built up to the potential present at the terminal 7. The amplifier
working into the terminal 7 ensures that each new switching pulse at the
terminal 8 finds the required base level at terminal 7.
the comments regarding FIG. 1, it should also be mentioned that the
cathode of the diode D1 connected by the anode thereof to the one end of
the secondary winding II of the transformer Tr is connected via a
resistor R11 to the protective input 5 of the control circuit RS
whereas, in the circuit according to FIG. 2, the protective input 5 of
the control circuit RS is supplied via a voltage divider R8, R7 directly
from the output 3', 4' of the rectifier G delivering the rectified line
a-c voltage, and which obtains the voltage required for executing its
function. It is evident that the first possible manner of driving the
protective input 5 can be used also in the circuit according to FIG. 2,
and the second possibility also in a circuit in accordance with FIG. 1.
control circuit RS which is shown in FIG. 3 and is realized in detail
by the building block TDA 4600 and which is particularly well suited in
conjunction with the blocking oscillator type switching power supply
according to the invention has 9 terminals 1-9, which have the following
characteristics, as has been explained in essence hereinabove:
1 delivers a reference voltage Uref which serves as the
constant-current source of a voltage divider R5.R4 which supplies the
required d-c voltages for the differential amplifiers provided for the
functions control, overload detection, short-circuit detection and
"standby"-no load detection. The dividing point of the voltage divider
R5 -R4 is connected to the terminal 3 of the control circuit RS. The
terminal 3 provided as the control input of RS is controlled in the
manner described hereinabove as input for the actual value of the
voltage to be controlled or regulated by the secondary winding III of
the transformer Tr. With this input, the lengths of the control pulses
for the switching transistor T1 are determined.
Via the input
provided by the terminal 2 of the control circuit RS, the zero-point
identification in the control circuit is addressed for detecting the
zero-point o
the oscillations respectively applied to the terminal 2. If this
oscillation changes over to the positive part, then the addressing pulse
controlling the switching transistor T1 via the terminal 8 is released
in the control logic provided in the control circuit.
sawtooth-shaped voltage, the rise of which corresponds to the collector
current of the switching transistor T1, is present at the terminal 4 and
is minimally and maximally limited by two reference voltages. The
sawtooth voltage serves, on the one hand as a comparator for the pulse
length while, on the other hand, the slope or rise thereof is used to
obtain in the base current amplification for the switching transistor
T1, via the terminal 8, a base drive of this switching transistor T1
which is proportional to the collector current.
The terminal 7 of
the control circuit RS as explained hereinbefore, determines the
voltage potential for the addressing pulses of the transistor T2. The
base of the switching transistor T1 is pulse-controlled via the terminal
8, as described hereinbefore. Terminal 9 is connected as the power
supply input of the control circuit RS. If a voltage level falls below a
given value, the terminal 8 is blocked. If a given positive value of
the voltage level is exceeded, the control circuit is activated. The
terminal 5 releases the terminal 8 only if a given voltage potential is
gn References:
DE2417628A1 1975-10-23 363/37
DE2638225A1 1978-03-02 363/49
Other References:
Grundig Tech. Info. (Germany), vol. 28, No. 4, (1981).
IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 978, 979, Aug. 1976.
German Periodical, "Funkschau", (1975), No. 5, pp. 40 to 44.
Peruth, Gunther (Munich, DE)
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft (Berlin and Munich, DE)
The TDA8170 is a monolithic integrated circuit in
ge. It is a high efficiency
power booster for direct driving of verticalwindings
of TV yokes. It is intended for use in Colour and B
&Wtelevision receivers as well as in monitorsand
The functions incorporated are :
The power dissipated in the circuit must be removed
by adding an external heatsink.
Thanks to the HEPTAWATTTM package attaching
the heatsink is very simple, a screwa compression
spring (clip) being sufficient. Betweenthe heatsink
andthe packageit isbetter to insert a layerof silicon
grease, to optimizethe thermal contact ; no electrical
isolation is needed between the two surfaces.
Typically, a vertical deflection circuit of, for example, a television
receiver includes an amplifier referred to as the vertical amplifier
having a push-pull output stage. An output terminal of the push-pull
output stage is coupled to a series arrangement of a vertical deflection
winding, a DC blocking capacitor and a deflection current sampling
resistor for producing a vertical deflection current in the series
arrangement. A sawtooth feedback voltage developed in the sampling
resistor and a sawtooth input voltage are coupled to an input of the
amplifier to form a closed loop feedback operation mode, during vertical
During vertical retrace, one of the transistors of the
push-pull output stage operates as a switch to couple a boosted-up
supply voltage to the deflection winding that causes the deflection
current to reverse its polarity. After the deflection current reverses
its polarity and attains approximately a peak value, that transistor
begins operating as an amplifier stage and the vertical amplifier
operates again in the closed loop feedback operation mode. Thus,
vertical trace is resumed.
Symbol Parameter Value Unit
VS Supply Voltage (pin 2) 35 V
V5, V6 Flyback Peak Voltage 60 V
V3 Voltage at Pin 3 + Vs
V1, V7 Amplifier Input Voltage + Vs, – 0.5 V
Io Output Peak Current (non repetitive, t = 2 msec) 2.5 A
Io Output Peak Current at f = 50 or 60 Hz, t 3 10 msec 3 A
Io Output Peak Current at f = 50 or 60 Hz, t > 10 msec 2 A
I3 Pin 3 DC Current at V5 < V2 100 mA
I3 Pin 3 Peak to Peak Flyback Current at f= 50 or 60 Hz, tfly 31.5msec 3 A
Ptot Total Power Dissipation at Tcase = 90 °C 20 W
Tstg, Tj Storage and Junction Temperature – 40, +150 °C
The TDA2009Ais class AB dual Hi-Fi Audio power
amplifier assembled in Multiwatt [ package, specially
designed for high quality stereo application
as Hi-Fi and music centers.
(10 + 10W Min.@D = 1%)
BS843.1 (60.3022.103) TELETEXT UNIT
PHILIPS SAA5243 -0.3 to +7.5V enhanced computer controlled teletext circuits (ECCT)
SAA5231 Teletext video processor
The SAA5231 is a bipolar integrated circuit intended as a successor to the SAA5030. It extracts Teletext Data from the
video signal, regenerates Teletext Clock and synchronizes the text display to the television syncs. The integrated circuit
is intended to work in conjunction with CCT (Computer Controlled Teletext), EUROM or other compatible devices.
• Adaptive data slicer
• Data clock regenerator
• Adaptive sync separator, horizontal phase detector and 6 MHz VCO forming display phase locked loop (PLL)
The function is quoted against the corresponding pin number.
1. Synch output to TV
Output with dual polarity buffer, a load resistor to 0 V or + 12 V selects positive-going or negative-going syncs.
2. Video input level select
When this pin is LOW a 1 V video input level is selected. When the pin is not connected it floats HIGH selecting a
2,5 V video input level.
3. HF filter
The video signal for the h.f.-loss compensator is filtered by a 15 pF capacitor connected to this pin.
4. Store h.f.
The h.f. amplitude is stored by a 1 nF capacitor connected to this pin.
5. Store amplitude
The amplitude for the adaptive data slicer is stored by a 470 pF capacitor connected to this pin.
