A truly sad day today and one of the sadiest of ever !.
this great entrepreneur has remained in history for having brought television into the homes of Italians at the helm of his company, Mivar.
From transistor radios to color TVs, the patron of Mivar is a legend who leaves a model factory as a monument to the career of a genius.
He was certainly a genius.
Because only a genius could start by repairing transistor radios in 1945 and end up creating a colossus capable of producing a million televisions a year and undermining the market shares of brands such as Telefunken, Grundig and, later, Sony. Those were the days of cathode ray tubes. When televisions were deeper than they were wider and Color (Pal system) had arrived in 72, experimented (only experimented) during the Olympic Games in Munich.
A magic man. And he immediately took possession of that magic. Mivar (the acronym stands for Milano Vichi radio equipment), thanks to its excellent price and quality (its televisions only broke down when hit with a baseball bat) made its way into the world of big brands.The recipe is a winner: competitive prices, an efficient service network and minimized expenses. Popular appliances, with minimalistic pragmatic chassis technology, intended for a public that doesn't want to spend too much. In 1988, out of every 100 televisions sold, 12 were Mivar. Those were pharaonic numbers in those years, when the production lines churned out about 300,000 color TVs and 60,000 black and white ones. An (initially) winning bet, given that in 1999 Mivar reached its peak: 950,000 sets built and a market share of 35%, ahead of several multinational electronics companies. The crisis for Mivar begins at the beginning of the 2000s with the entry into the flat screen television market.
Vichi has never spent a single penny on advertising and has a relationship with marketing that is similar to that of cats and water. Its innovation lay in its production process, which was absolutely original and profitable.
In 2008, the production of cathode ray tubes tellyes ended, but the crisis became more and more acute. Turnover dropped, as did the number of employees. A black crisis that destroyed every piece of the company. Over the years, Vichi has said that he has spent about 100 million euros of his own funds to cover the losses and allow his company to guarantee a formal break-even.
Carlo Vichi would like to die in his factory, at his table, among the workers. He has never had a CEO's office. He has always been the "boss", but in the midst of his workers; one of them, even if of a higher rank.
Mivar was Carlo Vichi and Carlo Vichi was Mivar. Mivar was a company with an unusual imprint of Italian capitalism, as its founder imagined it: poorer, simpler, but with strong ideas.
Today Mivar has lost its founder.
He was a concrete man, and there was no distance between him and the workers, as they used to say.
The workers greeted him, without deference, without running away. As if he were just another colleague. He looked at you, understood what you were thinking and said: "I have no problems with the unions. Here, people who work well are treated well. The brusque manners was perhaps just a pose on that he was well known . A theatrical affectation of someone who knows he has become a character in spite of himself.
He may eventually have made three mistakes: not preparing himself for the succession of the company (his sons decided to take a different path), not believing in the development of flat screens, and setting up a second factory in Abbiategrasso, a very modern and perfect one, 120,000 square meters, but it never came into operation. He continued to keep it clean, ready to become operational.
In 2014, he announced his willingness to rent for free the factory built in the 1990s on the Naviglio di Bereguardo - which he designed himself - of 120000 m², which has never come into operation, to anyone who intends to produce televisions and employ 1,200 Italian workers there. Three years later, in 2017, Vichi addresses this invitation to the South Korean multinational Samsung, from which he gets no response.
He was willing to offer it for free to anyone who would hire 1,200 people.
Perhaps the true monument to and his tellyes.
His life coincided with that of the company: born in Montieri, in the province of Grosseto, he moved to Milan at a young age. In the post-war period Var was founded and in 1955 it took on a new name, Mivar (Milano Vichi Apparecchi Radio), and the following year it marketed its first radio with a frequency modulation system. Due to the success of this new transmission standard in Italy, the company expanded and in 1958 it opened its first factory with 400 employees in Via Giordani 30 in Milan. There were born, next to the normal table radios, portable models or also equipped with built-in turntable, with plates and mechanics almost always manufactured by Lesa.
(Carlo Vichi Montieri, 5 febbraio 1923 – 20 settembre 2021)
A NOI !!
MIVAR an Italian Brand no more active since 20/12/2013.
MIVAR is a Factory site in the near of Milan (italy) in a Industrial city conglomerate called Abbiate Grasso.

1945 - Milan, Via Ugo Tommei 5: Begin the activity assembling small radios.
1950 - Via Curtatone 12: developed with the construction of more direct major radio components fabricants.
1956 - 13 Street Strigelli: industrial production is manily targeted to first radio devices with frequency modulation (FM).
1958 - Via P. 30 Jordanians: TV become a reality, the industries is doubling his ACTIVITY, always in Milan, we build the first "real" plant with 400 employees.
1963 - Abbiategrasso, Via Dante 45: in the wake of decentralization and the rampant success of the television, building a facility that will become important in place 800 employees occupying between 1968-70.
1990 - Abbiategrasso Canal towpath: aware of the physiological importance that television plays in society? Modern, rich expertise and resources, we began construction of a factory area of 120,000 m? which covered 30.00o , for the viabilit with parking spaces and 60,000 park trees.
Today's activity is oriented in virtual production of LCD crap but with very low market penetration due to "unfair" asian competitors presence and a local governement which don't care about.
(You call it global market, I call it WORLD DESTRUCTION combined toghether with mass Afro scum crap Immigration (EUROPEAN INVASION) to obtain destruction on a large scale in all places and to help more and better the loose of all OUR workplaces and firms , lives, people).
“If our buildings, our highways, and our railroads should be wrecked, we could rebuild them.
