- IF ZF-MONO-TP 29504-102.21
- FARB/RGB 29504-105.21
- ABLENKUNG 29504.007.25
Short Functional Description
The GRUNDIG line/power supply unit has two important features:
- the line/mains transformer (ZNT) with ferrite core.
This transformer is provided with windings for the power supply and line output stages:
- the supply frequency corresponds to the line frequency.
The ZNT is used for electrical isolation, horizontal deflection, and generation of the operating voltage. The ZNT windings are tightly and loosely coupled to ensure that the load capacity of the supplies is high enough and that back effects on the line transformer winding N-M are avoided.
Startup Circuit

The line/power supply circuit starts to oscillate.
Simultaneously, the current consumption drawn via pin 2 rises and the winding E-D of
the ZNT takes over the operating voltage supply function (D 647, R 647, C 647).
Oscillator in IC PHILIPS TDA3640 The control pulses for the T 661 are generated by an oscillator which operates on the threshold principle where C 653 is an externaly connected frequency-determining component (oscillator retaining range 14-17 kHz approx.). The oscillator oscillates at a free-run frequency until the reference pulses from the ZNT exceed 1 Vp at pin 12.
ln full operating condition (ON) avoltage of

Line 0utputStage
The deflection transistor T 521 is activated in stand-by mode. The cyclic line-frequency control of the deflection transistor corresponds to the “ON" operating mode.
The power for the horizontal sweep circuit is derived from the electromotive force of coil M-N that no additional operating voltage is necessary for T 521.
Voltage Stabil

ln stand-by mode the pulse from winding E-D (tightly coupled with winding A-B) is used as a reference for stahilisation. The controlled variation is +10.5 V on pin 2 TDA3640.
ln full operating condition, that is 'ON“. the voltage in the horizontal sweep circuit (transformer winding M-N) must be stabilised to a constant level. This is achieved by means of a reference pulse from winding C-D which is tightly coupled with winding M-N. The resulting direct voltage
obtained via D 633 is proportional to the width of the picture or high voltage and is applied to pin 10 and compared with the reference voltage (about 3 V) on pin 11. ln this part of the circuit the +C voltage is adjusted by means of R 637 to 196 V and 192Vf'or 25" receivers and 28" receivers.

The protective circuits respond immediately if:
- the operating voltage on pin 2 is too low (<7 V):
- ICE of T 521 is too high (more negative than -1 V at pin 7);
- the power supply voltage is too high (voltage at pin 18 is 2.8 V higher than at pin 2);
- the power supply voltage is too low (voltage at pin 18 is 1.4 V lower than at pin 2);
- the high voltage is excessivley high (line flyback pulses >6V at pin 12):
- the crystal temperature is too high (>135° C).
The inven

a horizontal output stage provided with a switching element which is coupled to a horizontal output transformer for generating at least one voltage, and
a drive circuit for generating a drive signal for switching the switching element, and provided with a duty cycle control circuit for modulating a duty cycle, of the drive signal during changes of state of the horizontal deflection circuit.
The invention also relates to a method of horizontally deflecting a cathode ray of a picture display tube, and to a picture display apparatus provided with the horizontal deflection circuit.
2. Description of the Related Art

During a described change of state from stand-by operation to normal operation, a duty cycle of the drive signal is controlled so as to continuously increase an on-time of the switching element from a small value to a nominal value. With such a variation of the duty cycle, the switching element is protected from a too large dissipation. However, a duty cycle modulation, as used in the combined circuit, does not provide the possibility of having a variation of voltages generated by the combined circuit during the change of state to satisfy various requirements imposed by different components that are coupled to the scan and fly-back voltages.

To this end, a first aspect of the invention provides a horizontal deflection circuit for a picture display apparatus, comprising a horizontal output stage provided with a switching element which is coupled to a horizontal output transformer for at least generating a voltage, and a drive circuit for generating a drive signal for switching the switching element, and provided with a duty cycle control circuit for modulating a duty cycle of the drive signal during changes of state of the horizontal deflection circuit, characterized in that the horizontal deflection circuit is provided with a feedback circuit having at least one feedback input which is coupled to an output of the horizontal output stage for receiving a DC signal which varie

An embodiment of the horizontal deflection circuit having the characterizing feature that the DC signal is related to at lea

An embodiment of the horizontal deflection circuit, with the characterizing feature that the DC signal s related to at le

The embodiment of the

An embodiment of the horizontal deflection circuit, with the characterizing feature that the feedback circuit is further provided with a threshold circuit arranged between the feedback input and the change detector means, provides the possibility of limiting the variation of a scan or fly-back voltage above a level determined by a threshold circuit at a fourth rate. This provides the advantage of obtaining an extra slow increase of the anode voltage above this level which is necessary for display tubes which are sensitive to flash-over during a rise of the anode voltage close to a final value.
GRUNDIG SUPER COLOR P37-242 CHASSIS CUC2401 Standby mode operation of a horizontal output stage combined with a switched-mode power supply unit. STANDBY-BETRIEB BEI EINER MIT EINEM SCHALTNETZTEIL KOMBINIERTEN HORIZONTALENDSTUFENSCHALTUNG:
1. Swi

1. Schaltnetzteil mit kombinierter Horizontalendstufenschaltung in Fernsehempf·angern, bei dem als galvanische Trennstelle zwischen Netz- und Chassisseite nur ein Transformator vorgesehen ist, dessen Prim·arwicklung mit mindestens einer weiteren Wicklung fest und den anderen Wicklungen, die fest aneinandergekoppelt sind, lose gekoppelt ist, wobei eine der fest miteinander verkoppelten Sekund·arwicklungen mit dem Ablenktransistor der Horizontalendstufe elektrisch verbunden ist, d a d u r c h g e k e n n z e i c h n e t , dass der Ablenktransistor (4) der Horizontalendstufe und der Regelkreis (2), der von einer lose an die Prim·arwicklung (n1) angekoppelten Sekund·arwicklung (n4) mit R·uckschlagimpulsen versorgt wird, zur Steuerung des Standby-Betriebes verwendet werden.
2. Schaltnetzteil nach Anspruch 1, d a d u r c h g e k e n n z e i c h n e t , dass der Ablenktransistor (4) der Horizontalendstufe zum Einschalten und/oder zum Wiedereinschalten des Normalbetriebes verwendet wird.
3. Schaltnetzteil nach Anspruch 1 oder 2, d a d u r c h g e k e n n z e i c h n e t , dass zum Einschalten des Standby-Betriebes der Ablenktransistor (4) leitend geschaltet, zum Aufrechterhalten des Standby-Betriebes leitend gehalten und zum Wiedereinschalten des Normalbetriebes gesperrt wird.
4. Schaltnetzteil nach einem oder mehreren der vorhergehenden Anspr·uche, d a d u r c h g e k e n n z e i c h n e t , dass der Regelkreis (2) bei einem Kurzschluss der Wicklung infolge einer sekund·arseitigen St·orung zur·uckgeregelt wird bzw. in den Standby-Betrieb umschaltet. EMI11.1
Ein solches Schaltnetzteil wurde von derselben Anmelderin in der deutschen Patentanmeldung P 32 10 908 vorgestellt. Dieses Schaltnetzteil zeichnet sich aus durch einen prim·arseitigen frei anlaufenden Regelkreis zur Steuerung des Hauptstromweges und einen Regelschalter, ·uber den die aus dem Netz gewonnene, ungeregelte Gleichspannung der Prim·arwicklung n1 des Transformators zugef·uhrt wird. In der lose an die Prim·arwidiung n1 gekoppelten Sekund·arwicklung n2 wird ein Strom induziert, der zum Anlauf und zur Versorgung der Horizontalendstufe vorgesehen ist.
In einer zweiten, fest an die Prim·arwicklung n1 angekoppelten Wicklung n3 wird die Niedervoltspannung f·ur die Horizontalansteuerung, die einen internen Treiber enth·alt, und die Kleinsignalstufen erzeugt. Weiterhin sind Sekund·arwicklungen vorgesehen, die fest an n2 gekoppelt sind und die Spannungen f·ur die kGB-Endstufen, Heizung, usw. erzeugen.