6. Store zero level
The zero level for the adaptive data slicer is stored by a 22 nF capacitor connected to this pin.
7. External data input
Current input for sliced teletext data from external device.
Active HIGH level (current), low impedance input.
8. Data timing
A 270 pF capacitor is connected to this pin for timing of the adaptive data slicer.
9. Store phase
The output signal from the clock phase detector is stored by a 100 pF capacitor connected to this pin.
10. Video tape recorder mode (VCR)
Signal input to command PLL into short time constant mode. Not used in application circuit Fig.4a or Fig.4b.
11. Crystal
A 13,875 MHz crystal, 2 x data rate, connected in series with a 15 pF capacitor is applied via this pin to the oscillator
and divide-by-two to provide the 6,9375 MHz clock signal.
12. Clock filter
A filter for the 6,9375 MHz clock signal is connected to this pin.
13. Ground (0 V)
14. Teletext clock output (TTC)
Clock output for CCT (Computer Controlled Teletext).
15. Teletext data output (TTD)
Data output for CCT.
16. Supply voltage VCC (+ 12 V typ.)
17. Clock output (F6)
6 MHz clock output for timing and sandcastle generation in CCT.
18. Oscillator output (6 MHz)
A series resonant circuit is connected between this pin and pin 20 to control the nominal frequency of the VCO.
19. Filter 2
A filter with a short time constant is connected to this pin for the horizontal phase detector. It is used in the video
recorder mode and while the loop is locking up.
20. Oscillator input (6 MHz)
See pin 18.
21. Filter 1
A filter with a long time constant is connected to this pin for the horizontal phase detector.
22. Sandcastle input pulse (PL/CBB)
This input accepts a sandcastle waveform, which is formed from PL and CBB from the CCT.
Signal timing is shown in Fig.5.
23. Pulse timing resistor
The current for the pulse generator is defined by a 68 Ω resistor connected to this pin.
24. Pulse timing capacitor
The timing of the pulse generator is determined by a 220 pF capacitor connected to this pin.
25. Video composite sync output (VCS)
The output signal is for CCT.
26. Black level
The black level for the adaptive sync separator is stored by a 68 nF capacitor connected to this pin.
27. Composite video input (CVS)
The composite video signal is input via a 2,2 μF clamping capacitor to the adaptive sync separator.
28. Text composite sync input (TCS)/Scan composite sync input (SCS)
TCS is input from CCT or SCS from external sync circuit. SCS is expected when there is no load resistor at pin 1.
If pin 28 is not connected the sync output on pin 1 will be the composite video input at pin 27, internally buffered.
The integration into a single package of all small signal functions required for colour TV reception is
achieved in the TDA4502A. The only additional circuits required for colour TV reception are the
deflection output stages, a sound detector and amplifier, and a colour decoder.
The IC includes a vision IF amplifier and video switching circuit, AFC circuit, AGC detector with
tuner output, an integral three—level sandcastle pulse generator, fully synchronized vertical and
horizontal drive outputs and a mute circuit with external availability. A triggered vertical divider
automatically adapts to 50 or 60 Hz operating mode thereby eliminating the need for external vertical
frequency control. The sound signal must be demodulated and amplified externally.
Vision IF amplifier with synchronous demodulator
AGC detector, suitable for negative modulation
AGC output to tuner
AFC circuit with ON/OFF switch
Video preamplifier
Video switch to select the internal, or an external, video signal
Horizontal synchronization circuit with two control loops
Vertical synchronization [divider system) and sawtooth generation with automatic amplitude
adjustment for 50 and 60 Hz
Transmitter identification (mute)
O Sandcastle pulse generator
K7 parameter symbol min. typ. max. unit
Supply voltage (pin 7) V7 9.5 12 13.2 V
Supply current (pin 7) I7 — 125 — ‘ mA
Supply current (pin 11) ‘‘ V11 — 6.0 8.5 mA
Operating ambient temperature range Tamb -25 - + 65 °C
Storage temperature range Tstg -25 — + 150 °C
Total power dissipation Ptot — — 2.3 W
28—lead DI L; plastic with internal heat spreader (SOT117).
IF amplifier, synchronous demodulator and AFC
The IF amplifier (pins 8 and 9) has a symmetrical input, the impedance of which enables SAW-filtering
to be used. The synchronous demodulator and the AFC circuit share an external reference tuned
circuit (pins 20 and 21). An internal RC—network provides the necessary phase—shift for AFC operation.
The AFC circuit provides a control voltage output with a voltage swing greater than 9 V at pin 18.
In the internal and external mode the AFC can be switched OFF when pin 22 is connected to positive
AGC circuit
AGC gating is performed to reduce sensitivity of the IF amplifier to external noise. The AGC time
is provided by an RC circuit 19.
agc connected from is pin supplied tuner voltage pin 5. The point of tuner takeover is
preset by the voltage level at pin 1.
Video switch circuit
The IC has a video switch with two video inputs and one video output. One input is connected to the
demodulated IF signal which is also fed to the video output pin of the peritelevision connector. The
other input can be switched to an external signal which is applied to the video input of the
peritelevision connector. The video output signal of the switch is fed to pin 25 of the IC, which is
the wnchronization part and, to the colour decoder. When the video switch is in the external mode,
the synchronization circuit is switched to the external signal. The vision IF, AGC and AFC circuits
will not be affected by the switching action and will, therefore, operate in the normal mode. Gating
for the AGC detector is switched OFF when the switch is in the external mode. The first control
loop is not switched to a low time constant when weak signals are received.
Horizontal oscillator start function
The horizontal oscillator start function is achieved by applying a current of 8.5 mA to pin 11 during the
switch-on period. This current can be taken from the mains rectifier. The main supply, pin 7, can then
be obtained from the horizontal output stage. The load current of the driver has to be added to the
start current.
Horizontal synchronization
The positive video input signal is applied to pin 25. The horizontal synchronization has two control
loops which have been introduced to
generate a sandcastle pulse. By using the oscillator sawtooth, an
accurate timing of the burst-key pulse can be made. Therefore, the phase of this sawtooth pulse must
have a fixed relationship to the sync pulse.
Horizontal phase detector
The circuit has two operating conditions:
(a) Synchronized
The first loop has afixed time constant and a gated phase detector, this enables optimum
performance for co-channel interference. The VCR mode is obtained by an additional load on
pin 22.
(b) Non-synchronized
In this condition the time constant is the same as during the VCR mode.
Vertical sync pulse
The vertical sync pulse integrator will not be disturbed when the vertical sync pulses have a width of
10 ps and a separation of 22 us. This type of vertical sync pulse is generated by video tapes with
anti-copy guard.
Vertical divider system
A synchronized divider system generates the vertical sawtooth wavefonns at pin 2. The system uses an
internal frequency doubler circuit to enable the horizontal oscillator to operate at its normal line
frequency. One line period equals 2 clock pulses.
Using the divider system avoids the requirement for vertical frequency adjustment. The divider has a
discriminator window for automatic switching from 50 Hz to 60 Hz mode. When the trigger pulse
arrives before line 576 the 60 Hz mode is selected, if not, the 50 Hz mode is selected.
The divider system operates with two different reset windows to give maximum interferencel
disturbance protection. The windows are activated via an up/down counter.
The counter is increased by 1 each time the separated vertical sync pulse is within the narrow window.
