The present invention refers to an improved voltage synthesis tuning system with digital memory, in particular for a television transmissions receiver, wherein a plurality of digital codes, each respectively identifying a television channel, are memorised in a digital tuning memory, to a corresponding plurality of addresses, with an automatic tuning circuit, and with means for modifying the respective digital code, in the presence of frequency drift phenomenons, exceeding the pull-in range of such automatic tuning circuit.
All commands are manually performed since the set has no remote.
Was first BLAUPUNKT models series with FM100 modular chassis and RCA PIL TUBE.

Fortunately for the service problem to date, most failures occur in the vacuum tubes used in the television receivers. A faulty or inoperative vacuum tube is relatively easy to find and replace. However, where the television receiver malfunction is caused by the failure of other components, such as resistors, capacitors or inductors, it is harder to isolate the defective component and a higher degree of skill on the part of the serviceman is required.
Even with the great majority of the color television receiver malfunctions being of the "easy to find and repair" type proper servicing of color sets has been difficult to obtain due to the shortage of trained serviceman.
At the present time advances in the state of the semiconductor art have led to the increasing use of transistors in color television receivers. The receiver described in this application has only two tubes, the picture tube and the high voltage rectifier tube, all the other active components in the receiver being semiconductors.
One important characteristic of a semiconductor device is its extreme reliability in comparison with the vacuum tube. The number of transistor and integrated circuit failures in the television receiver will be very low in comparison with the failures of other components, the reverse of what is true in present day color television receivers. Thus most failures in future television receivers will be of the hard to service type and will require more highly qualified servicemen.
The primary symptoms of a television receiver malfunction are shown on the picture tube of the television receiver while the components causing the malfunction are located within the cabinet. Also many adjustments to the receiver require the serviceman to observe the screen. Thus the serviceman must use unsatisfactory mirror arrangements to remove the electronic chassis from the cabinet, usually a very difficult task. Further many components are "buried" in a maze of circuitry and other components so that they are difficult to remove and replace without damage to other components in the receiver.
Repairing a modern color television receiver often requires that the receiver be removed from the home and carried to a repair shop where it may remain for many weeks. This is an expensive undertaking since most receivers are bulky and heavy enough to require at least two persons to carry them. Further, two trips must be made to the home, one to pick up the receiver and one to deliver it. For these reasons, the cost of maintaining the color television receiver in operating condition often exceeds the initial cost of the receiver and is an important factor in determining whether a receiver will be purchased.
Therefore, the object of this invention is to provide a transistorized color television receiver in which the main electronic chassis is easily accessible for maintenance and adjustment. Another object of this invention is to provide a transistorized color television receiver in which the electronic circuits are divided into a plurality of modules with the modules easily removable for service and maintenance. The main electronic chassis is slidably mounted within the cabinet so that it may be withdrawn, in the same manner as a drawer, to expose the electronic circuitry therein for maintenance and adjustment from the rear closure panel after easy removal. Another aspect is the capability to be serviced at eventually the home of the owner.
The set has a Switching based supply. Switching regulators serve as efficient and compact power supplies for instruments such as television receivers. A switching regulator may typically comprise a power transformer having a primary winding coupled to an input voltage source and to a power switch and a secondary winding coupled to a rectifier arrangement for developing a DC supply voltage for the instrument. A regulator control circuit generates pulse width modulated control signals that control the duty cycle of the power switch. A power switch is coupled to an inductance and a source of input voltage. A control circuit is coupled to the power switch for producing the switching thereof to transfer energy from the input voltage source to a load circuit coupled to the inductance. The control circuit is responsive to control voltages for varying the duty cycle of the power switch to control the transfer of energy to the load. A first control voltage representative of a variation in an energy level of the load circuit is developed to control the duty cycle in a manner that regulates the energy level.

(To see the Internal Chassis Just click on Older Post Button on bottom page, that's simple !)

