The chassis BLAUPUNKT FM100-30CN is a monocarrier with all functions fitted on it except for the Ucontroller and the local commands which are both on front side placed (see Photo).
Modular parts are the Video Unit and the Sound Unit, more units can be fitted such as teletext and stereo sound units and even Secam Decoder Unit.
The video Unit has a HYBRID IC Which is basically a TDA3301 MOTOROLA VIDEO COMBINATION.
On a ceramic substrat

1. A hybrid IC comprising:
a substrate including a front face, a back face opposite the front face, and side faces interposed between the front face and the back face which define an outer perimeter of the substrate;
at least one inductor formed on at least one of the front face and the back face of the substrate;
a semiconductor chip mounted on the front face of the substrate by flip-chip bonding;
at least one terminal formed in a predetermined portion of the side faces of the substrate,
wherein the semiconductor chip comprises a plurality of circuit elements provided therein, at least one of the plurality of circuit elements being an MIM capacitor having a metal-insulation film-metal (MIM) structure, the insulation film being composed of a highly dielectric material.
2. A hybrid IC according to claim 1 further comprising at least one matching circuit for matching an input signal to the circuit elements provided inside the semiconductor chip, the matching circuit comprising at least one inductor.
3. A hybrid IC according to claim 2, wherein a wiring pattern is formed of a single metal layer on both the front and back faces of the substrate, the wiring patterns on the respective front and back faces of the substrate being interconnected with each other via through holes, and the at least one inductor comprised in the matching circuit is formed in the wiring pattern on one of the respective front and back faces of the substrate.
4. A hybrid IC according to claim 2, wherein the matching circuit is constituted only by inductors and comprises at least one serial inductor and at least one parallel inductor.
5. A hybrid IC according to claim 4, wherein the parallel inductor comprised in the matching circuit is a spiral-type inductor, outermost wiring of the spiral-type inductor being grounded.
6. A hybrid IC according to claim 2, wherein the inductors comprised in the matching circuit are a spiral-type inductor or a meander-type inductor.
7. A hybrid IC according to claim 2, wherein the matching circuit comprises an inductor and a capacitor, the capacitor being formed inside the semiconductor chip.
8. A hybrid IC according to claim 7, wherein the inductor comprised in the matching circuit is a spiral-type inductor or a meander-type inductor.
9. A hybrid IC according to claim 1, wherein the at least one terminal includes at least an RF terminal functioning as an input terminal for an RF signal, an LO terminal functioning as an input terminal for an LO signal, an IF terminal functioning as an output terminal for an IF signal, a ground terminal, and a supply terminal.
Video Luminance and chrominance with TDA3301B (Motorola)

This device will accept a PAL or NTSC composite video signal and output the
three color signals, needing only a simple driver amplifier to interface to the pic-
ture tube. The provision of high bandwidth on-screen display inputs makes it
suitable for text display, TV games, cameras, etc. The TDA3301 B has user con»
trol laws, and also a phase shift control which operates in PAL, as well as NTSC.
0 Automatic Black Level Setup
0 Beam Current Limiting
0 Uses Inexpensive 4.43 MHZ to 3.58 MHz Crystal
0 No Oscillator Adjustment Required
0 Three OSD Inputs Plus Fast Blanking Input
0 Four DC, High Impedance User Controls
0 lnterlaces with TDA33030B SECAM Adaptor
0 Single 12 V Supply
0 Low Dissipation, Typically 600 mW
The brilliance control operates by adding a pedestal to the output
signals. The amplitude of the pedestal is controlled by Pin 30.
During CRT beam current sampling a standard pedestal is
substituted, its value being equivalent tothe value given by V30 Nom
Brightness at black level with V30 Nom is given by the sum of three gun
currents at the sampling level, i.e. 3x20 |.1A with 100 k reference
resistors on Pins 16, 19, and 22.
During picture blanking the brilliance pedestal is zero; therefore, the
output voltage during blanking is always the minimum brilliance black
level (Note: Signal channels are also gain blanked).
Chrominance Decoder
The chrominance decoder section of the TDA3301 B
consists of the following blocks:

