The METZ 7096 CLASSIC COLOR (CH679G) is a compact 26 inches (66cm) color television.
It has 30 programs VST tuning system, automatic search system, external loudspeaker connector, audio recorder din jack and headphones din jack.
The set was first METZ color television featuring the PHILIPS 30AX CRT TUBE and first time an Isolated from mains chassis design.Now that the new Philips 30AX tube has put in an appearance, some details can be filled in. The new tube has been developed from the 20AX, which has been in production since 1974, but brings with it several important advances. First, no dynamic convergence, static convergence, purity or raster correction adjustments are necessary. Secondly the new yoke design gives improved deflection sensitivity, a straight NS raster, and reduced EW raster distortion. Due to the close mechanical tolerances and the inclusion of positioning bosses on the tube bowl, the tube and yoke can be aligned simply by being pushed together - any 30AX yoke will automatically match any 30AX tube of the appropriate size. Thirdly the newly designed electron gun gives a sharper spot, with greater focus uniformity over the screen area. An internal magnetic ring is used to give correct purity and static beam convergence, in place of the multipole unit used in previous in -line gun tube designs. This results in a strikingly compact assembly. The automatic yoke/tube alignment does away with the need for preset mechanical tilt and shift adjustments which, Philips point out, correct one error by introducing another. The new tube is being produced in the 26, 22 and 20in. screen sizes. The power consumption of a set fitted with the 30AX is typicaly 100W compared to 120W with the 20AX system, at 1.2mA beam current and with an e.h.t. of 25kV. This compares with 88W for a set fitted with a 90° narrow -neck tube and hybrid yoke, under the same conditions.

The well-known 20AX features of HI-Bri, Soft-Flash and Quick-vision are maintained in the new 30AX systern. In their work on the design of deflection coils in the last few years the developers have expanded the magnetic deflectionfields into 'multipoles', Thisapproach has improved the understanding of the relations between coil and field and between field and deflection to such an extent that designing deflection units is now more like playing a difficult but fascinating game of chess than carrying out the obscure computing procedure once necessary.
In their work on the design of deflection coils in the last few years the developers have expanded
the magnetic deflectionfields into 'multipoles', Thisapproach has improved the understanding
of the relations between coil and field and between field and deflection to such an extent that
designing deflection units is now more like playing a difficult but fascinating game of chess than
carrying out the obscure computing procedure once necessary.
Furthermore :

On the front panel Right down side near the headphones jack lid there is a ambient light sensor which drives, in opportune, way the contrast tracking of the picture as a function of the light in the room were the tellye is running; more particularly to a control system for maintaining proper balance between room lighting conditions and the level of picture tube excitation in a color television receiver. More especially the present invention functions to increase contrast, intensity and chroma signal strength when the room lighting level increases to diminish these parameters when the level of room lighting decreases.
Conventional television receivers, of course, have manually operable controls by means of which a viewer may set the level of contrast, intensity, and chroma signal strength to what he feels to be an optimum level for given room lighting conditions. Under changed room lighting conditions, the viewer will obtain the optimum viewing situation by changing these manual controls to a new preferred level.
- Horizontal Beam Deflection and high voltage generating circuits realized with Thyristors circuits.

it was originally devised by RCA. Many sets fitted with 110°, narrow -neck delta -gun tubes used a thyristor line output stage - for example those in the Grundig and Saba ranges and the Finlux Peacock , Indesit, Siemens, Salora, Metz, Nordmende, Blaupunkt, ITT, Seleco, REX, Mivar, Emerson, Brionvega, Loewe, Galaxi, Stern, Zanussi, Wega, Philco. The circuit continued to find favour in earlier chassis designed for use with in -line gun tubes, examples being found in the Grundig and Korting ranges - also, Indesit, Siemens, Salora, Metz, Nordmende, Blaupunkt, ITT, Seleco, REX, Mivar, Emerson, Brionvega, Loewe, Galaxi, Stern, Zanussi, Wega, Philco the Rediffusion Mk. III chassis. Deflection currents of up to 13A peak -to -peak are commonly encountered with 110° tubes, with a flyback voltage of only some 600V peak to peak. The total energy requirement is of the order of 6mJ, which is 50 per cent higher than modern 110° tubes of the 30AX and S4 variety with their saddle -wound line scan coils. The only problem with this type of circuit is the large amount of energy that shuttles back and forth at line frequency. This places a heavy stress on certain components. Circuit losses produce quite high temperatures, which are concentrated at certain points, in particular the commutating combi coil. This leads to deterioration of the soldered joints around the coil, a common cause of failure. This can hav

