The MIVAR (RADIOVAR) TV26" T63 is a 26 inches color television with 16 programs preselection and VST (ITT + TI) tuning search system and ultrasonic remote control and a primitive osd feature.
The cabinet is made of robust plastic with high quality grade since has no age degradation like modern stuff.
THE MIVAR (RADIOVAR) TV26" T63 Was first MIVAR SET with a OSD Program number display on screen, combined with tuning search bar.
- Horizontal Beam Deflection and high voltage generating circuits realized with Thyristors circuits.
The massive demand for colour television receivers in Europe/Germany
in the 70's brought about an influx of sets from the continent. Many of
these use the thin -neck (29mm) type of 110° shadowmask tube and the
Philips 20AX CRT Tube, plus the already Delta Gun CRT .
of these tubes is accomplished by means of a toroidally wound
deflection yoke (conventional 90° and thick -neck 110° tubes operate
saddle -wound deflection coils). The inductance of a toroidal yoke is
very much less than that of a saddle -wound yoke, thus higher scan currents are required.
The deflection current necessary for the line scan is about 12A peak
-to -peak. This could be provided by a transistor line output stage but a
current step-up transformer, which is bulky and both difficult and
costly to manufacture, would be required.
An entirely different
approach, pioneered by RCA in America and developed by them and by ITT
(SEL) in Germany, is the thyristor line output stage. In this system the
scanning current is provided via two thyristors and two switching diodes
which due to their characteristics can supply the deflection yoke
without a step-up transformer (a small transformer is still required to
obtain the input voltage pulse for the e.h.t. tripler). The purpose of
this article is to explain the basic operation of such circuits. The
thyristor line output circuit offers high reliability since all
switching occurs at zero current level. C.R.T. flashovers, which can
produce high current surges (up to 60A), have no detrimental effects on
the switching diodes or thyristors since the forward voltage drop across
these devices is small and the duration of the current pulses short. If
a surge limiting resistor is pro- vided in the tube's final anode
circuit the peak voltages produced by flashovers seldom exceed the
normal repetitive circuit voltages by more than 50-100V. This is well
within the device ratings.
It's a very good system to use where the line scan coils require large
peak currents with only a moderate flyback voltage an intrinsic
characteristic of toroidally wound deflection coils. The basic thyristor
line output stage arrangement used in all these chassis is shown in
Fig. 1
it was originally devised by RCA. Many sets fitted with
110°, narrow -neck delta -gun tubes used a thyristor line output stage -
for example those in the Grundig and Saba ranges and the Finlux Peacock
, Indesit, Siemens, Salora, Metz, Nordmende, Blaupunkt, ITT, Seleco,
REX, Mivar, Emerson, Brionvega, Loewe, Galaxi, Stern, Zanussi, Wega,
Philco. The circuit continued to find favour in earlier chassis designed
for use with in -line gun tubes, examples being found in the Grundig
and Korting ranges - also, Indesit, Siemens, Salora, Metz, Nordmende,
Blaupunkt, ITT, Seleco, REX, Mivar, Emerson, Brionvega, Loewe, Galaxi,
Stern, Zanussi, Wega, Philco the Rediffusion Mk. III chassis. Deflection
currents of up to 13A peak -to -peak are commonly encountered with 110°
tubes, with a flyback voltage of only some 600V peak to peak. The
total energy requirement is of the order of 6mJ, which is 50 per cent
higher than modern 110° tubes of the 30AX and S4 variety with their
saddle -wound line scan coils. The only problem with this type of
circuit is the large amount of energy that shuttles back and forth at
line frequency. This places a heavy stress on certain components.