Phase-locked 90 degree servo loop;
U and V axis decoders
ACC detector and identification detector; .
Identification circuits and PAL bistable; .
Color difference filters and matrixes with fast blanking
The major design considerations apart from optimum
performance were:
o A minimum number of factory adjustments,
o A minimum number of external components,
0 Compatibility with SECAM adapter TDA3030B,
0 Low dissipation,
0 Use of a standard 4.433618 Mhz crystal rather
than a 2.0 fc crystal with a divider.
The crystal VCO is of the phase shift variety in which the
frequency is controlled by varying the phase of the feedback.
A great deal of care was taken to ensure that the oscillator loop
gain and the crystal loading impedance were held constant in
order to ensure that the circuit functions well with low grade
crystal (crystals having high magnitude spurious responses
can cause bad phase jitter). lt is also necessary to ensure that
the gain at third harmonic is low enough to ensure absence of
oscillation at this frequency.
It can be seen that the
necessary 1 45°C phase shift is obtained by variable addition
ol two currents I1 and I2 which are then fed into the load
resistance of the crystal tuned circuit R1. Feedback is taken
from the crystal load capacitance which gives a voltage of VF
lagging the crystal current by 90°.
The RC network in the T1 collector causes I1 to lag the
collector current of T1 by 45°.
For SECAM operation, the currents I1 and I2 are added
together in a fixed ratio giving a frequency close to nominal.
When decoding PAL there are two departures from normal
chroma reference regeneration practice:
a) The loop is locked to the burst entering from the PAL
delay line matrix U channel and hence there is no
alternating component. A small improvement in signal
noise ratio is gained but more important is that the loop
filter is not compromised by the 7.8 kHz component
normally required at this point for PAL identification
b) The H/2 switching of the oscillator phase is carried out
before the phase detector. This implies any error signal
from the phase detector is a signal at 7.8 kHz and not dc.
A commutator at the phase detector output also driven
from the PAL bistable coverts this ac signal to a dc prior
to the loop filter. The purpose ot this is that constant
offsets in the phase detector are converted by the
commutator to a signal at 7.8 kHz which is integrated to
zero and does not give a phase error.
When used for decoding NTSC the bistable is inhibited, and
slightly less accurate phasing is achieved; however, as a hue
control is used on NTSC this cannot be considered to be a
serious disadvantage.
90° Reference Generation
To generate the U axis reference a variable all-pass network
is utilized in a servo loop. The output of the all-pass network
is compared with the oscillator output with a phase detector of
which the output is filtered and corrects the operating point of
the variable all»pass network .
As with the reference loop the oscillator signal is taken after
the H/2 phase switch and a commutator inserted before the
filter so that constant phase detector errors are cancelled.
For SECAM operation the loop filter is grounded causing
near zero phase shift so that the two synchronous detectors
work in phase and not in quadralure.
The use of a 4.4 MHz oscillator and a servo loop to generate
the required 90° reference signal allows the use of a standard,
high volume, low cost crystal and gives an extremely accurate
90° which may be easily switched to 0° for decoding AM
SECAM generated by the TDA3030B adapter.
ACC and Identification Detectors
During burst gate time the output components of the U and
also the V demodulators are steered into PNP emitters. One
collector current of each PNP pair is mirrored and balanced
against its twin giving push-pull current sources for driving the
ACC and the identification filter capacitors.
The identification detector is given an internal offset by
making the NPN current mirror emitter resistors unequal. The
resistors are offset by 5% such that the identification detector
pulls up on its filter capacitor with zero signal.
See Figure 11 for definitions.
Monochrome I1 > I2
PAL ldent. OK I1 < lg
PAL ldent_ X l1 > I2
NTSC I3 > I2
Only for correctly identified PAL signal is the capacitor
voltage held low since I2 is then greater than I1.
For monochrome and incorrectly identified PAL signals l1>l2
hence voltage VC rises with each burst gate pulse.
When V,ef1 is exceeded by 0.7 V Latch 1 is made to conduct
which increases the rate of voltage rise on C. Maximum
current is limited by R1.
When Vref2

