Richtige Fernseher haben Röhren!

Richtige Fernseher haben Röhren!

In Brief: On this site you will find pictures and information about some of the electronic, electrical and electrotechnical Obsolete technology relics that the Frank Sharp Private museum has accumulated over the years .
Premise: There are lots of vintage electrical and electronic items that have not survived well or even completely disappeared and forgotten.

Or are not being collected nowadays in proportion to their significance or prevalence in their heyday, this is bad and the main part of the death land. The heavy, ugly sarcophagus; models with few endearing qualities, devices that have some over-riding disadvantage to ownership such as heavy weight,toxicity or inflated value when dismantled, tend to be under-represented by all but the most comprehensive collections and museums. They get relegated to the bottom of the wants list, derided as 'more trouble than they are worth', or just forgotten entirely. As a result, I started to notice gaps in the current representation of the history of electronic and electrical technology to the interested member of the public.

Following this idea around a bit, convinced me that a collection of the peculiar alone could not hope to survive on its own merits, but a museum that gave equal display space to the popular and the unpopular, would bring things to the attention of the average person that he has previously passed by or been shielded from. It's a matter of culture. From this, the Obsolete Technology Tellye Web Museum concept developed and all my other things too. It's an open platform for all electrical Electronic TV technology to have its few, but NOT last, moments of fame in a working, hand-on environment. We'll never own Colossus or Faraday's first transformer, but I can show things that you can't see at the Science Museum, and let you play with things that the Smithsonian can't allow people to touch, because my remit is different.

There was a society once that was the polar opposite of our disposable, junk society. A whole nation was built on the idea of placing quality before quantity in all things. The goal was not “more and newer,” but “better and higher" .This attitude was reflected not only in the manufacturing of material goods, but also in the realms of art and architecture, as well as in the social fabric of everyday life. The goal was for each new cohort of children to stand on a higher level than the preceding cohort: they were to be healthier, stronger, more intelligent, and more vibrant in every way.

The society that prioritized human, social and material quality is a Winner. Truly, it is the high point of all Western civilization. Consequently, its defeat meant the defeat of civilization itself.

Today, the West is headed for the abyss. For the ultimate fate of our disposable society is for that society itself to be disposed of. And this will happen sooner, rather than later.

OLD, but ORIGINAL, Well made, Funny, Not remotely controlled............. and not Made in CHINA.

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Every CRT Television saved let revive knowledge, thoughts, moments of the past life which will never return again.........

Many contemporary "televisions" (more correctly named as displays) would not have this level of staying power, many would ware out or require major services within just five years or less and of course, there is that perennial bug bear of planned obsolescence where components are deliberately designed to fail and, or manufactured with limited edition specificities..... and without considering........picture......sound........quality........
..............The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of todays funny gadgets low price has faded from memory........ . . . . . .....
Don't forget the past, the end of the world is upon us! Pretty soon it will all turn to dust!

Have big FUN ! !
©2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Frank Sharp - You do not have permission to copy photos and words from this blog, and any content may be never used it for auctions or commercial purposes, however feel free to post anything you see here with a courtesy link back, btw a link to the original post here , is mandatory.
All sets and apparates appearing here are property of Engineer Frank Sharp. NOTHING HERE IS FOR SALE !
All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within Fair Use.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


- Video-Endstufe 75 236 013 00 (Video Final stage)

- Ton Modul 75236 012 00 (Sound Unit) TDA1035

Der TDA1035 ist eine monolithisch integrierte Schaltung. die alle Stufen
für den Tonkanal eines Fernsehempfängers enthält. Er ist geeignet für
netz- und batteriebetriebene Empfänger und ist eingebaut in ein Kunststoffgehäuse ähnlich T0-116 mit 13 Anschlüssen. Diese sind so geformt und angeordnet. daB die automatische Bestückung von Printplatten leicht durchzuführen ist. Die beiderseits aus dem Gehäuse herausragenden Kühifahnen sind ohne zusätzliche Kühlung ausreichend groß tür etwa 2W Ausgangsleistung. Werden die Kühifahnen zusätzlich gekühlt, z. B. dadurch. daB man sie in eine ausreichend große kuplerkaschierte Fläche
der Prlntplatte einlötet. so sind bis zu 4 W Ausgangsleistung erreichbar.

Der TDA1035 benötigt. wie aus den Bildern 2 bis 4 hervorgeht, nur weni-
ge externe Bauelemente. Er besteht aus einem begrenzenden ZF-Ver-
stärker. einem Kolnzidenz-Demodulator, einer Schaltung zur elektroni-
schen Lautstärkeelnstellung und einem kompletten NF-Verstärker mit
Vorverstärker, Treiber und Endstufe in Seriengegentakt-schaitung. Der
ZF-Teil hat gute Begrenzereigenschaften und eine hohe AM-Unterdrük-
kung. Der Koinzldenz-Demodulator liefert ein NF-Signai mit geringem
Klirriaklor. Für einen Anschluß an Videorecorder hat der TDA 1035 einen
direkten Demoduiatorausgang, der von der elektronischen Lautstärke-
einsteliung unbeeiniIuBt bleibt.

