The GELOSO MOD. 8F235 EE is A 23 inches B/W television with VHF and UHF channels selectors and a semi hybrid chassis type.

A rotatable drum containing twelve pre-defined channel-specific filters determines the received channel, where the inductors of the input matching, the channel filter and the LO tank circuit are changed. The tuner is divided into two chambers for maximum isolation between the sensitive RF input and the mixer-oscillator-IF section with its much larger signals. Also on the drum there are eventually two separate sub-modules.
It's completely based on tubes technology.
With this concept, which essentially turned the tuner module into a kind of Lego building block construction, many different tuners became possible. Depending upon the country of destination and its associated standard and IF settings, the required filter modules would be selected. Service workshops and tv fabricants could later even add or exchange modules when new channels were introduced, since every inductor module had its individual factory code and could be ordered separately. As a consequence more versions of the tuner were produced, covering at least standards B, B-for-Italy, C. E, F and M.
The principle of the drum tuner. On an axis two times 12 regularly spaced channel-specific filter modules are mounted. In front are twelve channel filter modules for both the channel filter and LO tank circuit tuning. Seven contacts are available, and one module is shown removed. The second row contains 12 modules with five contacts for the input filter circuit. In the tuner module the front section (for mixer-ocillator and channel filter) is separated by a metal shield from the rear RF input and pre-amp section. [Philips Service "Documentatie voor de kanalenkiezers met spoelenwals", 1954]
Examples of the filter modules as used in the drum tuner. Left the 5-contact input filter, right the 7-contact BPF and LO tank filters. In both modules the coils are co-axial for (maximum) mutual coupling.
One of the LAST television sets produced by GELOSO before the............END !
Geloso, founded in 1931 by John Geloso, was an Italian manufacturer of radios, televisions, amplifiers, amateu

In 1931 they began to produce not only Radio but also, by choice of John Geloso same, most of the electronic components with which they were built, and over time developing and patenting also many others.
After the Second World War, Geloso expanded and expanded his production, becoming from 1950 onwards a real point of reference for domestic electronics enthusiasts and hobbyists.
The many products under the brand name Geloso were known throughout Italy and much appreciated abroad. It was innovative products, high quality, well-made and the low price. The big production was formed of radio, amplifiers, tape recorders, televisions, boxes of assembly, professional laboratory instruments etc. but also components such as capacitors, resistors, potentiometers, switches, connectors, transformer, microphones, etc.
Geloso was considered a good businessman, but also strongly wanted to share his passion for electronic. He created in 1932 Technical Bulletin GELOSO, a free quarterly publication that not only contained everything needed for the repair and development of its equipment, but also and above all, updates, tips, instructions, characteristics, schemes and everything that technicians and enthusiasts of had to know.
Those were the years in which there were no training centres and schools electronics were extremely rare.
These bulletins had the merit of spreading, so simple and clear, the knowledge to people who otherwise would not have any way to learn and develop their passion.
Another important contribution of Geloso were mounting kits. The kits allowed for TVs and radios to be home-assembled almost from scratch, beginning with raw metal frames onto which components were installed. There was also a user-friendlier line of pre-assembled, pre-calibrated kits and, also available, were cabinets, knobs, keys, etc. - all branded Geloso. Bulletins instructed how to calibrate finished units.
By 1969 - the year John Geloso died - S.p.A. Geloso had become an empire of eight manufacturing facilities. Production persisted till 1972, when the business closed. Several were the reasons for the end of activities: fierce foreign competition, managerial problems, union demands and massive indebtedness to banks.
Some of S.p.A. Geloso most successful products were: radio receivers, tape recorders, audio amplifiers, record players, television sets, radio and TV parts, ham receivers and transmitters.
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