Belastungs·anderungen werden in der fest an n2 gekoppelten Wicklung n4 erfasst und ·uber eine Beeinflussung der Stromflusszeit des Hauptstromkreises ausgeregelt.
Die deutsche Anmeldung P 32 10 908 enth·alt jedoch keinen Hinweis auf einen Standby-Betrieb.
Weiterhin ist aus der DE-PS 24 58 302 ein Sperrwandler-Netzteil f·ur einen Fernsehempf·anger mit Ultraschall-Fernbedienung bekannt, der als Betriebszustand u. a. einen Bereitschaftsbetrieb aufweist. Bei dieser Schaltung sind der Fernsehempf·anger und der Ultraschallempf·anger an denselben Trenntransformator sekund·arseitig angeschlossen. Die Umschaltung zwischen Normalbetrieb und Bereitschaftsbetrieb wird auf der Sekund·arseite des Trenntransformators vorgenommen.
Bei dieser Schaltung ist jedoch ein zus·atzlicher Tr

Die Aufgabe der Erfindung besteht darin, bei einem Schaltnetzteil mit kombinierter Horizontal-Endstufenschaltung der im Oberbegriff des Anspruchs 1 angegebenen Art auf besonders einfache Art und Weise den Standby-Betrieb zu erm·oglichen.
Diese Aufgabe wird durch das Kennzeichen des Patentanpsruchs 1 gel·ost. Besonders vorteilhafte Weiterbildungen der Erfindung sind in den Unteranspr·uchen gekennzeichnet.
Dic Vorteile der Erfindung liegen insbesondere darin, dass als galvanische Trennstelle nur ein Transformator f·ur die Erzeugung der Betriebsspannung, der Hochspannung, der Horizontalablenkung und der Heizspannung n·otig ist und aufgrund der gew·ahlten Wicklungsanordnung mit Hilfe des Horizontal-Ablenktransistors und der prim·arseitigen Regelschaltung auf besonders einfache Art und Weise eine Steuerung des Standby-Betriebes durchgef·uhrt werden kann.
Ein weiterer Vorteil besteht darin, dass im Falle einer sekund·arseitigen St·orung automatisch der Standby-Betrieb herbeigef·uhrt wird.

Die Schaltung wird ·uber die Netzspannung UN mit nachgeschalteter Gleichrichterbr·ucke mit einer ungeregelten Gleichspannung versorgt und ist ·uber nur einen Transformator 1 vom Netz getrennt, wobei der Transformator die Stromversorgung f·ur das synchronisierte Schaltnetzteil sowie die Impuls- bzw. Hochspannungserzeugung ·ubernimmt. Wie durch die gestrichelte Linie zum Ausdruck kommt, ist die Netzseite v·ollig von der Schaltungsseite galvanisch getrennt.
In der Anlaufphase wird ·uber eine Startschaltung 7, die im einfachsten Fall aus einem hochohmigen Widerstand besteht, der Kondensator 11 aufgeladen. In dieser Phase gibt die Regelschaltung 2 keine Impulse an die Basis des Regelschalters 3 ab. Erst wenn die Spannung am Punkt A einen vorgegebenen Wert (z. B.
10 V) erreicht hat, wird ·uber eine regelschaltungsinterne Stabilisierungsschaltung die gesamte Schaltung in Betrieb genommen. Die Regelschaltung 2 liefert Impulse an die Basis des Regelschalters 3, tastet also den Regelschalter 3 auf. ueber den Regelschalter 3 fliesst somit ein pulsierender Strom in die Prim·arwicklung n1 des Transformators.
Die Wicklungen nl, n3 und n5 sind fest miteinander verkoppelt. Die Wicklungen n2, n4, n6 und n7 sind untereinander fest, aber lose an die vorgenannten Wicklungen nl, n3 und n5 gekoppelt. Ein Beispiel daf·ur, wie die genannten Kopplungsverh·altnisse erreicht werden k·onnen, zeigt die Figur 2.
Die Wicklu

Durch die zweite, fest an n1 und lose an n2 angekoppelte Sekund·arwicklung n3 wird die Niedervoltspannung f·ur die Kleinsignalstufen und die NF-Stufe und den Horizontaloszillator bzw. die Treiberschaltung 13 der Horizontalendstufe 14 gewonnen, und damit die Ansteuerung des Ablenktransistors 4 sichergestellt. In die lose an n1 gekoppelte Sekund·arwicklung wird n2 In die lose an n1 gekoppelte Sekund·arwickl£ung n2 wird eine Spannung induziert, die nach Gleichrichtung mittels einer Diode 8 an den Kondensator 9 die ben·otigte Betriebsspannung f·ur den Ablenkkreis liefe

·Uber die Trennstelle n 1/n2 wird ferner die an der Ablenkwicklung 15 stehende Spannung w·ahrend des K·ucklaufintervalls der Ablenkschaltung invertiert auf die Prim·arwicklung n1 betragen, um den Strom im Hauptstromweg w·ahrend der R·ucklaufzeit bei der Schaltung des Regelschalters 3 und damit die Abschaltverluste zu vermindern. Dieser Vorgang ist ausf·uhrlich beispielsweise in der DE-OS 28 35 946 dargestellt.
Aus einer fest an die Wicklung n2 und lose an n1 angekoppelten Wicklung n4 des Transformators wird eine R·ucklauf spannung gewonnen, die abh·angig von der Belastung der Wicklung n2 ist.
Strahlstrom·anderungen in der Hochspannungserzeugung ·uber die Wicklung n6 und der Hochspannungskaskade 12 (bzw. Split) werden ·uber die fest an n6 gekoppelte Wicklung n2 bzw. die fest an n2 ge

Hingegen werden Belastungs·anderungen in der Wicklung n3, wie sie beispielsweise durch NF-Last·anderungen gegeben sind, fast nicht nachgeregelt, da die Wicklung n3 nur lose mit den Wicklungen n2 und n4 verkoppelt ist. Deshalb ist die Zeilenablenkschaltung weitgehend unabh·angig von Last·anderungen in der Sekund·arwicklung n3.
Die Netzspannungsnachregelung f·ur die Spannungen, die aus der Wicklung n3 gewonnen werden, erfolgt indirekt ·uber die Regelimpulse der Wicklung n4 So w·urde sich beispielsweise bei Netzunterspannung die R·ucklauf spannung ohne Nachregelung verringern.
Durch die Impulse der Wicklung n4 wird jedoch ·uber die Regelschaltung 2 die Leitzeit des Regelschalters 3 verl·angert. Damit wird mehr Energie von der Prim·arauf die Sekund·arseite ·ubertragen und demzufolge Netzspannungs·anderungen ausgeglichen.
Bei der Umschaltung vom Normalbetrieb in den Standby- Betrieb schaltet der Regelkreis 2 die Spannung ¢am Punkt A auf den vorgegebenen Wert von z. B. 10 V.
Diese Standby-Umschaltung steht in Verbindung mit einer Verk·urzung der Leitzeit des Regel schalters 3, die wie folgt ausgel·ost wird: ·Uber die

Damit sind s·amtliche im Standby-Betrieb nicht ben·otigten Spannungen abgeschaltet, ziehen also keine Leistung aus dem Netz. Ausserdem schaltet wegen des Wegfalls der R·ucklauf spannungen an n4 die Regelschaltung im beschriebenen Sinne den Regel schalter 3 auf Standby-Betrieb um.
Dagegen ist die im Standby-Betrieb n·otige Versorgung der Sekund·arseite mit Niedervoltspannung weiterhin gew·ahrleistet, da die Wicklung n3, ·uber die diese Versorgung erfolgt, fest mit der Prim·arwicklung n1 und nur lose mit der Sekund·arwicklung n2 verkoppelt ist. Die Nachregelung der Niedervoltspannung kann - falls n·otig - mit Hilfe der Spannung erfolgen, die in die ebenfalls fest an n1 gekoppelte Wicklung n5 induziert wird, die ansonsten nur die Energie f·ur die Versorgung der Regelschaltung liefert.

Die dargestellte Schaltung erm·oglicht es somit, den Ablenktransistor 4 der Horizontalendstufenschaltung in besonders einfacher Weise f·ur die Steuerung des Standby-Betriebes zu verwenden.
Ein besonderer Vorteil der erfindungsgem·assen Schaltung liegt darin, dass im Falle einer sekund·arseitigen St·orung, z. B. einem Kurzschluss der Diode oder des Kondensators 16, die Schaltung automatisch in den Standby-Betrieb ·ubergef·uhrt wird. Denn im Falle eines Kurzschlusses der Diode 8 oder des Kondensators 16 kann sich an n2 keine Spannung aufbauen. Dies gilt ebenso f·ur die Wicklung n4, die fest an n2 gekoppelt ist und die R·uckschlagimpulse an den Trigger


The TDA 8140 is a monolithic integrated circuit designed
to drive the horizontal deflectionpower transistor.
The current source characteristic of this device is
adapted to the on-linear current gain behaviour of
the power transistor providing a minimum power
dissipation. The TDA8140 is internally protected
against short circuit and thermal overload.
During the active deflection phase the collector
current of the power transistor is linearly rising and
the driving circuitry mustbe adaptedto the required
base current in order to ensure the power transistor
According to the limited components number the
typical approach of the present TVs provides only
a rough approximation of this objective ; in Figure 5
wegive a comparisonbetweenthe typical real base
current and the ideal base current waveform and
the collector waveform.
The marked area represents a useless base current
which gives an additional power dissipati

the power transistor.
Furthermoreduring the turn-ONand turn-OFFtransient
phase of the chassis the power transistor is
extremely stressed when the conventionalnetwork
cannot guarantee the saturation ; for this reason,
generally, the driving circuit must be carefully designed
and is different for each deflection system.
The new approach, using the TDA 8140, overcomes
these restrictions by means of a feedback
As shown in Figure 5, at each instant of time the
ideal base current of the power transistor results
from its collector current divided by such current
gain which ensure the saturation ; thus the required
base current Ib can be easily generated by a feedback
transconductanceamplifier gm which senses
the deflection current across the resistor Rs at the
emitter of the power transistor and delivers :
Ib = RS . gm . Ie
The transconductance must only fulfill the condition
1 + bmin V 1
Where bmin is the minimum current gain of the
transistor. This method always ensures the correct
base current and acts time independent on principle.

must be discharged by a quasi linear time decreasing
current as given in Figure 6.
Conventional driver systems inherently result into
a stable condition with a constant peak current
This is due to the constant base charge in the
turn-ON phase independent from the collector current
; hence a high peak current results into a low
storage time of the transistor because the excess
base charge is a minimum and vice versa. In the
active deflection the required function, high peak
current-fast switch-OFF and low peak current-slow
switch-OFF, is obtained by a controlled base discharge
current for the power transistor ; the negative
slope of this ramp is proportional to the actual
sensed current.
As a result, the active driving system even improves
the sharpnessof vertical lines on the screen
compared with the traditional solution due to the
increasedstability factor of the loop representedas
the variation of the storagetime versus the collector
peak current.