conduct until C is completely discharged and the current drops
to a value insufficient to hold on Latch 2.
As Latch 2 turns on Latch 1 must turn off.
Latch 2 turning on gives extra trigger pulse to bistable to
correct identification.
The inhibit line on Latch 2 restricts its conduction to alternate
lines as controlled by the bistable. This function allows the
SECAM switching line to inhibit the bistable operation by firing
Latch 2 in the correct phase for SECAM. For NTSC, Latch 2
is fired by a current injected on Pin 6.
lf the voltage on C is greater than 1.4 V, then the saturation
is held down. Only for SECAM/NTSC with Latch 2 on, or
correctly identified PAL, can the saturation control be
anywhere but minimum.
NTSC Switch
NTSC operation is selected when current (I3) is injected into
Pin 6. On the TDA33O1 B this current must be derived
externally by connecting Pin 6 to +12 V via a 27 k resistor (as
on TDA33OOB). For normal PAL operation Pin 40 should be
connected to +12 V and Pin 6 to the filter capacitor.
4 Color Difference Matrixing, Color Killing,
and Chroma Blanking
During picture time the two demodulators feed simple RC
filters with emitter follower outputs. Color killing and blanking
is performed by lifting these outputs to a voltage above the
maximum value that the color difference signal could supply.
The color difference matrixing is performed by two
differential amplifiers, each with one side split to give the
correct values of the -(B-Y) and -(Ft-Y) signals. These are
added to give the (G-Y) signal.
The three color difference signals are then taken to the
virtual grounds of the video output stages together with
luminance signal.
Sandcastle Selection
The TDA3301B may be used with a two level sandcastle
and a separate frame pulse to Pin 28, or with only a three level
(super) sandcastle. In the latter case, a resistor of 1.0 MQ is
necessary from + 12 V to Pin 28 and a 70 pF capacitor from
Pin 28 to ground.
Timing Counter for Sample Control
In order to control beam current sampling at the beginning
of each frame scan, two edge triggered flip-flops are used.
The output K ofthe first flip-flop A is used to clock the second
tlip-flop B. Clocking of A by the burst gate is inhibited by a count
of A.B.
The count sequence can only be initiated by the trailing
edge of the

Luma/Chroma blanking
Beam current sampling
On-screen display blanking
Brilliance control
The appropriate flip-flop outputs ar matrixed with sandcastle
and frame signals by an emitter-follower matrix.
Video Output Sections
Each video output stage consists of a feedback amplifier in A further drive current is used to control the DC operating
which the input signal is a current drive to the virtual earth from point; this is derived from the sample and hold stage which
the luminance, color difference and on-screen display stages. samples the beam current after frame flyback.
Supply is based on TDA4600 (SIEMENS).
BLAUPUNKT ALABAMA MP45 COLOR CHASSIS FM100-30CN Power supply Description based on TDA4601d (SIEMENS)

TDA4601 Operation. * The TDA4601 device is a single in line, 9 pin chip. Its predecessor was the TDA4600 device, the TDA4601 however has improved switching, better protection and cooler running. The (SIEMENS) TDA4601 power supply is a fairly standard parallel chopper switch mode type, which operates on the same basic principle as a line output stage. It is turned on and off by a square wave drive pulse, when switched on energy is stored in the chopper transformer primary winding in the form of a magnetic flux; when the chopper is turned off the magnetic flux collapses, causing a large back emf to be produced. At the secondary side of the chopper transformer this is rectified and smoothed for H.T. supply purposes. The advantage of this type of supply is that the high chopping frequency (20 to 70 KHz according to load) allows the use of relatively small H.T. smoothing capacitors making smoothing easier. Also should the chopper device go short circuit there is no H.T. output. In order to start up the TDA4601 I.C. an initial supply of 9v is required at pin 9, this voltage is sourced via R818 and D805 from the AC side of the bridge rectifier D801, also pin 5 requires a +Ve bias for the internal logic block. (On some sets pin 5 is used for standby switching). Once the power supply is up and running, the voltage on pin 9 is increased to 16v and maintained at this level by D807 and C820 acting as a half wave rectifier and smoothing circuit. PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin 1 This is a 4v reference produced within the I.C. Pin 2 This pin detects the exact point at which energy stored in the chopper transformer collapses to zero via R824 and R825, and allows Q1 to deliver drive volts to the chopper transistor. It also opens the switch at pin 4 allowing the external capacitor C813 to charge from its external feed resistor R810. Pin 3 H.T. control/feedback via photo coupler D830. The voltage at this pin controls the on time of the chopper transistor and hence the output voltage. Normally it runs at Approximately 2v and regulates H.T. by sensing a proportion of the +4v reference at pin 1, offset by conduction of the photo coupler D830 which acts like a variable resistor. An increase in the conduction of transistor D830 and therefor a reduction of its resistance will cause a corresponding reduction of the positive voltage at Pin 3. A decrease in this voltage will result in a shorter on time for the chopper transistor and therefor a lowering of the output voltage and vice versa, oscillation frequency also varies according to load, the higher the load the lower the frequency etc. should the voltage at pin 3 exceed 2.3v an internal flip flop is triggered causing the chopper drive mark space ratio to extend to 244 (off time) to 1 (on time), the chip is now in over volts trip condition. Pin 4 At this pin a sawtooth waveform is generated which simulates chopper current, it is produced by a time constant network R810 and C813. C813 charges when the chopper is on and is discharged when the chopper is off, by an internal switch strapping pin 4 to the internal +2v reference, see Fig 2. The amplitude of the ramp is proportional to chopper drive. In an overload condition it reaches 4v amplitude at which point chopper drive is reduced to a mark-space ratio of 13 to 1, the chip is then in over current trip. The I.C. can easily withstand a s

