The MIVAR 20P2 is a 20 inches (48cm) color television with 39 programs + 2 AV and 100 Channels PLL Synthesized tuning.
- It features OSD, remote, front headphones jack and RCA AV connectors, a SCART Connector backside.
- The television receiver has a simple alphanumeric display which appears on the picture tube screen, to give the user data on the tuned channel number, colour settings and other operating data.
The tuning digital processor which generates the characters for display also controls the channel setting, etc., under the control of a digital remote control unit . The processor has an associated memory circuit for permanente tuning back up. The control of the capacitance diode tuner is achieved by the processor altering the dividing factor of a feedback loop to a phase/frequency comparator . The other input to the comparator is a divided frequency from a quartz oscillator.
In an OSD arrangement for use in an analog video signal processing system, the multiplexing network typically operates to switch in levels corresponding to the desired intensity of respective portions of the graphic image at the time the graphic image portions are to be displayed. In such an arrangement the graphic image representative signals take the form of timing pulses which occur when the graphic image portions are to be displayed and are used to control the multiplexing network. Such an analog OSD arrangement can also be used in a digital video processing system, but requires that the video signals be first converted to analog form. While digital video signal processing systems typically include a digital-to-analog converter section in which the digital video signals are converted to analog form, it may be more cost effective for the OSD arrangement to be incorporated as an integral part of the digital video processing section.
- The MIVAR 20P2 is a small format screen color TV series featuring the PHILIPS TDA8840 I2C-bus controlled PAL/NTSC/SECAM TV processor: giving the interesting chassis design in only 2/3 chip fashion, even further adding VERY better picture enhancement processing from IFs to CRT and to audio. .
- Through the use of solid state electronics, printed and integrated circuit art, and similar modern technical advances, television manufacturers have been able to greatly reduce the constructional complexity of the standard color television receiver chassis and to increase the number of instrumentalities that are mountable thereon until only the picture tube and a few relatively bulky parts remain separately mounted. This simplification of construction reduces the cost of initial manufacture, improves the service and repair of the receiver, and enhances the acceptability of the receiver to the consumer by meeting consumer demands for reducing the cost of maintenance and for providing an electronic chassis lending itself to home repair.The P2 from MIVAR Tv series was an example of that.
- Also this model is first Mivar Tv with power supply unit combined on the main chassis PCB.
All after made models will have the PSU in one PCB combined with all parts
of the receiver like this here.
Earlier have had a separate power supply unit near the main chassis.
- It has also , Teletext,
Teletext is a television-based communication technique in which a
given horizontal video line is utilized for broadcasting textual and
graphical information encoded in a digital binary representation. Such
horizontal video line signal that contains teletext data is referred to
herein as a Data-line. It is assumed herein, for explanation purposes,
that teletext is sent by the broadcaster only during the vertical
blanking interval (VBI), when no other picture information is sent. The
organization of the binary information in the broadcast signal is
determined by the standard employed by the broadcaster. By way of an
example only, references are made herein to a teletext based on a
standard referred to by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) as
A SCART Connector (which stands for Syndicat des Constructeurs d'Appareils Radiorécepteurs et Téléviseurs) is a standard for connecting audio-visual equipment together. The official standard for SCART is CENELEC document number EN 50049-1. SCART is also known as Péritel (especially in France) and Euroconnector but the name SCART will be used exclusively herein. The standard defines a 21-pin connector (herein after a SCART connector) for carrying analog television signals. Various pieces of equipment may be connected by cables having a plug fitting the SCART connectors. Television apparatuses commonly include one or more SCART connectors.
Although a SCART connector is bidirectional, the present invention is concerned with the use of a SCART connector as an input connector for receiving signals into a television apparatus. A SCART connector can receive input television signals either in an RGB format in which the red, green and blue signals are received on Pins 15, 11 and 7, respectively, or alternatively in an S-Video format in which the luminance (Y) and chroma (C) signals are received on Pins 20 and 15. As a result of the common usage of Pin 15 in accordance with the SCART standard, a SCART connector cannot receive input television signals in an RGB format and in an S-Video format at the same time.This kind of connector is todays obsoleted !Consequently many commercially available television apparatuses include a separate SCART connectors each dedicated to receive input television signals in one of an RGB format and an S-Video format. This limits the functionality of the SCART connectors. In practical terms, the number of SCART connectors which can be provided on a television apparatus is limited by cost and space considerations. However, different users wish the input a wide range of different combinations of formats of television signals, depending on the equipment they personally own and use. However, the provision of SCART connectors dedicated to input television signals in one of an RGB format and an S-Video format limits the overall connectivity of the television apparatus. Furthermore, for many users the different RGB format and S-Video format are confusing. Some users may not understand or may mistake the format of a television signal being supplied on a given cable from a given piece of equipment. This can result in the supply of input television signals of an inappropriate format for the SCART connector concerned.
- The cabinet is made of a high quality plastic which doesn't know age or degradation at all.
- The set features a THOMSON CRT tube with black mask which technology have had the purpose to prevent any quality reduction of a shadow mask screen by preventing any clear boundary of a frit glass layer from geing formed by placing a shield facing the area of the shadow mask on which the frit glass layer is not formed and making a liquid frit glass suspension to flow toward said area..