Bipolar Television Tuner IC for Frequency Ranges up to 700 MHz
General Purpose Phase Locked Loop Device - VCO tuner combo PLL, I2C Bus
Features- Word-organized reprogrammable nonvolatile memory
in n-channel floating-gate technology (E2PROM)
- 128 ´ 8-bit organization
- Supply volta

- Serial 2-line bus for data input and output (I2C Bus)
- Reprogramming mode, 10 ms erase/write cycle
- Reprogramming by means of on-chip control (without
external control)
- Check for end of programming process
- Data retention > 10 years
- More than 104 reprogramming cycles per address
- Compatible with SDA 2516. Exception:
Conditions for total erase and current consumption.
I2C Bus Interface
The I2C Bus is a bidirectional 2-line bus for the transfer of data between various integrated circuits.
It consists of a serial data line SDA and a serial clock line SCL. The data line requires an external
pull-up resistor to VCC (open drain output stage).
The possible operational states of the I2C Bus are shown in figure 1. In the quiescent state, both
lines SDA and SCL are high, i.e. the output stage of the data line is disabled. As long a SCL remains
"1", information changes on the data bus indicate the start or the end of data transfer between two
The transition on SDA from "1" to "0" is a start condition, the transition from "0" to "1" a stop
condition. During a data transfer the information on the data bus will only change while the clock line
SCL is "0". The information on SDA is valid as long as SCL is "1".
In conjunction with an I2C Bus system, the memory component can operate as a receiver and as a
transmitter (slave receiver or slave transmitter). Between a start and stop condition, information is
always transmitted in byte-organized form. Between the trailing edge of the eighth clock pulse and a ninth acknowledge clock pulse, the memory component sets the SDA line to low as a confirmation
of reception, if the chip select conditions have been met. During the output of data, the data output
of the memory is high in impedance during the ninth clock pulse (acknowledge master).
The signal timing required for the operation of the I2C Bus is summarized in figure 2.
Control Functions of the I2C Bus
The memory component is controlled by the controller (master) via the I2C Bus in two operating
modes: read-out cycle, and reprogramming cycle, including erase and write to a memory address.
In both operating modes, the controller, as transmitter, has to provide 3 bytes and an additional
acknowledge clock pulse to the bus after the start condition. During a memory read, at least nine
additional clock pulses are required to accept the data from the memory and the acknowledge
master, before the stop condition may follow. In the case of programming, the active programming
process is only started by the stop condition after data input (see figure 3).
The chip select word contains the

chips to be connected in parallel. Chip select is achieved when the three control bits logically
correspond to the selected conditions at the select inputs.
Check for End of Programming or Abortion of Programming Process
If the chip is addressed during active reprogramming by entering CS/E, the programming process
is terminated. If, however, it is addressed by entering CS/A, the entry will be ignored. Only after
programming has been terminated will the chip respond to CS/A. This allows the user to check
whether the end of the programming process has been reached (see figure 3).
Memory Read
After the input of the first two control words CS/E and WA, the resetting of the start condition and the
input of a third control word CS/A, the memory is set ready to read. During acknowledge clock
nine, the memory information is transferred in parallel mode to the shift register. Subsequent to the
trailing edge of the acknowledge clock, the data output is low impedance and the first data bit can
be sampled, (see figure 4).
With every shift clock, an additional bit reaches the output. After reading a byte, the internal address
counter is automatically incremented when the master receiver switches the data line to “low” during
the ninth clock (acknowledge master). Any number of memory locations can thus be read one after

output returns to high-impedance mode. The internal sequence control of the memory component
is reset from the read to the quiescent with the stop condition.
Memory Reprogramming
The reprogramming cycle of a memory word comprises an erase and a subsequent write process.
During erase, all eight bits of the selected word are set into "1" state. During write, "0" states are
generated according to the information in the internal data register, i.e. according to the third input
control word.
After the 27th and the last clock of the control word input, the active programming process is started
by the stop condition. The active reprogramming process is executed under onchip control.
The time required for reprogramming depends on component deviation and data patterns.
Therefore, with rated supply voltage, the erase/write process extends over max. 20 ms, or more
typically, 10 ms. In the case of data word input without write request (write request is defined as data
bit in data register set to “0”), the write process is suppressed and the programming time is
shortened. During a subsequent programming of an already erased memory address, the erase
process is suppressed again, so that the reprogramming time is also shortened.

The TDA3566A is a decoder for the
PAL and/or NTSC colour television
standards. It combines all functions
required for the identification and
demodulation of PAL/NTSC signals.
Furthermore it contains a luminance
amplifier, an RGB-matrix and
amplifier. These amplifiers supply
output signals up to 4 V peak-to-peak
(picture information) enabling direct
drive of the discrete output stages.
The circuit also contains separate
inputs for data insertion, analog and
digital, which can be used for text
display systems.
• A black-current stabilizer which
controls the black-currents of the
three electron-guns to a level low
enough to omit the black-level
• Contrast control of inserted RGB
• No black-level disturbance when
non-synchronized external RGB
signals are available on the inputs
• NTSC capability with hue control.
• Teletext/broadcast antiope
• Channel number display.
The TDA3566A is a further
development of the TDA3562A. It has
the same pinning and nearly the
same application. The differences
between the TDA3562A and the
TDA3566A are as follows:
• The NTSC-application has largely
been simplified. In the event of
NTSC the chrominance signal is
now internally coupled to the
demodulators, automatic
chrominance control (ACC) and
phase detectors. The chrominance
output signal (pin 28) is thus
suppressed. It follows that the
external switches and f

are required for the TDA3562A are
not required for the TDA3566A.
There is no difference between the
amplitudes of the colour output
signals in the PAL or NTSC mode.
• The clamp capacitor at pins 10, 20
and 21 in the black-level
stabilization loop can be reduced to
100 nF provided the stability of the
loop is maintained. Loop stability
depends on complete application.
The clamp capacitors receive a
pre-bias voltage to avoid coloured
background during switch-on.
• The crystal oscillator circuit has
been changed to prevent parasitic
oscillations on the third overtone of
the crystal. Consequently the
optimum tuning capacitance must
be reduced to 10 pF.
• The hue control has been improved
Luminance amplifier
The luminance amplifier is voltage
driven and requires an input signal of
450 mV peak-to-peak (positive
video). The luminance delay line must
be connected between the IF
amplifier and the decoder.
The input signal is AC coupled to the
input (pin 8). After amplification, the
black level at the output of the
preamplifier is clamped to a fixed DC
level by the black level clamping
circuit. During three line periods after
vertical blanking, the luminance
signal is blanked out and the black
level reference voltage is inserted by
a switching circuit.
This black level reference voltage is
controlled via pin11 (brightness). At
the same time the RGB signals are
clamped. Noise and residual signals
have no influence during clamping
thus simple internal clamping circuitry
is used.
Chrominance amplifiers
The chrominance amplifier has an
asymmetrical input. The input signal
must be AC coupled (pin 4) and have
a minimum amplitude of
40 mV peak-to-peak.
The gain control stage has a control
range in excess of 30 dB, the
maximum input signal must not
exceed 1.1 V peak-to-

otherwise clipping of the input signal
will occur.
From the gain control stage the
chrominance signal is fed to the
saturation control stage. Saturation is
linearly controlled via pin 5. The
control voltage range is 2 to 4 V, the
input impedance is high and the
saturation control range is in excess
of 50 dB.
The burst signal is not affected by
saturation control. The signal is then
fed to a gated amplifier which has a
12 dB higher gain during the
chrominance signal. As a result the
signal at the output (pin 28) has a
burst-to-chrominance ratio which is
6 dB lower than that of the input
signal when the saturation control is
set at −6 dB.
The chrominance output signal is fed
to the delay line and, after matrixing,
is applied to the demodulator input
pins (pins 22 and 23). These signals
are fed to the burst phase detector. In
the event of NTSC the chrominance
signal is internally coupled to the
demodulators, ACC and phase
Oscillator and identification circuit
The burst phase detector is gated
with the narrow part of the sandcastle
pulse (pin 7). In the detector the
(R−Y) and (B−Y) signals are added to
provide the composite burst signal
This composite signal is compared
with the oscillator signal
divided-by-2 (R−Y) reference signal.
The control voltage is available at
pins 24 and 25, and is also applied to
the 8.8 MHz oscillator. The 4.4