When the sync pulse is not within the narrow window the counter is decreased by 1.
The operation modes of the divider system are as follows:
Mode A
Large (search) window (divider ratio between 488 and 722)
This mode is valid for the following conditions:
0 Divider is looking for a new transmitter
O Divider ratio found — not within the narrow window limits
0 A non—standard composite video signal is detected — when a double or enlarged vertical sync pulse is
detected after the internally generated anti-top~flutter pulse has ended. This means a vertical sync
pulse width > 10 clock pulses (50 Hz); > 12 clock pulses (60 Hz). This mode is normally activated
for video tape recorders operating in the feature trick mode
0 Up/down counter value of the divider system, operating in the narrow window mode, drops below
count 6
Mode B
Narrow window (divider ratio between 522 to 528 (60 Hz) or 622 to 628 (50 Hz))
The divider system switches over to this mode when the up/down counter has reached its maximum
value of 15 approved vertical sync pulses. When the divider operates in this mode and, a vertical sync
pulse is missing within the window, the divider is reset at the end of the window and the counter value
is decreased by 1. At a counter value below 6 the divider system switches over to the large window
The divider system also generates an anti—top-flutter pulse which inhibits the Phase 1 detector during
the vertical sync pulse. The pulse width is dependent on the divider mode. In ‘Mode A’ the start is
generated by resetting the divider. In ’Mode B’ the anti—top-flutter pulse starts at the beginning of the
first equalizing pulse. The anti—top-flutter pulse ends at count 10 for the 50 Hz mode and count 12 for
the 60 Hz mode.
The vertical blanking pulse is also generated via the divider system. The start is initiated by resetting
the divider while the blanking pulse width is at count 34, (17 l
ines), for the 60 Hz mode and at
count 42, (21 lines), for the 50 Hz mode. The vertical blanking pulse, at the sandcastle output
(pin 27), is generated by adding the anti—top-flutter pulse to the blanking pulse. When the divider
operates in ‘Mode B’, the vertical blanking pulse starts at the beginning of the first equalizing pulse.
The length of the vertical blanking in this condition is 21 lines in the 60 Hz mode and 25 lines in the
50 Hz mode.
Limiting values in accordance with the Absolute Maximum System llEC 134)
parameter symbol min. max. unit
Supply voltage Vp = V7.5 — 13.2 V
Total power dissipation Pmt - 2.3 W
Operating ambient temperature range Tamb -25 + 65 °C
Storage temperature range Tstg -25 + 150 °C
Vp = V7 = 12 V; Tamb = 25 °C; unless otherwise specified; all voltages are referenced to ground
(pin 6) unless otherwise specified
parameter conditions symbol min. typ. max. unit
Supply voltage (pin 7) V7 9.5 12.0 13.2 V
Supply current (pin 7) I7 — 125 — mA
Supply current (pin 1 1) note 1 l 11 — 6 8.5 mA
Vision IF amplifier (pins 8 and 9)
Input sensitivity at 38.9 MHz note 2 V8 40 80 120 uV
Input sensitivity at 45.75 MHz note 2 V3 — 100 ~ uV
Differential input resistance
(pin 8 to pin 9) note 3 R3_g 0.8 1.3 1.8 kfl
Differential input capacitance
(pin 8 to pin 9) note 3 C39 — 5 —- pF
Gain control range G3_g — 62 — dB
Maximum input signal V3.9 50 100 — mV
Expansion of output signal for
50 dB variation of input signal note 4 AV17 — 1 — dB
Video amplifier note 5
Output level for zero signal input note 6 V17 3.3 3.7 4.1 V
Output signal top sync level V17 1.5 1.7 1.9 V
Amplitude of video output signal
(peak-to-peak value) note 7 V17(p_p) 1.4 1.8 2.2 V
Internal bias current of output
transistor (npn emitter
follower) l17(int) 1.4 2.0 — mA
Bandwidth of demodulated
output signal B 4.0 5.0 — M Hz
Differential gain note 8 G 17 — 5 10 %
Differential phase note 8 lp — 5 10 %
ITT TVPO2066 TV Controller with On-Screen Display for TV Receivers.
In comparison to the older TVPO 2065 hardware, the
port 3 of the TVPO 2066 consists of 6 x 12 V/2 mA open–
drain outputs instead of 5 V/25 mA open–drain outputs.
“TVPO 2066” is the name of the unprogrammed hard-
ware. The programmed versions will be called:
– TVPO 2066–Axx
for analog TV–sets
– TVPO 2066–Dxx
for digital TV–sets
with the version–no. xx. Application diagrams and de-
scriptions of different software versions are available in
additional data sheets.
The TVPO 2066 is an intelligent microcomputer in N–
channel MOS technology. On one silicon chip, it con-
tains all operating and tuning functions of a modern TV
receiver. Thus, along with the non–volatile memory
(MDA 2062, NVM 3060), the SAA 1250, IRT 1250 or IRT
1260 remote–control transmitter and the TBA 2800 pre-
amplifier this offers a very economic solution for TV re-
ceivers with on–screen display and voltage synthesizer.
The device is available in 44–pin PLCC package and
40–pin DIL package. The PLCC version has 4 pins more
for digital combined inputs/outputs.
2. The Functional Blocks of the TVPO 2066
The hardware components of the TVPO 2066 are:
– 8048–core, fully compatible to 8048 instruction set
– 10K ROM, 256 byte RAM
– four 64 steps analog output to control vol., color etc.
– single 4032 steps analog output for controlling of a
– IR decoder for ITT–IR (remote control with IRT
– mains flip–flop for standby mode
– IM–bus interface for non–volatile memory and devices
of DIGIT 2000 system for digital video–processing.
– fast counter input (T1) for automatic search (for analog
– 12 digital combined inputs/outputs (8 or 10 for DIL–
– 8 digital outputs
– integrated 12–digit on–screen display
2.1. The 8049 Microcomputer
For the description of the commands and characteristics
of the 8049, please refer to the CCU 2030, CCU 2050,
CCU 2070 data sheet.
The 8049 provides separate address space for program,
data, in/out, and external data. The ROM is organized in
banks of 2 K Bytes. Bank 0 occupies the addresses 0 to
2047. The other banks (10, 11, 12, 13) share the ad-
dresses 2048 to 4095. The different banks are selected
through the bank select register 15 as described for the
CCU 2070 in the CCU 2030, 2050, 2070 data sheet.
Banks 14 through 17 of the CCU 2070 are not available
in the TVPO.
The data and control registers of the TVPO’s peripheral
units are located in the address space of external data.
They are accessed by the “Move External” instruction
(MOVX). Electrically, the connection is provided by the
lines DB0 to DB7, RD, WR, and ALE. These connections
of the 8049 microcomputer are not available during nor-
mal operation. In “Test Mode” (EA = 5 V or EA = 12 V),
some pins are switched so that the TVPO’s peripherals
can be accessed from the outside via DB0 to DB7.
In normal operation, only P2 of the 8049’s original ports
remains unchanged. During test operation, RD, WR,
ALE and PSEN are connected to P24 to P27 (compare
CCU 2030, CCU 2050, CCU 2070 data sheet).
