Digital Board Unit 1-663-206-15
The main core of all functions of DSP and control of the set are concentrated in this dual-board unit.
On one face we have the analog frontend and Digital sound porcessing + video processing
I2C-bus controlled, alignment-free
PAL/NTSC/SECAM decoder/sync
processor with PALplus helper
· Multi-standard colour decoder and sync processor for
· PALplus helper demodulator
· PALplus helper blanking and EDTV-2 blanking
· I2C-bus controlled
· I2C-bus addresses hardware selectable
· Pin compatible with TDA9141
· Alignment free
· Few external components
· Designed for use with baseband delay lines
· Integrated video filters
· Adjustable luminance delay
· Noise detector with I2C-bus read-out
· Norm/no_norm detector with I2C-bus read-out
· CVBS or Y/C input, with automatic detection possibility
· CVBS output provided I2C-bus address 8A is used
· Vertical divider system
· Two-level sandcastle signal
· VA synchronization pulse (3-state)
· HA synchronization pulse or clamping pulse CLP
· Line-locked clock output (6.75 MHz or 6.875 MHz) or
stand-alone I2C-bus output port
· Stand-alone I2C-bus input/output port
· Colour matrix and fast YUV switch
· Comb filter enable input/output with subcarrier
· Internal bypass mode of external delay line for PALplus
and NTSC applications
· Low power standby mode with 3-state YUV outputs
· Fast blanking detector with I2C-bus read-out
· Blanked or unblanked sync on Yout by I2C-bus bit BSY
· internal MACROVISION gating for the horizontal PLL
enabled by bus bit EMG.
The TDA9144 is an I2C-bus controlled, alignment-free
PAL/NTSC/SECAM decoder/sync processor with helper
demodulator for PALplus signals and blanking facilities for
PALplus and EDTV-2 signals. The TDA9144 has been
designed for use with baseband chrominance delay lines,
and has a combined subcarrier frequency/comb filter
enable signal for communication with a PAL/NTSC comb
The IC can process both CVBS input signals and Y/C input
signals. The input signal is available on an output pin, in
the event of a Y/C signal, it is added into a CVBS signal.
The sync processor provides a two-level sandcastle, a
horizontal pulse (CLP or HA pulse, bus selectable) and a
vertical (VA) pulse. When the HA pulse is selected, a
line-locked clock (LLC) signal is available at the output port
pin (6.75 MHz or 6.875 MHz).
A fast switch can select either the internal Y signal with the
UV input signals, or YUV signals made of the RGB input
signals. The RGB input signals can be clamped with either
the internal or an external clamping signal.
Two pins with an input/output port and an output port of the
I2C-bus are available.
The I2C-bus address of the TDA9144 is hardware
The TDA9144 is pin compatible with the TDA9141
(multistandard decoder/sync processor).
Digital Comb Filter (NTSC/PAL/PAL-M/PAL-N)
The CXD2044Q is an adaptive intra-field comb
filter compatible with NTSC, PAL, PAL-M and PAL-N
systems, and can provide high-precision Y/C
separation with a single chip.
• Intra-field Y/C separation by adaptive processing
• 8-bit A/D converter (1-channel)
• 8-bit D/A converter (2-channel)
• Four 1H delay lines
• Clock 4fsc
SDA 5273
Single chip teletext IC
Analog CVBS-input with onchip clamping circuitry
Supports level 1, 2.5 and 3.5 ETSI teletext standard
Stores up to 14 teletext pages on chip
Stores up to 2048 teletext pages with external
16 M memory
SDA 5275: full level 2.5 processing
Analog RGB-output
41 latin script languages
12´10 character size
Parallel display attributes
64 from 4096 colors selectable
Enhanced flash modes
Dynamically redefinable character set (DRCS, PCS)
Pixel graphics
Fullscreen display (64´32 or 80´24 character positions)
Horizontal and vertical scrolling
Graphic cursors
4:3 and 16:9 display
Multinorm display (50/60/100/120 Hz)
Firmware downloadable
2C / 3 wire UART-interface (1 Mbit/s)
Independent clocks for acquisition and display
Tools for greatly simplified software development
24-Kbyte on-chip reconfigurable DRAM
44160-bit character ROM
One external crystal for all standards
On second face we have the entire 100HZ scan rate technology + additional features.