signal is obtained via the divide-by-2
circuit, which generates both the
(B−Y) and (R−Y) reference signals
and provides a 90° phase shift
between them.
The flip-flop is driven by pulses
obtained from the sandcastle
detector. For the identification of the
phase at PAL mode, the (R−Y)
reference signal coming from the PAL
switch, is compared to the vertical
signal (R−Y) of the PAL delay line.
This is carried out in the H/2 detector,
which is gated during burst.
When the phase is incorrect, the
flip-flop gets a reset from the
identification circuit. When the phase
is correct, the output voltage of the
H/2 detector is directly related to the
burst amplitude so that this voltage
can be used for the ACC.
To avoid 'blooming-up' of the picture
under weak input signal conditions
the ACC voltage is generated by peak
detection of the H/2 detector output
signal. The killer and identification
circuits receive their information from
a gated output signal of H/2 detector.
Killing is obtained via the saturation
control stage and the demodulators to
obtain good suppression.
The time constant of the saturation
control (pin 5) provides a delayed
switch-on after killing. Adjustment of
the oscillator is achieved by variation
of the burst phase detector load
resistance between pins 24 and 25
(see Fig.8).
With this application the trimmer
capacitor in series with the 8.8 MHz
crystal (pin 26) can be replaced by a
fixed value capacitor to compensate
for unbalance of the phase detector.
The (R−Y) and (B−Y) demodulators
are driven by the colour difference
signals from the delay-line matrix
circuit and the reference signals from
the 8.8 MHz divider circuit. The (R−Y)
reference signal is fed via the
PAL-switch. The output signals are
fed to the R and B matrix circuits and
to the (G−Y) matrix to p

(G−Y) signal which is applied to the
G-matrix. The demodulation circuits
are killed and blanked by by-passing
the input signals.
NTSC mode
The NTSC mode is switched on when
the voltage at the burst phase
detector outputs (pins 24 and 25) is
adjusted below 9 V.
To ensure reliable application the
phase detector load resistors are
external. When the TDA3566A is
used only for PAL these two 33 kΩ
resistors must be connected to +12 V
(see Fig.8).
For PAL/NTSC application the value
of each resistor must be reduced to
20 kΩ (with a tolerance of 1%) and
connected to the slider of a
potentiometer (see Fig.9). The
switching transistor brings the voltage
at pins 24 and 25 below 9 V which
switches the circuit tot the NTSC
The position of the PAL flip-flop
ensures that the correct phase of the
(R−Y) reference signal is supplied to
the (R−Y) demodulator.
The drive to the H/2 detector is now
provided by the (B−Y) reference
signal. In the PAL mode it is driven by
the (R−Y) reference signal. Hue
control is realized by changing the
phase of the reference drive to the
burst phase detector.
This is achieved by varying the
voltage at pins 24 and 25 between
7.0 V and 8.5 V, nominal position
7.65 V. The hue control characteristic
is shown in Fig.6.
RGB matrix and amplifiers
The three matrix and amplifier circuits
are identical and only

be described.
The luminance and the colour
difference signals are added in the
matrix circuit to obtain the colour
signal, which is then fed to the
contrast control stage.
The contrast control voltage is
supplied to pin 6 (high-input
impedance). The control range is
+5 dB to −11.5 dB nominal. The
relationship between the control
voltage and the gain is linear (see
During the 3-line period after blanking
a pulse is inserted at the output of the
contrast control stage. The amplitude
of this pulse is varied by a control
voltage at pin 11. This applies a
variable offset to the normal black
level, thus providing brightness
The brightness control range is 1 V to
3.6 V. While this offset level is
present, the black-current input
impedance (pin 18) is high and the
internal clamp circuit is activated. The
clamp circuit then compares the
reference voltage at pin 19 with the
voltage developed across the
external resistor network RA and
RB(pin 18) which is provided by
picture tube beam current.
The output of the comparator is
stored in capacitors connected from
pins 10, 20 and 21 to ground which
controls the black level at the output.
The reference voltage is composed
by the resistor divider network and the
leakage current of the picture tube
into this bleeder. During vertical
blanking, this voltage is stored in the
capacitor connected to pin 19, which
ensures that the leakage current of
the CRT does not influence the black
current measurement.
The RGB output signals can never
exceed a level of 10.6 V. When the
signal tends to exceed this level the
output signal is clipped. The black
level at the outputs (pins 13, 15 and
17) will be approximately 3 V. This
level depends on t

guns of the picture tube. If a beam
current stabilizer is not used it is
possible to stabilize the black levels at
the outputs, which in this application
must be connected to the black
current measuring input (pin 18) via a
resistor network.
Data insertion
Each colour amplifier has a separate
input for data insertion.
A 1 V peak-to-peak input signal
provides a 3.8 V peak-to-peak output
To avoid the black-level of the
inserted signal differing from the black
level of the normal video signal, the
data is clamped to the black level of
the luminance signal. Therefore AC
coupling is required for the data
To avoid a disturbance of the blanking
level due to the clamping circuit, the
source impedance of the driver circuit
must not exceed 150 Ω. The data
insertion circuit is activated by the
data blanking input (pin 9). When the
voltage at this pin exceeds a level of
0.9 V, the RGB matrix circuits are
switched off and the data amplifiers
are switched on.
To avoid coloured edges, the data
blanking switching time is short. The
amplitude of the data output signals is
controlled by the contrast control at
pin 6. The black level is equal to the
video black level and can be varied
between 2 and 4 V (nominal
condition) by the brightness control
voltage at pin 11.
Non-synchronized data signals do not
disturb the black level of the internal
Blanking of RGB and data signals
Both the RGB and data signals can
be blanked via the sandcastle input
(pin 7). A slicing level of 1.5 V is used
for this blanking function, so that the
wide part of the sandcastle pulse is
separated from the remainder of the
pulse. During blanking a level of +1 V
is available at the output. To prevent
parasitic oscillations on the third
overtone of the crystal the optimum
tuning capacitance should be 10 pF.

1. Circuit arrangement for the control of at least one beam current in a picture tube by a picture comprising
a control loop which in one sampling interval obtains a measuring signal from the value of the beam current on the occurrence of a given reference level in the picture signal, stores a control signal derived therefrom until the next sampling interval and thereby adjusts the beam current to a value preset by a reference signal.
and a trigger circuit which suppresses auxiliary pulses used to generate the beam current after the picture tube has been started up and issues a switching signal for the purpose of closing the control loop during the sampling intervals and for releasing the control of the beam current by the picture signal after the measuring signal has exceeded the threshold value,
a change detection arrangement which delivers a change signal when the stored signal has assumed a largely constant value, and
a logic network which does not release the control of the beam current by the picture signal outside the sampling intervals until the change signal has also been issued after the switching signal.
2. Circuit arrangement as set forth in claim 1, in which the picture signal comprises several color signals for the control of a corresponding number of beam currents for the display of a color picture in the picture tube and the control loop stores a part measuring signal or a part control signal derived therefrom for each color signal, characterized in that the change detection arrangement includes a change detector for each color signal which delivers a part change signal when the relevant stored signal has assumed a largely constant value, and the logic network does not release the control of the beam currents by the color signals outside the sampling intervals until the part change signals have been delivered by all change detectors.
3. Circuit arrangement as set forth in claim 1, including a comparator arrangement which compares the measuring signal with the reference signal and derives the control signal from this comparison, characterized in that the change detection arrangement detects a change in the control signal with respect to time and issues the change signal when the control signal has assumed a largely constant value.
4. Circuit arrangement as set forth in claims 1, 2, 3 including a control signal memory which contains at least one capacitor, characterized in that the change detection arrangement delivers the change signal when a charge-reversing current of the capacitor occuring during the starting up of the picture tube falls below a limit value.
5. Circuit arrangement as set forth in claim 2, including a comparator arrangement which compares the measuring signal with the reference signal and derives the control signal from this comparison, characterized in that the change detection arrangement detects a change in the control signal with respect to time and issues the change signal when the control signal has assumed a largely constant value.
The invention relates to a circuit arrangement for the control of at least one beam current in a picture tube by a picture signal with a control loop which in one sampling interval obtains a measuring signal from the value of the beam current on the occurrence of a given reference level in the picture signal, stores a control signal derived therefrom until the next sampling interval and by this means adjusts the beam current to a value preset by a reference signal, and with a trigger circuit which suppresses auxiliary pulses used to generate the beam current after the picture tube is turned on and issues a switching signal for the purpose of closing the control loop during the sampling intervals and releasing the control of the beam current by the picture signal after the measuring signal has exceeded a threshold value.
Such a circuit arrangement has been described in Valvo Technische Information 820705 with regard to the integrated color decoder circuit PHILIPS TDA3562A and is used in this as a so-called cut-off point control. In the known circuit arrangement, such a cut-off point control provides automatic compensation of the so-called cut-off point of the picture tube, i.e. it regulates the beam current in the picture tube in such a way that for a given reference level in the picture signal the beam current has a constant value despite tolerances and changes with time (aging, thermal modifications) in the picture tube and the circuit arrangement, thereby ensuring correct picture reproduction.
Such a blocking point control is particularly advantageous for the operation of a picture tube for the display of color pictures because in this case there are several beam currents for different color components of the color picture which have to be in a fixed ratio with one another. If this ratio changes, for example, as the result of manufacturing tolerances or ageing processes, distortions of the colors occur in the reproduction of the color picture. The bea

