CCU 3000, CCU 3000-I
CCU 3001, CCU 3001-I
1. Introduction
The CCU 3000, CCU 3000-I, CCU 3001, CCU 3001-I
are integrated circuits designed in 1.2 mm CMOS
technology, with the exception of CCU 3000, TC18 and
TC19, which is designed in 1 mm CMOS technology. The
CPU contained on the chips is a functionally unchanged
65C02-core, which means that for program development,
systems can be used which are on the market; including
high level language compilers.
The pin numbers mentioned in this data sheet refer to
the 68-pin PLCC package unless otherwise designated.
The CCU 3000-I is described separately in an addendum
on page 66.
1.1. Features of the CCU 3000, CCU 3000-I,
CCU 3001, CCU 3001-I
– CCU 3000 = ROM-less version of the CCU 3001
– 65C02 CPU with max. 8 MHz clock
– 32 kByte internal ROM (CCU 3001 only)
– 1344 internal Bytes RAM with stand-by option
– 51 I/O lines (CCU 3001)
– 26 I/O lines (CCU 3000)
– clock generator with programmable clock frequency
– 8 level interrupt controller
– CCU 3000, CCU 3001:
2 Multimaster IM bus interfaces
– CCU 3000-I, CCU 3001-I: 1I2C/IM bus and
1 Multimaster IM bus interface (see addendum)
– IR-input for software-decoded IR-systems
– on-chip power on, stand-by and clock supervision
– on-chip watchdog
– 3 multifunctional timers
– supports memory banking (external 2MBytes)
– power down signal for external memory
– mask option: EMU mode
– programs can be written in Assembler or in “C”
– CCU 3000 TC 18/19: 1.0 mm CMOS technology, (see
– application software available.
Functional Description
2.1. ROM
The chip is equipped with 32 kByte mask-programmable
ROM. The ROM uses up the address space from 8000H
to FFFFH. This ROM can be supplemented or replaced
externally. Only the CCU 3001 has an internal ROM.
2.2. RAM
The RAM area is split into three parts:
– page 0 (address 0 to FFH)
– page 1 (address 100H to 1FFH)
– page 3, 4, 5, 6 (address 300H to 63FH)
Page 0 offers a particularly fast access to the 65C02 and
is therefore very valuable for fast, compact programs.
Page 1 contains the stack and must therefore also have
RAM. The remaining RAM-memory follows in pages 3,
4, 5, 6, as page 2 is reserved as I/O address space. The
RAM can be kept in the stand-by mode via stand-by pin.
2.3. CPU
The CPU core is fully compatible with the 65C02 microprocessor.
However, not all the pins of the 65C02 processor
are accessible for the user outside the chip. One
switch in the control register allows the CPU to be
switched off, so that an external processor can take over
its tasks. This external processor can of course also be
an in-circuit emulator, which makes near-hardware
emulation possible, even though the status and control
lines of the internal CPU are not accessible. If an external
processor is used, all hardware blocks of the chip are
as accessible to it as if it were the internal CPU.
2.4. Clock Generator
An integrated two-pin oscillator generates the clock for
the microcontroller. The frequency created by the oscillator
can be programmed to be reduced with a divider
by the factor 1 ... 255. This enables the user to decrease
the current consumption by the controller by reducing
the working frequency as well as to increase the access
time for the (slower) external memory. This divider contains
the value 4 after a reset, so that the system can also
start with a slow external memory. If the mask-option
OSC is set (EMU version), a switch in the control register
makes it possible to receive the internal clock F2 at
XTAL2. In this case the oscillator must be external and
the clock must be fed to the pin XTAL1. In this way, the
user gets a time reference for internal operations in the
microcomputer. This is especially important with the interrupt
controller. The production version of the CCU
does not have this function!
2.5. PORT 1 to PORT 3, PORT 6 to PORT 8
8 ports belong to the system, of which 5 are 8 bits wide,
one 6 bit, one 4 bit and one 1 bit wide. All port lines of
PORTS 1 to 3 and 6 to 8 can be used as inputs or outputs
independently from each other. One register per port
defines the direction. PORT1 to PORT3 have push-pull
outputs and PORT6 to PORT8 have open drain outputs.
Even a line defined as output can be read, the pin level
being important. This property makes it possible for the
software to find desired and undesired short circuits.
Each port reserves a byte for the direction register and
the data in the I/O page. If the corresponding bit in the
direction register is set to 0, the output mode is switched
on. After a reset, all bits of a direction register are set
to 1. The falling edge of bit 7 of PORT 8 generates interrupts
if the priority of the corresponding interrupt controller
source (7) is not set to 0.
2.6. PORT 4
PORT 4 consists of only one line (LSB, P40). After a reset,
PORT 4 operates as an input only. As soon as PORT
4 is written for the first time, it is switched to output mode
(push-pull). Later read accesses read the actual level at
port 4. If bit 3 in the control word is active, P4 is used as
an R/W-line. If the internal CPU is active, R/W is an output
line, otherwise it is an input. But P4 has another, very
important function during RESET. The level at P4 during
RESET decides whether the control word is read from
the internal ROM (FFF9H) or from the external memory.
It is therefore important that the desired level during RESET
is set at P4. An internal pull-down resistor of approx.
100 kW is integrated in the CCU 3001, which ensures
that the control word is read by the internal ROM. The
external control word access is obtained via an external
pull-up resistor of approx. 5 kW. The CCU 3000 has an
internal pull-up resistor at P4 (external ROM access).
The further mode of operation of the CCU 3000, CCU
3001 depends only on the control word though.
Please note that this mode is always necessary for
the CCU 3000 since this device does not have internal
2.7. I/O-Lines P50 to P55
The 6 additional I/O-lines have a two-fold function:
– input or output line (open drain output) or
– fully decoded I/O-select lines (push-pull outputs)
As a rule these lines can be used as input or output lines.
As soon as ports 1 to 4 are used as system bus, they are
lost as I/O-channels. However, a total of 48 port lines (24
inputs and outputs each) can be reconstructed without
difficulties (1 housing for 8 lines), if the additional 6 I/Olines
of the CCU 3000, CCU 3001 are switched into the
port select mode. They then represent the select lines of
the original ports 1 to 3. Each line can be defined as I/O
or port select line separately. In the I/O-page three bytes
are needed.
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