Numerous circuit designs for completely transistorized television receivers either have been incorporated in commercially available receivers or have been described in detail in various technical publications. One of the most troublesome areas in such transistor receivers, from the point of View of reliability and economy, lies in the horizontal deflection circuits.
As an attempt to avoid the voltage and current limitations of transistor deflection circuits, a number of circuits have been proposed utilizing the silicon controlled rectifier (SCR), a semiconductor device capable of handling substantially higher currents and voltages than transistors.
The circuit utilizes two bi-directionally conductive switching means which serve respectively as trace and commutating switches. Particularly, each of the switching means comprises the parallel combination of a silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) and a diode. The commutating switch is triggered on shortly before the desired beginning of retrace and, in conjunction with a resonant commutating circuit having an inductor and two capacitors, serves to turn off the trace switch to initiate retrace. The commutating circuit is also arranged to turn oft the commutating SCR before the end of retrace.
In order to maintain optimum performance of the television receiver, it is desirable to provide a regulated direct current potential (B+) to the various circuits of the receiver. Numerous types of regulated power supply circuits have been used to provide the desired regulation. One such type is a switching regulator power supply.
Also, television receivers like the tv in this post utilizing line rate deflection systems of the type disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,452,244 employing two bidirectional conducting switches require an input reactor between the source of B+ and the commutating bidirectional conducting switch to prevent short circuiting of the B+ during the commutating interval (i.e., when the commutating switch is turned on).
The set is a first in featuring a new set of PAL decoder chips which has been introduced by Siemens, the TDA2560/TDA2522/TDA2530. The first two of these second -source the latest Philips/Mullard decoder i.c.s, with the TDA2560 as luminance and chrominance signal amplifier and the TDA2522 as the reference oscillator/chrominance demodulator. Interesting features of this set up are the fact that the burst signal passes through the chrominance delay line and the fact that the reference oscillator operates at 8.86MHz, a digital divider providing exactly 90° phase displaced 4.43MHz outputs without the need for a phase shift coil. The first UK produced chassis to use these i.c.s is the Tandberg CTV3, the larger UK setmakers staying for the time being with the TBA560C/TBA540/TCA800 combination. The third i.c. from Siemens is the TDA2530 which supersedes the well known TBA530 luminance/colour-difference signal matrix- ing i.c. The TDA2530 contains a negative feedback driver amplifier and internal clamping in addition to the matrixing network.
The set is build with a Modular chassis design because as modern television receivers become more complex the problem of repairing the receiver becomes more difficult. As the number of components used in the television receiver increases the susceptibility to breakdown increases and it becomes more difficult to replace defective components as they are more closely spaced. The problem has become even more complicated with the increasing number of color television receivers in use. A color television receiver has a larger number of circuits of a higher degree of complexity than the black and white receiver and further a more highly trained serviceman is required to properly service the color television receiver.
Fortunately for the service problem to date, most failures occur in the vacuum tubes used in the television receivers. A faulty or inoperative vacuum tube is relatively easy to find and replace. However, where the television receiver malfunction is caused by the failure of other components, such as resistors, capacitors or inductors, it is harder to isolate the defective component and a higher degree of skill on the part of the serviceman is required.
Even with the great majority of the color television receiver malfunctions being of the "easy to find and repair" type proper servicing of color sets has been difficult to obtain due to the shortage of trained serviceman.
At the present time advances in the state of the semiconductor art have led to the increasing use of transistors in color television receivers. The receiver described in this application has only two tubes, the picture tube and the high voltage rectifier tube, all the other active components in the receiver being semiconductors.
One important characteristic of a semiconductor device is its extreme reliability in comparison with the vacuum tube. The number of transistor and integrated circuit failures in the television receiver will be very low in comparison with the failures of other components, the reverse of what is true in present day color television receivers. Thus most failures in future television receivers will be of the hard to service type and will require more highly qualified servicemen.
The primary symptoms of a television receiver malfunction are shown on the picture tube of the television receiver while the components causing the malfunction are located within the cabinet. Also many adjustments to the receiver require the serviceman to observe the screen. Thus the serviceman must use unsatisfactory mirror arrangements to remove the electronic chassis from the cabinet, usually a very difficult task. Further many components are "buried" in a maze of circuitry and other components so that they are difficult to remove and replace without damage to other components in the receiver.