Conventional picutre tubes are constructed as cathode-ray tubes with hot cathodes which require a certain time after being turned on for the hot cathodes to heat up. Not until a final operating temperature has been reached do these hot cathodes emit the desired beam currents to the full extent, while gradually rising beam currents occur in the time interval when the hot cathodes are heating up. The instantaneous values of these beam currents depend on the instantaneous temperatures of the hot cathodes and on the accelerating voltages for the picture tube which build up simultaneously with the heating process and are undefined until the end of the heating time. After the picture tube is turned on, these values initially produce a highly distorted picture until the beam currents have attained their final value. These picture distortions after the picture tube is turned on are even further intensified by the fact that the cut-off point control is not yet adjusted to the beam currents which flow after the heating time is over.
For the purpose of suppressing distorted pictures during the heating time of the hot cathodes, the known circuit arrangement has a turn-on delay element operating as a trigger circuit which, in essence, contains a bistable flip-flop. When the picture tube and the circuit arrangement controlling the beam currents flowing in it are turned on, the flip-flop is switched into a first state in which it interrupts the supply of the picture signal to the picture tube. Thus, during the heating time the beam currents are suppressed, and the picture tube does not yet display any picture. In sampling intervals which are provided subsequent to flybacks of the cathode beam into an initial position on the changeover from the display of one picture to the display of a subsequent picture and even within the changeover, that is outside the display of pictures, the picture tube is controlled for a short time in such a way that beam currents occur when the hot cathodes are sufficiently heated up and an accelerating voltage is resent. If these currents exceed a certain threshold value, the flip-flop circuit switches into a second state and releases the picture signal for the control of the beam currents and the cut-off point control.
It is found, however, that the picture displayed in the picture tube immediately after the switching over of the flip-flop is still not fault-free. Because, in fact, the beam currents are supported during the heating time of the hot cathodes, the cut-off point control cannot respond yet. This response of the cut-off point control takes place only after the beam currents are switched on, i.e. after the flip-flop is switched into the second state and therefore at a time in w

With the known circuit arrangement the brightness of the picture gradually increases, during the response of the cut-off point control, from black to the final value.
This slow increase in the picture brightness after the tube is turned on is disturbing to the eyes of the viewer not only in the case of the black-and-white picture tubes with one hot cathode, but especially so in the case of colour picture tubes which usually have three hot cathodes. With a color picture tube, color purity errors can also occur in addition to the change in the picture brightness if, as a result of different speeds of response of the cut-off point control for the three beam currents, there are found to be intermittent variations from the interrelation between the beam currents required for a correct picture reproduction.
The aim of the invention is to create a circuit arrangement which suppresses the above-described disturbances of brightness and color of the displayed picture when the picture tube is being started.
The invention achieves this aim in that a circuit arrangement of the type mentioned in the preamble contains a change detection arrangement which emits a change signal when the stored signal has assumed an essentially constant value, and a logic network which does not release the control of the beam current by the picture signal until the change signal has also been emitted after the switching signal.
In the circuit arrangement according to the invention, therefore, the display of the picture is suppressed after the picture tube is turned on until the cut-off point control has responded. If the picture signal then starts to control the beam current, a perfect picture is displayed immediately. In this way, all the disturbances of the picture which affect the viewer's pleasure are suppressed. The circuit arrangement of the invention is of simple design and can be combined on one semiconductor wafer with the existing picture signal processing circuits and also, for example, with the known circuit arrangement for cut-off point control. Such an integrated circuit arrangement not only requires very little space on the semiconductor wafer, but also needs no additional external leads. Thus the circuit arrangement of the invention can be arranged, for example, in an integrated circuit which has precisely the same external connections as known integrated circuits. This means that an integrated circuit containing the circuit arrangement of the invention can be directly incorporated in existing equipment without the need for additional measures.
In one embodiment of the said circuit arrangement, in which the picture signal contains several color signals for the control of a corresponding number of beam currents for representing a color picture in the picture tube and, for each color signal, the control loop stores a part measuring signal or a part control signal derived from it, the change detection arrangement contains a change detector for each color signal which emits a part change signal when the relevant stored signal has assumed an essentially constant value, and the logic network does not release the control of the beam currents by the color signals outside the sampling intervals until the part change signals have been emitted from all change detectors.
In principle, therefore, such a circuit arrangement has three cut-off poi

In a further embodiment of the circuit arrangement according to the invention with a comparator arrangement which compares the measuring signal with the reference signal and derives the control signal from this comparison, the change detection arrangement detects a change in the control signal with respect to time and issues the change signal when the control signal has assumed an essentially constant value. In the case of the representation of a color signal the comparator arrangement derives several part control signals, whose changes with time are detected by the change detectors, from a corresponding comparison of the part measuring signals with the reference signal. In this embodiment of the circuit arrangement of the invention, preference is given to storage of only the control signal or the part control signals for the purpose of controlling the beam currents.
In another embodiment of the circuit arrangement of the invention which includes a control signal memory which contains at least one capacitor in which a charge or voltage corresponding to the control signal is stored, the change detection arrangement issues the change signal when a charge-reversing current of the capacitor occurring during the turning on of the picture tube has fallen below a limit value and has thus at least largely decayed. Such a detection of the steady state of the cut-off point control is independent of the actual magnitude of the control signal and therefore independent of, for example, the level of the picture tube cut-off voltage, circuit tolerances or ageing processes in the circuit arrangement or the picture tube.
Detection of whether or not the charge-reversing current exceeds the limit value is performed preferentially by a current detector which is designed with a current mirror system which is arranged in a supply line to a capacitor acting as a control signal store. A current mirror arrangement of this kind supplies a current which coincides very precisely with the charging current of the capacitor. This current is then compared, preferably in a further device contained in the change detection arrangement, with a current representing a limit value or, after conversion into a voltage, with a voltage representing the limit value. The change signal is obtained from the result of this comparison.
On the other hand, digi

An embodiment of the invention is described in greater detail below with the aid of the drawings in which:
FIG. 1 shows a block circuit diagram of the embodiment,
FIG. 2 shows a somewhat more detailed block circuit diagram of the embodiment,
FIG. 3 shows time-dependency diagrams of some signals occurring in the circuit diagram shown in FIG. 2, and
FIG. 4 shows a somewhat moredetailed block circuit diagram of a part of the circuit diagram shown in FIG. 2.

FIG. 1 shows a block circuit diagram of a circuit arrangement to which a picture signal is fed via a first input 1 of a combinatorial stage 2. From the output 3 of the combinatorial stage 2 the picture signal is fed to the picture signal input of a controllable amplifier 5 which at an output 6 issues a current controlled by the picture signal. This current is fed via a measuring stage 7 to a hot cathode 8 in a picture tube 9 and forms therein a beam current of a cathode ray by means of which a picture defined by the picture signal is displayed on a fluorescent screen of the picture tube 9.
The measuring stage 7 measures the current fed to the hot cathode 8, i.e. the the beam current in the picture tube 9, and at a measuring signal output 10, issues a measuring signal corresponding to the magnitude of this current. This is fed to a measuring signal input 11 of a comparator arrangement 12 to which a reference signal is supplied at a reference signal input 13. In a preferably periodically recurring sampling interval during the occurrence of a given reference level in the picture signal, the comparator arrangement 12 forms a control signal from the value of the measuring signal fed to the measuring signal input 11 at this time, on the one hand, and the reference signal, on the other, by means of substraction and delivers this at a control signal output 14. From there the control signal is fed to an input 15 of a control signal memory 16 and is stored in the latter. The control signal is fed via an output 17 of the control signal memory 16 to a second input 18 of combinatorial stage 2 in which it is combined with the picture signal, e.g. added to it.
The combinatorial stage 2, the controllable amplifier 5, the measuring stage 7, the comparator arrangement 12 and the control signal memory 16 form a control loop with which the beam current is guided towards the reference signal in the sampling interval during the occurrence of the reference level in the picture signal. For the reference level, use is made in particular of a black level or a level with small, fixed distance from the black level, i.e. a value in the picture signal which produces a black or almost back picture area in the displayed picture in the picture tube. In this case the control loop, as described, forms a cut-off point control for the picture tube. If the reference level is away from the black level, the control loop is also designated as quasi-cut-off-point control.
The circuit arrangement as shown in FIG. 1 also has a trigger circuit 19 to which the measuring signal from the measuring signal output 10 of measuring stage 7 is fed at a measuring signal input 20. When the circuit arrangement and therefore the picture tube are turned on, the trigger circuit 19 is set in a first state in which by means of a first connection 21 it blocks the comparator arrangement 12 in such a way that the latter delivers no control signal or a control signal with the value zero at its control signal output 14. This prevents the control signal memory 16 from storing undefined values for the control signal at the moment of turning on or immediately thereafter.

