The MIVAR 14V2E A portable color television with 14 Inches screen format.
It has 39 program and 100 channels tuning with pll synthesized tuning system.
The television tuning system employs a frequency synthesizer system for establishing the tuning of the receiver, featured with a Microcomputer driven synthesis system, coupled to a frequency lock controller chip such as a Philips TSA5511 / SIEMENS SDA3202. This tuner can tune television signals on VHF and UHF band. Recently, frequency synthesizers including a phase locked loop (PLL) have been suggested to accurately generate local oscillator signals at predetermined frequencies corresponding to the various channels which a viewer may select.
The system employed in the tv permits utilization of a frequency synthesizer tuning system which correctly tunes to a desired television station or channel even if the transmitted signals from that station are not precisely maintained at the proper frequencies even in combination of a fine tuning adjustable by the user.To enable operation of the receiver in a fringe area, where it may be desirable to intentionally mistune a channel slightly, manual fine tuning control logic circuitry is employed to disable the frequency offset logic circuit and to permit changing the count of the reversible counter by the viewer to manually fine tune the receiver as desired.
Accordingly, it is an object of this invention to provide an improved tuning system for a television receiver.
It is an additional object of this invention to provide an improved frequency synthesizer tuning system for a television receiver.
It has his remote controller MIVAR TC3 which was used globally for the entire production models in that era of time.
The set has an AV DIN 6 POLE socket and headphone jack and antenna (rear side).
In 1982 and in previous times MIVAR society name was Radio VAR then converted definitely to MIVAR.
In ancient times MIVAR was even a radios constructor, then the interest dropped to only television manufacturing.
It's made by MIVAR an Italian Brand no more active since 20/12/2013.
MIVAR is a Factory site in the near of Milan (italy) in a Industrial city conglomerate called Abbiate Grasso.

1945 - Milan, Via Ugo Tommei 5: Begin the activity assembling small radios.
1950 - Via Curtatone 12: developed with the construction of more direct major radio components fabricants.
1956 - 13 Street Strigelli: industrial production is manily targeted to first radio devices with frequency modulation (FM).
1958 - Via P. 30 Jordanians: TV become a reality, the industries is doubling his ACTIVITY, always in Milan, we build the first "real" plant with 400 employees.
1963 - Abbiategrasso, Via Dante 45: in the wake of decentralization and the rampant success of the television, building a facility that will become important in place 800 employees occupying between 1968-70.
1990 - Abbiategrasso Canal towpath: aware of the physiological importance that television plays in society? Modern, rich expertise and resources, we began construction of a factory area of 120,000 m? which covered 30.00o , for the viabilit with parking spaces and 60,000 park trees.
Today's activity is oriented in virtual production of LCD crap but with very low market penetration due to "unfair" asian competitors presence and a local governement which don't care about.
(You call it global market, I call it WORLD DESTRUCTION combined toghether with mass Afro scum crap Immigration (EUROPEAN INVASION) to obtain destruction on a large scale in all places and to help more and better the loose of all OUR workplaces and firms , lives, people).
“If our buildings, our highways, and our railroads should be wrecked, we could rebuild them.
If our cities should be destroyed, out of the very ruins we could erect newer and greater ones.
Even if our armed might should be crushed, we could rear sons who would redeem our power.
Anyway Obsolete Technology Tellye will show even this model as a Time machine which looses nothing of the good tellyes ! ! !

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