Circuit losses produce quite high temperatures, which are concentrated
at certain points, in particular the commutating combi coil. This leads
to deterioration of the soldered joints around the coil, a common cause
of failure. This can hav

a cumulative effect, a high resistance joint increasing the local
heating until the joint becomes well and truly dry -a classic symptom
with some Grundig / Emerson sets. The wound components themselves can be
a source of trouble, due to losses - particularly the combi coil and
the regulating transductor. Later chassis are less prone to this sort of
thing, partly because of the use of later generation, higher efficiency
yokes but mainly due to more generous and better design of the wound
components. The ideal dielectric for use in the tuning capacitors is
polypropylene (either metalised or film). It's a truly won- derful
dielectric - very stable, with very small losses, and capable of
operation at high frequencies and elevated temperatures. It's also
nowadays reasonably inexpensive. Unfortunately many earlier chassis of
this type used polyester capacitors, and it's no surprise that they were
inclined to give up. When replacing the tuning capacitors in a
thyristor line output stage it's essential to use polypropylene types -a
good range of axial components with values ranging from 0.001µF to
047µF is available from RS Components, enabling even non-standard values
to be made up from an appropriate combination. Using polypropylene
capacitors in place of polyester ones will not only ensure capacitor
reliability but will also lower the stress on other components by
reducing the circuit losses (and hence power consumption).
Numerous circuit designs for completely transistorized television
receivers either have been incorporated in commercially available
receivers or have been described in detail in various technical
publications. One of the most troublesome areas in such transistor
receivers, from the point of View of reliability and economy, lies in
the horizontal deflection circuits.
As an attempt to avoid the voltage and current limitations of transistor
deflection circuits, a number of circuits have been proposed utilizing
the silicon controlled rectifier (SCR), a semiconductor device capable
of handling substantially higher currents and voltages than transistors.
The circuit utilizes two bi-directionally conductive switching means
which serve respectively as trace and commutating switches.
Particularly, each of the switching means comprises the parallel
combination of a silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) and a diode. The
commutating switch is triggered on shortly before the desired beginning
of retrace and, in conjunction with a resonant commutating circuit
having an inductor and two capacitors, serves to turn off the trace
switch to initiate retrace. The commutating circuit is also arranged to
turn oft the commutating SCR before the end of retrace.
Was first MIVAR set with a InLine PHILIPS 20AX SYSTEM CRT TUBE.The PHILIPS 20AX system was introduced in Europe as the first self
converging picture tube/deflection coil, combination for 110° degree deflection
and screen sizes up to 26". The system is based on the automatic
convergence principle discovered by Haantjes and Lubben of Philips
Research Laboratory more than 20 years ago. It makes use of an in-line
gun array in conjunction with a specially designed saddle type
deflection coil. Residual small tolerance errors are compensated by a
simple dynamic four-pole system. The tube is 2 cm shorter than
conventional 110° Degree tubes and has a standard 36.5 mm neck in order to
obtain good color selection. A slotted mask is used in combination with a
stripe-structure screen. Picture sharpness is ensured by an astigmatic
electron gun.
Was first MIVAR with a Electronically assisted AFC Tuning search system.
The set was reliable but some problems the tuning box have had around memory battery landing to acid leakage and after damage to PCB.
MIVAR Sets have had great features and extreme simplicity toghether with
compactness and combined with reliability and durability.
(Basically all what today you won't see anymore !)
It's made by
MIVAR an Italian Brand
no more active since 20/12/2013.
MIVAR is a Factory site in the near of Milan (italy) in a Industrial city conglomerate called Abbiate Grasso.
1945 - Milan, Via Ugo Tommei 5: Begin the activity assembling small radios.
1950 - Via Curtatone 12: developed with the construction of more direct major radio components fabricants.
1956 - 13 Street Strigelli: industrial production is manily targeted to first radio devices with frequency modulation (FM).
1958 - Via P. 30 Jordanians: TV become a reality, the industries is doubling his ACTIVITY, always in Milan, we build the first "real" plant with 400 employees.
1963 - Abbiategrasso, Via Dante 45: in the wake of decentralization and the rampant success of the television, building a facility that will become important in place 800 employees occupying between 1968-70.