2.2. The Remote–Control Decoder
In the already mentioned standby mode, and also during
normal operation, the remote–control decoder expects
infrared–transmitted signals that were transmitted by
the SAA 1250, IRT 1250 or IRT 1260 remote–control
transmitter IC, received by an infrared photo diode, and
amplified by the TBA 2800 infrared preamplifier IC. The
decoder frees the remote–control signal from interfer-
ence and decodes each command word that is recog-
nized as correct. A valid command word is made avail-
able to the microcomputer by way of two registers. No
interrupt is initiated. Rather, it is the task of the program
to continuously check the infrared registers.
A command word transmitted via infrared consists of 10
bits – four address bits and six data bits. These two parts
of the command word are provided in two different regis-
ters. Bit 7 in the address register is low when a valid com-
mand word is detected. When the data word is read,
both infrared registers are cleared.
It is possible to mask–program which infrared com-
mands also carry the power–on information and switch
the TVPO from standby to full operation. For this pur-
pose, up to five groups of commands within a binary de-
coder matrix are programmable for one infrared address
(compare CCU 2030, CCU 2050, CCU 2070 data
2.3. The Mains Flip–Flop and Reset Circuit
Mains flip–flop and reset circuit operate from the stand-
by supply. After switching on the standby supply it takes
100 ms at most until the TVPO is in full standby opera-
tion. The Mains output is controlled by the mains flip–
flop. In the
“Mains off” position the output is high.
The mains flip–flop is set by means of the infrared
“Mains on” commands or by an active low level applied
to the Mains output for at least 20 µs. A reset for the
mains flip–flop is generated whenever:
1. The standby supply voltage is less than approx. 3.5 V
(e.g. during power–on)
2. The microcomputer executes a “Mains off” command.
The microcomputer clears the mains flip–flop by writing
a 1 into bit 3 of the external register 13. In order to proper-
ly charge the stray capacitances at the Mains output, the
mains flip–flop remains blocked in the “Mains off” posi-
tion for 16 ms after any reset. After this time has elapsed,
the TV set may be turned on again.
With no Reset option set (compare CCU 2030, CCU
2050, CCU 2070 data sheet), the mains flip–flop is also
reset by any Reset signal going low. The TVPO–internal
Reset’, which is different from the externally–applied
Reset is high only when both Mains is in the low state
and Reset is at high level. Two options are mask–pro-
grammable in this respect:
Reset 1: The Reset signal, going low, does not reset the
mains flip–flop. If the customer does not specify, this op-
tion will be set as default.
Reset 2: The TVPO–internal Reset’ is identical to the
Reset signal and independent of the state of the mains
Resetting the mains flip–flop clears the remote–control
decoder. The other parts of the TVPO are cleared by the
TVPO–internal Reset’ signal via the Reset input. Delay-
ing the Reset signal with respect to the VDD supply volt-
age is done by an external RC network at the Reset in-
The input voltage of the regulator for the 5 V VDD supply
voltage should be monitored to prevent the system’s cir-
cuits from resetting improperly and the NVM 3060 EE-
PROM from programming false data.
With no Reset option set, any spike or excessive noise
present on the Reset line may cause the mains flip–flop
to be reset. In such cases, a ceramic filter capacitor
should be provided near the Reset pin.
2.4. The IM–Bus and Non–Volatile–Memory
It is by means of this part of the circuit that the TVPO
2066 communicates with the non–volatile memory
(MDA 2062 or NVM 3060) which stores the tuning and
analog data, acquired during the Memo procedure and
the options. The IM–Bus consists of three lines Clock,
Ident and Data. Clock and Ident are unidirectional sig-
nals from the TVPO 2066 to the memory (and to the
VSP–processor in case of a digital TV set), and Data is
bidirectional for transferring the data in both directions.
In addition, the MDA 2062 (not the NVM 3060) requires
a memory clock signal which is issued from the TVPO
2066 (approx. 1 kHz). All these signals on the IM–Bus
have TTL level. In the nonoperative state all three bus
lines are high. The start of a telegram is initiated when
Ident and Data are low. Data takeover occurs at the posi-
tive edge of Clock. For a detailed description of the IM–
Bus protocol please refer to the data sheet of the MDA
2062 or NVM 3060.
2.5. The Clock Generator and the Sequence Control
For the purpose of generating the clock signals required
to operate the TVPO 2066 the chip contains an oscillator
which is designed for crystals in the frequency range
from 3.5 to 4.5 MHz. For the exact requirement of “off–
timer” and “sleep–timer” functions, a 4 MHz crystal is
needed. The crystal is connected to the ‘Xtal’ input. All
timing specification in this data sheet relate to a crystal
frequency of 4 MHz. With other crystal frequencies,
there will be corresponding variations.
2.6. The D/A Converters for the Analog Outputs
The TVPO 2066 provides four analog outputs for adjust-
ment of the TV’s basic settings (e.g. volume and for ana-
log TV sets additional brightness, contrast and color sat-
uration). These control voltages are made available as
pulse/pause modulated signals, where the ratio can be
varied in 64 steps. The needed DC level signal is ob-
tained by means of a simple RC lowpass filter.
2.7. The Tuning Voltage Generator
The tuning voltage for the capacitance diodes of the TV
tuner is generated as a pulse/interval modulated signal
by a modified rate multiplier. The range of variation of the
pulse/interval ratio extends from 0 (no pulses) to infinity
(continuous signal) with a resolution of 4032 steps. At a
clock frequency of 4 MHz the basic period of the rate
multiplier is 0.5 ms which results in tolerable filter expen-
2.8. The Ports
The TVPO 2066 has two ports (Port 2 and Port 3) which
are used by the software versions as control outputs/in-
puts for a keyboard, band selection, multi–standard indi-
cators, multi–video indicators and AFC switch.
The PLCC version of the TVPO 2066 has in addition four
pins of Port 1 (P14...P17). The DIL version of the TVPO
2066 is also available in other pinnings: the D/A conver-
ter DA3 and DA4 can be exchanged to port input/out-
puts. DA3 to Port 1, Bit 5 (P15) and DA4 to Port 1, Bit 6
(P16). This possibility is very useful in digital TV sets, be-
cause in this case only one D/A converter is needed for
volume control.
2.9. The On–Screen Display
2.9.1. Outputs and Inputs for the OSD
The OSD is an additional hardware module on the
TVPO 2066 chip, which allows the display of 12 different
characters such as the program number and analog val-
ues (volume, brightness etc.) on a TV screen. The TVPO
2066 software controls the OSD through a set of 16 ex-
ternal write registers.
The TVPO 2066 delivers four additional output signals:
– R_out
character signal red
(1 Vpp)
– G_out
character signal green
(1 Vpp)
– B_out
character signal blue
(1 Vpp)
– FB_out
fast blanking
(TTL level)
Fast blanking is used for switching between video and
OSD signals and shows the validity of the R, G, B out-
For synchronization and to place the display, the
TVPO 2066 needs two additional input signals:
– H_in
horizontal synchronization
(TTL level)
– V_in
vertical synchronization
(TTL level)
2.9.2. Display Format
The OSD generates a rectangular display block, which
contains 2 rows of 6 characters each (see Fig. 2–1). The
characters are addressed depending on their position
within this display block. Each address is attached to
one TVPO 2066 register. The content of each register
describes the character type and its color.