The circuit arrangement shown in FIG. 1 also has a logic network 22 which is connected via a second connection 23, by means of which a switching signal is supplied, with the trigger circuit 10 and via a third connection 24 with the controllable amplifier 5. Like the trigger circuit 19, the logic network 22 also finds itself controlled, when the circuit arrangement is being turned on, by the switching signal in a first stage in which by way of the third connection 24 it blocks the controllable amplifier 5 with a blocking signal in such a way that no beam currents controlled by the picture signal can yet flow in the picture tube 9. Thus the picture tube 9 is blanked; no picture is displayed yet.
When picture tube 9 is turned on, the hot cathode 8 is still cold so that no beam current can flow anyhow. The hot cathode 8 is then heated up and, after a certain time, begins gradually to emit electrons as the result of which a cathode ray and therefore a beam current can form. However, during the heating up of the hot cathode 8, and because the cut-off point control has not yet responded, this would be undefined and is therefore suppressed by the controllable amplifier 5. Only in time intervals which are provided immediately subsequent to flybacks of the cathode rays into an initial position at the changeover from the display of one image to that of a subsequent image, but even before the start of the display of the subsequent image, the controllable amplifier 5 delivers a voltage in the form of an auxiliary pulse for a short time at its output 6, and when the hot cathode 8 in the picture tube 9 is heated up sufficiently, this voltage produces a beam current. The time interval for the delivery of this voltage is selected in such a way that a cathode ray produced by its does not produce a visible image in the picture tube 9, and coincides for example with the sampling interval.
The measuring stage 7 measures the short-time cathode current produced in the manner described and, at its measuring signal output 10, delivers a corresponding measuring signal which is passed via measuring signal output 20 to the trigger circuit 19. If the measuring signal e

In the second state of the logic network 22 the controllable amplifier 5 is switched via the third connection 24 by the blocking signal in such a way that the picture signal controls the beam currents only during the sampling intervals and that, for the rest, no image appears yet in the picture tube. The cut-off point control now gebins to respond, i.e. the value of the control signal is changed by the control loop comprising the combinatorial stage 2, the controllable amplifier 5, the measuring stage 7, the comparator arrangement 12 and the control signal memory 16 until such time as the beam current in the picture tube 9 at the blocking point or at a fixed level with respect to it is adjusted to a value preset by the reference signal. For this purpose the sampling interval, in which the picture signal controls the beam current via the controllable amplifier 5 is selected in such a way that within it the picture signal just assumes a value corresponding to the cut-off point or to a fixed level with respect to it.
During the response of the cut-off point control the control signal fed to the control signal memory 16 changes continuously. Between the control signal output 14 of the comparator arrangement 12 and the input 15 of the control signal memory 16 is inserted a changed detection arrangement 25 which detects the variations of the control signal. When the cut-off point control has responded, i.e. the control signal has assumed a constant value, the change detection arrangement 25 delivers a change signal at an output 26 which indicates that the steady stage of the cut-off point control is achieved and the said signal is fed to a change signal input 27 of the logic network 22. The logic network then switches into a third state in which via the third connection 24 it enables the controllable amplifier 5 in such a way that the beam currents are now controlled without restriction by the picture signal. Thus a correctly represented picture appears in the picture tube 9.
A shadow-like representation of individual constituents of the circuit arrangement in FIG. 1 is used to indicate a modification by which this circuit arrangement is equipped for the representation of color pictures in the picture tube 9. For example, three color signals are fed in this case as the picture signal via the input 1 to the combinatorial stage 2. Accordingly, the input 1 is shown in triplicate, and the combinatorial stage 2 has a logic element, e.g. an adder, for example of these color signals. The controllable amplifier 5 now has three amplifier stages, one for each of the color signals, and the picture tube now contains three hot cathodes 8 instead of one so that three independent cathode rays are available for the three color signals.

The circuit arrangement thus forms three independently acting control loops for the cut-off point control of the individual color signals, in which case only the measuring stage 7 and to some extent at least the comparator arrangement 12 are common to these control loops.
The change detection arrangement 25 now has three change detectors each of which detects the changes with time of the part control signals relating to a color signal. Then via the output 26 each of these change detectors delivers a part change signal to the change signal input 27 of the logic network 22. These part change signals occur independently of one another when the relevent control loop has responded. The logic network 22 evaluates all three part change signals and does not switch into its third stage until all part change signals indicate a steady state of the control loops. Only then, in fact, is it ensured that all the color signals from the beam currents controlled by them are correctly reproduced in the picture tube, and thus no distortions of the displayed image, especially no color purity errors, occur. The color picture displayed then immediately has the correct brightness and color on its appearance when the picture tube is turned on.
FIG. 2 shows a somewhat more detailed block circuit diagram of an embodiment of a circuit arrangement equipped for the processing of a picture signal containing three colour signals. Three color signals for the representation of the colors red, green and blue are fed to this circuit arrangement via three input terminals 101, 102, 103. A red color signal is fed via the first input terminal 101 to a first adder 201, a green colour signal is fed via the second input terminal to a second adder 202, and a blue colour signal is fed via the third input terminal 103 to a third adder 203. From outputs 301, 302 and 303 of the adders 201, 202, 203 the color signals are fed to amplifier stages 501, 502 and 503 respectively. Each of the amplifier stages contains a switchable amplifier 511, 512 and 513, an output amplifier 521, 522 and 523 as well as a measuring transistor 531, 532 and 533 respectively. The emitters of these measuring transistors 531, 532, 533 are each connected to a hot cathode 801, 802, 803 of the picture tube 9 and deliver the cathode currents, whereas the collectors of measuring transistors 521, 532, 533 are connected to one another and to a first terminal 701 of a measuring resistor 702 the second terminal of which 703 is connected to earth. The current gain of the measuring transistors 531, 532 and 533 is so great that their collector currents coincide almost with the cathode currents. By measuring the voltage drop produced by the cathode currents at the measuring resistor 802 it is then possible to measure the cathode currents and therefore the beam currents in the picture tube 9 with great accuracy.
The falling voltage at the measuring resistor 702 is fed as a measuring signal to an input 121 of a buffer amplifier 120 with a gain factor of one, at the output 122 of which the unchanged measuring signal is therefore available at low impedance. From there it is fed to a first terminal 131 of a reference voltage source 130 which is connected with its second terminal 132 to inverting inputs 111, 112 and 113 of three differential amplifiers 123, 124, 125 respectively. The differential amplifiers 123, 124, 125 also each have a non-inverting input 114, 115, and 116 respectively. These are connected to each other at a junction 117, to earth via a leakage current storage capacitor 126 and to the output 122 of the buffer amplifier 120 via decoupling resistor 118 and a leakage current sampling switch 119. In addition, the input 121 of the buffer amplifier 120 can be connected to earth via a short-circuiting switch 127.
From outputs 141, 142, and 143 respectively of the differential amplifiers 123, 124 and 125, part control signals relating to the individual color signals are fed in the form of electrical voltages (or, in some cases, charge-reversing currents) via control signal sampling switches 154, 155 and 156, in the one instance, to first terminals 151, 152 and 153 respectively of control signal storage capacitors 161, 162, 163 which form the storage units of the control signal memory 16 and store inside them charges corresponding to these voltages (or formed by the charge-reversing currents). In the other instance, the part control signals are fed to second inputs 181, 182 and 183 of the first, second or third adders 201, 202, 203 respectively and are added therein to the color signals from the first, second or third input terminals 101, 102 or 103 respectively.
The operation of the comparator arrangement 12 which consists mainly of the buffer amplifier 120, the reference voltage source 130 and differential amplifiers 123, 124, 125 will be explained below with the aid of the pulse diagrams in FIG. 3. FIG. 3a shows a horizontal blanking signal for a television signal which, as the picture signal, controls the beam currents in the picture tube 9. In this diagram, H represents horizontal blanking pulses which follow one another in the picture signal at the time interval of one line duration and by means of which the beam currents are switched off during line flyback between the display of the individual picture lines in the picture tube. FIG. 3b shows a vertical blanking pulse V by means of which the beam currents are switched off during the change ober from the display of one picture to the display of the next picture. FIG. 3c shows a measuring signal control pulse VH which is formed from a vertical blanking pulse lengthened by three line duration.
The short-circuiting switch 127 is now controlled in such a way that it is non-conducting only throughout the duration of the measuring signal control pulse VH and during the remaining time short-circuits the input 121 of the buffer amplifier 120 to earth. This means that a measuring signal only reaches the comparator arrangement 12 during frame change so that the parts of the picture signal which control the beam currents producing the picture in the picture tube exert no influence on comparator arrangement 12 and therefore on the blocking point control.
Throughout the duration of the measuring signal control