Repairing a modern color television receiver often requires that the receiver be removed from the home and carried to a repair shop where it may remain for many weeks. This is an expensive undertaking since most receivers are bulky and heavy enough to require at least two persons to carry them. Further, two trips must be made to the home, one to pick up the receiver and one to deliver it. For these reasons, the cost of maintaining the color television receiver in operating condition often exceeds the initial cost of the receiver and is an important factor in determining whether a receiver will be purchased.
Therefore, the object of this invention is to provide a transistorized color television receiver in which the main electronic chassis is easily accessible for maintenance and adjustment.
It's an interesting fact that the cathode ray tube, which was amongst the very earliest thermionic devices, seems likely to be amongst the very last in everyday use. Receiving valves are largely things of the past, while timebase valves now belong in the service department. The development of the CRT continues apace however, and one cannot see any likelihood of its demise. Solid-state displays have been talked about, and demonstrated, but anything likely to compete on cost and performance grounds with the modern colour tube seems forever to be "at least ten years away". The early experiments with cathode-ray tubes were carried out in the last century. By the turn of the century, crude CRTs could be made. An early CRT, the Wehnelt hot cathode tube of 1905, is on display at the IBA's Television Gallery. By 1910, Alexander Campbell -Swinton had come to appreciate the possibilities of the CRT as a pick-up and display device for television, and put forward suggestions for such a TV system. It was a while however before the type of tube we know today appeared. The tubes of the 1910-30 era were gas focused devices (relying on residual gas to focus the beam), the vacuum pumps of the period producing only a poor vacuum. By the time of the start of the BBC's TV service in 1936 however the modern type of tube had arrived. It was a triode device with external focusing and a deflection angle of around 50°. The usual sizes were 9 and 12in., and the e.h.t. was about 5kV. Post-war developments during the 1950s saw some important innovations. The deflection angle went to 70°, then 90°, then 110°; multi -electrode gun assemblies with electrostatic focusing were introduced; the e.h.t rose to 20kV; improved phosphors became available; and the advent of the aluminised screen considerably improved the brightness and contrast (by reflecting all the phosphor light emission forwards) while overcoming the problem of ion bombardment. Meanwhile, colour had come. The principle of the shadowmask tube had been suggested in the 1930s, but development (by RCA) had to wait until proposals for an acceptable, practical colour broadcasting system were put forward. A regular colour service was started in the USA in 1954, and the receivers were fitted with 21in. shadowmask tubes. Early developments included the use of improved phosphors, but essentially the same tube confronted us with the advent of colour transmissions in Europe in 1967. As you all know, it had three guns mounted in a triangular formation, a dot-phosphor screen, a massive convergence system in two sections (radial and lateral), plus purity magnets and a large metal shield on which the degaussing coils hung. It also needed both NS and EW raster correction circuitry. The first versions in Europe had a deflection angle of 90° : when the 110° version came along in the early 1970s the convergence and raster correction circuitry required were even more complex, but the degaussing shield had disappeared inside the tube. At much the same time however the first major breakthrough in large screen tube design occurred (we put it that way because the innovating Sony Trinitron was at the time mainly a small screen tube) - the RCA PIL tube with its in -line guns, phosphor -striped screen, and slotted shadowmask. The design of the yoke to provide self -convergence in conjunction with the in -line gun arrangement meant that no dynamic convergence system was required, while some simple manufacturer preset magnets provided static convergence and purity correction. Sets using this tube first appeared in Europe in 1975, and meanwhile the PHILIPS 20AX system had come along. Over the last few years the pace of development has quickened to a striking extent. We've had quick warm-up cathodes, the hi-bri technology which increases the shadow mask's transparency, the contoured line screen, the super -arch mask, pigmented phosphors, soft flash to reduce flashover damage, redesigned focus arrangements, and increased use of an earlier development, the black -stripe screen. The latest generation of tubes require no NS raster correction circuitry, which is all part of a parallel development in yoke technology, while the need for EW correction is also in the process of being designed out. With the new Philips 30AX tube, the static convergence and purity system disappear inside the tube in the form of a small internal magnetic ring. It's all a long way from Wehnelt's hot -cathode tube of 1905. The latest colour tubes are compact and have all the various correction arrangements required built in. They are amazing feats of precision engineering, and a solid-state alternative seems as far away as ever. Is there any farther to go along this path? Well, single -gun colour tubes using the beam indexing principle are now understood to be a practical proposition for small screen tubes, so we can't be too sure.
Metz: 70 Years’ of "made in Germany" quality
Customer-oriented and successful