Pin Descriptions for 44–Pin PLCC
Pin 1 – Vsup
This pin must be connected to the positive of the 5 V sup-
Pin 2 – Ground
This pin must be connected to the negative of the
Pin 3 – Vstb: Standby Supply pin +5 V
Via this pin, clock oscillator, reset circuit and remote–
control decoder are powered. By means of this, it is pos-
sible to switch on the TV receiver by remote control. The
standby consumption is very small.
Pins 4 to 7, 8 to 21 – Port P2, Bits 0 to 7
The internal configuration of these in/outputs is shown
in Fig. 4–3. Direct data transfer with the µC can be ex-
ecuted via this port. The push–pull outputs drive one
TTL gate.
Pins 8 to 11 – Port P1, Bits 4 to 7
The internal configuration of these in/outputs is shown
in Fig. 4–4. Direct data transfer with the µC can be ex-
ecuted via this port. The outputs are open–drain with a
12 V rating. Four outputs are available in the 44–pin
PLCC package. In the 40–pin DIL package up to two
P1–outputs (instead of analog outputs) are available by
changing the bonding.
Pins 12 and 13 – Vertical and Horizontal synchronization
These inputs are shown in Fig. 4–5. They are used to
synchronize the on–screen display. Negative pulses are
needed. The internal delayed–clock–generator for the
OSD section synchronizes to the positive edge of the
Hin signal.
Pin 14 – Fast Blank Output
This output, which is shown in Fig. 4–6, is used to stop
the normal display, and thus characters can be dis-
played on the screen.
Pins 15 to 17 – Video Outputs Red, Green and Blue
These outputs are shown in Fig. 4–7 and used for on–
screen display outputs. Therefore, there are different
colors to represent the output.
Pins 22 to 29 – Port P3, Bits 0 to 7
The diagram of these open–drain outputs is shown in
Fig. 4–8. The voltage handling capability of Port–bits 0
and 1 (pins 28 and 29) is limited to Vsup, but supplies a
high output current. The Port–bits 2 to 7 (pins 22 to 27)
are outputs with a 12 V rating and a lower output current.
In standby, bit 7 of P3 is grounded.
Pin 30 – Tuning Voltage Output
Fig. 4–9 shows the diagram of this push–pull output. Pin
30 supplies the tuning voltage for the capacitance
diodes of the TV tuner in the shape of a pulsewidth–mo-
dulated signal. After amplification by an external transis-
tor, the tuner DC voltage is derived by multiple RC filter-
ing. A temperature–compensated Zener diode ZTK 33
must be provided for stabilizing the tuning voltage
against variations of supply voltage and ambient tem-
Pin 31 – IR: Remote–Control Input
The internal configuration of this pin is shown in
Fig. 4–10. Via an external coupling capacitor of 10 nF,
the remote–control signal, amplified by the TBA 2800
preamplifier IC, is fed to the remote–control decoder.
The input is self–biasing to approximately 1.4 V, and the
input DC resistance is approximately 150 kOhm. For
highest input sensitivity, this pin must not be loaded re-
sistively. A small capacitor connected from pin 31 to
ground can be useful to suppress steep transients.
Pins 32 to 35 – Analog Outputs
These pins are open–drain outputs with diagram shown
in Fig. 4–11. They supply the squarewave signals whose
variable pulse/interval ratio is described in section 2.5.
These signals serve for actuating the analog control ele-
ments. External pull–up resistors are required to pro-
duce the squarewave output signals.
Pins 36 to 38 – IM Bus Connections
The internal configuration of these pins are shown in
Figs. 4–12 and 4–13. Via these pins, the ITT TVPO 2066 is
connected to the IM bus (see section 2.3.). This bus in-
terlinks the TVPO 2066 and the non–volatile memory.
The ident and clock outputs are unidirectional (see
Fig. 4–12). The data pin acts as input and output for
reading and writing data (Fig. 4–13).
Pin 40 – Mains: Mains Switch Input/Output
The internal configuration of this input/output is shown
in Fig. 4–13. Pin 40 represents the output of the mains
flip–flop with a resistive pull–up. The output is active low
(mains on). In the case of infrared remote control, this
pin acts as output and drives an external switching am-
plifier, the mains relay, In the case of direct operation,
this pin is used as input for switching on the TV receiver
by means of an active low level applied to this pin, which
sets the main flip–flop.
Pin 41 – Reset: Reset Input
The internal configuration of this input is shown in
Fig. 4–14. The function of this pin is explained in section
2.4. The input circuit is of a Schmitt trigger configuration
and provides some noise immunity. In critical applica-
tions, however, an additional ceramic capacitor, con-
nected between this pin and GND, may be necessary to
increase noise immunity.
Pin 42 – Osc Out: fosc/4096 Output
The internal configuration of this output is shown in
Fig. 4–15. This push–pull output provides the memory
clock signal for the non–volatile memory MDA 2062
EEPROM (1 kHz). The drive capability of this pin is one
TTL gate. This pin is not needed for the non–volatile
memory NVM 3060.
Pin 43 – T1: T1 Input
This input can be used as timer input or normal input
(e.g. to count the pulses of the horizontal frequency for
autosearch function in analog TV sets). For more details
about this input, see the CCU 2030, CCU 2050,
CCU2070 data sheet.
Pin 44 – Xtal: Oscillator Crystal
The internal configuration of this input/output is shown
in Fig. 4–16. For normal use, a 4 MHz crystal is con-
nected to this oscillator pin and to GND. The input is self–
biasing to approximately 3.8 V, input DC resistance is
approx. 350 kOhm. The output signal is the 4 MHz clock
signal of the TVPO 2066.
Programmed Versions of TVPO 2066
Some programmed versions of the TVPO 2066 are
available (all versions use the non–volatile–memory
NVM 3060):
– TVPO 2066–A25
for analog TV–sets. With auto–searching of stations,
4 multi–standards, up to 99 stations, sleep–timer,
Teletext with TPU 2735 with FLOF & exended charac-
ters (Spanish, Polish, Hungarian and Turkish).
– TVPO 2066–D03
for digital TV–sets. Along with the VSP 2860 and the
VCU 2133 it offers a very economical solution of digital
TV–sets (simple TV). Some features are 4 standards:
PAL, NTSC, SECAM East/West, up to 99 stations, 3
video modes, auto–searching analog output for ana-
log audio (volume) control and more.
Separate data sheets are available for analog and digital
versions. Application diagrams will be found there. The
last page shows an application diagram for analog TV–
5.5. User Options
If the manufacturer writes his own software for the TVPO
2066, he can choose some options by program mask or
diffusion mask.
BS848.1 (60.3925.104) SOUND PROCESSING UNIT:P
PHILIPS TDA3857 Quasi-split sound processor with two FM demodulators.
• Quasi-split sound processor for all FM standards e. g. B/G
• Reducing of spurious video signals by tracking function and AFC for the vision carrier reference circuit; (recommended
for NICAM)
• Automatic muting of the AF2 signal by the input level
• Stereo matrix correction
• Layout-compatible with TDA3856 (24 pins) and TDA3858 (32 pins).
Symmetrical IF inputs. Gain controlled wideband IF amplifier.
AGC generation due to peak sync. Reference amplifier for the regeneration of the vision carrier. Optimized limiting
amplifier for AM suppression in the regenerated vision carrier signal and 90° phase shifter.
Intercarrier mixer for FM sound, output with low-pass filter.