Semiconductor circuit for supplying power to electrical equipment, comprising a transformer having a primary winding connected, via a parallel connection of a collector-emitter path of a transistor with a first capacitor, to both outputs of a rectifier circuit supplied, in turn, by a line a-c voltage; said transistor having a base controlled via a second capacitor by an output of a control circuit acted upon, in turn by the rectified a-c line voltage as actual value and by a reference voltage; said transformer having a first secondary winding to which the electrical equipment to be supplied is connected; said transformer having a second secondary winding with one terminal thereof connected to the emitter of said transistor and the other terminal thereof connected to an anode of a first diode leading to said control circuit; said transformer having a third secondary winding with one terminal thereof connected, on the one hand, via a series connection of a third capacitor with a first resistance, to the other terminal of said third secondary winding and connected, on the other hand, to the emitter of said transistor, the collector of which is connected to said primary winding; a point between said third capacitor and said first resistance being connected to the cathode of a second diode; said control circuit having nine terminals including a first terminal delivering a reference voltage and connected, via a voltage divider formed of a third and fourth series-connected resistances, to the anode of said second diode; a second terminal of said control circuit serving for zero-crossing identification being connected via a fifth resistance to said cathode of said second diode; a third terminal of said control-circuit serving as actual value input being directly connected to a divider point of said voltage divider forming said connection of said first terminal of said control circuit to said anode of said second diode; a fourth terminal of said control circuit delivering a sawtooth voltage being connected via a sixth resistance to a terminal of said primary winding of said transformer facing away from said transistor; a fifth terminal of said control circuit serving as a protective input being connected, via a seventh resistance to the cathode of said first diode and, through the intermediary of said seventh resistance and an eighth resistance, to the cathode of a third diode having an anode connected to an input of said rectifier circuit; a sixth terminal of said control circuit carrying said reference potential and being connected via a fourth capacitor to said fourth terminal of said control circuit and via a fifth capacitor to the anode of said second diode; a seventh terminal of said control circuit establishing a potential for pulses controlling said transistor being connected directly and an eighth terminal of said control circuit effecting pulse control of the base of said transistor being connected through the intermediary of a ninth resistance to said first capacitor leading to the base of said transistor; and a ninth terminal of said control circuit serving as a power supply input of said control circuit being connected both to the cathode of said first diode as well as via the intermediary of a sixth capacitor to a terminal of said second secondary winding as well as to a terminal of said third secondary winding.