Für die Ansteuerung durch den NF-Ausgang eines Videorecorders oder
anderer NF-Signeiqueiien hat der TDA1D35 einen NF-Eingang, der von
der elektronischen Lautstärkeeinstellung beeinilußt wird. Durch eine
Schaitspannung kann der HF-Teii ausgeschaltet werden.

Der Endverstärker ist gegen thermische Überlastung geschützt. Bei etwa
150°C Krislailtemperatur wird die NF-Spannung am Treibertransistor

- V.-Ablenk-Modul 75236 019 00 (Frame deflection unit) TDA1170

- Synchron-Regel-Modul 75236 015 00 (Synch and regulation stage unit) TBA920

- H.-Ablenk-Modul 75236 017 00 (Line deflection Output Unit)

TDA1170 vertical deflection FRAME DEFLECTION INTEGRATED CIRCUITGENERAL DESCRIPTION f The TDA1170 and TDA1270 are monolithic integrated
circuits designed for use in TV vertical deflection systems. They are manufactured using
the Fairchild Planar* process.
Both devices are supplied in the 12-pin plastic power package with the heat sink fins bent
for insertion into the printed circuit board.
The TDA1170 is designed primarily for large and small screen black and white TV
receivers and industrial TV monitors. The TDA1270 is designed primarily for driving
complementary vertical deflection output stages in color TV receivers and industrial
The vertical oscillator is directly synchronized by the sync pulses (positive or negative); therefore its free
running frequency must be lower than the sync frequency. The use of current feedback causes the yoke
current to be independent of yoke resistance variations due to thermal effects, Therefore no thermistor is
required in series with the yoke. The flyback generator applies a voltage, about twice the supply voltage, to
the yoke. This produces a short flyback time together with a high useful power to dissipated power

TBA920 line oscillator combination
The line oscillator combination TBA920 is a monolithic
integrated circuit intended for the horizontal deflection of the black and white
and colour TV sets
picture tube.


 THE TBA920 SYNC/TIMEBASE IC It has been quite common for some time for sync separation to be carried out in an i.c. but until 1971 this was as far as i.c.s had gone in television receiver timebase circuitry. With the recent introduction of the delta featured 110°  colour series however i.c.s have gone a step farther since this chassis uses a TBA920 as sync separator and line generator. A block diagram of this PHILIPS /Mullard  i.c. is shown in Fig. 1.
The video signal at about 2-7V peak -peak is fed to the sync separator section at pin 8, the composite sync waveform appearing at pin 7.
The noise gate switches off the sync separator when a positive -going input pulse is fed in at pin 9, an external noise limiter circuit being required .
The line sync pulses are shaped by R1 /C1 /C2/R2 and fed in to the oscillator phase detector section at pin 6.
The line oscillator waveform is fed internally to the oscillator phase detector circuit which produces at pin 12 a d.c. potential which is used to lock the line oscillator to the sync pulse frequency, the control potential being fed in at pin 15. The oscillator itself is a CR type whose waveform is produced by the charge and discharge of the external capacitor (C7) connected to pin 14. The oscillator frequency is set basically by C7 and R6 and can be varied by the control potential appearing at pin 15 from pin 12 and the external line hold control. Internally the line oscillator feeds a triangular waveform to the oscillator and flyback phase detector sections and the pulse width control section. The coincidence detector section is used to set the time constant of the oscillator phase detector circuit. It is fed internally with sync pulses from the sync separator section, and with line flyback pulses via pin 5. When the flyback pulses are out of phase with the sync pulses the impedance looking into pin 11 is high (21(Q). When the pulses are coincident the impedance falls to about 150Q and the oscillator phase detector circuit is then slow acting. The effect of this is to give fast pull -in when the pulses are out of sync and good noise immunity when they are in sync. The coincidence detector is controlled by the voltage on pin 10. When the sync and flyback pulses are in sync C3 is charged: when they are out of sync C3 discharges via R3. VTR use has been taken into consideration here. With a video recorder it is necessary to be able to follow the sync pulse phase variations that occur as a result of wow and flutter in the tape transport system, while noise is much less of a problem. For use with a VTR therefore the network on pin 10 can simply be left out so that the oscillator phase detector circuit is always fast acting. A second control loop is used to adjust the timing of the pulse output obtained from pin 2 to take into account the delay in the line output stage. The fly back phase detector compares the frequency of the flyback pulses fed in at pin 5 with the oscillator signal which has already been synchronised to the sync pulse frequency.
Any phase difference results in an output from pin 4 which is integrated and fed into the pulse width control section at pin 3. The potential at pin 3 sets the width of the output pulse obtained at pin 2: with a high positive voltage (via R11 and R12) at pin 3 a 1:1 mark -space ratio out- put pulse (32/us on, 32/us off) will be produced while a low potential at pin 3 (negative output at pin 4) will give a 16us output pulse at  the same frequency. The action of this control loop continues until the fly- back pulses are in phase with a fixed point on the oscillator waveform: the flyback pulses are then in phase with the sync pulses and delays in the line output stage are compensated. The output obtained at pin 2 is of low impedance and is suitable for driving valves, transistors or thyristors: R9 is necessary to provide current limiting.

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