Separate signal processing for 5.5 and 5.74 MHz intercarriers. Wide supply voltage range, only 300 mW power
dissipation at 5 V.
The quasi-split sound processor is suitable for all FM standards (e. g. B/G). B/G standard AGC detector uses peak sync level. Sound carrier SC1 (5.5 MHz) provides AF1, sound carrier SC2 (5.74 MHz) provides AF2. Muting With no sound carrier SC2 at pin 17, AF2 output is muted. The mute circuit prevents false signal recognition in the stereo decoder at high IF signal levels when no second sound carrier exists (mono) and an AF signal is present in the identification signal frequency range. With 1 mV at pin 17, under measurement conditions, AF2 is switched on (see limiting amplifier). Weak input signals at pins 1 and 20 generate noise at pin 17, which is present in the intercarrier signal and passes through the 5.74 MHz filter. Noise at pin 17 inhibits muting. No misinterpretation due to white noise occurs in the stereo decoder, when non-correlated noise masks the identification signal frequencies, which may be present in sustained tone signals. The stereo decoder remains switched to mono. Sound carrier notch filter for an improved intercarrier buzz The series capacitor Cs in the 38.9 MHz resonant circuit provides a notch at the sound carrier frequency in order to provide more attenuation for the sound carrier in the vision carrier reference channel. The ratio of parallel/series capacitor depends on the ratio of VC/SC frequency and has to be adapted to other TV transmission standards if necessary, according to the formula Cs = C p ( f vc ⁄ f sc ) 2 – C p The result is an improved intercarrier buzz (up to 10 dB improvement in sound channel 2 with 250 kHz video modulation for B/G stereo) or suppression of 350 kHz video modulated beat frequency in the digitally-modulated NICAM subcarrier. Intercarrier buzz fine tuning with 250 kHz square wave video modulation The picture carrier for quadrature demodulation in the intercarrier mixer is not exactly 90 degrees due to the shift variation in the integrated phase shift network. The tuning of the LC reference circuit to provide optimal video suppression at the intercarrier output is not the same as that to provide optimal intercarrier buzz suppression. In order to optimize the AF signal performance, a fine tuning for the optimal S/N at the sound channel 2 (from 5.74 MHz) may be performed with a 250 kHz square wave video modulation. Measurements at the demodulators For all signal-to-noise measurements the generator must meet the following specifications: phase modulation errors < 0.5° for B/W-jumps intercarrier signal-to-noise ratio as measured with ‘TV-demodulator AMF2’ (weighted S/N) must be > 60 dB at 6 kHz sine wave modulation of the B/W-signal. Signal-to-noise ratios are measured with ∆f = ±50 kHz deviation and fmod = 1 kHz; with a deviation of ±30 kHz the S/N ratio is deteriorated by 4.5 dB.
The control of state-of-the-art color cathode ray
tubes requires high performance video amplifiers
which must satisfy both tube and video processor
When considering tube characteristics (see Fig-
ures 13 and 14),we note that a 130V cutoff voltage
is necessary to ensure a 5mA peak current.How-
ever 150V is a more appropriate value if the satu-
ration effect of the amplifier is to be taken into
account. As the dispersion range of the three guns
is ± 12%, the cutoff voltage should be adjustable
from 130V to 170V. The G2 voltage, from 700 to
1500V allows overall adjustment of the cutoff volt-
age for similar tube types.
A 200V supply voltage of the video amplifier is
necessary to achieve a correct blanking operation.
In addition, the video amplifier should have an
output saturation voltage drop lower than 15V, as
a drive voltage of 130V (resp. 115V) is necessary
to obtain a beam current of 4 mA for a gun which
has a cutoff point of 170V (resp. 130V).
Note : For all the calculations discussed above, the
G1 voltage is assumed to be 0V.
The video processor characteristics must also be
considered. As it generally delivers an output volt-
age of 2 to 3V, the video amplifier must provide a
closed loop DC g
ain of approximately 40.
The video amplifier dynamic performances must
also meet the requirements of good definition even
with RGB input signals (teletext,home computer...),
e.g. 1mm resolution on a 54cm CRT width scanned
in 52µs. Consequently, a slew rate better than
2000V/µs, i.e. rise and fall times lower than 50ns,
is needed. In addition, transition times must be the
same for the three channels so as to avoid coloured
transitions when displaying white characters. The
bandwidth of a video amplifier satisfying all these
requirements must be at least 7MHz for high level
signals and 10MHz for small signals.
One major feature of a video amplifier is its capa-
bility to monitor the beam current of the tube. This
function is necessary with modern video proces-
- for automatic adjustment of cutoff and also, where
required,video gain in order to improve the long
term performances by compensation for aging
effects through the life of the CRT. This adjust-
ment can be done either sequentially (gun after
gun) or in a parallel mode.
- for limiting the average beam current
A video amplifier must also be flashover protected
and provide high crosstalk performances. Cros-
stalk effects are mainly caused by parasitic capaci-
tors and thus increase with the signal frequency. A
crosstalk level of -20dB at 5MHz is generally ac-
Table 1 summarizes the main features of a high
performance video amplifier.
Table 1 :
Main Features of a High Performance
Video Amplifier
Maximum Supply Voltage
Output voltage swing "Average"
Output voltage swing "Peak"
Low level saturation (refered to VG1)
Closed loop gain
Transition time
Large signal bandwidth
Small signal bandwidth
Beam current monitoring
Flash over protection
Crosstalk at 5MHz
The SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics TEA5101A
is a high performance and large bandwidth 3 chan-
nel video amplifier which fulfills all the criteria dis-
cussed above. Designed in a 250V DMOS bipolar
technology, it operates with a 200V power supply
and can deliver 100V peak-to-peak output signals
with rise and fall times equal to 50ns.
The 5101A features a large signal bandwidth of
8MHz, which can be extended to 10MHz for small
signals (50 Vpp).
Each channel incorporates a PMOS transistor to
monitor the beam current. The circuit provides
internal protection against electrostatic discharges
and high voltage CRT discharges.
The best utilization of the TEA 5101A high perform-
ance features such as dynamic characteristics,
crosstalk,or flashover protection requires opti-
mized application implementation. This aspect will
be discussed in the fourth part of this document.
I.1 - Input Stage
The differential input stage consists of the transistor
T1 and T2 and the resistors R4,R5 and R6.
This stage is biased by a voltage source T3,R1,R2
and R3.
VB(T1) = (1 + R2
R3) x VB(T3) ≅ 3.8V
Each amplifier is biased by a separate voltage
source in order to reduce internal crosstalk. The
load of the input stage is composed of the transistor
T4 (cascode configuration) and the resistor R7. The
cascode configuration has been chosen so as to
reduce the Miller input capacitance. The voltage
gain of the input stage is fixed by R7 and the emitter
on resistors R5,R6,and the T1,T2 internal
emitter resistances. The voltage gain is approxi-
mately 50dB.
Using a bipolar transistor T4 and a polysilicon re-
sistor R7 gives rise to a very low parasitic capaci-
tance at the output of this stage (about 1.5pF).
Hence the rise and fall times are about 50ns for a
100V peak-to-peak signal (between 50V and
I.2 - Output Stage
The output stage is a quasi-complementary class
B push-pull stage. This design ensures a symetrical
load of the first stage for both rising and falling
signals. The positive output stage is made of the
DMOS transistor T5,and the negative output stage
is made of the transistors PMOS T6 and DMOS T7.