Such a blocking oscillator switching power supply is described in the German periodical, "Funkschau" (1975) No. 5, pages 40 to 44. It is well known that the purpose of such a circuit is to supply electronic equipment, for example, a television set, with stabilized and controlled supply voltages. Essential for such switching power supply is a power switching transistor i.e. a bipolar transistor with high switching speed and high reverse voltage. This transistor therefore constitutes an important component of the control element of the control circuit. Furthermore, a high operating frequency and a transformer intended for a high operating frequency are provided, because generally, a thorough separation of the equipment to be supplied from the supply naturally is desired. Such switching power supplies may be constructed either for synchronized or externally controlled operation or for non-synchronized or free-running operation. A blocking converter is understood to be a switching power supply in which power is delivered to the equipment to be supplied only if the switching transistor establishing the connection between the primary coil of the transformer and the rectified a-c voltage is cut off. The power delivered by the line rectifier to the primary coil of the transformer while the switching transistor is open, is interim-stored in the transformer and then delivered to the consumer on the secondary side of the transformer with the switching transistor cut off.
In the blocking converter described in the aforementioned reference in the literature, "Funkschau" (1975), No. 5, Pages 40 to 44, the power switching transistor is connected in the manner defined in the introduction to this application. In addition, a so-called starting circuit is provided. Because several diodes are generally provided in the overall circuit of a blocking oscillator according to the definition provided in the introduction hereto, it is necessary, in order not to damage these diodes, that due to the collector peak current in the case of a short circuit, no excessive stress of these diodes and possibly existing further sensitive circuit parts can occur.
Considering the operation of a blocking oscillator, this means that, in the event of a short circuit, the number of collector current pulses per unit time must be reduced. For this purpose, a control and regulating circuit is provided. Simultaneously, a starting circuit must bring the blocking converter back to normal operation when the equipment is switched on, and after disturbances, for example, in the event of a short circuit. The starting circuit shown in the literature reference "Funkschau" on Page 42 thereof, differs to some extent already from the conventional d-c starting circuits. It is commonly known for all heretofore known blocking oscillator circuits, however, that a thyristor or an equivalent circuit replacing the thyristor is essential for the operation of the control circuit.
It is accordingly an object of the invention to provide another starting circuit. It is a further object of the invention to provide a possible circuit for the control circuit which is particularly well suited for this purpose. It is yet another object of the invention to provide such a power supply which is assured of operation over the entire range of line voltages from 90 to 270 V a-c, while the secondary voltages and secondary load variations between no-load and short circuit are largely constant.

In accordance with another feature of the invention, there is provided a second bipolar transistor having the same conduction type as that of the first bipolar transistor and connected in the starting circuit with the base thereof connected to a cathode of a semiconductor diode, the semiconductor diode having an anode connected to the emitter of the first bipolar transistor, the second bipolar transistor having a collector connected via a resistor to a cathode of the first diode in the starting circuit, and having an emitter connected to the input serving to supply power to the control circuit and also connected to the cathode of the second diode which is connected to the other secondary winding of the transformer.
In accordance with a further feature of the invention, the base of the second bipolar transistor is connected to a resistor and via the latter to one pole of a first capacitor, the anode of the first diode being connected to the other pole of the first capacitor.
In accordance with an added feature of the invention, the input serving to supply power to the control circuit is connected via a second capacitor to an output of a line rectifier, the output of the line rectifier being directly connected to the emitter of the first bipolar transistor.
In accordance with an additional feature of the invention, the other secondary winding is connected at one end to the emitter of the first bipolar transistor and to a pole of a third capacitor, the third capacitor having another pole connected, on the one hand, via a resistor, to the other end of the other secondary winding and, on the other hand, to a cathode of a third diode, the third diode having an anode connected via a potentiometer to an actual value input of the control circuit and, via a fourth capacitor, to the emitter of the first bipolar transistor.
In accordance with yet another feature of the invention, the control circuit has a control output connected via a fifth capacitor to the base of the first bipolar transistor for conducting to the latter control pulses generated in the control circuit.
In accordance with a concomitant feature of the invention, there is provided a sixth capacitor shunting the emitter-collector path of the first transistor.
Other features which are considered as characteristic for the invention are set forth in the appended claim.
Although the invention is illustrated and described herein as embodied in a blocking oscillator type switching power supply, it is nevertheless not intended to be limited to the details shown, since various modifications and structural changes may be made therein without departing from the spirit of the invention and within the scope and range of equivalents of the claims.
MC144111 6–bit D/A converters
The MC144110 and MC144111 are low–cost 6–bit D/A converters with serial
interface ports to provide communication with CMOS microprocessors and
microcomputers. The MC144110 contains six static D/A converters; the
MC144111 contains four converters.
Due to a unique feature of these DACs, the user is permitted easy scaling of
the analog outputs of a system. Over a 5 to 15 V supply range, these DACs may
be directly interfaced to CMOS MPUs operating at 5 V.
• Direct R–2R Network Outputs
• Buffered Emitter–Follower Outputs
• Serial Data Input
• Digital Data Output Facilitates Cascading
• Direct Interface to CMOS mP
• Wide Operating Voltage Range: 4.5 to 15 V
• Wide Operating Temperature Range: 0 to 85°C