- SAA4952WP Memory controller
· Support for acquisition, display and deflection PLL
· 50/100 Hz (or 60/120 Hz) scan conversion
· Progressive scan 50 Hz/1250 lines (60 Hz/1050 lines)
interlaced or 50 Hz/625 lines (60 Hz/525 lines)
non-interlaced in serial memory structure
· 50 Hz/625 lines (60 Hz/525 lines) mode support for a
PALplus system and basic features
· Acquisition frequencies 12, 13.5, 16 and 18 MHz and
display frequencies of 27, 32 and 36 MHz (2fH) in every
combination, horizontal compression (support for 4 : 3
and 14 : 9 display on a 16 : 9 screen) and horizontal
· Configured as a three clock system with a fixed 27 MHz
deflection clock (deflection controlled by the TDA9151)
· Configured as a two-clock system (deflection controlled
by e.g. TDA9152)
· Single clock for 50 Hz vertical and 15.625 kHz
horizontal frequency
· Support of new IC generations [PAN-IC (SAA4995WP),
· Support for two or one field memories
· Still picture
· Support for memory types such as TMS4C2970/71
· Internal simple Multi-PIP (3 ´ 3) or (4 ´ 4) conversion
· Multi-PIP support with an external PIP module/full
· Programmable via microcontroller port
· Capability of reading the length of incoming fields via
microcontroller port
· Golden SCART option (clock generation for TDA9151)
· Acquisition is able to operate with external sync and
clock of digital sources (slave mode)
· Generator mode for the display, stable still picture or
OSD in the event of no input source.
The memory controller SAA4952WP is the improved
version of the SAA4951WP. The circuit has been designed
for high-end TV sets using 2fH technics. For basic feature
modules a 1fH mode can be activated. In this situation the
controller supplies the system with a line-locked clock.
The new device has been designed to be able to operate
in the hardware environment of the SAA4951WP.
The circuit provides all necessary write, read and clock
pulses to control different field memory concepts.
Furthermore the drive signals for the horizontal and
vertical deflection power stages are also generated.
The device is connected to a microcontroller via an 8-bit
data bus. The microcontroller receives commands via the
I2C-bus. Due to this fact the START and STOP conditions
of the main output control signals are programmable and
the SAA4952WP can be set in different function modes
depending on the TV feature concept that is used.
- SDA9280 Display Processor
• 8-Bit amplitude resolution of each input component
Input sample frequency up to 30 MHz
Application in flicker reduction systems possible
• Four input data formats
4:1:1 luminance and chrominance parallel
(8 + 4 wires)
4:2:2 CCIR 656-format (8 wires)
4:2:2 luminance and chrominance parallel (2 x 8 wires)
4:4:4 all components parallel (3 x 8 wires)
• Two different representations of input data
Positive dual code
2’s complement code
• Three D/A converters on-chip
9-Bit amplitude resolution
80 MHz maximal clock frequency
• DCTI (digital color transient improvement)
A digital algorithm improves the sharpness of vertical color edges
avoiding the artifacts of analog CTI-circuits
• Luminance peaking
Separate programmable lowpass, bandpass, and highpass digital filters
• High performance digital interpolation for anti-imaging
Two-fold oversampling
Simplification of external analog postfiltering
• 16:9 compatibility
Signal compression for displaying 4:3-signals on16:9-screens
Signal expansion for displaying 16:9-signals on 4:3-screens
Full screen display of 4:3 letter box pictures
- TDA4780
RGB video processor with
automatic cut-off control and
gamma adjust
· Gamma adjust
· Dynamic black control (adaptive black)
· All input signals clamped on black-levels
· Automatic cut-off control, alternative: output clamping
on fixed levels
· Three adjustable reference voltage levels via the
I2C-bus for automatic cut-off control
· Luminance/colour difference interface
· Two luminance input levels allowed
· Two RGB interfaces controlled by either fast switches or
by the I2C-bus
· Two peak drive limiters, selection via the I2C-bus
· Blue stretch; selection via the I2C-bus
· Luminance output for Scan Velocity
Modulation (SCAVEM)
· Extra luminance output; same pin can be used as hue
control output e.g. for the TDA4650 and TDA4655
· Non standard operations like 50 Hz vertical at 32 kHz
horizontal are also possible
· Either 2 or 3 level sandcastle pulse applicable
· High bandwidth for 32 kHz application
· White point adjusts via the I2C-bus
· Average beam current and improved peak drive limiting
· Two switch-on delays to prevent discoloration during
· All functions and features programmable via the I2C-bus
· PAL/SECAM or NTSC matrix selection.