- Black matrix tubes have also become widely popular as of late, both in circular aperture mask tubes and slotted aperture mask tubes. As seen from the viewing side of the screen of circular aperture mask tubes, the black matrix material completely surrounds each circular phosphor dot, serving to improve image contrast by absorbing ambient light that might otherwise be reflected by the screen. Also as seen from the viewing side of the screen of slotted aperture mask tubes, each vertical phosphor stripe is separated from the adjacent vertical phosphor stripe by a stripe of black matrix material running from the bottom to the top of the screen.
The set has superb bright crisp pictures and color and is an easy durable set.
Was sold in large quantity by the fair price combined with quality and durability above even those more costly from other brand models.
Carlo Vichi MIVAR FOUNDER AND OWNER ( Montieri, 5 febbraio 1923 - Milano, 20 settembre 2021)
MIVAR an Italian Brand no more active since 20/12/2013.
MIVAR is a Factory site in the near of Milan (italy) in a Industrial city conglomerate called Abbiate Grasso.

1945 - Milan, Via Ugo Tommei 5: Begin the activity assembling small radios.
1950 - Via Curtatone 12: developed with the construction of more direct major radio components fabricants.
1956 - 13 Street Strigelli: industrial production is manily targeted to first radio devices with frequency modulation (FM).
1958 - Via P. 30 Jordanians: TV become a reality, the industries is doubling his ACTIVITY, always in Milan, we build the first "real" plant with 400 employees.
1963 - Abbiategrasso, Via Dante 45: in the wake of decentralization and the rampant success of the television, building a facility that will become important in place 800 employees occupying between 1968-70.
1990 - Abbiategrasso Canal towpath: aware of the physiological importance that television plays in society? Modern, rich expertise and resources, we began construction of a factory area of 120,000 m? which covered 30.00o , for the viabilit with parking spaces and 60,000 park trees.
Today's activity is oriented in virtual production of LCD crap but with very low market penetration due to "unfair" asian competitors presence and a local governement which don't care about.
(You call it global market, I call it WORLD DESTRUCTION combined toghether with mass Afro scum crap Immigration (EUROPEAN INVASION) to obtain destruction on a large scale in all places and to help more and better the loose of all OUR workplaces and firms , lives, people).
“If our buildings, our highways, and our railroads should be wrecked, we could rebuild them.
If our cities should be destroyed, out of the very ruins we could erect newer and greater ones.
Even if our armed might should be crushed, we could rear sons who would redeem our power.
Anyway Obsolete Technology Tellye will show even this model as a Time machine which looses nothing of the good tellyes ! ! !

Further Notes:
MonrifNet, Televisori Mivar: fine dei programmi il 30 novembre - Il Giorno - Legnano, su www.ilgiorno.it. URL consultato l'11 gennaio 2018.
^ “La mia Mivar chiude, l’affitto gratis a chi assume 1200 italiani”, in Fanpage. URL consultato l'11 gennaio 2018.
Amatori, Colli, p. 263.
B. Viganò, Mivar, fine della storia, in Job., n. 1, Job Network, febbraio-marzo 2014, pp. 18-21.
Carlo Vichi: Italiani! Ve la do io la tivù, in L'Espresso, 15 gennaio 2004, p. 63.
^ S. Biagini, MIVAR: tutto iniziò in via Tommei (PDF), in Quattro. Giornale di informazione e cultura della Zona 4 Vittoria Forlanini, n. 85, Associazione culturale Quattro, maggio 2007, p. 7.
G. Villani, Una intervista con Carlo Vichi: la MIVAR, in La Scala Parlante, n. 1, AIRE, gennaio 2020, pp. 15-19.
Blog | Carlo Vichi, la Mivar e la dura vita di un imprenditore-contro, su Il Fatto Quotidiano, 17 ottobre 2013. URL consultato il 24 novembre 2021.
Giovanna Chiodini, Abbiategrasso, signore & signora Mivar: 75 anni da fiaba, in Il Giorno.it, 13 aprile 2019. URL consultato il 6 marzo 2021.
^ Redazione, L'appello di Carlo Vichi: "Samsung, ti do la Mivar se produci le tv in Lombardia", in Il Giorno.it, 11 marzo 2017. URL consultato il 7 marzo 2021.
^ Fausta Chiesa, Carlo Vichi, morto il re dei televisori italiani Mivar di Abbiategrasso: aveva 98 anni, su corriere.it, 20 settembre 2021.
^ J. Piromallo, Mivar, Carlo Vichi: ‘Hitler è il mio eroe’, in Il Fatto Quotidiano.it, 20 marzo 2014. URL consultato il 7 marzo 2021.
^ Redazione, “Solo mister Samsung può salvare la mia Mivar”, in Ticino Notizie, 6 febbraio 2017. URL consultato il 7 marzo 2021.
^ Memento con una targa al monumentale ricorda i martiri fascisti di Milano. Lo sdegno dell'Anpi, in Fascinazione.info, 22 marzo 2019. URL consultato il 7 marzo 2021.
^ S. Garzillo, Milano, l’estrema destra al cimitero monumentale per il Centenario del fascismo, in Fan Page, 23 marzo 2019. URL consultato il 7 marzo.
- F. Amatori; A. Colli, Impresa e industria in Italia: dall'Unità a oggi, Venezia, Marsilio Editori, 1999, ISBN 88-317-7289-9.
- A. Andreani, 4 Novembre 2006: Visita alla Mivar in una data particolare, in Antique Radio Magazine, n. 78, Treviso, Mosè Edizioni, maggio-giugno 2007, pp. 6-13.
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