1990 - Abbiategrasso Canal towpath: aware of the physiological importance that television plays in society? Modern, rich expertise and resources, we began construction of a factory area of 120,000 m? which covered 30.00o , for the viabilit with parking spaces and 60,000 park trees.
In origin the factory was brand named as Radio Var and indeed the tellye here in collection is internally marked as Radio VAR. After 1985 they were marked rightly MIVAR.
Today's activity is oriented in
virtual production of LCD crap but with very low market penetration
due to "unfair" asian competitors presence and a local governement
which don't care about.
(You call it global market,
I call it WORLD DESTRUCTION combined toghether with mass Afro scum
crap Immigration (EUROPEAN INVASION) to obtain destruction on a large scale in all places
and to help more and better the loose of all OUR workplaces and firms , lives, people).
“If our buildings, our highways, and our railroads should be wrecked, we could rebuild them.
If our cities should be destroyed, out of the very ruins we could erect newer and greater ones.
Even if our armed might should be crushed, we could rear sons who would redeem our power.
Anyway Obsolete Technology Tellye will show even this model as a Time machine which looses nothing of the good tellyes ! ! !

A brief note about on Television sets reliability and durability..........................
with even the smallest experience of television engineering is bound to
come up against that embarrassing question which is always so difficult
to answer-"which TV shall I get?" The questioner is usually concerned
about obtaining the cheapest and most reliable receiver that is
available, and this same approach generally governs the choice between
buying when new - restoring in this time. This is perfectly reasonable and often applies to
other consumer products apart from TV.
What does seem a little strange
however is that no one ever seems to ask "which TV set gives the best
picture?" Why not? Doesn't anyone care, or is the question too
complicated to discuss?
Yet the average person spends five and a half
hours a day, every day, watching TV garbage:
The Propaganda TV Machine a.k.a. The Ministry of Truth delivers The Truth from The Government to the people.
least, that's what they say. In fact, a Propaganda Machine is only
employed by The Empire and used to brainwash people into Gullible
Lemmings who believe that everything is all right when in fact, it
isn't, and that the very people who could help them are their
................... so the quality of the picture must
be important........................
for those football idiots so the they have the motivation to glue their
assface on the screen all day long to discover better somewaht in their
is high time that people began to realise this simple fact, and to take
an interest in the quality of the product that absorbs so much of their
spare time. There are of course plenty of people who are genuinely
interested in good picture quality. It is unlikely for example that so
many readers of this Blog would be taking part in the magnificent TELEVISION colour receiver project,
but more likely restoring monochrome receivers or adapting old color
ones, if they were
indifferent to the quality of the picture obtained at the end of the
day. But today times seems changing, the trend started by many readers
of Obsolete Technology Tellye ! have had a significative rise up in
recovering and restoring old CRT's TV's and started to build up
collections by people in many lands worldwide.
Good CRT picture quality cannot however be achieved merely by
connecting together the appropriate groups of circuits. Sometimes in
fact even well established designs can present problems if they are
assembled in a different way to the original or with non-standard
So what constitutes good picture quality and what do you do
when things go wrong?
It is not much use delving into the textbooks
because they are strangely unhelpful about this sort of thing.
At least
however we can here at Obsolete Technology Tellye ! establish some
basic principles to use as a starting point. There is a difference
between the kind of picture quality defects that you would expect to
find in a manufactured receiver compared to one made by a home restorer /
A CRT manufactured receiver usually has only minor faults
and one wants to'assess how well it compares with the products of other
set - makers.
Todays trade, threw a rather different light on matters
however. Briefly, we found that during CRT boom periods for the
setmakers reliability increased whilst during periods of diminishing
sales a fall in the standard of reliability became evident, so you will find excellent sets from the 70s/80s. I had
tended to think that a boom meant an attitude of anything goes to get as
many sets out to meet the demand, with consequent corner cutting and
use of whatever alternative components could be got hold of if
necessary. The overriding point seems to be however that in boom
conditions with a seller's market prices can be maintained and quality
standards kept up whilst in flat market conditions there is overwhelming
pressure on prices and reliability tends to fall. It is difficult to be
too sure about this since the worst trading period coincided with the
era of dual standard analog TV sets which may eventually but not certainly inevitably less
reliable than the single -standard chassis which preceeded and succeeded
them. It would however tie up about the comparative reliability of
colour and monochrome sets, since the era of colour boom coincides with a
very flat period in monochrome set production and sales, that in
talking about reliability means overall dependability rather than
initial statistics for unboxed set condition.