The TDA4780 is a monolithic integrated circuit with a
luminance and a colour difference interface for video
processing in TV receivers. Its primary function is to
process the luminance and colour difference signals from
a colour decoder which is equipped e.g. with the
multistandard decoder TDA4655 or TDA9160 plus delay
line TDA4661 or TDA4665 and the Picture Signal
Improvement (PSI) IC TDA467X or from a feature module.
The required input signals are:
· Luminance and negative colour difference signals
· 2 or 3-level sandcastle pulse for internal timing pulse
· I2C-bus data and clock signals.
Two sets of analog RGB colour signals can also be
inserted, e.g. one from a peritelevision connector
(SCART plug) and the other one from an On-Screen
Display (OSD) generator. The TDA4780 has I2C-bus
control of all parameters and functions with automatic
cut-off control of the picture tube cathode currents.
It provides RGB output signals for the video output stages.
In clamped output mode it can also be used as an RGB
The main differences with the sister type TDA4680 are:
· Additional features; namely gamma adjust, adaptive
black, blue stretch and two different peak drive limiters
· The measurement lines are triggered by the trailing
edge of the vertical component of the sandcastle pulse
· I2C-bus receiver only; automatic white level control is
not provided; the white levels are determined directly by
the I2C-bus data
· The TDA4780 is pin compatible (except pin 18) with the
TDA4680. The I2C-bus slave address can be used for
both ICs. When a function of the TDA4780 is not
included in the TDA4680, the I2C-bus command is not
executed. Special commands (except control bit FSWL)
for the TDA4680 will be ignored by the TDA4780.
- SAA4945 LIne MEmory noise Reduction IC (LIMERIC)
· 2-D adaptive vertically recursive noise reduction
· Noise reduction for Y, U and V signals in 4 : 1 : 1 format
· Single 5 V ±10% power supply
· Communication by means of serial communication
protocol 83C654 (SNERT bus)
· Via SNERT bus, 10 different types of noise reduction
selectable; the noise reduction function can also be
· Phase relation write enable input/output signal
simultaneously switchable over one clock period w.r.t.
input/output samples
· 8-bit wide data processing for Y, U and V; in unsigned
format (Y signal) and in 2’s complement (U and V
· One fixed line locked clock operation frequency up to
16 MHz (typical)
· Exactly one line delay.
The SAA4945H, LIMERIC (LIne MEmory noise Reduction
IC) is a 2-D recursive noise reduction filter for both
luminance and colour difference signals. The noise
reduction is automatically adapted to the global noise level
in the image. Ten different preferences of noise reduction
can be set using a synchronous receiver transmitter bus;
SNERT (Synchronous No parity Eight bit Receive
Transmit) bus. Alternatively, the noise reduction can be
switched off. The LIMERIC is generally placed directly
after the ADC in the feature box and works fully in the 1fh
(50/60 Hz) domain.
- P83C654EBA/560
- TDA8755 YUV 8-bit video low-power analog-to-digital interface
· 8-bit resolution
· Sampling rate up to 20 MHz
· TTL compatible digital inputs
· 3-state TTL outputs
· U, V two's complement outputs
· Y binary output
· Power dissipation of 550 mW (typical)
· Low analog input capacitance, no buffer amplifier
· High signal-to-noise ratio over a large analog input
frequency range
· Track-and-hold included
· Clamp functions included
· UV multiplexed ADC
· 4 : 1 : 1 output data encoder
· Stable voltage regulator included.
· High speed analog-to-digital conversion for video signal
· 100 Hz improved definition TV (IDTV).
The TDA8755 is a bipolar 8-bit video low-power
analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) interface for YUV
signals. The device converts the YUV analog input signal
into 8-bit coded digital words in a 4 : 1 : 1 format at a
sampling rate of 20 MHz. The U/V signals are converted in
a multiplexed manner. All analog signal inputs are digitally
clamped and a fast precharge is provided for start-up.
All digital inputs and outputs are TTL compatible. Frame
synchronization is supported in a multiplexed manner.

Multistandard Sound Processor
Release Notes: The hardware description in this
document is valid for the MSP 3400C – C8 and newer
codes. Revision bars indicate significant changes
to the previous version.
1. Introduction
The MSP 3400C is designed as single-chip Multistandard
Sound Processor for applications in analog and
digital TV sets, satellite receivers and video recorders.