The comparator arrangement 12 further contains a device for compensation of the influence of any leakage currents occurring in the picture tube 9. For this purpose, a voltage to which the leakage current storage capacitor 126 is charged is fed to the non-inverting inputs 114, 115, 116 of the three differential amplifiers 123, 124 and 125. The charging is performed by the measuring signal from output 122 of the buffer amplifier 120 via the decoupling resistor 118 and the leakage current sampling switch 119 which is closed only within the period of the vertical blanking pulse V, and in certain cases only during part of the latter. Within this time the beam currents are, in fact, totally switched off by the picture signal so that in certain cases only a leakage current flows through the measuring resistor 702. Consequently, throughout the duration of the vertical blanking pulse V the measuring signal corresponds to this leakage current. Because the leakage current also flows during the remaining time, even outside the duration of the vertical blanking pulse the measuring signal contains a component originating from the leakage current which therefore is also contained in the voltage fed to the inverting inputs 111, 112, 113 of differential amplifiers 123, 124, 125 and is subtracted out in the differential amplifiers 123, 124, 125.
The part control signal is fed from output 141 of differential amplifier 123 by the first control signal sampling switch 154 to the first terminal 151 of the first control signal storage capacitor 161 during the period of a storage pulse L1 and is stored in the said capacitor. Similarly, the part control signal from output 143 of differential amplifier 125 is fed to the third control signal storage capacitor 163 during the period of a storage pulse L2 and the part control signal from output 142 of differential amplifier 124 is fed to the second control signal storage capacitor 162 during a storage pulse L3. The storage pulses L1, L2 and L3 are illustrated in FIGS. 3d, e and f. They lie in sequence in one of the three line periods by which the measuring signal control pulse VH is longer than the vertical blan

The switchable amplifiers 511, 512, and 513 each receive at each input 241, 242, 243 a blanking signal BL1, BL2, BL3 respectively, the curves of which are shown in FIGS. 3g, h, i. These blanking signals interrupt the supply of the color signals during line flybacks and frame change, i.e. during the period of the measuring signal control pulse VH, and thus the beam currents in these time intervals are switched off. Naturally, the red color signal is let through during the first line period after the end of the vertical blanking pulse V, the blue color signal during the second line period after the end of the vertical blanking pulse V and the green color signal during the third line period after the end of the vertical blanking pulse V by the switchable amplifiers 511, 512, 513 respectively so that they can control the beam currents. Blanking signals BL1, BL2 and BL3 also provide for interruptions in the frame change blanking pulse, which corresponds to the measuring signal control pulse, in the corresponding time intervals. In these time intervals the beam currents are measured and part control signals are determined from the part measuring signals and stored in the control signal storage capacitors 161, 162, 163.
The circuit arrangement shown in FIG. 2 further contains a trigger circuit 19 to which a supply voltage is fed via a supply terminal 190. Via a reset input 191 a voltage is also

The trigger circuit 19 is further connected via a second connection 23 to a logic network 22 which, when the circuit arrangement is turned on, is also set into a first state via the second connection 23. In this first state the logic network 22 delivers a blocking signal at a blocking output 240 which is fed to the three switchable amplifiers 511, 512, 513. By this means the supply of the color signals to the output amplifiers 521, 522, 523 is interrupted completely so that no beam currents can be generated by these. No picture is therefore displayed.
An insertion signal EL which extends over the three line periods by which the measuring signal control pulse VH is longer than the vertical blanking pulse V, i.e. over the sampling interval, is also fed via a line 233 to the trigger circuit 19 and the logic network 22. As long as the trigger circuit 19 is in its first state, this insertion pulse EL is issued via a control output 192 from the trigger circuit 19 and fed to the pulse generator 244. During the period of the insertion pulse EL this generator produces a voltage pulse of a definite magnitude and passes this to output amplfiiers 521, 522, 523 as an auxiliary pulse via switching diodes 245, 246, 247. By this means the beam currents are switched on for a short time so as to receive a measuring signal despite the disconnected color signals as soon as at least one of the hot cathodes 801, 802, 803 delivers a beam current.

In its first state the trigger circuit 19 also delivers a signal via a control line 211, and this signal is used to switch the outputs 141, 142, 143 of the differential amplifiers 123, 124, 125 to earth potential or practically to earth potential. This suppresses effects of voltages at the inputs 111 to 116 of the differential amplifiers 123, 124, 125, especially effects of the reference voltage source 130 which may in some cases initiate incorrect charging of the control signal storage capacitors 161, 162, 163.
The measuring signal produced by means of the pulse generator 244 at the input 121 of the buffer amplifier 120 is also fed to the trigger circuit 19 via a measuring signal input 20. If it exceeds a preset threshold value, the trigger circuit 19 switched into its second state. The logic network 22 is then also switched into its second state via the second connection 23. The differential amplifiers 123, 124, 125, too, are triggered by the signal along the control line 211 into issuing a control signal defined by the difference in the voltages at its inputs 111 to 116. The pulse generator 244 is blocked by the control output 192. The blocking signal issued from the blocking output 240 of the logic network 22 now turns on the switchable amplifiers 511, 512, 513 in the time intervals defined by the storage pulses L1, L2, L3 in such a way that in these time intervals the color signals can produce beam currents to form a measuring signal by which the control loops respond. However, the display of the picture is still suppressed. The control signal storage capacitors 161, 162, 163 are charged up in this process. In the leads to the first terminals 151, 152, 153 there are change detectors 251, 252, 253 which detect the changes of the charging currents of the control signal storage capacitors 161, 162, 163 and at their outputs 261, 262, 263 in each case deliver a part change signal when the charging current of the control signal storage capacitor in question has decayed and thus the relevant control loop has responded. The part change signals are fed to three terminals 271, 272, 273 of the change signal input 27 of the logic network 22.
When part change signals are present from all change detectors 251, 252, 253, when therefore all control loops have responded, the logic network 22 switches from its second to its third state. The blocking signal from the blocking output 240 is now completely disconnected such that the switchable amplifiers 511, 512, 513 are now switched only by the blanking signals BL1, BL2, BL3. The colour signals are then switched through to the output amplifiers 521, 522, 523 and the picture is displayed in the picture tube.
FIG. 4 shows an embodiment for a trigger circuit 19 and a logic network 22 of the circuit arrangements as shown in FIGS. 1 or 2. The trigger circuit 19 contains a flip-flop circuit formed from two NAND-gates 194, 195 to which the switch-on reset signal, by which the trigger circuit 19 is returned to its first stage, is fed via the reset input 191. All the elements of the circuit arrangement in FIG. 4 are shown in positive logic. Thus, a short-time low voltage at the reset input 191 immediately after the circuit arrangement is started up is used to set the flip-flop circuit 194, 195 in such a way that a high voltage occurs at the output of the second NAND gate 194 and a low voltage at the output of the second NAND gate 195. The low voltage at the output of the second NAND gate 195 blocks differential amplifiers 123, 124, 125 via the control line 211 in the manner described.
The insertion pulse EL is fed via the line 233 to the trigger circuit 19, is combined via an AND gate 196 with the signal from the output of the first NAND gate 194 and is delivered at the control output 192 for the purpose of controlling the pulse generator 244.
The signals from the outputs of the NAND-gates 194, 195 are fed via a first line 231 and a second line 232 of the second connection 23 as a switching signal to the logic network 22. The first line 231 is connected to reset inputs R of three part change signal memories 221, 222, 223 in the form of bistable flip-flop circuits which when the circuit arrangement is started up are reset via the first line 231 in such a way that they carry a low voltage at their outputs Q. The second line 232 of the second connection 23 leads via three AND gates 224, 225, 226 to setting inputs S of the three part change signal memories 221, 222, 223. By means of the AND gates 224, 225, 226 the signal on the second line 232 of the second connection 23 is combined each time with one of the part change signals supplied via the terminals 271, 272, 273. The signals from the outputs Q of the part change signal memories 221, 222, 223 are combined by means of a collecting gate 227 in the form of an NAND gate and are held ready at its output 228.
The measuring signal is fed to the trigger circuit 19 via th

Between the output 200 and the flip-flop circuit 194, 195 in the circuit arrangem

After the switching over of the flip-flop circuit 194, 195 corresponding to the setting of the trigger circuit 19 into the second state, appropriately modified signals are supplied via the control line 211 and the output 192 for the purpose of controlling the pulse generator 244 and the differential amplifiers 123, 124, 125. Modified voltages also appear on the lines 231, 232 of the second connection 23, and these voltages release the part change signal memories 221, 222, 223 such that they can each be set when the part change signals reac