If our cities should be destroyed, out of the very ruins we could erect newer and greater ones.
Even if our armed might should be crushed, we could rear sons who would redeem our power.
Anyway Obsolete Technology Tellye will show even this model as a Time machine which looses nothing of the good tellyes ! ! !

Further Notes:
MonrifNet, Televisori Mivar: fine dei programmi il 30 novembre - Il Giorno - Legnano, su www.ilgiorno.it. URL consultato l'11 gennaio 2018.
^ “La mia Mivar chiude, l’affitto gratis a chi assume 1200 italiani”, in Fanpage. URL consultato l'11 gennaio 2018.
B. Viganò, Mivar, fine della storia, in Job., n. 1, Job Network, febbraio-marzo 2014, pp. 18-21.
Carlo Vichi: Italiani! Ve la do io la tivù, in L'Espresso, 15 gennaio 2004, p. 63.
^ S. Biagini, MIVAR: tutto iniziò in via Tommei (PDF), in Quattro. Giornale di informazione e cultura della Zona 4 Vittoria Forlanini, n. 85, Associazione culturale Quattro, maggio 2007, p. 7.
G. Villani, Una intervista con Carlo Vichi: la MIVAR, in La Scala Parlante, n. 1, AIRE, gennaio 2020, pp. 15-19.
Redazione, Abbiategrasso, signore & signora Mivar: 75 anni da fiaba, in Il Giorno.it, 13 aprile 2019. URL consultato il 6 marzo 2021.
- ^ V. Conte, "Affitto gratis la mia Mivar a chi assume 1200 italiani", in La Repubblica, 7 marzo 2014, p. 28. URL consultato il 7 marzo 2021.
- ^ Redazione, L'appello di Carlo Vichi: "Samsung, ti do la Mivar se produci le tv in Lombardia", in Il Giorno.it, 11 marzo 2017. URL consultato il 7 marzo 2021.
- ^ Fausta Chiesa, Carlo Vichi, morto il re dei televisori italiani Mivar di Abbiategrasso: aveva 98 anni, su corriere.it, 20 settembre 2021.
- ^ J. Piromallo, Mivar, Carlo Vichi: ‘Hitler è il mio eroe’, in Il Fatto Quotidiano.it, 20 marzo 2014. URL consultato il 7 marzo 2021.
- ^ Redazione, “Solo mister Samsung può salvare la mia Mivar”, in Ticino Notizie, 6 febbraio 2017. URL consultato il 7 marzo 2021.
- ^ Memento con una targa al monumentale ricorda i martiri fascisti di Milano. Lo sdegno dell'Anpi, in Fascinazione.info, 22 marzo 2019. URL consultato il 7 marzo 2021.
- ^ S. Garzillo, Milano, l’estrema destra al cimitero monumentale per il Centenario del fascismo, in Fan Page, 23 marzo 2019. URL consultato il 7 marzo.
- F. Amatori; A. Colli, Impresa e industria in Italia: dall'Unità a oggi, Venezia, Marsilio Editori, 1999, ISBN 88-317-7289-9.
- A. Andreani, 4 Novembre 2006: Visita alla Mivar in una data particolare, in Antique Radio Magazine, n. 78, Treviso, Mosè Edizioni, maggio-giugno 2007, pp. 6-13.
"Home page Mivar" (in Italian). Mivar. Retrieved 31 July 2020.
Maggi, Francesco (2016-05-16). "La coerenza delle politiche di gestione delle risorse umane: il caso Mivar" (in Italian). Università di Pisa. Retrieved 5 August 2020. "Mivar". Archivio Storico (in Italian). Fondazione Fiera Milano. Retrieved 31 July 2020.
"Catalogo/archivio" (in Italian). Mivar. Retrieved 31 July 2020.
Rusconi, Gianni (2008-02-22). "I Tv Lcd sorpassano i Crt: il tubo catodico alza bandiera bianca" (in Italian). Il Sole 24 Ore. Retrieved 4 August 2020.
"Televisori LED" (in Italian). Mivar. Retrieved 31 July 2020.
Faggiano, Roberto (2013-06-02). "Mivar resiste e presenta la sua prima Smart TV Android". DDay.it (in Italian). Retrieved 31 July 2020.
Maria Fagnani, Giovanna (15 October 2013). "Mivar, addio alla tv made in Italy Carlo Vichi: "Produrremo mobili"" (in Italian). Corriere della Sera. Retrieved 31 July 2020.
Azzimonti, Michele (2013-10-11). "Televisori Mivar: fine dei programmi il 30 novembre" (in Italian). Il Giorno. Retrieved 31 July 2020.
"Tv Mivar: Sono Ancora In Produzione?". PLC Forum (in Italian). Retrieved 31 July 2020.
"Arredi razionali" (in Italian). Mivar. Retrieved 31 July 2020.
Noto, Sergio (17 October 2013). "Carlo Vichi, la Mivar e la dura vita di un imprenditore-contro" (in Italian). Il Fatto Quotidiano. Retrieved 31 July 2020.
Piromallo, Janauria (20 March 2014). "Carlo Vichi: 'Hitler è il mio eroe'" (in Italian). Il Fatto Quotidiano. Retrieved 31 July 2020.
Leone, Angelo (2017-08-08). "Eppure lo diceva anche Rocky. Mivar da leader di mercato in Italia a "Regalo la mia Fabbrica". Meglio cambiare o fallire?" (in Italian). Retrieved 31 July 2020.
"Il caso Mivar - Le strategie di costo". SlidePlayer (in Italian). Università La Sapienza di Roma. Retrieved 31 July 2020.
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