The compound configuration T6-T7 is equivalent to
a single PMOS. A single PMOS transistor capable
of sinking the total current would have been too
By virtue of the symetrical drive properties of the
output stage the rise and fall times are equal (50ns
for 100V DC output voltage).
I.3 - Beam Current Monitoring
This function is performed by the PMOS transistor
T8 in source follower configuration. The voltage on
the source (cathode output) follows the gate volt-
age (feedback output). The beam current is ab-
sorbed via T8 . On the drain of T8, this current will
be monitored by the videoprocessor.
I.4 - Protection Circuits
I.4.1 - MOS protection
Four zener diodes DZ(1-4) are connected between
gate and source of each MOS in order to prevent
the voltage from reaching the breakdown volt-
age.Hence the VGS voltage is internally limited to
± 15V.
I.4.2 - Protection against electrostatic dis-
All the input/output pins of the TEA5101A are pro-
tected by the diodes D1-D7 which limit the overvol-
tage due to ESD.
I.4.3 - Flashover Protection
A high voltage and high current diode D5
is con-
nected between each output and the high voltage
power supply. During a flash, most of the current is
generally absorbed by the spark gap connected to
the CRT socket. The remaining current is absorbed
by the high voltage decoupling capacitor through
the diode D5. Hence the cathode voltage is
clamped to the supply voltage and the output volt-
age does not exceed this value.
I.1 - Voltage Amplifier
II.1.1 - Bias conditions Vin = Vref
The bias point is fixed by the feedback resistor
Rf,the bias resistor Rp, and by the internal refer-
ence voltage when Vin = Vref.
If VO is the output voltage (pin 9) :
VO = (1 + Rf
Rp) x Vref (1)
In this state T1 and T2 are conducting. A current
flows in R7 and T4 soT5 is on. The T5 drain current
is fed to the amplifier input through the feedback
resistor. The current in R7 is:
I(R7) = VDD − VO − VGS(T5)
≅ VDD − VO
and the current in T5 and Rf is :
I(T5) = VO − Vref
≅ VO
Thus the total current absorbed by each channel of
the TEA5101A is :
R7 + VO x (1
Rf − 1
The cathode (pin 7) output voltage is:
VO + VGS(T8) = VO
The beam current is absorbed by T8 and Rm. The
voltage developed across Rm by this current is fed
to the videoprocessor in order to monitor the beam
II.1.2 - Dynamic operation
The TEA5101A operates as a closed loop amplifier,
with its voltage gain fixed by the resistors Rf and
Since the open loop gain A is not infinite, the resistor
Rp and the input impedance Rin must be consid-
ered.Hence the voltage gain is
G = − Rf
Re x
1 + 1
A (1 +
Rp ⁄ ⁄ Re ⁄ ⁄ Rin)
II.1.2.1 - Input voltage Vin < Vref (black picture)
In this case the current flowing in R7 and T1 de-
creases whilst the collector voltage of T4 and the
output voltage both increase. In the extreme case,
I(T1) = I(R7) = 0 and VO= VDD-VGS(T5)
In order to charge the tube capacitor the voltage is
fed to the cathode output in two ways:
- through the PMOS (with a VGS difference) for the
low frequency part
- through the capacitor C for the high frequency
part (output signal leading e
To correctly transmit the rising edge, the value of
the capacitor C must be high compared to CL.
With the current values used (C = 1nF,CL = 10pF),
the attenuation is very small (0.99)
II.1.2.2 - Input voltage Vin > Vref (white picture)
In this case,the current in R7 and T1 increases with
an accompanying drop of T4’s collector voltage until
T1 and T4 are saturated. At this point:
VO ≅ VC(T4) ≅ VCC
During a high to low transition (i.e. black-white
picture), the beam current is absorbed in two ways:
- through the capacitor C and the compound
PMOS T6-T7 for the high frequency part (falling
- through the PMOS T8 and the resistor Rm for the
low frequency part.
II.2 - Beam Current Monitoring
II.2.1 - Stationary state
The beam current monitoring is performed by the
PMOS T8 and the resistor Rm. When measuring low
currents (leakage, quasi cutoff),the Rm value is
generally high. When measuring high currents
(drive, average or peak beam current),Rm is gen-
erally bypassed by a lower impedance.
It should be noted that the current supplied by the
three guns flows through this resistor.Hence,with
too large a value for the resistor Rm,the cathode
voltage of the tubes will become too high for the
required operating current values.This is a funda-
mental difference between the TEA5101A and dis-
crete video amps. In discrete video amps, the
current monitoring transistor is a high voltage PNP
bipolar which may saturate. In this case the beam
current can flow through the transistor base and it
is no longer monitored by the video processor. This
effect does not occur with the TEA 5101A.
II.2.2 - Transient phase : low current measure-
The cut-off adjustment sequence is generally as
In a first step, the cathode is set to a high voltage
(180V) in order to blank the CRT and to measure
the leakage current. In a second step, the tube is
slighly switched on to measure a very low current
(quasi cut-off current). This operation is performed
by setting the cathode voltage to about 150V and
adjusting it
until the proper current is obtained. The
maximum time available to do this operation is
generally about 52µs.
Figure 3 shows the simplified diagram of the
TEA5101A output, the voltages during the different
steps,and the stationary state the system must
reach for correct adjustment.
I.1 - Voltage Amplifier
II.1.1 - Bias conditions Vin = Vref
The bias point is fixed by the feedback resistor
Rf,the bias resistor Rp, and by the internal refer-
ence voltage when Vin = Vref.
If VO is the output voltage (pin 9) :
VO = (1 + Rf
Rp) x Vref (1)
In this state T1 and T2 are conducting. A current
flows in R7 and T4 soT5 is on. The T5 drain current
is fed to the amplifier input through the feedback
resistor. The current in R7 is:
I(R7) = VDD − VO − VGS(T5)
≅ VDD − VO
and the current in T5 and Rf is :
I(T5) = VO − Vref
≅ VO
Thus the total current absorbed by each channel of
the TEA5101A is :
R7 + VO x (1
Rf − 1
The cathode (pin 7) output voltage is:
VO + VGS(T8) = VO
The beam current is absorbed by T8 and Rm. The
voltage developed across Rm by this current is fed
to the videoprocessor in order to monitor the beam
II.1.2 - Dynamic operation
The TEA5101A operates as a closed loop amplifier,
with its voltage gain fixed by the resistors Rf and
Since the open loop gain A is not infinite, the resistor
Rp and the input impedance Rin must be consid-
ered.Hence the voltage gain is
G = − Rf
Re x
1 + 1
A (1 +
Rp ⁄ ⁄ Re ⁄ ⁄ Rin)
II.1.2.1 - Input voltage Vin < Vref (black picture)
In this case the current flowing in R7 and T1 de-
creases whilst the collector voltage of T4 and the
output voltage both increase. In the extreme case,
I(T1) = I(R7) = 0 and VO= VDD-VGS(T5)
In order to charge the tube capacitor the voltage is
fed to the cathode output in two ways:
- through the PMOS (with a VGS difference) for the
low frequency part
- through the capacitor C for the high frequency
part (output signal leading edge)
To correctly transmit the rising edge, the value of
the capacitor C must be high compared to CL.