Back to the future
Metz was founded back in 1938. From this point in time, Paul Metz managed his company with untiring effort, always introducing new ideas to steadily grow the business. In 1947 he began producing radio sets. He expanded to other fields in the following years. And to this day Metz stands its ground successfully in the entertainment electronics, photo electronics and plastics technology sectors.

Photo electronics: Metz flashguns attain world fame
In 1952, Paul Metz went in into the flashgun business and began marketing an emblematic trend-setting innovation in 1979 with the introduction of the worldwide single SCA adapter system which made it possible to attach Metz flashguns to cameras of all well-known brands and went on to establish Metz as one of the leading worldwide brands in this area. Since then, Metz flashguns have been exported to over 90 countries.

Entertainment electronics: Metz - reliable trade partner

Plastics plant: Metz - renowned partner for system solutions
Metz - traditional company on a solid foundation
"Our company stands on a solid foundation. Our planning for the next few years shows great promise; we will go on to further improve our core competences," says managing director Dr. Norbert Kotzbauer, who currently runs the company with Helene Metz. " Metz’s strength is the combination of excellent "made in Germany" quality, sure-fire future product concepts, clear marketing structures and absolute customer focus."
Review of key points:
- 1938: Company founded by Paul Metz
- 1947: Production of radio sets begins
- 1952: Flashgun production begins
- 1955: Start of black-and-white television set production
- 1957: The hi-fi furniture plant in Zirndorf goes into operation
- 1967: The beginning of colour television set production
- 1969: Start of plastics production
- 1979: Development of the SCA system for adapting cameras from different manufacturers to Metz flashguns
- 1987: Transformation to a GmbH & Co. KG
- 1990: Production of the 100-Hertz TV sets starts
- 1993: Founder Paul Metz dies. Wife Helene Metz carries on the company
- 1995: Start of the Metz module concept
- 1997: The Paul and Helene Metz Foundation is formed
- 2000: Start of the Metz digital module concept with the ability to retrofit future technologies
- 2002: Ten-millionth Metz flashgun
- 2004: A world first: Digital, adaptive flashgun MB of 28 CS-2
- 2005: First presentation of developed LCD-TV equipment "Made in Germany"
- 2006: Presentation of the first flashgun with an innovative USB connection
- 2007: LCD-TV product line with HDTV reception and unique ability to retrofit HDTV
- 2008: Wide LCD-TV range with high resolution 42” Full HD panels,
100 Hz DMC-technology and integrated hard disc recorder. - 19 November 2014: Metz filed for insolvency.
- January 2015: About 110 of the 540 employees will be laid off.
- March 2015: Two investors were found. The company will be split in two. The TV business is taken over by the Chinese electronics manufacturer Skyworth as Metz Consumer Electronics GmbH, whereas the plastics technology and flash business were bought by the local Daum Group (Germany) to firm Metz mecatech GmbH. 298 of the employees will be taken over.
(Again one more more BIG step ..........Europe=Africa !!!!!!!!!!!!)
Further notes and References:
- "Metz-Werke GmbH & Co. KG". Retrieved 2009-04-25.
- "Metz Mecablitz 54 MZ-4i Preview". Archived from the original on November 20, 2008. Retrieved 2009-04-25.
"Contact person Archived 2011-09-25 at the Wayback Machine." Metz. Retrieved on 17 September 2011. "Metz-Werke GmbH & Co. KG, Ohmstr. 55, 90513 Zirndorf" "TV-Hersteller Metz ist pleite". 19 November 2014 – via Germany, Stuttgarter Zeitung, Stuttgart,. "Fernsehgerätehersteller Metz: Dem Niedergang folgt die Pleite".[permanent dead link][permanent dead link] "Wirtschaft". DIE WELT. Impressum
Titel der Sonderausstellung „Made in Franken. Von Hinterhoffabriken und Weltkonzernen“ auf der Website der Stadt Fürth, abgerufen am 29. August 2018 110 Mitarbeiter müssen gehen (Memento vom 22. November 2014 im Internet Archive)
Metz-Werke GmbH & Co. KG: Jahresabschluss zum Geschäftsjahr vom 1. Januar 2011 bis zum 31. Dezember 2011. auf
Firmenhistorie auf der Herstellerseite, abgerufen am 29. Januar 2016 (Memento vom 1. Mai 2015 im Internet Archive) (Memento vom 21. November 2015 im Internet Archive)
Barbara Ohm: Fürth - Geschichte der Stadt. Jungkunz, 2007, ISBN 3-9808686-1-3
70 Jahre Metz,, 11. März 2008
Metz hat Insolvenz beantragt,, 20. November 2014
TV Hersteller Metz ist pleite, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 19. November 2014
Nach dem Niedergang folgt die Pleite, Stuttgarter Zeitung, 22. November 2014
Hans Kratzer: Wou die Hasen Hoosn und die Hosen Huusn haaßn. Süddeutsche, 12. Januar 2017
Rundfunkmuseum: Metz-Schau endet., 18. April 2009
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