The MSP-family, which is based on the MSP 2400, demonstrates
the progressive development towards highly
integrated multi-functional ICs.
The MSP 3400C, again, improves function integration:
The full TV sound processing, starting with analog
sound IF signal-in, down to processed analog AF-out, is
performed in a single chip. The IC is produced in 0.8 mm
CMOS technology, combined with high performance
digital signal processing.
The MSP 3400C 0.8 m CMOS version is fully pin and
software compatible to the 1.0 m MSP 3400 and MSP
3410. The main difference between the MSP 3400C and
the MSP 3410, consists of the MSP 3410 being able to
decode NICAM signals.
2. Features of the MSP 3400C:
2.1. Features of the Demodulator and Decoder
The MSP 3400C is designed to perform demodulation
of FM-mono TV sound and two carrier FM systems according
to the German or Korean terrestrial specs. With
certain constraints, it is also possible to do AM-demodulation
according to the SECAM system. Alternatively, the
satellite specs can be processed with the MSP 3400C.
For FM carrier detection in satellite operation, the AMdemodulation
offers a powerful feature to calculate the
carrier field strength, which can be used for automatic
search algorithms. So, the IC facilitates a first step towards
multistandard capability with its very flexible
application and may be used in TV-sets, satellite tuners,
and video recorders.
The MSP 3400C facilitates profitable multistandard capability,
offering the following advantages:
– two selectable analog inputs (TV and SAT-IF sources)
– Automatic Gain Control (AGC) for analog input: input
range: 0.14 – 3 Vpp
– integrated A/D converter for sound-IF inputs
– all demodulation and filtering is performed on chip and
is individually programmable
– no external filter hardware is required
– only one crystal clock (18.432 MHz) is necessary
– FM carrier level calculation for automatic search algorithms
and carrier mute function
– high deviation FM-mono mode (max. deviation:
approx. 360 kHz)
2.2. Features of the DSP-Section
– flexible selection of audio sources to be processed
– digital input and output interfaces via I2S-Bus for external
DSP-processors, surround sound, ADR etc.
– digital interface to process ADR (Astra Digital Radio)
together with DRP 3510 A
– performance of all deemphasis systems including
adaptive Wegener Panda 1 without external components
or controlling
– digitally performed FM-identification decoding and dematrixing
– digital baseband processing: volume, bass, treble,
5-band equalizer, loudness, pseudostereo, and basewidth
– simple controlling of volume, bass, treble, equalizer
– increased audio bandwidth for FM-Audio-signals
(20 Hz – 15 kHz, 1 dB)
2.3. Features of the Analog Section
– three selectable analog pairs of audio baseband inputs
(= three SCART inputs)
input level: 32 V RMS,
input impedance: .25 kW
– one selectable analog mono input (i.e. AM sound),
input level: 32 V RMS,
input impedance: .10 kW
– two high quality A/D converters, S/N-Ratio: .85 dB
– 20 Hz to 20 kHz Bandwidth for SCART-to-SCARTCopy
– MAIN (loudspeaker) and AUX (headphones): two
pairs of 4-fold oversampled D/A-converters
output level per channel: max. 1.4 V RMS
output resistance: max. 5 kW
S/N-Ratio: .85 dB at maximum volume
max. noise voltage in mute mode: 310 mV (BW: 20 Hz
...16 kHz)
– one pair of four-fold oversampled D/A-converters supplying
two selectable pairs of SCART-Outputs. Output
level per channel: max. 2 V RMS, output resistance:
max. 0.5 kW, S/N-Ratio: .85 dB
(20 Hz...16 kHz).
SAA4990H Progressive scan-Zoom and Noise
reduction IC (PROZONIC)
· Progressive scan conversion
(262.5 to 525 or 312.5 to 625 lines/field)
· Field rate up-conversion (50 to 100 Hz or 60 to 120 Hz)
· Line flicker reduction
· Noise and cross-colour reduction
· Variable vertical sample rate conversion
· Movie phase detection
· Synchronous No parity Eight bit Reception and
Transmission (SNERT) interface.
The Progressive scan-Zoom and Noise reduction IC,
abbreviated as PROZONIC, is designed for applications
together with:
SAA4951WP Economy Controller (ECO3)
SAA4952H (memory controller)
SAA4970T ECOnomical video processing Back END IC
TMS4C2970/71 (serial field memories)
TDA8755/8753A (A/D converter 4 : 1 : 1 format)
83C652/54 type of microcontroller.
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