With the current values used (C = 1nF,CL = 10pF),
the attenuation is very small (0.99)
II.1.2.2 - Input voltage Vin > Vref (white picture)
In this case,the current in R7 and T1 increases with
an accompanying drop of T4’s collector voltage until
T1 and T4 are saturated. At this point:
VO ≅ VC(T4) ≅ VCC
During a high to low transition (i.e. black-white
picture), the beam current is absorbed in two ways:
- through the capacitor C and the compound
PMOS T6-T7 for the high frequ
ency part (falling
- through the PMOS T8 and the resistor Rm for the
low frequency part.
II.2 - Beam Current Monitoring
II.2.1 - Stationary state
The beam current monitoring is performed by the
PMOS T8 and the resistor Rm. When measuring low
currents (leakage, quasi cutoff),the Rm value is
generally high. When measuring high currents
(drive, average or peak beam current),Rm is gen-
erally bypassed by a lower impedance.
It should be noted that the current supplied by the
three guns flows through this resistor.Hence,with
too large a value for the resistor Rm,the cathode
voltage of the tubes will become too high for the
required operating current values.This is a funda-
mental difference between the TEA5101A and dis-
crete video amps. In discrete video amps, the
current monitoring transistor is a high voltage PNP
bipolar which may saturate. In this case the beam
current can flow through the transistor base and it
is no longer monitored by the video processor. This
effect does not occur with the TEA 5101A.
II.2.2 - Transient phase : low current measure-
The cut-off adjustment sequence is generally as
In a first step, the cathode is set to a high voltage
(180V) in order to blank the CRT and to measure
the leakage current. In a second step, the tube is
slighly switched on to measure a very low current
(quasi cut-off current). This operation is performed
by setting the cathode voltage to about 150V and
adjusting it until the proper current is obtained. The
maximum time available to do this operation is
generally about 52µs.
Figure 3 shows the simplified diagram of the
TEA5101A output, the voltages during the different
steps,and the stationary state the system must
reach for correct adjustment.
I.1 - Voltage Amplifier
II.1.1 - Bias conditions Vin = Vref
The bias point is fixed by the feedback resistor
Rf,the bias resistor Rp, and by the internal refer-
ence voltage when Vin = Vref.
If VO is the output voltage (pin 9) :
VO = (1 + Rf
Rp) x Vref (1)
In this state T1 and T2 are conducting. A current
flows in R7 and T4 soT5 is on. The T5 drain current
is fed to the amplifier input through the feedback
resistor. The current in R7 is:
I(R7) = VDD − VO − VGS(T5)
≅ VDD − VO
and the current in T5 and Rf is :
I(T5) = VO − Vref
≅ VO
Thus the total current absorbed by each channel of
the TEA5101A is :
R7 + VO x (1
Rf − 1
The cathode (pin 7) output voltage is:
VO + VGS(T8) = VO
The beam current is absorbed by T8 and Rm. The
voltage developed across Rm by this current is fed
to the videoprocessor in order to monitor the beam
II.1.2 - Dynamic operation
The TEA5101A operates as a closed loop amplifier,
with its voltage gain fixed by the resistors Rf and
Since the open loop gain A is not infinite, the resistor
Rp and the input impedance Rin must be consid-
ered.Hence the voltage gain is
G = − Rf
Re x
1 + 1
A (1 +
Rp ⁄ ⁄ Re ⁄ ⁄ Rin)
II.1.2.1 - Input voltage Vin < Vref (black picture)
In this case the current flowing in R7 and T1 de-
creases whilst the collector voltage of T4 and the
output voltage both increase. In the extreme case,
I(T1) = I(R7) = 0 and VO= VDD-VGS(T5)
In order to charge the tube capacitor the voltage is
fed to the cathode output in two ways:
- through the PMOS (with a VGS difference) for the
low frequency part
- through the capacitor C for the high frequency
part (output signal leading edge)
To correctly transmit the rising edge, the value of
the capacitor C must be high compared to CL.
With the current values used (C = 1nF,CL = 10pF),
the attenuation is very small (0.99)
II.1.2.2 - Input voltage Vin > Vref (white picture)
In this case,the current in R7 and T1 increases with
an accompanying drop of T4’s collector voltage until
T1 and T4 are saturated. At this point:
VO ≅ VC(T4) ≅ VCC
During a high to low transition (i.e. black-white
picture), the beam current is absorbed in two ways:
- through the capacitor C and the compound
PMOS T6-T7 for the high frequency part (falling
- through the PMOS T8 and the resistor Rm for the
low frequency part.
II.2 - Beam Current Monitoring
II.2.1 - Stationary state
The beam current monitoring is performed by the
PMOS T8 and the resistor Rm. When measuring low
currents (leakage, quasi cutoff),the Rm value is
generally high. When measuring high currents
(drive, average or peak beam current),Rm is gen-
erally bypassed by a lower impedance.
It should be noted that the current supplied by the
three guns flows through this resistor.Hence,with
too large a value for the resistor Rm,the cathode
voltage of the tubes will become too high for the
required operating current values.This is a funda-
mental difference between the TEA5101A and dis-
crete video amps. In discrete video amps, the
current monitoring transistor is a high voltage PNP
bipolar which may saturate. In this case the beam
current can flow through the transistor base and it
is no longer monitored by the video processor. This
effect does not occur with the TEA 5101A.
II.2.2 - Transient phase : low current measure-
The cut-off adjustment sequence is generally as
In a first step, the cathode is set to a high voltage
(180V) in order to blank the CRT and to measure
the leakage current. In a second step, the tube is
slighly switched on to measure a very low current
(quasi cut-off current). This operation is performed
by setting the cathode voltage to about 150V and
adjusting it until the proper current is obtained. The
maximum time available to do this operation is
generally about 52µs.
Figure 3 shows the simplified diagram of the
TEA5101A output, the voltages during the different
steps,and the stationary state the system must
reach for correct adjustment.
During the blanking phase, the tube is switched off,
the PMOS is switched off and its VGS voltage is
equal to the pinch-off voltage (about 1.5V). The
voltages at the different nodes are shown in figure
3 (V(9) = 180V, V(k) = 181.5V). The falling edge of
the cutoff pulse is instantaneously transmitted by
the capacitor C. When the stationary state is
reached, the cathode voltage will be 152.5V if the
voltage on pin 9 is 150V, as the VGS voltage of the
conducting PMOS is about 2.5V.
We can see that the voltage
on C must increase by
an amount of ∆Vc = 1V. This charge is furnished by
the tube capacitor which is discharged by an
amount of ∆VCL = 29V with a time constant equal
to R x CL (10 ns). By considering the energy
balance, we can calculate the maximum charge
∆Vmax that CL can furnished to C
∆Vmax = √CL
C x ∆VCL ≅ 3V
Since this voltage is greater than ∆VC, the capacitor
C can be charged and the stationary state is
reached without any contribution being required
from the tube current,i.e. the whole tube current
can flow through the PMOS and the adjustment can
be performed correctly.
Considering higher voltage and beam current
swings, the margin is greater because:
- the voltage swing across the tube capacitor is
- the tube current is higher and the picture is not
disturbed even if part of the beam current is used
to charge the capacitor C.