BLAUPUNKT ALABAMA MP45 COLOR CHASSIS FM100-30CN Description of the EHT FLYBACK Transformer used in Blaupunkt CHASSIS types.
High-voltage-secondary transformer, particularly television line transformer:
To decrease the internal resistance of a tr

a primary winding (5) and a secondary winding (7a, 7b, 7c) in which the secondary winding is subdivided into a plurality of windings sections (7a-7b-7c), and a plurality of rectifier diodes (10) connecting said secondary winding sections together,
wherein, in accordance with the invention,
the secondary winding sections (7a, 7b, 7c) are physically positioned with respect to the primary winding to form spatially separated winding sections, each having individual inductance and capacity values and with respect to the primary, and each other, said positioning on the primary winding being effected to result in current flow in the respective sections (7a, 7b, 7c) of the secondary at respectively different instants of time.
2. Transformer according to claim 1, wherein the secondary winding sections are tuned to a harmonic of the frequency of the signal applied to the primary winding (5).
3. Transformer according to claim 2, wherein the respective winding sections (7a, 7b, 7c) of the secondary are tuned to the primary (5) by matching the primary winding to the secondary in the region of the respective secondary winding section.
4. Transformer according to claim 3, wherein the distance between the inner dimension of the primary winding and the inner dimension of the secondary winding is constant throughout the length of a winding section.
5. Transformer according to claim 4, wherein said distance is constant throughout the length of all the winding sections.

comprising a housing being formed with a first portion receiving said primary winding (5) and said secondary winding sections (7a, 7b, 7c) and a resistor chamber portion defining a chamber (16) in which said resistor (R) is located, said resistor chamber portion being separated from the portion retaining said windings by an air gap (15).
7. Transformer according to claim 3, for use as a television high-voltage transformer further comprising a resistor (R) connected to one of the secondary winding sections to provide a bleeder voltage for focussing of an image tube of a television apparatus,
comprising a housing being formed with a first portion receiving said primary winding (5) and said secondary winding sections (7a, 7b, 7c) and a resistor chamber portion defining a chamber (16) in which said resistor (R) is located, said resistor chamber portion being separated from the portion retaining said windings by an air gap (15).

Television line transformers frequently have divided secondaries, that is, secondaries which are subdivided into sections, connected by rectifier diodes. These transformers, particularly when used as line transformers in TV apparatus, are supplied at the primary with signals of line frequency, and then provide the anode voltage for the TV electron gun, image tube at the secondary. Line transformers in which the secondaries are subdivided and connected by diodes are referred to as "diode-split" transformers. The voltages induced in the partial secondary windings or winding sections add in the form of a voltage doubler or voltage multiplier until the desired high voltage is reached. The stray or leakage capacitances within the transformer and particularly the stray capacitances of the partial windings with respect to a reference voltage act as intermediate storage capacities for the portions of the voltages which are being added.
Transformers of this type have a disadvantage in that they have poor regulation. As a voltage source, they have a comparatively high inherent or internal resistance. Changes in loading which may occur thus lead to changes in output voltage. Applied to a TV system, instability of the format of the resulting image may occur. Changes in loading often are the consequence of changes in beam current.
It is an object to provide a transformer, particularly suitable as a line transformer, which has a suitable low internal resistance so that the output power obtained therefrom will be at a voltage which is essentially constant and independent of variations in loading experienced in ordinary television sets, without the necessity of complex circuitry.
Briefly, a transformer of the diode-split type is so constructed that the secondary winding sections are matched to each other and to the frequency of operation of the transformer that the current in the respective section flows at respectively differently instants of time. In a preferred form, the winding sections, on the average, are tuned to a harmonic of the frequency of the signals applied to the primary. Tuning of the various winding sections can be effected by matching the configuration or winding arrangement or number of turns of the respective sections to the primary within the range of the inductive coupling between the primary and the particular section of the secondary. In accordance with a preferred feature, the primary is located within the secondary, and the distance between the inner winding portion of the coil of the primary and the inner winding portion of the coil forming the secondary is essentially constant over the entire width of the windings.