In certain cases, a further flip-flop circuit 234 is inserted in the lines 231, 232 to delay the signals passing along these lines; this is reset via the first line 231 when the circuit arrangement is started up and thus it also resets the part change signal memories 221, 222, 223. However, after the trigger circuit 19 is switched into the second state the further flip-flop circuit 234 is not set via the second line 232 of the second connection 23 until a release pulse arrives via a release input 235 and another AND gate 236, for example a period of approximately the interval of two vertical blanking pulses V after the switching of the trigger circuit 19 into the second state. In this way it is possible to bridge a period of time in which no defined signal values are present at the terminals 271, 272, 273.
The signal at the output 228 of the collecting gate 227 changes its state when the last of the three part change signals has also arrived and has set the last of the three part change signal memories. The signal is then combined via a gate arrangement 229 of two NAND gates and one AND gate with the insertion pulse EL of line 223 and with the signal on the second line 232 of the second connection 23 or from the output Q of the further flip-flop circuit 234 to the blocking signal delivered at the blocking output 24 which is fed to the switchable amplifiers 511, 512, 513.
FIGS. 31, m, n show the combinations of the blocking signal with the blanking signals BL1, BL2, and BL3 at the blanking inputs 241, 242, 243 of the switchable amplifiers 511, 512, 513 in the form of logic AND operations. The dot-dash lines show resulting insertion signals A1, A2, A3 formed by these operations after the starting up of the circuit arrangement and before the occurrence of a beam current, i.e. in the first state of the logic network 22. Here the resulting insertion signals A1, A2, A3 are constant at low level. The dash curves show the resulting insertion signals A1, A2, A3 after the appearance of a beam current and before the steady state of the cut-off point control is reached, i.e. in the second state of the logic network 22, while the continuous curves represent the resulting insertion signals A1, A2, A3 in the steady state of the cut-off point control, i.e. in the third state of logic network 22. The dash curves have similar shapes to storage pulses L1, L2, L3, whereas the continuous curves correspond in shape to the inverses of the blanking signals BL1, BL2, BL3. In this case a high level of the resulting insertion signals A1, A2 or A3 means that the switchable amplifier 511, 512 or 513 feeds the colour signal to the relevant output amplifier 521, 522 or 523 respectively, whereas a low level in the resulting insertion signal A1, A2 or A3 means that the relevant switchable amplifier 511, 512 or 513 is blocked for the color signal.
The circuit arrangement described is designed in such a way that the trigger circuit 19 remains in its second state and logic network 22 remains in its third state even if charging currents reappear at the difference signal storage cpacitors 161, 162, 163 due to disturbances during the operation of the circuit arrangement. The cutoff point control then makes readjustments without the displayed picture being disturbed.
In the circuit arrangement shown in F

In FIG. 2 a dashed line is used to indicate which components of the circuit arrangement can be combined advantageously to form an integrated circuit. The first terminals 151, 152, 153 of the difference signal storage capacitors 161, 162, 163, one terminal 128 of leakage current storage capacitor 126, three terminals 524, 525, 526 in the leads to the output amplifiers 521, 522, 523 as well as a line connection 704 between the first terminal 701 of the measuring resistor 702 and the input 121 of the buffer amplifier 120 will then form the connecting contacts of this integrated circuit
PHILIPS TDA2595 Horizontal combination;

The TDA2595 is a monolithic integrated circuit intended for use in colour television receivers.
• Positive video input; capacitively coupled (source impedance < 200 Ω)
• Adaptive sync separator; slicing level at 50% of sync amplitude
• Internal vertical pulse separator with double slope integrator
• Output stage for vertical sync pulse or composite sync depending on the load; both are switched off at muting
• ϕ1 phase control between horizontal sync and oscillator
• Coincidence detector ϕ3 for automatic time-constant switching; overruled by the VCR switch
• Time-constant switch between two external time-constants or loop-gain; both controlled by the coincidence detector ϕ3
• ϕ1 gating pulse controlled by coincidence detector ϕ3
• Mute circuit depending on TV transmitter identification
• ϕ2 phase control between line flyback and oscillator; the slicing levels for ϕ2 control and horizontal blanking can be set
• Burst keying and horizontal blanking pulse generation, in combination with clamping of the vertical blanking pulse
(three-level sandcastle)
• Horizontal drive output with constant duty cycle inhibited by the protection circuit or the supply voltage sensor
• Detector for too low supply voltage
• Protection circuit for switching off the horizontal drive output continuously if the input voltage is below 4 V or higher
than 8 V
• Line flyback control causing the horizontal blanking level at the sandcastle output continuously in case of a missing
flyback pulse
• Spot-suppressor controlled by the line flyback control
This video IF processin

functional blocks : .Three symmetrical, very stable, gain controlled
wideband amplifier stages - without feedback
by a quasi-galvanic coupling. .Demodulator controlled by the picture carrier .Video output amplifier with high supply voltage
rejection .Polarity switch for the video output signal .AGC on peak white level .GatedAGC .Discharge control .Delayed tuner AGC .At VTR Reading mode the video output signal
is at ultra white level.
The TDA1905 is a monolithic integrated circuit in POWERDIP packa

frequencypower amplifier in a wide range of appli-
cations in radio and TV sets:
– muting facility
– protectionagainst chip over temperature
– very lownoise
– high supply voltagerejection
– low ”switch-on” noise
– voltagerange 4V to 30V
The TDA 1905 is assembled in a newplasticpack-
ease,spaceandcost savingof a normaldual in-line
a thermalresistance of 15°C/W (junction to pins).
The presence of a thermallimiting circuit offers the followingadvantages:
1) Anoverloadon theoutput(even if itis permanent),oran abovelimitambienttemperaturecanbeeasily
tolerated since the Tj cannot be higher than 150 °C.
2) The heatsinkcan havea smallerfactor of safety comparedwith that of a conventionalcircuit. There is
no possibility of device damage due to high junction temperature.
the power dissipationand the current consumption.
The maximum allowable power dissipationdependsupon the size of the externalheatsink(i.e. its thermal
PHILIPS TDA8442 I2C-bus interface for colour decoders,

The TDA8442 provides control of four analogue functions
and has one high-current and two switching outputs.
Control of the IC is performed via the two-line, bidirectional
• Four analogue control outputs
• One high-current output port (npn open emitter)
• Two switching output ports (npn collector with internal
pull-up resistor)
• I2C-bus slave receiver
• Power-down reset.
16-lead DIL; plastic (SOT38); SOT38-1;
Analogue control is facilitated by four 6-bit digital-to-analogue converters (DAC0 to DAC3).
The values of the output voltages from the DACs are set via the I2C-bus.
The high-current output port (P1) is suitable for switching between internal and external RGB signals.
It is an open npn emitter output capable of sourcing 14 mA (min.).
The two output ports (P2 and P2N) can be used for NTSC/PAL switching. These are npn collector outputs with internal
pull-up resistors of 10 kΩ (typ.). Both outputs are capable of sinking up to 2 mA with a voltage drop of less than 400 mV.
If one output is switched on (LOW), the other output is switched off, and vice versa.
The power-down-reset mode occurs whenever the positive supply voltage falls below 8.5 V (typ.) and resets all registers
to a defined state.
Grundig CUC2401 BU508 getting too hot. Change TDA8140.
Grundig CUC2401 Dead R637 1k HT Preset hi res
Grundig CUC2401 Dead - faint tripping heard Dry joints LOPTx
Grundig CUC2401 Dead HT oK at PSU o/p No HT at LOPTx - pri winding o/c
Grundig CUC2401 Dead psu tries but fails to start C633 100µ 25v o/c
Grundig CUC2401 Dead with silent tripping D666 in snubber network s/c
Grundig CUC2401 Dead. D666 s/c.
Grundig CUC2401 Goin into standby after few mins. LOPTX ( If comes on agn from cold ) freezer dont work!
Grundig CUC2401 Int dead HT pot R367 1k
Grundig CUC2401 Int loss of pic caused by field collapse 26v supply pin 8 TDA2655B was only 4v - D2758 BY298 & C2758 1000µ replaced
Grundig CUC2401 Int start up TDA4600 chopper chip
Grundig CUC2401 Int switches to st/by Tripler
Grundig CUC2401 Low controllable sound Tuner
Grundig CUC2401 No pic - blanked out Field only half normal height due to supply only 10v to field chip - R525 0R33 hi res
Grundig CUC2401 No pic - sound ok No vid o/p pin 8 TDA3566 - Tr2523 BC548C s/c
Grundig CUC2401 No raster - line collapse LOPTx o/c
Grundig CUC2401 No sound C2276 ( 470uf ) s/c.
Grundig CUC2401 No sound TBA130 chip not working due to C2276 470µ s/c
Grundig CUC2401 No sound Could be TDA2595, TDA130 or SDA2011-A003 micro
Grundig CUC2401 No sound or - Picture - intermittent. Suspect the set-EHT control ( especially if made by Preh.
Grundig CUC2401 Sound - mutes on video rec playback. Mod ABL module.
Grundig CUC2401 Standby - intermittent shut down. Set HT control R637 ( 1k ) may check Ok.
Grundig CUC2401 Startup - failure to start intermittent. Set HT R637 ( 1k ) may ch Ok , LOPTX if going off af few mins
Grundig CUC2401 Switching to standby - my take days. Tripler.
Grundig CUC2401 Tripping - at switch on - may come on. C661 ( 7u f , 25v )
Grundig CUC2401 Tripping - at switch on. R637 1k control.
Grundig CUC2401 Trips at sw on L519 shorted turns
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