Today the majority of Blaupunkt products are manufactured overseas, with large manufacturing centers in Tunisia (speakers) [WTF !!! !!!] and Malaysia (speakers and electronics) [arrrrgggghhh!]. During the 1960 and 1970s, Blaupunkt had become the leading German manufacturer for car radios and car audio equipment. Blaupunkt was involved in the development of the Autofahrer-Rundfunk-Informationssystem traffic-information system for car radios, and provided this feature on their German-market car radios from the late 1970s. The company attempted to have ARI used in the USA but had only a few radio stations per major city involved.Founded in 1923 in Berlin as "Ideal", the company changed its name to "Blaupunkt" in 1938, German for "blue point" or "blue dot" after the blue dot painted onto its headphones that had passed quality control.
During World War II the company used slave labour at Groß-Rosen concentration camp.
After the Second World War, Blaupunkt moved its headquarters and production to the city of Hildesheim. Today the majority of Blaupunkt products are manufactured overseas, with large manufacturing centres in Tunisia (speakers) and Malaysia (speakers and electronics).
During the 1960 and 1970s, Blaupunkt had become the leading German manufacturer for car radios and car audio equipment.
Blaupunkt w

For many years, Blaupunkt car audio equipment models often carried the name of a city somewhere in the world, e.g. "London RDM126". In Blaupunkt model nomenclature, this can be translated as "An RDS CD player capable of controlling a Multichanger, rated at 4x30W RMS (4x30 = 120) from model year 1996". High-end models typically had German place names.
Blaupunkt also used the brand "Velocity" to sell products aimed at the top, audiophile end of the market. Audi, Volkswagen, Porsche, Mercedes, Vauxhall, Pontiac and BMW all fit Blaupunkt products into their cars, often branded with the car manufacturer's own mark (e.g. The VW Gamma or Audi Symphony lines), with Fiat using them, occasionally unbranded but generally unmodified. Some later Holden Astra models are fitted with Blaupunkt systems (with others being produced by Delphi). Blaupunkt also specialised in coach installations, selling TVs, multiple-speaker setups and PA equipment to that industry. However, that part of the business remained with Robert Bosch Car Multimedia GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of Robert Bosch GmbH.
Blaupunkt was part of the mobile communications division of the Robert Bosch group, a world leading manufacturer of industrial and automotive systems.
Blaupunkt's research, design and development headquarters are based in Hildesheim, Germany, where approx 3,000 staff are based.
Manufacture takes place either in Germany, or other plants in Portugal or Malaya where another 5,100 staff are employed
blaupunkt production
Current production is in excess of 4 million car radios every year.
Blaupunkt started life in 1920's Germany as the "Ideal" radio company of Berlin. Initially it produced only headphones. Quality control was paramount even in those days and each set of headphones that passed its final test was indicated by a blue circular sticker.
Before long customers simply began to ask for "Blue Dot" headphones - the symbol became the companies' trade mark, and in 1938 the company name.
This is where we get the name "Blaupunkt" - "Blue Spot" in German.
blaupunkt production
Bosch acquired the company over 60 years ago, and following the Second World War, the company made the move to Hildesheim It was at this time, 1932, that Blaupunkt introduced the world's first car radio: the AS5. This long, medium and short wave monster was about the size of a modern day microwave oven. Because of its bulk it could not be mounted within reach of the driver and had to be operated by a remote control on the steering wheel. Because car radio aerials were not yet developed, wires had to be run over the roof and along the running boards to get a signal. The cost in those days was 465 Reich marks; about one third the price of a small car.
In 1959, the one millionth car radio rolled off the production line. Each valve-based radio consisted of 1,693 separate parts. In 1969 Blaupunkt took advantage of the emerging FM radio system to introduce the world's first stereo car radio. A few years later the Phillips Compact Cas

In the late 1970's it was realised that the car radio could contribute toward road safety, and Blaupunkt developed the ARI traffic news detector which has evolved into the current Radio Data System (RDS) of traffic and related information.
The 1980's saw the first microprocessor digitally tuned radio cassette and in 1983 the first car radio equipped with EON station identification was released.
The first CD player incorporated into a dashboard mounted radio was introduced in 1988..
blaupunkt production
With increasingly attractive car radio systems, theft became a major problem. In 1990 the KeyCard smart card owner authorisation system was a big step forward in crime deterrence. This feature was the first recorded use of smart card technology in the automotive field.
In 2002, the Woodstock DAB52 receiver was launched. This is the world's first combined MP3 / CD / DAB receiver housed within a standard DIN sized enclosure. This ground-breaking unit was enhanced in 2003 with the DAB53 and in 2004 the DAB54 models that added the option of recording DAB broadcasts directly onto a MMC / SD memory card.