The transformer construction in accordance with the present invention, when used as a line transformer in a TV set provides for a more stable picture since it has substantially improved regulation with respect to prior art transformers by having an inherent or inner resistance which is less than that of previously used units. Tuning of the sections of the secondary winding is simple by matching the configuration of the primary winding to the configuration of the secondary sections, which is easier to accomplish in manufacture than if the secondary is matched to the primary.
Drawings, illustrating an example, wherein:

The transformer is a "diode-split" transformer, the principle of which is known. The transformer 1 is located within a plastic, typically injection-molded plastic, housing 2 which receives a potting compound 3 after the transformer is assembled within the housing. In FIG. 1, the front wall of the housing has been removed. The housing 2 receives, or inherently forms, a coil form 4 for the primary winding 5 of the transformer. The coil form 4 may be part of the housing structure, that is, molded integrally therewith, the coil 5 being wound initially as a coreless or formless structure so that it can be slipped directly over the form 4 which, as best seen from FIG. 2, is essentially a cylinder open at one end. A different type of housing can be used, however, in which the coil form 4 does not form an intergral, molded part, but rather is inserted as a separate form or winding body for the primary.
A coil carrier 6 is located on the primary 5 to receive the secondary of the transformer 1. In accordance with a feature of the invention, the secondary winding is wound in three sections 7a, 7b, 7c, which subdivide the secondary. The secondary winding sections 7a, 7b, 7c are each located in three winding chambers 6a, 6b, 6c of the form 6. The winding chambers 6a, 6b, 6c each have five winding grooves 8 in which the winding sections 7a, 7b, 7c each are uniformly distributed. These winding grooves 8 may, however, be non-uniformly distributed if it is desired to effect matching of the tuning of the winding sections to the primary by this distribution; in a preferred form, however, the distribution of the grooves 8 is uniform. The result of this subdivision of the windings into sections 7a, 7b, 7c, physically separated, i.e. axially spaced from each other

Holders 9 are located above each one of the winding chambers 6a, 6b, 6c, as best seen in

The housing is formed with a separately arranged chamber 16, separated from the remainder of the transformer by an air gap 15. A ceramic plate 17 on which a resistor R, applied by hybrid technology is located, is positioned in the chamber 16. Thus resistor, forming a bleeder resistor, can be used to generate the focussing voltage for the image tube of the TV set for which the transformer is particularly suitable by connection to a tap point on one of the winding sections 7a, 7b, 7c, by a suitable connection, not shown for simplicity.
The average tuning frequency of the winding sections 7a, 7b, 7c is tuned to a harmonic of the frequency of the signal applied to the primary. The respective winding sections 7a, 7b, 7c are tuned by matching the primary winding to the secondary in the region of inductive coupling of the primary to the respective section of the secondary. The inner diameter of the form 4 for the primary winding and the inner diameter of the secondary winding form or holder 6 are concentric and equidistant throughout at least the length of one of the winding sections, and preferably uniform throughout their entire length.
The transformer will form a voltage source of low internal resistance and thus can be used without additional circuitry or without increasing the size of the transformer. Miniaturization of the transformer is thus possible which is particularly important in modern television equipment.

The potting compound 3 can be filled into the transformer after assembly; the resistor secured to the ceramic plate 17 is connected before potting to a tap

In an operating example, a transformer designed for 625 lines, 50 frames (PAL standard) was wound with a diameter of the bottom 4 of 22.5 mm, having 110 turns of 0.31 mm wire to form the primary; over this form, a secondary with an inner winding diameter for the winding sections 7a, 7b, 7c, of 24.1 mm was placed; the secondary was composed of 2910 turns of 0.071 mm wire, having each three sections of 5 grooves, interconnected by diodes.
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