That all said is very
applicable to todays times, with completely different technically means, reality where
unfair market conditions focibly applied to European firms by an elite which has
only the will and target to destroy European eritage at all
levels with the main point in destroying local economy.
It includes:
- A number of areas of law involving acts by one
competitor or group of competitors which harm another in the field, and
which may give rise to criminal offenses and civil causes of
- Trade libel, the spreading of false information about the quality
or characteristics of a competitor's products, is prohibited at common
law but still high present and unstopped.
- Various unfair business
practices such as fraud, misrepresentation, and unconscionable contracts
may be considered unfair competition, if they give one competitor an
advantage over others expecially all from the so called ASIATIC MARKET.
All of todays apparates are literally absolute GARBAGE when
new and resulting often broken when out of the box after purchase. Poor
engineering, manufacturing and materials in the main part, combined with unfair massive
import to Europe of such DUMP goods, at cheap prices in closed hard
tight market (so they can be the only 2 3 competitor in foreign lands
and all locals firms brought to death by heavy taxations, troublesome difficulties at all
levels) and sold with medium to high prices respect to initial build costs !!
For that
there can't be a comparation of reliability between a CRT TV SET and any one of
todays sets, which often are resulting in a SCAM mainly under the technological
part, emerging, even, from the first repair attempt !
...... And in the end you will NEVER SEE a restoring of ANY of the Actual todays electronic GARBAGE !
Further Notes:
^ "MIVAR: tutto iniziò in via Tommei", articolo tratto dal sito quattronet.it Archiviato il 14 novembre 2011 in Internet Archive.^ [Maker], Mivar ; Milano from Audiphon to Trader, 703 pictures, 124 sc, su www.radiomuseum.org. URL consultato il 13 giugno 2018.^ NUOVO ASSALTO AL CARROZZONE REL - la Repubblica.it, in Archivio - la Repubblica.it. URL consultato l'11 gennaio 2018.^ LA MIVAR FA UTILI SENZA SPENDERE PER LA PUBBLICITA' - la Repubblica.it, in Archivio - la Repubblica.it. URL consultato l'11 gennaio 2018.^ MIVAR, MIRACOLO AD ABBIATEGRASSO - la Repubblica.it, in Archivio - la Repubblica.it. URL consultato l'11 gennaio 2018.^ Archivio Corriere della Sera, su archiviostorico.corriere.it. URL consultato l'11 gennaio 2018.^ Archivio Corriere della Sera, su archiviostorico.corriere.it. URL consultato l'11 gennaio 2018.^ notizia del sito Adnkronos del 4 maggio 2005 Archiviato il 19 ottobre 2006 in Internet Archive.^ JOB MILANO, in archive.is, 10 dicembre 2012. URL consultato l'11 gennaio 2018 (archiviato dall'url originale il 10 dicembre 2012).^ Mivar rilancia in Full Hd - Il Sole 24 ORE, su www.ilsole24ore.com. URL consultato l'11 gennaio 2018.^ (IT) Mivar In Crisi Ma Il Riscatto Avverrà Con I Led, su www.paid2write.org. URL consultato l'11 gennaio 2018.
MonrifNet, Televisori Mivar: fine dei programmi il 30 novembre - Il Giorno - Legnano, su www.ilgiorno.it. URL consultato l'11 gennaio 2018.
^ “La mia Mivar chiude, l’affitto gratis a chi assume 1200 italiani”, in Fanpage. URL consultato l'11 gennaio 2018.
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