It has 12 programs preselection and US remote and the tuning was performed with VST ITT Tuning search like bigger models.
The Programs memory was obtained with a 9Volt Battery fitted on front in a special slide box, see photo.
Like bigger models even this was equipped with power switch with "safety" KEY, see photo.
Was even first model of NORDMENDE production with a TOSHIBA BLACKSTRIPE CRT TUBE.
All other commands are manually regulated on front right.
The set is a first in featuring a new set of PAL decoder chips which has been introduced by Siemens, the TDA2560/TDA2522/TDA2530. The first two of these second -source the latest Philips/Mullard decoder i.c.s, with the TDA2560 as luminance and chrominance signal amplifier and the TDA2522 as the reference oscillator/chrominance demodulator. Interesting features of this set up are the fact that the burst signal passes through the chrominance delay line and the fact that the reference oscillator operates at 8.86MHz, a digital divider providing exactly 90° phase displaced 4.43MHz outputs without the need for a phase shift coil. The first UK produced chassis to use these i.c.s is the Tandberg CTV3, the larger UK setmakers staying for the time being with the TBA560C/TBA540/TCA800 combination. The third i.c. from Siemens is the TDA2530 which supersedes the well known TBA530 luminance/colour-difference signal matrix- ing i.c. The TDA2530 contains a negative feedback driver amplifier and internal clamping in addition to the matrixing network.
- Horizontal Beam Deflection and high voltage generating circuits realized with Thyristors circuits.

it was originally devised by RCA. Many sets fitted with 110°, narrow -neck delta -gun tubes used a thyristor line output stage - for example those in the Grundig and Saba ranges and the Finlux Peacock , Indesit, Siemens, Salora, Metz, Nordmende, Blaupunkt, ITT, Seleco, REX, Mivar, Emerson, Brionvega, Loewe, Galaxi, Stern, Zanussi, Wega, Philco. The circuit continued to find favour in earlier chassis designed for use with in -line gun tubes, examples being found in the Grundig and Korting ranges - also, Indesit, Siemens, Salora, Metz, Nordmende, Blaupunkt, ITT, Seleco, REX, Mivar, Emerson, Brionvega, Loewe, Galaxi, Stern, Zanussi, Wega, Philco the Rediffusion Mk. III chassis. Deflection currents of up to 13A peak -to -peak are commonly encountered with 110° tubes, with a flyback voltage of only some 600V peak to peak. The total energy requirement is of the order of 6mJ, which is 50 per cent higher than modern 110° tubes of the 30AX and S4 variety with their saddle -wound line scan coils. The only problem with this type of circuit is the large amount of energy that shuttles back and forth at line frequency. This places a heavy stress on certain components. Circuit losses produce quite high temperatures, which are concentrated at certain points, in particular the commutating combi coil. This leads to deterioration of the soldered joints around the coil, a common cause of failure. This can hav

Numerous circuit designs for completely transistorized television receivers either have been incorporated in commercially available receivers or have been described in detail in various technical publications. One of the most troublesome areas in such transistor receivers, from the point of View of reliability and economy, lies in the horizontal deflection circuits.
As an attempt to avoid the voltage and current limitations of transistor deflection circuits, a number of circuits have been proposed utilizing the silicon controlled rectifier (SCR), a semiconductor device capable of handling substantially higher currents and voltages than transistors.
The circuit utilizes two bi-directionally conductive switching means which serve respectively as trace and commutating switches. Particularly, each of the switching means comprises the parallel combination of a silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) and a diode. The commutating switch is triggered on shortly before the desired beginning of retrace and, in conjunction with a resonant commutating circuit having an inductor and two capacitors, serves to turn off the trace switch to initiate retrace. The commutating circuit is also arranged to turn oft the commutating SCR before the end of retrace.
Nordmende was a manufacturer of entertainment electronics based in Bremen, Germany.
The original company, Radio H. Mende Co, was founded in 1923 by Otto Hermann Mende

In the 1970s, Nordmende televisions were renowned for their innovative chassis, and for the rigorous testing and quality control of their finished products. Both created high costs, however, which soon proved a competitive disadvantage when the price of colour televisions began to plunge.
In 1969, Mende's sons took over the company, and in 1977 a majority shareholding was sold to the French Thomson Brandt company and the chassis remains the original NordMende until CHASSIS F9. The following year, the family sold their remaining shares to Thomson. In the 1980s, the factories in Bremen were closed, Nordmende becoming purely a Thomson trademark (Starting from chassis F10 F11 they're all THOMSON).

In the 1990s, the name Nordmende was used with decreasing frequency, and it eventually disappeared in favour of the Thomson name. In 2005 Videocon Group acquired all cathode ray tube activities from Thomson. This led to the creation of VDC Technologies, which manufactures TV sets using the Nordmende brand under licence from Thomson.


Tote Marke NORDMENDE – Verblasster Stolz. Artikel im Manager-Magazin
Ein neues Programm. Artikel in der Zeit
Fernseher: Inder produzieren neue Nordmende. Artikel bei itespresso.de
Videocon produziert Plasmaschirme für Nordmende. Artikel im pressetext.de
Spectra Color Studio und Spectra SK2 Color de Luxe Studio auf radiomuseum.orgMarke Nordmende mit Digital- und Internetradios zurück, teltarif.de, Artikel vom 2. September 2017.
Company profile. Phillar, archiviert vom Original am 6. März 2008; abgerufen am 26. April 2013 (englisch).
Broschüre – Sprachmanager24. Abgerufen am 5. Januar 2015.
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