Die Blaupunkt GmbH ist eines der großen deutschen Unternehmen mit Weltgeltung. Gegründet in den 20er Jahren, ist Blaupunkt heute eine hundertprozentiges Tochterunternehmen der Bosch-Gruppe. Die Unternehmenszentrale liegt im niedersächsischen Hildesheim.
Blaupunkt stellte früher Kopfhörer, Radio-, Fernseh- und HiFi-Geräte her. Heute ist das Unternehmen europäischer Marktführer bei Autoradios und Car-Multimedia-Systemen; darüber hinaus gehört es zu den großen Anbietern von Navigationssystemen für den automobilen Einsatz.
Keimzelle der Unternehmensgeschichte ist die Berliner „Radiotelefon- und Apparatefabrik“ Ideal. Diese 1923 gegründete Firma stellt zunächst Kopfhörer her, die mit einem „blauen Punkt“ als Prüfsiegel gekennzeichnet wurden. Bald fragen die Käufer nur noch nach den "Blaupunkt-Kopfhörern" – es war der erste Schritt auf dem Weg vom Qualitätssymbol zum Markenzeichen (1924)
und zum heutigen Firmennamen "Blaupunkt" (1938).
Bereits 1932 stellt das Unternehmen mit dem „Autosuper AS 5“ das erste in Europa entwickelte Autoradio vor. Dieser Apparat für den Mittel- und Langwellenempfang ist mit 10 Litern Rauminhalt üppig dimensioniert und mit einem Kaufpreis von 465 Reichsmark ein Luxusartikel (ein kompletter Kleinwagen kostet damals weniger als 1.500 Reichsmark).
Durch wegweisende Innovationen trägt Blaupunkt entscheidend zur Popularisierung des Autoradios bei: 1952 baut man das erste UKW-Autoradio der Welt, 1969 folgt das erste Stereo-Autoradio, 1974 der erste Verkehrsfunk-Empfänger. Viele digitale Pionierentwicklungen rund um den Empfang und Klang auf Rädern stammen ebenfalls aus Hildesheim. Automobilgerechte Multimedia-Techniken in jeder Form stehen weiterhin im Mittelpunkt der Forschung und Entwicklung.
Mit dem 1989 vorgestellten „TravelPilot“ leistet Blaupunkt auch wesentliche Schrittmacherdienste für eine weitere Technologie, die das Autofahren komfortabler und sicherer macht: Der TravelPilot gilt als das erste serienreife Navigationssystem für den Straßenverkehr in Europa. Eines seiner Nachfolgemodelle ist das erste serienreife Gerät mit dynamischer Zielführung, die automatisch aktuellste Verkehrsinformationen verarbeitet und so Staus umfahren hilft. Neben fest eingebauten gehören längst auch mobile Navigationssysteme zum Blaupunkt-Programm.
Aktuelle Zahlen
Heute (12/2006) hat Blaupunkt weltweit über 9.000 Mitarbeiter, 2.300 davon in Hildesheim. Weitere Fertigungs- und Entwicklungsstätten befinden sich in Ungarn, Portugal, Malaysia, China und Tunesien. Das Unternehmen produziert jährlich über 500.000 Navigationssysteme, 6 Mio. Autoradios sowie 19 Mio. Autolautsprecher. Der Umsatz liegt bei ca. 1,4 Mrd. Euro.

Some References:
Germany, Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung, Hannover, Niedersachsen,. "Autoelektronik-Spezialist – Blaupunkt stellt Insolvenzantrag". Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung (in German). Retrieved 2017-12-21.
"Blaupunkt Hildesheim entlässt auch die letzten Mitarbeiter". DEUTSCHE WIRTSCHAFTS NACHRICHTEN (in German). Retrieved 2017-12-21.
"Several possible buyers for Blaupunkt". RetailDetail. 2015-11-20. Retrieved 2017-12-21.
"Blaupunkt winding up Penang operations". NST Online. 2015-10-22. Retrieved 2017-12-21.
Sethi, Anand Kumar (2013). The Business of Electronics: A Concise History. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. p. 33. ISBN 9781137330420.
"Robert Bosch GmbH". Answers.com. Retrieved 31 May 2013.
White, Annie (March 2019). "AV Club: Odyssey of Sound". Car and Driver.
"Blaupunkt Hildesheim entlässt auch die letzten Mitarbeiter". DEUTSCHE WIRTSCHAFTS NACHRICHTEN (in German). Retrieved 2017-12-21.
"Rockford Announces Details on Blaupunkt Deal | ceoutlook.com". ceoutlook.com. 2012-07-11. Retrieved 2017-12-21.
"Archived copy". Archived from the original on 9 August 2012. Retrieved 14 July 2012.
Blaupunkt company profile
TV 1950
Radio 1963
Radio 1938
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